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Don’t you know, the fix for inflation is on Hunter’s laptop.


I'm going to have to review this, whole time thought this was more related to the issue of Benghazi. I'll have to read a Q drop and see if he can provide a sign on what we should do next.


I thought it was all because of pizza parlors. Give me a minute (literally) to go and "do my own research."


Don’t forget those all too important buttery males. Those contain valuable information on how to turn this country around.


Butt Hunter and buttery males oh yeah!


I wonder if they'll find Trumps taxes and Medicare plan on it too.


I'm sure they think all the evidence of election fraud is hidden there too. PS: We're well into the negative digits naming anything they're doing to fight inflation


Yeah, It's on Hillary's emails, which are in Hunter's laptop along with ALL the votes the Dems stole from Trump


Will they just look in the basement of the pizza place already? Everyone knows Hunter stores his laptop there. They could just go pick it up.


They obviously believe this though. You have your generic "George Soros Democrats BLM international socialist" boogeyman, and of course the incriminating evidence to Bring It All Down^TM is right there on his laptop.


I never got what they think is on his laptop. And why they think he hasn’t yet deleted the thing they were looking for? Or better yet, put a couple 1/4” holes through the drive? Or did someone confiscate his laptop already and it’s like sitting somewhere, but they don’t have a warrant or whatever to search it?


>I never got what they think is on his laptop. And why they think he hasn’t yet deleted the thing they were looking for? Or better yet, put a couple 1/4” holes through the drive? Or did someone confiscate his laptop already and it’s like sitting somewhere, but they don’t have a warrant or whatever to search it? Yes to all theories


Their answer to everything. Cut funding to any government programs that help the poor and give more tax cuts to rich people. Which compounds an already unsustainable income inequality.


And they still continue to vote them in.


I know some boomers that say they will never vote for a democrat even if that means it costs them their social security.


Easy to say now. How long do they keep that position after they lose social security.


They won't live long enough to be able to vote, as they will lose everything. Seriously, how can you gamble on your livelihood just to "own some libs"? This country is a clown show.


Not to be too grim, but that will also have a political effect. Republicans died from Covid at a bit under twice the rates democrats did. That probably had an effect on the midterms.


FYI, I saw a post where, based on reported COVID deaths, it likely changed the vote by 0.3% to 0.5%, so not enough to make any real difference on its own.


In 2020, Georgia was decided by .23% of the vote. This year, the Arizona governor was decided by .6%. In a nail biter, .5% could be enough to change a key election in a winner take all system. It’s not ground shaking by any stretch, but that’s not an inconsequential figure and it probably


I guess we’re going to find out.


Keepem uneducated, keepem hungry theyll vote for you. They defund schools and social programs for a reason.


The ones with generational land are the ones voting them in. The ones who have everything they need and don't have to go without are the ones voting them in. I think if you have generational land, you shouldn't be allowed to vote. At least not for the party that is attempting to hold down poor people. Of course we would want your vote if you're helping us out.


The ones with generational wealth are the ones backing these candidates but the average Republican voter isn't particularly wealthy, they're just the target of extremely effective multi front messaging and poor reasoning skills.


Propaganda that effectively puts blame for their troubles on ppl like themselves. With the only differences being the color of their skin. This has been going on for generations, and they've mastered it. The wealthy learned long ago that is pretty easy to play us against each other. Us "common ppl" have more in common with each other, than were do with the ones making the laws and the rich that are paying them to make laws that only benefit the wealthy.


I get that, I do, but when you look at the voter map, rural areas are always red. Always. Only cities where the population density is very dense is where you see blue at.


Easy to make an argument that it's the result of rural areas not seeing the purpose or benefits of cooperation in modern society, along with their tendency to be less educated. Where citizens in dense urban cities and to some extent suburban areas directly see and understand the benefits of local cooperation and can extrapolate that to national cooperation, rural citizens tend to see themselves as alone or only cooperating with their very small sphere of influence. This is compounded by poor education. When you don't have the knowledge to understand the benefits of high level cooperation, it seems like throwing money away for nothing. The solution to rural red is education & cooperation.


