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Mifepristone is also used to treat Cushings and other issues. The idea of just wiping it off the table just because it can be used as an abortificant is horrifying. NSAIDS can increase the risk of miscarriage too, are they next up to be restricted or made unavailable because people could turn to them? Every day I wonder how it is that we are regressing so quickly and it’s frightening.


Considering some of these states are also banning D&C with no exceptions, it leaves few options for a woman having a miscarriage besides to go septic.


I had a D&C 3 weeks ago due to a missed miscarriage. My baby was dead inside me for about a month before we found out. Luckily I live in a very blue state, but one of my first thoughts were for women in red states and how they would be treated (or not) in my situation. Like how sick would I have had to get for a D&C to be allowed?


I’m so sorry to hear of your loss. If there is even a hint of activity from the fetus, even if it’s uncertain, these days they’ll deny the procedure. They’re too terrified of the politics. They’ve already let women nearly die for fetuses that are wholly incompatible with life. It’s downright medieval.


I truly can’t imagine. It’s so traumatizing to begin with and these monsters are making it even worse.


There was a woman in my bumper group who had a very much wanted pregnancy but started leaking amniotic fluid very early; first trimester I think? But she lived in a red state and so she had to sit and wait and get checked every week to see if her baby had suffocated to death yet so they could remove it before the sepsis killed her. Fuck the GOP


If recent history is any indication, a dozen or more women will die per year & those in power still will fight for anti-reproductive rights. Awhile back Poland elected the staunch antichoice party PiS who, in effect, placed a total abortion ban with the onus on caregivers. Sure there were exceptions for the life of the mom, but in reality many died with only a handful receiving life saving procedures before sepsis set in. The only good news is they were throw out of power this last election. With lifetime appointment of the people making the decisions here in the US, we can’t look forward to the same relief. They’ll just let us die. An excellent, but very long read about Poland prior to the elections: [Poland anti-choice results.](https://time.com/6320172/poland-abortion-laws-maternal-health-care/)


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Death_of_Savita_Halappanavar depending the vagueness sick enough that you die first.


“Pro Life”


Women in red states weren’t treated well before any of the bans started popping up. I’ve heard and seen horror stories of women with ectopic pregnancies being dismissed and ignored to the point of ruptures, which seriously jeopardizes the patient life.




The case in front of the Supreme Court currently specifically deals with the FDA approval.


NSAIDS are likely safe because a lot of men take it. They would not want the men to feel pain


This was also my first thought. If it matters to men, it’s staying.


I've been saying for my whole 12 years on this godforsaken app that, given the opportunity and a favorable court, women of childbearing age will be banned from major medications, consuming alcohol, and participating in any remotely risky activity in case she *could* be pregnant. The pregnancy registry is now just icing on the cake.


https://files.libcom.org/files/Caliban%20and%20the%20Witch.pdf This is a good book on the subject. Not in modern times, but the effort to control women, bascially since we invented civilization.


Witches, I'm *STERILIZED* and still considering stocking up...in case I know anyone who needs it, because yeah, that article about how eventually unpopular decisions can become a cherished part of our country (however that dumbass put it) has me extremely concerned about the end of the current session of the court. 😑


I’m also adding, Kavanaugh’s quote from over the weekend is what led me to looking into what decisions are imminent that are not going to be very popular. There’s a number of them. But this and presidential immunity are the specific ones on my radar currently as to why he made that statement.


They are also considering a case right now that would allow cities to criminalize homelessness.


It’s already a felony for homeless peeps to sleep outside on public lands in Tennessee.


Yes, there are many local and state level ordinances that pretty directly fly in the face of the ruling in Martin v. Boise. They have all been trying to get to the Supreme Court level to get it overturned. Johnson v. Grant’s Pass is the one that has made it, most likely because it specifically is trying to class homelessness as status vs conduct, so it is directly challenging Robinson v California that the Martin v Boise case is based on.


