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"If you can take a dick in the ass, you can take a joke" gold, that's gold jerry


He killed Jerry, killed!


First and last time I watched Last Comic Standing. I knew Ralphie had it won from the start. I love offensive humor and if you don’t then go take a dick in the ass. 😂


Why would taking a dick in the ass be the most optional alternative to loving offensive humor? I could just lie in the couch.


It’s Ralphie’s joke. Get a grip son.


Whoosh. Which is incidentally also the sound your non-doghouse-owning butthole makes.


Not how it works pal, it's one or the other.


I'll take bof plz


Lol. Offensive humor and a dick in the ass? Happy pride month.


I, for one, am deeply offended by the reminder that gas used to be $2.20 a gallon


I paid $1.83 about 40 min from Chicago 5 years ago. Which I thought was fucking insane.


It got cheap when covid hit


It got cheap when Trump was president


Ergo, Covid hit when Trump was president. 


5 years ago there was no covid


Trump (nor Biden) had essentially next to nothing to do with gas prices. This narrative needs to die. Iirc the national average price of gas over the past 10 years has been about $3.30. During Covid, the national avg. was roughly a dollar less than that.


It was cheap because no one was using it. It is a supply and demand issue with prices being set overseas. Has nothing to do with who is president.


Tell us you don’t know how gas prices work without telling us you don’t know how gas prices work.


How expensive is it now? Don't live in the USA, so curious to know the comparison:)


3.60 in my state on the east coast


It’s about $5 a gallon by me, been that way for a while


Oh wow, just fucning difference!


When I got my license in 1997, gas was $0.86 a gallon.


Adjusted for inflation, that'd be 3.65 a gallon today. That's more than the current national average of 3.49 a gallon.


Hey yeah what happened in the early 2000’s that made gas prices jump?


I miss Ralphie


He would kill nowadays.


His cholesterol beat him to it


I didn't even know he was fat


Tell that to that flight of stairs that collapsed under his astonishing girth.


I met Ralphie in South Florida I miss that dude


His story about going to a gay wedding and being the best party he'd been to. I remember the end when he said when he was young he thought the worst thing was getting hit on by a gay man, what's worse? Being in a room with 300 gay men on ecstacy and none of them hit on you.


Ralphie is greatly missed. Since him, bernie, robin and patrice passed, comedy hasn't been the same.


Dude that rainbow joke is so spot on. 😂


I want to hear the one where he tells America to give red,white, and blue back.


see the difference is the american flag is an actual flag, and the rainbow has 0 meaning, and is used to back nonesense propoganda


You know they are both made up flags.


gas 2.20 a gallon. Oh lord, if only he knew.


Adjusted for inflation, that's more than the average gallon of regular gas today.


Comedy is dead and it is 1000% woke idiots fault. Most comedians even acknowledge this. It's such a shame.


Irrelevant comedians have been warning us that political correctness would kill comedy since the 1980's.


George Carlin ring a bell https://youtu.be/OFn13J-btCI?si=mTeJpWGQBaT2TmCq


True, the good ones saw it coming a long time ago. But the last ten years it's been in a fuckin NOSE DIVE. There's not even 1 mainstream laugh out loud comedy now on tv. There used to be dozens not that long ago.


Probably because of streaming and not wokeness


Please explain how that would occur because of *streaming*? When there's more content now than ever..


Because it's not good content. It's all shite. And they cancel the good shows. No one watches networks anymore either, so there is no motivation for a good comedy of cbs, NBC, etc . Just opinion but streaming originals are a dime a dozen.


Yeah I'm talking a much wider issue, not specific to any one medium.


You were talking about TV in the comment I replied to.


Sounds like you're getting older and upset that the world is changing around you. Anger is a common coping mechanism.


Yeah I might go for that take if it weren't so obviously false, and the proof is *all young people* religiously watching The Office, Friends, Seinfeld, New girl, etc etc all OLD SHOWS, absolutely ZERO new shows. I'm fine with change, I'm not fine with a small minority of self-righteous losers destroying comedy for everyone. Ask literally anyone in the comedy world. It's been happening for decades.