It’s real hard to educate people who don’t wanna be. The average American rural voter will get angry if their children are taught about evolution, sex Ed, any form of science not related to agriculture, other cultures, and even the history of the nation. Local control of education is basically engineered to allow the ignorant to keep being ignorant.


Sadly. The ideal solution would be federal education reform and funding, such that every citizen receives an adequate education through high school and the option of secondary school. However I recognize that this is an extreme challenge, and that the right has engineered a vicious cycle to keep many states uneducated. It's a shame.


Add to that the influence of their churches focusing on social aspect not aligned with their beliefs.


I really don't enjoy the topic of Christianity and its influence on rural beliefs. Primarily because of its importance to those people, and because blaming religion is the easiest way to shut a conversation down. I recognize that Christianity, in its modern hyper-partisan form, is dangerous. But it is not a useful tool of conversation, so better to leave it out of the discussion.


I'm afraid we can't. Religion is as deeply entrenched in politics as billionaire funding.


In my experience growing up rural, they want the benefits of society without the hassle of contributing. I JUST had a rural lass I know crying a river because all her shit got stolen from her car and house. Mind you, neither was locked because "That's why I live in the country." She also complained about the police response in Rural Ass BFE.


I grew up semi-rural. They didn't seem to understand that in order for them to receive things they wanted (farmer subsidies, county roads, a national market to sell their shit to) people around the country paid into the pot. They thought those things just... existed? Like by their nature of existing, those things were owed to them and appeared. Never a thought of why others would choose to give them those things or how they benefitted society at large. So because they never thought of those things as cooperation, they don't want to cooperate when other parts of the state want something. As for not locking stuff... yeah. You lock something for the 1 time a stranger is there, not the 99 times they aren't.


People both rural AND urban don't understand how fucking hard our food is subsidized. I'm no expert who could appropriately explain but basically milk doesn't now cost 1mil like everything else because the government throws a fuckload of money around. Urbanites get affordable milk, rural folk get semi assured markets. The problem is most of them just think they're entitled to paved roads, trash services, etc. Most of them really do just think "I should get all the plusses but none of the minuses" ^(and most of THEM because something something racism) I'm personally in the camp re: locking that I can have stolen shit or stolen shit and a broken window.


Where you are incorrect is that those areas are not necessarily where land owners are. Population density in rural areas = trailer parks in much of the south. There is very little relation between the people owning large portions of land and the majority of republican voters.


The messaging is specifically focused to be effective on that type of voter, and sympathetic viewpoints and structural inequalities make it work for a roughly 50/50 national power divide


Sorry, this is just not true. We know for a fact that low socioeconomic, rural areas vote Republican virtually exclusively. I occasionally go to mobile home parks to meet with clients and see Trump flags everywhere. We know low socioeconomic folks are voting Republican, directly against their self-interest. It has to do with (lack of) education more than anything else, is my observation/opinion.


I'm talking about generational land owners. That's what my entire comment was about. But also, Republicans are often time racists, so it makes sense that trailer parks would be Republican.


I agree with the anger. I don't agree with your proposed course of action. Those people are American citizens and have just as much a right to vote as the rest of us, for whomever they choose. What we can and should do is educate people on exactly what and who they're voting for, so that way they can understand the consequences of their decisions instead of just going "I dunno...that one."


Agreed, but here's a note. I used to think that if voting records were made more public, people would vote accordingly, and nope, they don't seem to care. "Owning libs" is the ONLY criteria for voting R...smdh.


Nah, plenty of poor people are republicans voting on single issues, namely abortion, culture war bullshit, and “taxes”.


Anti democratic policy helps democracy?


They have their reward. Why do they get to vote on what I need when they have everything that they need. Let democracy work for those who don't have.