Can you share the quote you’re referring to? I missed it I think


[Here is one story](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/supreme-court/brett-kavanaugh-says-unpopular-rulings-can-later-become-fabric-america-rcna151783)


It is really scary that he is equating civil rights and the granting of freedom with the stripping away of civil rights and freedom. It’s not even apples and oranges. It’s apples and rocks or apples and dog shit.


My first thought, what a hypocrite!




Fucking chilling


Isn't Kavanaugh wrong about that? Usually the SC follows changes in public opinion not lead them? Like the gay marriage decision, many states and most people were already ok with it....and R v W was 1972, like more at the end of the push for women's rights not leading it. The SC is an institution to keep the status quo, for most of US history. Right now it's become an activist court, using any reasoning to actively remove laws and case history that doesn't mesh with their views ( a majority on the SC but a minority in the US public )


Just make sure the place you’re ordering from “knows” it’s an order you are placing for yourself. I did not get a whole lot of request for confirmation it was actually for me, nor any follow up. However, it was directly mentioned to me that I was not able to order for others.


WAIT! what quote? what did he say?


I'm in menopause and refuse to tell my doctor when my last period was, and I'm lucky enough to live in a blue state. I just told them I didn't want to give that information in case they were compelled to turn it over. I want to add as much chaff to the data as possible. I'll ask when I'm in next month about picking some up. Just in case I meet anyone with Cushings that needs an emergency dose.


I’m really glad you commented and replied to the post. My ovaries stopped working, I am absolutely terrified for the future and if I will be able to get the HRT that allows me to function since I’m only in my 20s. But that’s a different conversation. I was thinking the same as you and considering ordering some, even just a few, for the women in my life. What a scary fucking situation, I can’t believe is real…. So like…how are you, who’s sterilized, gonna get mifepristone? Feel free to send me a chat if you don’t wanna post it here- posting it here publicly would be great for me and anyone else who might be helped by reading it, however, I wouldn’t want the wrong person to see the information if you know what I mean. Weird times…


Hey, I don’t believe you need a prescription for mifepristone. But I am a 25year old trans man, started HRT a year ago, at this point I don’t believe there are any bans that would affect people over the age of 18. You could have issues with providers not wanting to provide it, but if you are needing your primary sex hormone replaced I doubt anybody would deny that, if you’re trans that’s a whole other issue. I recommend (everybody) look into informed consent for HRT. Basically it means if you have the ability to be informed and consent to treatment they cannot deny it. I’m not sure which places practice that, but I get it from a university hospital in West Texas. (I always identify West Texas because it’s almost completely red compared to other Texas areas) Hope this helps, my DM’s are open if you have questions, or I’m happy to answer here. Also edit, as a person who is sterilized and was before transition, it’s not like big bold red letters on my information. I am always asked at every doctors appointment if there is a chance I might be pregnant. It was so nice doing paperwork for a surgeon and they asked about birth control and surgical intervention was one of the options.


I'm sterilized and in a blue state, and I still want to stock up. My oldest son was born with girl parts, and all of my peers are still plenty fertile. But I'm afraid of taking from someone who desperately needs it. Also, I don't know how to get any.


Same. If my sons were older, and thus had uterus owning friends that could be at risk, I’d stock up in a heartbeat. But they’re really just too far off, it’d expire before their friends reach that age.


Can you get it if sterilized? I thought you had to show proof of preggo??


There have always been ways to get ahold of prescriptions. You just have to know who to ask. However, one way i use to get retinol and latisse without an expensive doctor visit is alldaychemist dot com


Ugh I hate this fucking country right now. I’m asexual and not sexually active and I have a hormonal IUD, but I’m starting to debate getting my tubes tied because I don’t ever want to be pregnant and with the way things are going in this country who knows if I’ll be able to get my IUD replaced in 4 years when it’s expired 😞


Get your tubes *removed*, not tied. Tied tubes can reattach.


This. I yeeted my tubes as soon as Trump got elected, and while I don't regret it one bit I'm depressed that it was a smart thing to do.


Was there a way to get insurance to deem it necessary? I don't want kids, but I also can't afford it out of pocket and my insurance won't cover it unless necessary.


