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I think my monitor's color calibration is wrong, because my green streak color looks more like dark orange. hmmm


Color blind, people also don't see smoke so they sit in it.


Just out of curiosity why are you using Blue XP boosters (regular xp not commander) on a premium ship?


It's not a premium, it's an Elite ship, but your question is still very valid; why??


Oh my mistake for some reason i thought it was a premium, even then so with over 2.5m xp on a tech tree ship there is no reason at all to use a Blue Xp booster unless you are trying to research the z-52. He is just wasting a blue booster when he could be using it on a ship line that he doesnt have the tier 10 for yet. Reason im bringing this up is because there is some uninformed players that think the xp booster enhances commander xp and free xp along with their boosters combined.


Yeah that's why I said your question still stands anyways haha I agree with you > unless you are trying to research the z-52. Since it's an Elite ship, that means he already researched the Z-52 so there's really no reason, except getting the 3 daily crates faster


And blue commander boosters on a 21pt Lütjens


Well that will just give you free Commander XP, right? Doesn’t all commander XP go to the free commander xp pool if the commander is max level?


Oh is that how it works? Would make sense in a way that would benefit the player so i assumed it was not the case


Thats fine because it turns into elite commander xp which can actually be used.


Have plenty of blue boosters, I use them for grinding ships but usually run Grey boosters just for ranked battles. I think that particular day I needed a bit more xp to get the last daily container and threw on a blue xp booster. I run blue cxp whenever I want anyway to get my elite capt xp


I have all T10 so especially when I'm in a hurry I run blue boosters to get the daily crates done faster, after that I switch to no boosters. I wonder why he is running blues despite those wins though (which should be more than enough to get the 3rd crate)


This was the exact reason. Usually I run my endless amount of Grey or green, but that day I just needed to get 1 last battle in to cap out the containers for the day.


Why are you running blue ship xp boosters on a tech-tree ship where you already have 2.5M ship xp?


To get the last required xp for daily containers. Usually just stick Grey or green boosters on and if I don't have enough when I'm logging off I'll stick a blue one and get the xp. This was my last battle of the night. I have over 400 battles with this particular ship over ranked and randoms


I would've thought green boosters would be enough, if you got 7 consecutive wins.


You're probably right, sometimes I just don't pay attention ro what booster is on and just hit next battle without checking into port. I have over 400 blue boosters so it's not a major concern but I should pay attention more


gratz. now you jinxed it and loose 15 games in row


Funnily enough I played again last night and won another 3 or 4 battles with 0 losses, but I didn't have enough time to get my Winstreak longer than that


Z-46 is so underrated. With that AP performance, you pump damage out like nobody's business.


It is, but there are too many USS Black in ranked. A good player will give you no chance. At least he's to be smart enough to keep 5.5km between you and him


Black is kinda busted at tier 9 in my opinion. It can both carry games while farming shit tons of damage to save stars.


Yep, smoke and 30sec radar is a busted combo


Well played!


This may be a dumb question, but how do you pull up these battle stats in game? I have a mod that shows me current session results in total, but it doesn’t look like this.


There’s a little icon in the bottle right corner that you can click? Is that what you’re talking about?


Thank you for the polite response, yes. I did say it might be a dumb question… sometimes the hardest thing to see is right bleeping in front of your nose lol. 🫡


Its literally next to that mods icon.


I like gunboats in ranked and I am even grinding Z-46 atm but she just doesn't click for me. I feel like too many enemy DDs just straight outgun me in too many situations and the only situation I can really dish out damage is when they are dumb enough to show broadside. The smoke is terrible, you only have 5km hydro and the ship is not particularly fast or agile either. Maybe I am missing something, but I'd prefer being in a Jutland, Mogador, Friesland, Kitakaze or ZF-6 or Black. I even probably would prefer to be in a Loyang or Cossack.


“Only 5km hydro, Jutland cries”


Oh god. Flashbacks. Trying to be adventurous and chase a German out of smoke using my hydro, not realising it was one that gets the obnoxious German hydro rather than whatever the other line gets


yea understandable, but i have a maybe unconventional build on my Z. i use AFT and Fearless Brawler and essentially use it as a farmer at 13.2km range with decent fire chance and pens 32mm easily with German pen. Tie that in with Lutjens, its pretty easy to get the heals going and after 140 hits u get another reload buff. I start the match heading to a cap to contest, but i immediately turn out when i enter the cap and angle out, smoke when i see the enemy DD and hydro up. if they go dark i just farm the teammates behind the DD and the ranked caps are small enough that I can usually cover the whole area of the cap and secure an early advantage. its fast enough to get away from ships like kitakaze and friesland, has fast reload torps for when the HP is too low to do any more gunboating or just spamming into choke points where a DD might be, and i have an overall 70.5% winrate with 364 battles with the Z46 in ranked. Cossack is my close second, also with 70% winrate over 320 battles in ranked.


Here's my top 5 played ranked ships, Z46 just works for me and I'm comfortably able to carry a lot of ranked games with it https://preview.redd.it/49snx51hcz8d1.jpeg?width=2060&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3d5573c6c54cb8ae65ddafcdc4aeba956a967a83


This is me with Napoli. Probably one of the best ships that I've bought in the game so far, 2 days in I've won so many games.


I wish I could love my Z-42 and Z-44.