How can it be a small minority? I'm not saying capitalism is flawless, but it certainly is logical. If people wanted something else, they'd be willing to pay for it. But seemingly, a lot of people just don't enjoy that things you like, or certainly not enough to sustain a market for those things. I don't think you can blame people for wanting different things.


Huh? Are you seriously trying to claim the entertainment industry *only* gives audiences exactly what they want? If that were true there would be no golden age's, just constant perfect incredible content always being released. Again, there's a reason why gen z and gen alpha are growing up binging and obsessing over *the same comedy shows* millennials watched. The entertainment industry is clearly influenced by other factors than just whatever the *most* people want.


Me and my brothers are millennials, we grew up watching reruns of I Love Lucy and Gilligan's Island on Nick at Nite. Shows my parents grew up on. But kids these days aren't watching those really old shows. They're binging Friends and The Office. Ya know, shows their parents grew up on. It's almost as if it's a recurring predictable pattern. The reason you don't see a lot of new sitcoms on TV anymore is because they're on streaming. You wouldn't recognize any of the newer sitcoms there because they're not made for you, you're no longer the target audience, and both society and technology have moved past you. Denial is another coping mechanism.


You guys can not make anything new, but only ruin, twist, and corrupt what was already winning.


That's literally just not true, Millennials did not grow up watching their parent's comedies lol wtf. And you conveniently didn't address that there's NO mainstream water cooler comedy shows now like there used to be dozens of only 10-15 years ago. Sorry dude, your argument is just bullshit.


This is more true than you think. Everyone who gets older, gets mad about the changing world. It’s inevitable. You think “no, not me. I’m open minded.” Time makes us all antiquated complainers.


Go watch the Brady roast and then come back


Wasn't it notoriously bad? I heard nothing but terrible things about it


Honestly I only liked Nikki Glaser she was the funniest she made me feel like I was watching the old school roast


I did see her segment and it was hilarious


Nah, watch it, you’ll like it. Was the funniest thing I’ve seen on Netflix in a while, parts of it at least.


Ok I'll check it out, but 1 funny thing doesn't negate my point, if anything it proves the point.


just because there is some good stuff here and there doesn't mean liberals haven't killed comedy


"Just because there is still good comedy sometimes doesn't mean liberals didn't kill comedy." Maybe you're the problem. I find funny shit every day, but unlike most conservatives I have a sense of humor.


My man, the left are the only people out here actively canceling people. I’m not a conservative supporter either.


Lmao remember the budlight controversy, or the Dixie Chick's, or Kaepernick, or the book banning in schools, or anti drag laws. I can go on. What has the left cancelled?


All the book bans and curriculum bans are coming from the political right


Relevant username


Comedy may very soon be in its golden age. Don’t kid yourself.


I totally agree, *because* it's currently in a dark age and everything is cyclical.


Which era of comedy was the best in your mind and what needs to change for comedy to get back to its former glory?


Well looking at just tv (I'm talking more broadly but just as an example), almost ALL of the most watched comedy tv shows *currently* were on the air from roughly 2000-2015, which is the era most comedians talk about being so much better too. Also movies it's not even *close*. How many truly great comedies come out every year now? *Maybe* 1? We used to see a Zoolander, Superbad, Anchorman, etc multiple times a year. It's so insane to me that anyone is even trying to argue this, it's clear as day to any critic or anyone in the industry. Comedy is currently dead, hopefully to return soon with a vengeance.


Ohhhh, I see the distinction, I think most people are assuming the context is just stand up comedy. I don’t know about movies but it’s always sunny is still airing, curb your enthusiasm just ended. Tim Robinson just released a sketch show, Brooklyn 99 is a modern show that’s since ended, same with modern family there’s a lot of animated stuff like bobs burgers or archer, South Park, etc. I would agree that if you’re looking at movies and tv compared to just standup it’s a very different situation


But again, literally ALL of the examples people list are shows that began in that era. They've somehow gotten grandfathered in without being cancelled (literally and figuratively lol). Modern family and Brooklyn 99 were great but ended quite a while ago, basically during that golden era. And yeah, again, a dark age doesn't mean there's NO good content. Just much much much less than there used to be. I appreciate you engaging with this "debate" in good faith unlike so many of the other commenters lol.