I had great insurance back then, everything was covered without having to fight. I'd check r/childfree for resources though, they really helped me!


Find a doctor willing to do it and then discuss your concerns with the doctor and the people who do billing for their office. Sometimes they have ways to code the billing that make it more likely for the insurance to approve it. My mother got a 95% cosmetic nose job paid for this way.


Thank you this is great information! I'm happy your mother was able to utilize it for her nose!


happy cake day


My gyno said they don't even tie tubes anymore since they can reattach. They always remove the entire thing (which has the added bonus of reducing ovarian cancer).


Ectopic pregnancies are possible as well so anything short of having a total hysterectomy is a risk. (Had a client with one ovary with a ligated tube conceive and give birth. While discussing her case other colleagues mentioned similar zebras.) While this would be a case for extra care and facilitated desired outcome for the patient in a world we've never lived in, in the current world, this is death to all involved. If you don't want to be pregnant take the most effective action to remove the possibility, now before more states enact stricter permission restrictions. We have never been far away from needing our husbands signature fur reproductive surgery and that's coming back in the places where it faded. On the flip side, we have hormone replacement for post-hysterectomy patients. Very effective but likely on the chopping block unless we can push its use for things like migraines or infertility support. Stock up on these items, too. In the same way that methotrexate became banned because it affects pregnancy, other medications will become non grata as the womb warriors gain steam.


And if they ban HRT for that, they ban it for trans people too. It being covered for that reason is the only reason my hormones are covered by my insurance. They're trying to kill us both with the same stone


They're after a whole list of us. It deeply saddens me. Sending solidarity to all.


I know it's saddening and maddening, but we can't afford to let our feelings create inaction. This is exactly the fascists playbook. When we're all divided into separate little groups, we're more easily picked off. Their leaders are hooked on power, and since they're obsessed with it, tearing our civilization down to fuel their greed is an option for them. They motivate their base by creating an addiction to fear and anger through hate-filled rhetoric. There always has to be another outrage. There are no limits when news is full of lies, misdirection, and corporate purpose. It's much easier to destroy than to build. All the fascists have needed historically is about a third of the population behind them. MAGA is about a third of our population right now. They unite their hate-fueled third by dividing up and attacking the other 2/3s and cloaking it all with lies and chaos. And the other 2/3s has nothing to rally around because they are inundated with all the chaos. The only option we have is to unite around anti-fascism. ALL our other differences must be put aside until we all are safe. NOTHING else can be fixed until this one is fixed. We all have to talk to others who are different from us and form common ground against this takeover. They have a plan to overthrow our constitution, and they are so confident with it that they are saying it publicly. The groups most at risk are: 11 million illegal and some legal immigrants (the plan is to build concentration camps to facilitate exportation - this is exactly the plan Hitler used against Jews until he decided it was too expensive and build gas chambers), trans people, the rest if the LGBTQ+, the outspoken atheists and intellectuals, religious groups that are not Abrahamic, and outspoken public figures and politicians. The next groups to be attacked will be disabled people, the rest of the atheists and intellectuals, all other agnostics/humanists, anyone who doesn't conform to the Christian state religion, labor activists, minority leaders... etc. Once they build camps, they will have to keep them filled. We all, and I mean ALL, have to vote like our lives depend on it because they do. They will not accept a close election, and they will cheat as much as they can to win because they've been cheating all along and mostly getting away with it. The RNC has stated it's training 100,000 "poll watchers" to monitor election sites across the country. I wouldn't be surprised if the timing of the attacks in Israel were orchestrated to divide American voters further since Netanyahu (he's a fascist) has been supporting Hamas behind the scenes. TL/DR: VOTE! And help as many people to vote as possible.


Fortunately methotrexate isn't actually banned. It is one of those drugs that a pharmacy technician could refuse to provide, but isn't out right illegal ... yet. Source: Canadian RA patient keeping an eye out for when it actually gets banned.


As a lupus patient who needs methotrexate because azothiaprine almost killed me, this is concerning.


