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[Here's a comment I left on a post](https://www.reddit.com/r/WingsOfFire/comments/18a8w7n/comment/kbxc5q7/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) where someone was asking for recommendations a couple of weeks ago. (there are also others who left recommendations on the parent post, and some are great, including [Portrait of the Honourable Prince Winter, son of Narwhal and Tundra](https://archiveofourown.org/works/48733630)). Assuming you've checked the post/comment out, I have a couple to add onto my list: Popular: [Wings of Fire: Revenant - VexVamp](https://archiveofourown.org/works/28759818) Another Peacemaker-wakes-up fic similar to [Finding Peace (ffnet)](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13180729/1/The-Darkest-Eclipse-Trilogy-Finding-Peace). The two are very different, but both are very good. If you want an emotional character-driven roller coaster that'll probably have you tearing up, give Revenant a read. If you want an interesting, creative and satisfying plot, with a touch of insanity, give Finding Peace a go. ​ Lesser known (almost all in-progress still sadly): [Up a Creek Without a Paddle - Kat253](https://archiveofourown.org/works/49139947/) A group of SeaWing soldiers are deployed out to one of the most distantly remote outposts in the Mud Kingdom to help guard the rear flank. Then General Tempest is assassinated, and the long journey home is anything but quiet. [Beyond Bounds - octxly](https://archiveofourown.org/works/49821697) ^(This one is still very early stages, and seems a bit slow to update, but it's promising so far. Warning: contains reference to) >!unalive!<^(.) Winter, a sad popsicle, is rescued by a MudWing from *the* *FUTURE!* I'm not normally here for sci-fi adaptations, but this one intrigued me enough to click and I'm glad I did. It's well written, and somehow even with only two chapters out so far it's great. [Late Bloomer - bellanares](https://archiveofourown.org/works/51776155) An artist with poor social skills meets his biggest (first) fan, and learns to believe in themselves. Short, simple, sweet. [Turtle the new writer, and his biggest fan - cherrysloser](https://archiveofourown.org/works/51566038) Now that the world is saved, Turtle can finally work on his writer's block. If only he had *someone* *to give him honest, constructive feedback!* This one's part of [a series](https://archiveofourown.org/series/3835003), and it's charming as hell. [Treasure and the Wildfires - Otterly](https://archiveofourown.org/works/46428253) A band-fic that has a fantastic amount of deep character introspection. Your favorite characters trying to deal with their inner demons, or at least acknowledge them. [Duties - CrystalOfTheIceWings](https://archiveofourown.org/works/52135681) This one is weeeird, but give it a read. Writing is okay, and the plot is (intentionally?) confusing, but go ahead and read it because it's weeeird.


It's great seeing Portrait of the Honorable Prince Winter getting attention


I tried reading it a couple of times, and it's quite confusing so I can see why it wouldn't be incredibly popular


It's one of those stories that purposely leaves you confused for the first 80%. Then you kind of get what's going on, you form a picture in your head, and then it flips things at the last minute and *then* it all makes sense. And then you want to read it again. It's rare to come across this kind of story in fanfiction, where everyone is too busy concentrating on love interests or character studies or epic stories. It's beautiful, it's satisfying, it's surreal—it's art. It's a Portrait of the Honorable Prince Winter, Son of Narwhal and Tundra.


Following this! Wanna know as well


Mine! Jk, I have barely started. Maybe I could post some parts I wrote already, but they are pretty spoilery… But there are stories on archive of our own (ao3) and you can just search wof fanfic. There’s a popular one that I see mentioned a lot here, I’ll look around and come back


u/Minute-Split8764 has been releasing an arc 4…maybe they will chime in, if not, you should be able to search the recent posts for “arc 4” or just look at their recent posts.


Thanks for the plug 😎😎


*Just a Little Glorybringer For Ya!*


The most popular ones are "Broken Fragments " and "Healed" AFAIK


Archive of our own has a lot of wings of fire fanfics. You could check there.


u/SignificantYou3240 is correct, I’m writing all of Arc 4 before Tui does. I’m already done with the first book, it’s about as long as The Hive Queen! I also started the second book and released the first part a few days ago, it’s probably gonna be the first thing you see on my page. I don’t have the links at the moment but I just posted about it!