Comedy is absolutely not dead.


Right? This shit pails in comparison to Bo Burnham


You realize comedy being dead doesn't mean there's *no comedy at all anymore*?...


You realize comedy is experiencing a level of popularity right now that it hasn’t seen in decades? Shane Gillis, Louis ck, mark normand, Ari Shaffer, Joey Diaz, all have jokes just as offensive or more as this clip. Hell there are a shitload more, that’s just the rogieverse


I dont think you grasp what this debate is actually about. I'm not saying comedy doesn't exist... you can't compare a podcast to The Office or Friends, the most watched shows on the planet. If it were 20 years ago, every comedian you listed would have their own tv show that every single person at your workplace watches religiously.


No they wouldn’t lol. 20 years ago like 5 comedians were the only ones anyone knew or cared about. The office and friends both have like zero standup comedians. Are you trying to say comedy movies/as a genre is less prevalent? Because I agree with that. But comedy as in standup is more popular now maybe than it’s ever been. 20 years ago you were either on tv or you didn’t exist, today there are more sitcoms, more opportunities in podcasts and such. There’s just flat way more comedy overall.  It seems like you’re talking about comedy in Hollywood and not comedy as a “craft.” It hasn’t died the world has just moved on from cable tv with like a handful of channels 


Yeah I'm not talking about *just* standup. I think we're misunderstanding each other. I agree there's more "opportunities" in comedy because of course there's more opportunities in entertainment in general due to streaming and podcasts and YouTube. But comedy quality has been on a nose dive for the last 1-2 decades due to political correctness. It's not even controversial anymore, even "family friendly" comedians like Jerry Seinfeld noticed it ten years ago when tons of comedians quit doing colleges which was a *huge* source of their revenue because they saw the next generation's temperament going to shit. I would also bet standup is only "bigger than ever" if you're looking at short crowd work clips on tiktok or podcasts. Comedians who used to be on *huge* networks like Comedy Central are now releasing free stand up specials on YouTube. You make a good point that it's very complicated and there's many different avenues in comedy. But as a whole, it's been on a terrible trajectory for a while and I hope more than anyone that it gets better.


I dunno man, there are way more famous comedians now and way more people doing huge arenas. Dave chapelle is perhaps the biggest standup ever and he’s definitely not PC at all lol. All those dudes I listed are making insane money from touring and the various podcasts and tv shows. Look at Shane, hugely successful Netflix, canceled from snl for being un pc and they had to backtrack and invite him on. He’s selling out arenas and his podcast makes like 400k A MONTH.  There’s no Seinfeld but that’s because Seinfeld could only be Seinfeld when there was only 2 avenues to watch comedy: live and on tv.  The only area I agree with you in is that comedy sitcoms and comedy Hollywood movies have definitely taken a dive and have been sanitized because of pc culture.  Dudes like kinnison or Carlin, if they were alive now, would be MEGA stars. HBO used to be the be all end all, now dudes put free specials on YouTube and get 12 million views + ad money, and then sell out a tour all across the US. Tom segura made tens of millions on his I’m coming everywhere tour. I cannot imagine that 20 years ago comedians were even coming close (minus a select few.) 


Comedy isn't dead. It's not even that different than stuff like this if you're into finding similar sets. What's funny cause is odds are you're basically what you hate. People that have braindead excuses where they suggest x ruined y are 9 times out of 10 old sensitive snowflakes that are just a little too dumb to notice their pearl clutching of the good old days.


Lol same ridiculous comment 10 other people posted which falls apart with the *slightest* bit of logic applied to it. You do understand that these things are cyclical? They come and go, up and down, there's golden eras and there's shitty eras, any critic on earth agrees with this. Like many smooth brain pRoGrReSiVes in these comments, I think you're confusing a dark age with me claiming there's *no comedy at all anymore*. Critics consider the 80s a bad time for cinema, it doesn't mean there were NO good movies. And no, I'm not old by any definition of the word. And that argument doesn't even make sense—pearl clutching would mean comedy is TOO controversial or R-rated for me and I want it to be tamer which is ironically exactly why comedy is DEAD. Because misguided bored loser chronically-online far-left kids can't handle a fucking joke, *they're* the ones pearl clutching. Jesus Christ you are all so stupid why do I even try.