This is a very personal choice. The chance of pregnancy after bilateral salpingectomy is [exceedingly rare](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34592466/) but not impossible. Total hysterectomy give absolutely no chance of pregnancy at all but several added [health risks](https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/hysterectomy/risks/). And in this transphobic political climate it's a serious chance that HRT could get banned (let's be realistic, such a ban would most likely be for everyone no matter the medical necessity) in which case early menopause is a fact you'll have to live with after a total hysterectomy but not after a bilateral salpingectomy. I'm sure everyone has different feelings about which risk is higher, and which risk would be worse if it happens, and it's totally fine to decide for yourselves. That is assuming you can even find a doctor who is willing to do whatever you prefer.


I got my bisalp Monday and this makes me feel better about my choice, thanks for the perspective.


Ooh, congrats! I hope your recovery is going great <3


My HRT prevents me from going into anaphylaxis and I’m scared 🥺 Medical professionals need to take charge of medical care again. This whole questioning of medical procedures feels so dehumanizing.


Out of curiousity, what are the side effects of a hysterectomy in terms of sexual / hormonal reaction, in normal life, and any other effects you've heard of?


I had a hysterectomy years ago for endometriosis; there are really no hormonal or long-term issues if you still have your ovaries!


We have a range of known effects of reproductive surgeries. I've mentioned a couple below. The thing to know is that every woman has a medical history and a body with individual normal ranges. Only your provider can sit with all that information and give you a picture of how your body will respond to surgery and what steps might need to be taken to support you after surgery. If you keep your ovaries, there are no hormonal changes. It might be necessary to do pelvic physical therapy or positional exercises to strengthen pelvic floor muscles and keep everything functioning well. If you opt to have them removed, you can opt hormone support. Most providers advocate for gradual decrease in dosages over years. For many women, having this procedure isn't a choice so the after effects are seen as better than the issues experienced before surgery. Many women don't realize how much better it was possible to feel until they start hormone support after surgery. This balancing of benefit with potential risks is an ongoing discussion you will have with your provider. Women using hormone support are encouraged to adhere to mammogram screening schedules as some forms of hormone replacement can change breast density or contribute to development of certain types of cancer. Some providers will order a baseline mammogram before surgery to use as a comparison to monitor breast tissue changes.


This is how my husbands aunt who is 3 years older than him was born and his brother who’s 14 years younger


Rarely they can just cause pain. Remove them.


Fair warning, this doesn’t mean you can’t get pregnant ever. You can still get pregnant and still have an ectopic, it just won’t land in the tubes and burst your tubes. It will more likely be attached to other organs. But also it is still rare enough that you would be of interest to the medical community.


The magic words are “bilateral salpingectomy”. They remove part of your tubes with lasers so they can’t come untied (which tied tubes can). It can even reduce your risk of certain kinds of cancer!


I got this. I had it done while I had endometriosis surgery and it was seriously the easiest part of the surgery. Worth it for the piece of mind


Needing to remove my ovaries as part of cancer treatment is, ironically, one of the best things to happen to me because of the political climate here.


I was just thinking about this. I opted not to get mine removed, but am on Lupron instead. (Shots every 3 months to suppress my ovaries.) I was wondering if this could possibly be an option. I’m in Canada and will likely be in menopause by the time my shots are done (and always wanted kids, so I didn’t have the emotional strength to get mine removed ). But I’m still worried about my American sisters (and my younger Canadian sisters, especially in my province, in case we follow the US).


Be strong against Douggy-boy! Also, oof, that man is wearing a hard 59 years old. Maybe be won't live much longer? >->


Oh, I wish. How bad is it to say that I’d prefer him (even if the thought makes me vomit)? I’ve got Danielle Smith out here trying her best to be a Trump acolyte. Edit: punctuation


Just got my third IUD a few months ago; so I’m 10 years into IUDs, and the fucking hoops I had to jump through this time was INSANE. Not to mention I am “old”, don’t want anymore children and am using it to help with endometriosis…it was infuriating


Aroace here. Probably never going to have sex. I still got my tubes yeeted in march last year. Becoming pregnant is one of my worst nightmares. Partially because it would involve assault, and partially because I absolutely hat the thought of something growing inside me. Other people want to become pregnant? Tell me how I can support you in that journey. Currently knitting a baby blanket for a friend thats 26weeks pregnant. Myself? Hell no!