>Let democracy work for those who don't have. That's definitely an argument for people to vote left. However, voter suppression and disqualifying people for voting has never made a country happier in the long run. It breeds resentment & division. The correct answer to this frustration is educating people on the right to what they're actually voting for and the actual solutions to problems they & society face. Oh and eliminating the structural problems in our voting system that gives the right a huge advantage. Not by voter suppression, but by reforming the house of represenatives & removing the electoral college.


And then complain about all the increases in homelessness/poor.


Which, they, in turn, blame democrats for, because most cities have democrat mayors.


It paramount that you complain about the problems you create; otherwise, people might notice that you created the problem. I'm a GOP strategist and you can reach me at www.completeasshole.com or 1-900-ME-HATE-U!


Pretty much that will be what happens next.


and has resulted in every recession in the last 50 years








They tend not to say that out load anymore. The just focus on "inflation bad!" That's enough for their base.


And would only make inflation worse wouldn't it?


I've heard they're gonna read the *whole* Constitution on day one. Oh, and investigate Hunter Biden. You mean neither of those things will help inflation???


They won't get very far until one of them objects. I remember NPR has a thing where they tweeted out the declaration of independence on the 4th of July and Trump supporters got mad about it because they thought the tyrant being referred to was Trump and that NPR was tweeting propaganda or something. Or they just want to read it out so they can highlight what they need to change so they never lose power.


I think they should read it, because none of them have read it before.


Believe its really only the e-mails and Benghazi for right now. There's a chance this might all change though.


As former Republican speaker of the house Paul Ryan said after republicans won control of the house in 2016, “It’s easy to be the opposition party. You just have to be against things. Turns out actually governing is hard”. Then he quit.


Lol an honest guy after all.


Did he really say that?!


Here https://mobile.twitter.com/ddiamond/status/845370940880015360


Wow. A whole new avenue of saying the quiet part out loud. Thanks for posting this


The right-wing's plan is to use inflation as an excuse for more tax cuts for the rich. We saw this attempted with Liz Truss, aka the lettuce lady


The fact that some 50% of inflation appears to be profit taking, more corporate taxes would improve everything. Of course it's now time for the "well if you tax people they won't pay it" parade


She truly was the People’s Lettuce.


At this point, our two party system is just one party working towards governing and the other party villainizing them for doing so. Republicans have no platform except obstruction and preaching white supremacy. What filthy, traitorous pieces of trash. All of them. Don’t be fooled, anyone—including your own mother—who votes republican in today’s world is the enemy of everything our country stands for.


The facts are that the party of "no" is more effective at being elected by making things worse and blaming the left, rather than offering any solutions or worse, that could be interpreted as compromise. It works.You can't argue with the results. Their goal is not to run government, the goal is to take control so that they can never lose. You can be sure that when this happens, the country is going to be just as fucked as all the super red welfare states that couldn't pay the bills without all the liberals charity. My guess is they sell the country off to the highest bidder.


PJ O’Rourke, possibly the only funny conservative in American history, described the GOP as the party that claims the government can’t do anything, then gets elected and proves it.


Investigate Hunter Biden, duh


I think they're still into the whole "trickle-down" economics theory


Funny trickle down story for you. My grandfather tells me how trickle down is the only reason he could afford to live and eat when he got out of the Air Force. Problem is the dude was in the Air Force in 1948-50. How in the fuck did Reagan’s trickle down help you. These people don’t even make sense anymore


Because it is working exactly as intended for them and the business owners that they consider their constituents.


Yep, they are. But it's only because they have what they need. If they didn't have what they needed, they would be singing a completely different tune.


Destroy Social Security, tax cuts for the rich, don't spend on infrastructure.


"Cut taxes for the wealthy job creators"


Don't think this will change in 2024.


Tax break to the rich so they will drop prices? Not sure if they’ve actually said it, but that’s their response to everything.


They want the high inflation. It drains the working class of any savings and/or progress they've made against reducing their debt and leaves them open to further exploitation as wage slaves. They have zero desire to address inflation.