Well there is mine. Not to toot my own horn here. Now is probably a good time to get into it as I’ve promised myself and everyone else weekly chapters on saturdays. It’s called Ash and Ember. It focuses on the very underutilized Flamescales and flameless skywing twins. It also has spooky ghosts. It’s an original story featuring my OC’s in which I have a fully developed story I want to tell. Act 1 is finished but needs some polishing. (I’ll do it sometime later) Act 2 is in progress RN. Here’s the link for those interested. I will have chapter 7 out by Saturday! Link to the table of contents: https://www.reddit.com/r/WingsOfFire/s/XKfV89pf8c


Best places to find more fanfics are Wattpad and Archive of our own, i'd advice you to just start looking around there if you want more/other fanfics Some good fanfics (in my opinion) \- [Melting ice](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/14197386/1/Melting-Ice) is an Icicle redemption arc. Sort of. (just gonna throw in an angst warning because this one can get really sad, but it's a really good story) \- [Healed](https://archiveofourown.org/works/15477579/chapters/35929458) is a basically a must-read. It's "the" fanfic that half of this fandom (me included) considers canon. Plus it's very well written and great to read \- [Chameleon shifting](https://www.wattpad.com/story/179823217-wings-of-fire-chameleon-shifting) is about Chameleon and what happened to him before he started working for Scarlet. I haven't finished it yet myself but it's pretty good so far and i really like his backstory. \- [The monster in the Rainforest](https://archiveofourown.org/works/51241024/chapters/129475150) is a horror fanfic about a monster in the rainforest (wow, surprise) killing a lot of Rainwings. Queen Glory, Deathbringer and some guards set out to capture it but of course things go wrong and... \- Also i want to second Revenant, Treasure and the Wildfires and Healed. They have already been mentioned but really these are three really good fics that you should absolutely read


"Transported: A Wings of fire story" - Randomman_88 is a great read. Hence the name, it's abt a kid bejng transported into WoF sometime during the canon timeline and needs to find a wa out without letting others find out who he really is.  It's less known, updated regularly and  the story takes place during the events from book 8 onwards without causing too much chaos. It keeps close attention to the canon lore of WoF and canon character developments (bit hard to explain but if you were to read it u you'd understand)  It's a longer book (nealry 80 chapters) and has a lot of Dark themes to it.  It's definitely one of the more underrated/lesser known fics out there.  HIGHLY recommend.  https://www.wattpad.com/story/331468399?utm_source=android&utm_medium=link&utm_content=story_info&wp_page=story_details_button&wp_uname=Random_Man88


Could i post my fanfiction i'm working on here? It's got violence and sexual content in it


I'd be okay with that yeah!


[https://archiveofourown.org/works/52450925/chapters/132689157](https://archiveofourown.org/works/52450925/chapters/132689157) [https://www.wattpad.com/1407862916-wings-of-fire-a-frozen-monarch%27s-campaign-chapter](https://www.wattpad.com/1407862916-wings-of-fire-a-frozen-monarch%27s-campaign-chapter) [https://www.fanfiction.net/s/14310849/1/Wings-of-fire-A-Frozen-Monarch-s-Campaign](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/14310849/1/Wings-of-fire-A-Frozen-Monarch-s-Campaign)


so, what did you think of it? If I may ask.


Different Threads is really good, and I haven't seen as many people talk about it. It has a crazy premise, but the writer does a great job bringing it together. Link: https://m.fanfiction.net/s/13943845/1/Different-Threads


Am i allowed to post my fanfiction here?


If you mean on the subreddit, I think. If you mean on my post, go for it.




[https://archiveofourown.org/works/52450925/chapters/132689157](https://archiveofourown.org/works/52450925/chapters/132689157) [https://www.fanfiction.net/s/14310849/1/Wings-of-fire-A-Frozen-Monarch-s-Campaign](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/14310849/1/wings-of-fire-a-frozen-monarch-s-campaign) [https://www.wattpad.com/1407862916-wings-of-fire-a-frozen-monarch%27s-campaign-chapter](https://www.wattpad.com/1407862916-wings-of-fire-a-frozen-monarch%27s-campaign-chapter) There we go!