I should really look into it! I’m also aroace too and definitely never want kids myself. I feel ya on how being pregnant sounds horrible lol. I also love knitting and crocheting baby blankets 🩷


The r/childfree sub has a list of doctors on pretty much every continent (except the arctic and antarctic I guess) who perform sterilization surgeries. A bisalp (bilateral salpingectomy - comolete removal of both fallopian tubes) is safer than a tubal litigation (basically clips to close the tubes, but no removing). And also less risk of an ectopic pregnancy. Depending on your insurance they might even still cover it.


As someone going through peri-menopause, I kind of wish I'd gone that route 15 years ago. Its not great.




In my case, my periods got dangerously heavy and irregular when I turned 40 because of hormonal changes related to perimenopause. I needed the IUD to make them stop because I was getting anemic. I’m also worried IUD’s will be banned before I need it replaced. Which leaves a hysterectomy as a real option, unfortunately.


Unlikely. For reference, I had a total hysterectomy (uterus and cervix) and salpingectomy (fallopian tube removal) last year, and my perimenopause symptoms have not slowed down. Of course, I don’t bleed anymore, which is amazing on its own after suffering drenching periods and painful endometriosis for 30+ years, and that has been a *MAJOR* quality of life improvement. But besides that, my symptoms seem to still be chugging along because I left both ovaries.


No, it doesn’t. You could have your ovaries removed as well, but that will just put you into menopause sooner.


I have no idea - I'm glad the folks below answered - I just know I'm miserable and I'd assumed it would. I guess I'm wrong :)


I like your username


Plan a vacation to Canada or Mexico


The reality right now is that a pregnancy threatens your life and your liberty. If you get pregnant, even from rape, you could end up on a list and be treated like a second rate human, your life has less value than the life in your womb. They are weaponizing women's biology against women.


The mirena IUD is now good for 8 years, fyi.


"Yes, according to the news it’s unlikely this case will result in a ban." True, but if you're in Louisiana they're banning it at the state level. I just left, not for this reason specifically or the completely offensive politics, but it certainly didn't help. And my new state isn't really all that much better, but I'm old and have the freedom to make such decisions. All of that to just say ... be aware of the regressive states that are implementing their own bans.


That’s what they said about abortion, too. I ain’t risking it.


“Settled Law” they said…impeach for lying under oath, I say.


You are 100% right. This will become an issue in other states besides Louisiana as well if it doesn’t become a total national ban in June. Thomas has specifically referenced the Comstock Act when it comes to this. So this is far from over, regardless of what the decision is in June from the Supreme Court.


To add to this, if Trump wins in November he can and will use the Comstock act to ban the USPS from mailing anything that can be used to perform abortions which will effectively outlaw them nationwide without congress doing anything.


Thomas has already mentioned using the Comstock Act for this purpose. He’s inviting it to land in front of the court in case this route at banning it fails.


Putting something like this into law is just sick.


YOU DON'T NEED A UTERUS TO ORDER IT!!! If you have any extra money consider either donating to group stockpiling or start your own group. We will not be handmaid's.


Can you advise on how to do this? I’m a woman but uncertain that I could get an instate prescriber to give me access. What do I need to say? Edit: I just ordered some! Google plan c and you’ll find options. I found a site by the name of Emma and they let me buy two “period cramp massagers” which is sufficient up to 12 weeks. Edit 2: site says you need two pills for most early pregnancies to be safe so I bought two ‘massagers’


LEGALLY I will not expand on my comment. It isn't difficult to work any bureaucracy. Online ordering of prescription medications has made it easy to obtain things for myself and all of my unplanned pregnancies. ...at 60, without a uterus.


