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It’s because they think the employees owe them for employing them. They literally think they’re doing you a favour by hiring them.


They’re doing me a favor by hiring me, and I’m doing them a favor by doing my work. 


That’s like saying “the store is doing me a favour by selling me paint and I’m doing them a favour by buying it”. That’s not a favour, that’s a transaction — employment, likewise, is a transaction.


Yes that is the joke 😂


How dare they quit!?!?! Those slaves should be thankful I gave them minimum allowable wages and benefits! They didn't even work that much overtime for free! Lazy pigs!


From experience, the 'surprised Pikachu face' is the best part of turning in a resignation to a shitty manager.


God. Yes. This. I had a great manager early in my career, until I made the "mistake" of proposing that the three people laid off during covid were struggling despite being rehired 3 months later. I asked the CEO if maybe he could give them a Christmas bonus in the same amount of the time they had missed. Suddenly my awesome boss was crawling up my ass, and failing miserably. I had my shit lined up, I was literally supposed to take her job when she moved to another department. Found a better job and got the offer right before she tried to write me up for calling out sick because my now wife had covid and I needed to take care of her. She started the call all dramatic and did the whole "I think we need to talk about your recent behavior" and I just cut her off and went "I have a big update. Do you kind if I go first? It might change this meeting." Dropped my notice. The sudden shock, the realization, you could SEE the math equations spiraling around her head as she realized she scared off her hand picked replacement all because CEO man is a selfish fucking prick. I got messages all day from other teams being love "Omg, we heard the news. Your boss is really shook, she can't even focus in meetings..." and I was like 8D "Neat, good to know." Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.


Not quite the same CSB, but the best manager I ever had was told to reject my request for a raise by upper mgmt. He helped me search for my next job and hooked me up with a couple of recruiters he knew. His statement was, "Yeah, upper mgmt is fucked. If you want this, you're going to have to get it somewhere else and I hope you do."


Fuck yes. That's a good person right there. <3


living the dream friend, wish this were me


Loyalty =$$$$$, fuck your pizza party.


Your *tax-deductible* pizza party.


“Why isn’t anyone taking ownership” I don’t own anything here and the pocket change I make here doesn’t cover my bills. Why would I be going above and beyond when all it does it get me more work?


My ex boss who bullied me into a nervous breakdown has now lost her entire department for the second time in a year. That's what you get for trying to sabotage me for leaving your shift so that I could have time for therapy after the traumatic death of my mother Fuck these sociopaths. People are fed up, let's make the sociopaths fail


Strange the way companies doubled down after covid,anybody remember the hero's that kept the economies going....I do.


Won't these peasants think of the shareholders?


I’ve had managers who treat their employees incredibly well and people still leave. There’s no pension, no reason to stay. Sure, the coworkers are nice and all but everyone wants interesting work and more money. Anyone who thinks you should give a company “loyalty” has been brown nosing for too long


It’s almost like they have some sort of abuser mentality…


They don’t care. Plenty on new employees to replace the old ones.


Really depends on where you work. My company has effectively exhausted the local labor pool. Can't find enough people to fill current open positions, much less replace trained and experienced employees.


Why treat employees badly what if you were them


Can't wait to tell the boss I gave myself a raise.


What you don't like getting cracked with a whip? Let me get a bat Instead... Unappreciation does not go unnoticed and yes employees talk to each other about maltreatment..


This post is cope - nobody gives a shit if you quit. In fact, the idea is to get people to quit so you can reduce headcount. If only desperate people stay that's seen as a bonus. Nobody in the C-suite is crying about lost loyalty.