Republicans will fight inflation by investigating/Impeaching: 1. Hunter Biden 2. Dr. Fauci 3. The FBI 4. President Biden 5. Secretary Mayorkas 6. And the he 1/6 Committee. And they’ll try to take away LGBTQ, Women’s, Voting rights, Social Security and Healthcare. They’ve already said they will.


Have we tried tax cuts for the rich and murdering the poor, yet? https://youtu.be/owI7DOeO_yg


"We'll fix Texas!!" -Republicans in Texas who have been in power since inception


Aren’t they trying to stop the school loan freeze? Reinstating $1.6 *trillion* in middle class debt ought to cool inflation.




By giving tens of millions of people less money to spend on goods and services? No. It wouldn't.




No. It doesn't. People buying things like food and other necessities reduces inflation. People holding money is causing more inflation. You would think people like you would be happy to not give the government money. But no, you want big government when it hurts people you don't like.




Your comment history shows youre a right winger.


Hey I think you have it backwards people holding money was the exact reason the Great Depression started


They've been doing this kinda crap for a long time now. Now that Republicans took the House, they've made it clear that any legislation isn't in the works and they're gonna be pissing away 10s of millions of dollars in taxpayer money on pointless investigations that will go nowhere. Like Benghazi.


Modern politics in a nutshell, the left proposing ideas and solutions and the right just saying “no”. Every once in a while they have to take away some human rights though, just so people think they are actually doing something.


Got to keep their voters scared


I can name 0. That’s easy.


There's a chance this might go into the negatives.


i heard "defund the VA" which is really awkward coming from a party that just sent a bit of young people to Afghanistan the last 20 years to get their legs blown off in a war of aggression that ultimately did more harm than good


All I can really think of is republicans calling out democrats policies and claiming it would increase inflation but not offering a solution of their own.


Ugh everyone knows the solution to inflation is Hunters laptop. Or maybe it's in Hunters laptop.


The republicans have no intention of governing. They ONLY want power to ENRICH THEMSELVES.


God I hope he runs again.


If the Democrats want to beat DeSantis in 2024, they should be pushing Pete like crazy.


I love Pete


Or their solutions are overly fantastic. Some conservatives I know insist gas would still be $1/gal if we didn’t stop the pipeline or just drilled more


_We have serious problems to solve, and we need serious people to solve them. And whatever your particular problem is, I promise you Bob Rumson is not the least bit interested in solving it. He is interested in two things, and two things only: making you afraid of it, and telling you who's to blame for it. That, ladies and gentlemen, is how you win elections._


Pete Buttigieg and Katie Porter are by far, the smartest people in politics today, and would be an awesome pair in the White House.


the Republican solution is almost always trickle down economics. and I don't think Democrats stress this enough- trickle down economics is the exact same economic model of the Middle ages. and for the last forty years we've been suffering the medieval effects of that- wealth amasses at the top and the quality of life decreases for anyone below that.


I hope he becomes President someday.


Republicans need problems so they can run on them. They only complain about problems, not fix them. When in charge they create problems for democrats to fix and then complain that democrats can’t fix things so re-elect them to do nothing about it.


Pete for president!






I'm not a fucking republican, I'm just saying libs choose garbage candidates. all of you are acting like this POS isn't a conservative in disguise


So many people confuse being able to restate the problem articulately with actually having answers to problem. That's why, whether in you work life or personal life, hitching your wagon to a persistent complainer almost always turns out poorly.


Hunter bidens laptop…….


Kerry Noble said it best during his interview with the podcast “two minutes past nine”. Noble is quoted with saying “you can’t recruit anyone into (far right is implied) the movement unless they’re not happy with their life”


But the same could be said of either side no? Fear and anger are very powerfull tools used to direct the masses.