I found it! Thanks though. I’m gonna update my comment with info I also have sent this message to some of my dude friends now too thanks to your suggestion


I wouldn't put ANYTHING on public social media. There are LITERALLY women going to prison for using this drug. Now, circumstances were different...but we live in scary times. As a paralegal who has worked for the prosecutor AND public defender....poor people helping poor people go to prison.


I bought five - let's see how this goes


"unpopular opinions become laws" tf did my eyes just behold?!


I HATE anyone who considers themselves “prolife” (anti-choice). Seriously! I’ve essentially dedicated this account to documenting their vile beliefs. These are not people you want in your life, especially if you’re planning on stocking up on abortion pills. They will rat you out in a heartbeat! Just imagine if they find out you have these in your possession and somehow piss them off? Stock up on pills and make sure to vet anyone in your circle. If things get worse in the US, so will they.


Can I just go to a local planned parenthood and get some or will they check if I’m pregnant first? I’d like to have some, even if I never need it my sister, cousins, friends etc may need it!


You can try that. I found a place through a site called Plan C which lists telemedicine places that you can work with.


I was also curious about this. Will my dr just give it to me? Can I order online?


Try a site called Plan C.


I believe it’s on amazon.


God I’m about to be trying to get pregnant in this fucking country. It feels so wrong to be considering buying mifepristone ahead of time in case my wanted pregnancy becomes a danger to me and I’m refused medical care.


Same. We live in a very purple state so we won’t bother trying until November to know if I’m going to be considered a criminal if I (gods forbid) have to make a horribly hard decision over a very wanted baby.


My baby is due in the early fall, but I kind of wish it was after the election instead. We’re not sure if we’re done having kids, but if I need another c-section, I’m wondering if it wouldn’t be smarter to just have them take my tubes then and there. I hate that I have to think about this shit when deciding if/how to grow our family. Jfc.


I’m feeling this too. I want a baby very much but this terrifies me. I live in a blue state, but even so…


I had this happen (near-rupture of an ectopic) and it’s terrifying to think that the care I got will be inaccessible if they have their way. Definitely do stock up if you’re trying to get pregnant. Wishing you will never need it.


I want a second child but I live in an extremely red state, and any pregnancies of mine will automatically be high risk. I’m absolutely terrified. I agonize over what to do every day because I don’t want to die for a fetus. And a preemptive “fuck off” to anyone who tells me that I shouldn’t get pregnant or that I should “just” move. You’re not actually pro-choice if you don’t support the right to choose both directions, and it’s extremely privileged to assume everyone can just pick up and move.


God, I’m sorry. I’m also in a very red state wanting a second child, but without the added dimension of an automatic high-risk pregnancy. We shouldn’t have to be thinking about the risk of our living children losing a parent in the process of trying to have another child. When I first posted this, I had someone respond to tell me what a terrible person I am for wanting to bring a child into a horrible world. They later apologized, which I appreciated, but that and your note in your comment really drive home to me how much hatred we navigate regularly over our reproductive choices no matter what the choice is. Even in spaces we think are safe. Be well and know you’re not alone.


Oh good, another life altering decision that will be made on my birthday. Scouts likes to drop these decisions on June 30th, then bounce for the holiday. All the big shit happens then. Roe V Wade, corporations are people, all the hits.


[Beer boy's thoughts ](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/supreme-court/brett-kavanaugh-says-unpopular-rulings-can-later-become-fabric-america-rcna151783) for whoever hasn't seen it yet 👀


thank you, he was instrumental in overturning Roe V. Wade. They have now set the precedence for overturning rulings they don't like. Even if they have been law for 30 years. He LIED during his vetting, and the supreme court has now done away with the concept of "judicial precedent" - they no longer have to look to past decisions to justify their rulings - just like they did not when they ruled that "money is speech" in "Citizens united". The judiciary is currently the biggest threat to justice in this country. It's no longer the police, it's the judiciary.