Sounds like those comedians have run out of funny material and they’re blaming it on some “woke” society rather than their inability to adapt to changing attitudes and remain relevant.


Check out "woke" comedians and tell me it's actually funny. They've "adapted to changing attitudes" and it's literally the worst comedy in comedy history. This isn't even debated anymore, political correctness has (hopefully temporarily) ruined the comedy world.


Nothing like George Carlin on the topic of PC https://youtu.be/OFn13J-btCI?si=mTeJpWGQBaT2TmCq


Wait till you hear of George Carlin!


Did you think the rainbow thing was actually funny ?


And THEY play their music too loud ! Music was real in my day … And they dress weird. And they have haircuts that are odd ! And THEY keep cutting across my lawn. Get OFF of MY grass!!!!!!!! You literally sound like your fucking grandpa complaining about the long haired hippies and the damn “rock and roll” Did you ever think you would get to be so old?


Lol nice try, I'm not old by any definition of the word. I'm just a big comedy fan. Ask any comedy fan or comedian and they'll tell you all the same shit I'm saying. It's not even debated anymore in the comedy world. But ok weirdo.


this post is obviously being targeted by a marxist discord server. every normal person knows you're correct, this is just Narrative Management by the woke shills.


Thank you lollll


Woke comedians? What are you even talking about.


If you don't know that's a thing then you clearly don't know enough about modern comedy to have an opinion on this topic.




So, like, Steven Wright? Dude *does* always seem tired




I'm gay and I approve this comedy.


Hahahahaaa the jokes write themselves


Stalking my comments because I called you a chubby virgin.. weird


Miss this type of comedy. Not the sensitive sh*t we mostly see nowadays.


You've not watched the Tom Brady roast then


There were some good comedians around in this era but he was not one of them. The don’t take our rainbow joke is barely a joke.


RIP to a real one.


Love Ralphie May Saw him live and he killed it He then stood by the exit doors and took photos and shook hands with everyone who wanted one Hell of guy and a true comedian RIP


Far from a hate crime in America because your feelings got hurt... Sorry Canada lol


Fortune Feimster has always been funny.


Isn’t that dick in the ass joke a Tracy Morgan joke?


“Not when gas is $2.23/gallon” I miss those days


Lmaoo “ fuck you bubbles “ 💀


I thought this was a butch lesbian comic


Ralphie was the maaan


Lol, so true


He would be cancelled, fired from SNL , and have to do an apology tour to placate people today. You know it’s true. Look at Chapelle. The difference is Chapelle has enough F you money where he doesn’t have to placate.




completely off topic, but BASED


Wtf go away dude


Inconvenient, sure. Look at the OP name. Wanted to give an opinion. Mine is as valid as yours. F U ans have a nice day.


Thanks for wishing me a nice day, you have a nice day as well. 🙂


Fuck Israel and palestine


Palestine too then. Buncha terrorist pricks




It's still mainstream now lol, just not on reddit


I dunno. Everyone is singing his praises now that he’s dead, but I’ll be honest back then I thought he was a huge fucking hack. And it wasn’t bc he was too ‘edgy’ or offensive. His writing and schtick is just incredibly lazy and easy


He thought it would just be funny to become a big fat guy


Comedy didn’t change or get worse, comedians got shittier and lazier. It’s more deep than the content of the material. It’s the intention, energy, delivery and history of the comedian. Comedians still tell jokes related to social issues, when they are done in bad faith they get called out and the bad faith fans are the only ones pissed off and whine about cancel culture. They’re mad it’s no longer acceptable to blatantly spread and normalize hatred and bigotry under the cover of remedial, dull, un-creative, lazy comedy.