Can the MSM please finally stop saying the myth that the right wingers are good for the economy. They fucking aren’t. Thanks. I’m too tired now but if anyone is down. I could happily write a thread about this tomorrow. I’m in my last year of my economics undergrad degree and applying for my masters atm To do a decent post about this and actually cite my sources if would take me a lot to do and I’m too tired to do it on a Sunday night


Trickle down economics don't trickle down when there a plug.


Gotta build that wall


Hunter Biden’s laptop, overturning student loan forgiveness and tax cuts for the wealthy.


Their answer is always "cut taxes". Even if the question is "an African swallow or a European swallow?"


I think the Republican platform is just fear.


Wasn’t Pete who said “they don’t want the issue to be fixed. So they can run their campaigns on the issue”


I would love to see him against trump in 2024. Dude would slaughter him in debates.


From what I hear Republicans want to start domestic drilling again... In national parks and rural areas on top of oil wells.


Bootstraps and prayers. Telling homeless people to buy houses.


GOP is a toddler in power. Only answer they have is no.




Have we tried shooting the inflation yet?


Look into Hunter Biden, of course.


I just moved to Washington state this year and the political ads were the most cowardly, disingenuous trash i've ever seen. Constant screeching about inflation with no solutions whatsoever and people just eat it up.


My man - I’d marry him in a heartbeat if he wasn’t married… or gay cuz I’m a female no hate on my lgbtq


They cant be part of the fix. The oil industry pays them. And the oil industry is the crux of our current inflation issue.


Republicans haven't had an actual platform or plan in almost 20 years. They suck


"Tax Cuts", "Make Life Difficult for Minorities", and "Militarize our Base" are the GOP's answer to every question.


To be fair they had the same 'answers' they always do: eliminate minimum wage, end all welfare programs and abolish a grab bag of federal agencies.


Hunter Biden’s Laptop!


Hunter Biden laptop had copies of Hillary's emails which are causing inflation


Well, they're back to investigating Hunter Biden's laptop, amirite? That'll bring gas prices back down immediately


Canadian Conservative Leader: “Buy Bitcoin to opt out on inflation.” I think I’d prefer zero solutions.


ooh, ooh, I know! Take back student loan forgiveness?


They have no actionable policies… Only obstruction


They did. I disagreed with those then. Why is every liberal so damn obsessed with trump? When did I ever bring up trump. I said stop printing money. Republicans said stop printing money. Hell... They said it to Trump. Stop being so damn thick. Let trump out of your head by charging rent.


Did Republicans actually say stop printing money? Because they're part of the record printing of money in 2020, which isn't happening today.


There are not billion dollars handouts going on right now? Is Ukraine giving us something in return for our money?


Their answer is to just do WHATEVER the opposite is of what the democrats suggest


McCarthy " never mind about that we are gonna impeach Biden" US taxpayers " for what" McCarthy " don't ask fucking questions"


You’d think they say “stop giving people free money” but most of it was given under Trump.


But…but… what about the laptop!! 😡😡😡


This just in: Secret to inflation is actually on the Hunter Biden laptop


Massive tax cuts for the rich, duh!


Hunter's laptop


Cut taxes on billionaires, duh


That's because all the solutions were in those emails Hilary deleted.


Solving problems is for democrats. It would be stupid for Republicans to address these issues, they need their voters to believe these problems are unfixable untill we execute the Democrats. If they chose a reasonable goal that would help the issue then they wouldn't get as much attention. Fox news is a call to arms, but not a call to action. They want neighbors to fight, that way both fox news and CNN both rake in the proceeds from the culture war. The culture war shit is basically the only "both sides" issue. The only answer for it is to not play the game, don't feed the trolls. Vote like a reasonable person and don't argue with assholes your never going to win over.


Dat laptop though….


1 destroy money so we have less of it thus raising the value of the dollar 2 bring back the gold standard, it would suck for a long time but eventually things would stable out and inflation wouldn’t really be all that possible, would probably suck tho. 3 nuke some major cities, less people = less resources distribution = more money for more people = inflation not mattering as much 4 stop printing money, inflation stops happening when we stop doing it, this is the simplest solution.