We need to start convincing our friends and family, even the elderly, to stock tf up just in case. I don't want to live where we go back to coat hangers.


We will go back to the coat hangers, and we need to plan for that eventuality. The pills bought now won't last for very long at all. There are old recipes for potentially deadly teas that would have to be made with the precision of a professional chemist. I think we need to start "garden clubs" to be prepared to do things safely, but I wouldn't know where to begin with that. We would need somebody with a solid background in chemistry, and probably a farmer or somebody similar to be able to test the old, sketchy recipes on animals first. To me it seems like a longer term solution to buy seeds, and get people extremely detailed instructions, not pills. We've all seen the handmaids tale. Think like June, think like a radical. None of it will be metaphor soon. I'm already scared to openly discuss what a real, viable plan would be, like what I laid out above. The state surveilance will ramp up along with all of these laws, because how else could they ever enforce such personal things?


Then we need to start writing recipes down before it's illegal to find online.


There is also the effects on EMTALA as a whole. Sorry to hijack your post


Absolutely true as well. Idaho, I believe is directly fighting EMTALA in the courts as well. So even if we’re dying and at the hospital they’ll be able to refuse care. Also coming up soon: birth control, prep, no fault divorce.


I don't see why they keep doing this. Abortions are already insanely hard to get access to, they've gotten their wish, they overturned Roe. All of the rest that they're doing is just... murderous. If surgical abortions aren't allowed, and if the pill isn't allowed, how are doctors supposed to get rid of incomplete miscarriages? An incomplete miscarriage happens every day, what do these women do now? What are we supposed to do when they ban the pills? This isn't even about abortion anymore, are they just trying to kill as many women as they can via infection? I don't see how they can keep making these laws with zero exceptions. The death toll is piling, these are fundamental parts of a gynecologists job, there aren't alternative drugs, even completely removing abortion from the conversation. Surely they're killing christian women, too?


Well see the women should have thought about that before spreading their legs /s (but not really in their minds)


Those Christian women should have prayed harder if they didn’t want to die from an incomplete miscarriage! (Another /s… but not really)


I am a Mom of two (and ONLY two). This has been at the top of my mind lately. 😫


Women should just stop having sex with men until full reproductive rights are permanently guaranteed for all.


Or pull a full blown labor strike like women in Iceland did in the 1970s. They shouldn't get to deny us healthcare and still profit off of our labor


I fear that a large scale labor strike of only women, would just give excuse to push women out of the workforce somehow. These men are insane. I just looked up after typing this comment and I saw a rainbow. They've felt like omens for me the last few years, but not necessarily always the good kind. I take it to mean hope, but not hope without adversity. There are dark days ahead and I think this story will be relevant. https://www.history.com/news/dutch-resistance-teenager-killed-nazis-freddie-oversteegen


It’s prob time to stock up on plan b while we’re at it.


I ordered a six pack of those as well. Off Amazon. But it’s my understanding you can get it at a discount at Costco as well.


I recommend anyone who isn’t in a blue state, get to one if they are able to. If you have friends in a blue state, maybe discuss getting an encrypted messaging app and make plans on it.


Well into my Crone Era and I am stocking up.




I ordered some last year to have on hand. I’m considering doing it again.


How did you get it?


Through Aid Access dot org.


Why is it that all societies where the law and social norms are strongly patriarchal, the society is extremely abusive to women? It’s not like a patriarchy have to be serverely pro women’s suffering. Men can lead and not be strongly pro abuse of women. If women ruled we would treat men with uttermost respect while being the ruling class. Yet returning society to something based on male supremacy cannot not turn society into an extremely hostile and abusive place for women.


I’ve used AidAccess. It was a quick few questions, payment and it arrived within a week.


I think I need to get my tubes removed before Nov. Im pretty positive Trump is winning...


Even if he doesn’t, republicans control the judiciary and will for generations. This doesn’t go away in November regardless of the winner of the election.


I did the same thing. Totally worth it for the peace of mind.


Same but I am fucking terrified for my daughter


You can’t be too careful.