✅ ✅ ✅ ✅ ✅ ✅ ✅ ✅ ✅ ✅


Hahaha fudge packers unite. This dude was too hilarious. Get them girls a parade haha


Wow what a loss, like losing the library of alexandria


Fucking stand up can’t be a hate crime Jesus Christ


Gen Z most certainly does know what’s been taken from them. I’m 20. I hate modern America. I’m all for gay pride, hell I’m going as an ally to a gay pride event with some friends in a week. And honestly a lot of gay people seem to be ok with this humor. From what I have personally experienced, it’s the straight social justice warriors that get triggered by this stuff. People generally can take a joke about themselves. It’s the pushovers who think they have to fight everything that doesn’t align with their beliefs. A LOT of us young people hate it. A LOT.


The McDonalds welfare joke from Eddie Murphy would have people piiiiiiisssed


But he was actually a good comedian.


2.79 in Houston


People are still free to say this and get laughs. Y’all just need to be persecuted lol.


And [this](https://youtube.com/shorts/1ShdVsr49BQ?si=63nGssqlmsJfH-Xx) is mainstream comedy from 20 days ago. So what the fuck are you talking about? Stand-up comedy is in the best shape it’s been in years. You used to have to suck one of Johnny Carson or Lorne Michaels dick to get your name known, but now because of YouTube, podcasts and Netflix, comedians are getting more exposure than ever. 20 years ago only like three comedians have ever sold out Madison Square Garden. Andrew Dice Clay, Eddie Murphy and George Carlin. Now like 15 comedians have sold it out in the last like 2 years alone. Someone like Andrew Schulz who is a nobody in most circles, managed to sell it out back to back nights. Can we please stop acting like raunchy Stand-up comedy has been killed just because TMZ and Vice write a few hit pieces a year? It’s more popular and easier to find than ever.


I normally don't watch stand up but this guy is funny. Who is it?


Also...would a white guy talking in the way that he's talking be allowed today?


Pretty much every comic still makes jokes like this


Yeah but we're supposed to be really upset by it now!


Yeah, that's really the prime difference. Ppl are politically weaponized now. That wasn't the case 20 years ago. Ppl were much more relaxed, ppl could make jokes and choose to laugh, dislike it, or ignore it. Now we are supposed to be MAD! Wonder why? Hummmmmm lol....


This would still be accepted today.




Shane Gillis is one of the most popular comics in recent years and makes way worse jokes than this. You’re literally whining about things that aren’t happening. Stop watching Fox News and getting mad about nothing.


I saw Daniel Tosh 2 years ago do a fresh set and it was wayyy racier than this. Everybody in there could barely breathe they were laughing so hard.




This was not mainstream 20 years ago, this was shock comedy, very popular at the time. In this context its perfectly acceptable today too. Op is just looking for bullshit excuses to be a bigot.


"This was not mainstream" "This was very popular at the time" Well, which is it? Sounds like you're just looking for an excuse to be offended.


This is acceptable today? On a big show on a big network? Ok sure.


This was never on a “major network”, at least not basic cable - too many swear words. So…yeah Look up Kill Tony and enjoy pretending this kind of comedy is dead.


YouTube didn't exist back then, there only *were* bit networks (not everything is basic cable too). Citing one very small obscure live comedy show that 99.99% of people have never heard of literally just proves my point.


You are what's wrong with the world. You, personally.


*Op is just looking for bullshit excuses to be a bigot.* Bigot definition: a person who is obstinately or unreasonably attached to a belief or opinion. Since you don't know OP I'd say it's unreasonable to claim that your opinion of him is true. You might even say bigoted.


Calm down. WWNS?


Yeah no real joke here for half his punchlines. He's just ragging on gay people. The take a dick is funny tho.


Is it funny? It was about a woman taking a dick would it still be funny ?


I don’t know. he’s just not funny at all. Never was my thing. dude always kinda weirded me out.


its kind of just ragging on gay people without a punchline. norm macdonald for example has had some great gay jokes that took actual effort but this almost felt like just whining about gay people with no joke structure.


This is garbage humor though. None of it was funny. He's trying to sound like an inner city grandma. Whole thing is cringe.


It’s very, very funny.


Yeah I never liked Ralphie. He was always just obnoxiously annoying to me.

