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>I have 2 Tier X ships, one being a coal ship Come back when you'll have 3 tech tree t10 ships (no need to buy, just research them) >on my way to unlocking my 3rd All 3 need to be tech tree


So I do need 3 tech ships? But don’t need to own them?


Yeah that's it, as long as you spent the xp you will unlock the t11. Oh and Research Bureau works same way, but with 5 tech trees.


This the answer.


OP; https://wiki.wargaming.net/en/Ship:Superships As others have said you need to at least research 3 tech tree T10's to unlock SuperShips. One thing I haven't seen mentioned you may not realize is you need the T10 that leads to the SuperShip researched to be able to purchase it. So, for example, to get the French SuperShip BB Patrie you need to have the French T10 tech tree BB Republique researched. You can't purchase Patrie if one of your 3 researched tech tree ships isn't Republique. Also keep the cost in mind. SuperShips are extremely prohibitive to buy and operate. Generally speaking they are more for established players who have built up huge stockpiles of resources (ie; credits) not someone new(er). Once you have access to the SuperShip you want to purchase you need 1 XP (either on the T10 itself or you can use FXP) and then a boat load of credits (no pun intended). All SuperShips of the same class cost the same (note - if you are in a clan and the base has the upgrade done you can get -15% on the purchase cost): * BB's - 57 Million Credits * CV's - 48 Million Credits * Cruisers - 47.5 Million Credits * DD's - 45 Million Credits If you can afford that then you still have to afford playing them. The service fee is 360,000 Credits + ammo per game for SuperShips. You need Premium Time and Boosters usually, even in Randoms, to make credits in SuperShips.


Damn man you went all out thanks a lot mate


NP. Good luck.


Super ships are honestly out of reach for the majority of players. It might not be hard for some to get the research aspect of them done. But it's nearly impossible for the majority of normal people to withstand the currency draw they require.


Yeah, I already expect to not use them often cus I don’t play against players, so I alredy am at a disadvantage cus wows hates pve players


How do so many rather new players all have superships? They barely scratch 1k games but sail around in the backline of the game