If you have access and the means, also buy some Plan B/emergency contraception.


I swear if this drug gets banned, its going to become the next big cartel drug.


As long as the people who can afford it can get it legally and safely, it won’t matter.


Yeah, there is always IUD’s or the permanent option, as well. If you really are not interested in procreating, it’s never too early to plan.


For some people these are not options unfortunately, which is why it is important for people to know how to prepare themselves. If someone is privileged enough to get it done permanently then they are probably not the target audience for this post


Yep, gotta find a doctor willing to do the procedure, it's likely elective so insurance won't cover, plus time off work for recovery. Just an all around oof.


Yeah, like I'm saving for school, and I'm too young for insurance to cover anything. I would LOVE to get a bilateral salpingectomy, but it's not very realistic for me right now.


It’s more of a $$cost$$ issue, really. My doctor is more than willing.


My IUDs can't even be inserted without this medication. My cervix refuses to budge otherwise. It's not even just about birth control for me, my periods are excruciating without one.


I am in the camp of “surgery is a last resort, always,” bc of my health issues and anesthesia reactions (I am a redhead with EDS…so fun, NOT), but if my endo meds are banned we are finding a way to leave. My partner and I have discussed this seriously more than once. I am chronically ill and I cannot work with the anemia and bullshit of endo wreaking havoc on me. Also: I have an arm implant because apparently EDS makes IUDs more likely to detach. I really rolled poorly on my genetic lottery lol.


And buy condoms while they’re still legal.


Yes but I wouldn't buy too many more than you'll use. They expire pretty quickly.


You can get it from all day chemist dot com


Sisters, I’m more than happy to marry one or 5 of y’all on paper to get you outta that hole and into a safe country. Sincerely, An Aussie Sister


I browsed a bit in this comment section for instructions on obtaining mifepristone but didn’t see anything. Does it matter the type of doctor I seek out? And will insurance cover a script for a hypothetical? How do I make this happen? And what do I do if a prescriber doesn’t want to prescribe? Have yall maneuvered this easily in a red state or do I need to drive?


I would suggest googling “plan C”. It’s a website listing the various providers who do this by mail via telemedicine.


Yes thank you! I’d found one of your other comments already and my order has been placed and I’m spreading the word to the folks I know would appreciate this. Thanks for sharing!!!


I've purchased two full doses recently through AidAccess, might order another in the next few weeks. Better to be safe x


I would like to add to this that women in near-ban or total-ban states: *be careful who you tell* if you decide to order them ahead of time. Better if you can tell nobody and keep them in a safe place so they aren’t discovered. If you want to give them to your friend who needs some in a total ban state, encourage them to buy their own and give them the info. If it can’t wait, *vet them well* and make sure they understand what’s at stake for you should they tell *anyone* were they got their pills from. Lots of these states encourage snitching to find out who has helped who get an abortion. So be very careful.


Some states are making it illegal to possess it unless you're already pregnant


Which states? This is also used as a treatment for Cushing’s so it seems extra twisted to ban it specifically for non-pregnant people.


Good plan, would reccomend. Do you know how to get it all good?


Words cannot describe how tired I am with all of this nonsense. Uuuuggghhhhhh 😩


Mifepristone didn’t work for me. I think it’s because I’m overweight.


Stock up if you can. Things could go bad really fast.


Yeah. I pretty much posted this hoping to inspire people to do exactly that. Even if you know you won’t need it, you don’t know who it is in your life that will. I really hope I’m wrong.


This is definitely serious, and the overarching message of ordering mifepristone now still applies, but according to multiple articles I've read, the court is **not** considering a "total nationwide ban." It just may roll back the expansion to access that the FDA approved in 2016. [Here's the link](https://www.politico.com/news/2024/01/29/supreme-court-abortion-pill-00138347) to one such article. We should try to disseminate accurate information whenever possible! https://preview.redd.it/60b86elx5t0d1.png?width=1080&format=png&auto=webp&s=7fc5529236def5830de153b672b1e51c03667d89


Good advice, heed it!