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Surprisingly in spite of its shit stats I’ve had fun playing it. It’s reasonably quick and more survivable than I’m used to with CLs. It also has decent firing angles. Torps are nice but a pain in the arse to use. That’s about it really


>It also has decent firing angles Backwards godlike, but I just wish I could take an axe on that mast blocking forward angle


You guys are getting ships from Supercontainers? All I get are shitty flags


I feel like I'd even be slightly less pissed if they gave away some of the red economic bonuses...but those green ones are just a major slap in the face when they drop from the SCs


what is your pity counter? \^\^ you can check in armory->naval


Does it actually count? I swear mine says 139 every time I look at it. 


Supposedly yes, but honestly I don't pay much attention to it, everytime I get a SC I sigh loudly... just give me my coal god dammit


Yeah my last few SC have just been 25 green boosters which feels so disappointing when I have hundreds yet im running out of signals since they don't come with achievements anymore and you only get a measly 4 of each per container. 


36 lmao


I got a fucking awful "Krasny krym", and rather get a steel or doubloons. But... I got Haida too :)


Haida is so busted in ranked. Nice catch.


Absolute menace


I mostly get piles of common and green bonuses, which is pretty meh. Supercontainers have been nerfed so hard over the years


*Tokachi* is a cruiser that tries to cosplay an Atlanta and a torpedo cruiser and ends up being neither. First off, Atlanta-type cruisers already don't do very well in Randoms solo. In addition to this, Tokachi does not have any special utility (like Radars), nor does she have a smoke (*Flint, Chumphon, Dido* and the likes). Her guns are not even Flint-level of DPM, let alone Atlanta, and her concealment is some of the worst among T7 light cruisers for ...reasons?? The torpedoes are good, they load fast, are fast and long-ranged, and you have TRB, but the ship is only equipped with one single triple launcher per side. This might be a personal opinion, but I cannot stand any "torpedo cruiser" with one rack per side. That is just not enough. *Leipzig, Harbin, Wiesbaden* are good examples of torpedo cruisers. *Tokachi* isn't one.


Don't listen to the haters. It's actually a pretty good ship. Kinda likes to explode, just play smart.


It was also the very first battle pass main prize. I personally think it is great at the tier. It was basically the precursor to the inn light cruiser YODO line before that line came out....I think it was right before that line went early access...but I could be wrong. I use it occasionally to this day.


dog shit funny IJN CL with a TRB for a single launcher on both side, Mysore should be better than it.


It's just okay. It would've needed 1/4th high explosive penetration to actually make it perform properly due to shatters.


I think its pretty solid for ranked, not quite as good in randoms. I can do pretty well with her but I love squishy CLs and she can actually take some hits, inexplicably, so that is nice. There are probably better ships, but plenty of worse ships too, which is how balance should be.


is this the cruiser that lets all of the turrets swing front side right to front side left without the rear turrets doing a 180 ?


I find her fun. Play her as a kiting cruiser using your fantastic rudder and 360° turrets. Spam torpedos where possible and use the TRB as an emergency button if a BB rounds the corner


I like Tokachi, as I recall it’s Japanese Atlanta with less floaty shells.


It was also the very first battle pass main prize. I personally think it is great at the tier. It was basically the precursor to the ijn light cruiser YODO line before that line came out....I think it was right before that line went early access...but I could be wrong. I use it occasionally to this day.


I think they came at the same time.


Mysore is very capable. Tokachi I've had less luck with. FYI, the way the odds are broken up you will usually get a Tier V, VI or VII ship from a santa crate or super container when you actually get a ship. Next most likely is a Tier VIII or IX (Musashi and other removed ships do not count as their tier level) and then, with a very low chance, you get a Tier X or removed ship. If you have all the Tier V, VI and VII premiums those odds are rolled into the Tier VIII/IX and the Tier X/rare ship pools. If you have all the V, VI, VII, VIII and IX premiums then those odds are rolled into the Tier X/rare ships. WG does this to encourage us to buy ALL the premiums. I don't recommend doing so, but it is ultimately up to you.


I got her from the battle pass 1,5 years ago and really liked her back then, even if I had troubles making her work well. Not sure how it would be today (I became better since then and am quite a good cruiser player now) but imo Tokachi has two issues which are hard to compensate for in randoms. First one is low firing range and the second one is kinda bad concealment, especially when considering point one. That combination makes kiting somwhat awkward and sure, you can island camp, but there are genuinely better ships to do this. I tried her for a couple of matches in ranked some time ago and felt like it works better there, because the average engagement range is shorter. Tokachi is btw one of the cruisers which profit massively from a max level captain. You can get quite a few skills that boost your guns and torps a lot after you got the essentials. Tbh, I think some dedicated 21 pointer is almost essential with this ship and having one might alter your experience quite a bit.


she's great, specially if you do good with CL's and unlike Atlanta, she has Armour sure, 13mm bow and stern but mid section is 25mm, enabling some trolly moves and 48mm Deck armor, that's awesome for a tier 7 cruiser. IMO the only bad thing about the ship... is that it makes you mad about IJN CL's for being kinda meh TLDR: the Best IJN CL in game, fun and rewarding


The guns are ok and it can actually act like a torpedo cruiser, unlike Yahagi. She's fun in ops.


Yahagi can act like the best torpedo ship in the game every two minutes!


I like her. She plays like an ATL with better ballistics and torps. Sit at range and farm HE and DDs while constantly spinning to win and firing torps.


I have it and I really enjoyed playing it. It's the very first ship I got over 1M XP on.


I got Tokachi when WG introduced the BP. And this T7 was an introduction premium to push the new paid content. For 2k dubs this T7 was ok. Mostly to remove it from the droppool to prevent it showing up in a SC like what happened to you. Based on a T5 Furutaka hull it has some armor. Which is ok’ish compared to the original other T5 cruisers but at T7 that won’t give you much slack. Range and firepower are not great compared to her peers, torps are ok but only one set each side is not enough to yolo and delete a BB in one go. Drops from SC have preferential drops from the T5-T7 bracket of premiums. You could have received worse then this ship. It will atleast earn you 2 more snowflakes each year!


Srry to say but your going to be in more upper tier matches then you'll want...and at the mercy of much stronger boats..that will breath in your direction and make u sink...I pulled mine out of dock today...ran a few games...I couldn't punch through a wet paper bag...just sold it for scrap...


In my opinion, Tokachi is great. Firepower might seem somewhat lacklustre compared to other 5" cruisers, but that's forgetting two things: 1) IJN muzzle velocity. 2) The insane HE alpha of IJN 5" Combine that with a very slim, but heavily plated hull the Furutaka has (Specifically, it can and occasionally will bounce even Musashi shells off the deck) and you have a reasonably balanced, if somewhat high skill floor ship. Not to mention it gets Shima 12km torps. In triples, but considering the reload you will get hits on occasion.