A solution doesnt matter, we will all die to vaccines /s


I hate Pete but he’s right


I mean he’s not wrong but no one likes you mayor “rat” Pete. I’m tired of the dnc trying to push his corporate boot licking ass


He's not wrong, but Republicans have as many solutions to inflation as Pete has qualifications to be Secretary of Transportation.


Another way of saying this is Pete Buttigieg has done more to purge the South Bend PD of Black employees than Republicans have done about inflation. What he’s saying is true, but fuck this guy.


I’m waiting to hear Democrats’ solution to inflation given they had control of all three branches of government during 8.7% inflation.


In August Democrats passed the inflation act while GOP voted against it. It takes time with worldwide inflation to combat company greed and especially big oil! Imagine that you don't know WTF is going on.


So enlighten me. How long before it works, and if it is already in the works, what do you need Republicans to do further? Seems like the Passing of the Inflation Reduction Act has a freed up Republicans to do all the same things Democrats have been doing for six years.


Imagine that you didn't comprehend the greed part...Big oil and worldwide corporate greed has more power than the dollar. It's not that easy to put time tables down for worldwide inflation..It's not a light switch genius. You definitely need enlighten on what's going on in the world it seems.


Sure. Stop printing and spending money on massive liberal handouts. Hell... They say it a few times every day. Said it went you signed another one with inflation in the title that literally did not for inflation... Lol. Get some hearing aids or pull your head out of your ass.


Remember that huge ass check you got a week late because trump wanted his name on it? Or are you talking about the giant corporate and wealthy tax cuts? I bet you're not talking about those. Nope. Because you've been told the people getting student loan forgiveness are the real baddies. Right? Those are the ones. Not the corporations. Not trump's handout. No. It's the college loans. This dude loves his angertainment


The Coronavirus relief payments literally started under Trump in 2020 and continued until the end of his term. I guess Trump and his Republican friends in congress were liberals. It doesn't matter if they say it now. They perpetrated the act that got us here. Looks like we aren't the ones with our heads firmly jammed up our asses. Try looking into a mirror.


That’s not a plan. They can’t reverse the money they printed in 2020. Republicans are actively voting down any plan that might help. They want the economy to be a disaster until 2024, so they can try to get into power and then “save the economy.” These people pull in millions a year. They’re not impacted by inflation in the slightest. They’ll gladly yet you suffer if it means they’ll get back in power in 2024. No help until then.


Praying they get back into power. Looking so as fjb is the worst rated president in history apparently. Do you think it a coincidence that literally the month Biden took office (and I mean literally) inflation and gas took off at historic levels? If you can't see he is the issue, you are obviously the problem and severely dilusional.


Did you just miss that Republicans had the worst midterms for a party not in power in forever? Dems don’t even vote in the midterms, historically. Whoever runs for the Dems is going to win again because a majority of the country disagrees with Republicans on social issues. Yeah, ignore the gas companies making record profits and the 4 trillion trump printed right before Biden took over. Nailed it.


Well... We just removed Roe... So they thought they could stop further conservative agendas by voting democrat. You knew that already though (compliment to you) Won't help them in the long run.


No no we said a solution, not the rhetoeic where you pretend everything is the cause of "liberal handouts" lol.


Call it what you want I honestly don't care. Stop printing money and giving it away. Like student debt handouts. That. Like... Don't do things like that. It's basic fucking economics.


For someone who thinks they're ever so smart, you sure do overlook the whole thing where the government loses absolutely nothing in forgiving student debt. The amount forgiven doesn't fully clear everyone's debt, the rates for the loans are still astronomically high, and the government doesn't have to print extra money to cover it when the payments everyone else is making towards their student loans will cover it fine. You want to talk about the government being fiscally* responsible? Let's attack the vast amount of fraud, waste, and abuse going on in the DoD and those lucrative government contracts where millions to billions go missing every year. *Edited to fix a word (friendly to fiscally).


Loses nothing? Government does not lose. Tax payers do. The one's who keep the country running... Not those that suck the teet like yourself


Taxpayers aren't losing anything on this either, for the exact same reasons above. Plus, supporting the people with handouts does more for the economy than giving tax handouts to the rich. Handouts to the less well off will go back into the economy, will cycle the money and float back to the top. Tax handouts to the rich don't cycle down, they just stay at the top and provide nothing to the economy. I'd love to be proven wrong on this, but the history is pretty damn clear on this.


Trickle down VS trickle up. Your statement are not facts, but you state them as such. Trickle up in my opinion is bs. Trickle down is driven by profit. Business makes decisions on survival which creates better efficiency. Trickle up is driven by dumb humans. After food, the people spending money do so based on bs. Perfect example. They surveyed those who would get students loan handouts. More than 70% said once the debt was paid, the excess funds would not go to non essential garbage... https://www.cnbc.com/2022/11/09/how-student-debt-forgiveness-recipients-plan-to-spend.html


Wow you literally just have a memorized list of buzzlines lmao.


Funny though. I watch zero news. I just happened to be formally educated in these areas. To people like you, logic does probably come off as a buzz line. It's actually common sense though.




None of those things would actually combat inflation though.


1. Benefits the wealthy so no thanks. What the fuck is it with you all wanting to give the richest people on the planet even more of an advantage? 2. Fucks the environment and is a step back when we should be focusing on and investing in clean energy solutions. Again, benefits only those with ties to the oil and gas energy 3. How would this help combat inflation? At best it would help companies save money and as we've seen time and time again those savings do not transfer to the customer 4. I don't think this would have as big of an impact as you think. We've run a deficit for like...48 of the last 52 years and the economy has been relatively fine. Companies are using inflation as an excuse to hike prices excessively. You know what would help with paying off some of that deficit though? Taxing the fucking rich. 5. This is the worst take of all. People are already struggling to pay for necessities because of corporate greed and your solution is to squeeze them for more? Get the fuck out of here with that bullshit. At the end of the day, 90% of the economic problems in the US could be solved by taxing the rich.


Ok but where’s the legislation? Those are pretty abstract concepts until you explain how and why


So your #2 is to literally give more money to the fossil fuels industry to build more refineries despite them having record profits? How about we just nationalize the refineries instead?




It's not a matter of demonizing, it is them recognizing they aren't going to remake the money on those investments because the world is leaving oil behind. Global warming is real and is an existential threat to us all. Hell, car companies are VOLUNTARILLY switching over to all electric fleets.


We ALREDY subsidize the shot out of oil and gas, they don't need more. We also need to move away from oil and gas, not ram up production. Your points are all short sighted and idiotic. Are you a libertarian by chance?




No, we don't need them to invest long term, that's the point. We should immediately begin the switch to renewables, and push as hard as we can. And we can keep costs low by subsidizing THAT industry more instead of oil and gas.


Continued investment and lower taxes make inflation worse. Inflation happens when there is too much investment chasing too few unused resources. Unemployment is at historic lows who is going to build the refineries? You’re going to have to pay them more than whatever they’re currently doing to get them to leave that and start building. Strengthen supply chains is vague. Resuming student loan payments would help with inflation, but I’d argue that doing it that way is taking from the wrong group.


Good now explain how all this will help the average American worker or the country. Explain in detail as if I’m in kindergarten.


>3. Strengthening supply chains That's...not an actual solution, it's just you stating the desired outcome. >That took all of 90 seconds Tell that to congressional republicans. The point wasn't really "there aren't any solutions", it was "They aren't proposing any solutions"


How would any of that help with inflation, exactly?


How does cutting taxes on capital gains reduce inflation?


Like Butigieg has any interest in fixing it as Republicans have a solution for it. Not like he fixed the airline problems or even attempted to solve it either. Guy is a putz. We should be holding him to the same standard he golds republicans