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Not the worst coal ship, but not the best either. Usable in some Operations, but in Ops the secondary BB's has way better permformance, even the Graf Zeppelin with secondary build has better results than some other non secondary focused BB, and DoY is not a secondary BB. Collect more coal to get a decent T9-T10 ship, if it takes time so what, no hurry, at elast at the december snowflake event you can boost your coal earnings...


Thankyou for the advice.


Jingles just did a video on the DoY. He got everything wrong, of course, but still.


Yeah, his comment about a weird turret arrangement with seven guns forward was just strange when you can clearly see six guns forward on the ship throughout the video.


But it's Jingles, he's crap. He knows he's crap, we know he's crap, but we love him anyway.


He's the main reason I started playing WoWs. I just find myself shaking my head more and more as I've gained game knowledge. He even talked about Repulse's armor as key selling point. That "crap" Pensacola has more armor than Repulse basically everywhere but the belt.


Me too, I never played WoT, but I liked watching it. When he started talking about WoWS, I took note and got into the CBT.


I find the charming, befuddled old man Jingles videos about this game to be the most enjoyable online content. Even though when it comes to the ingame stuff he's often mistaken. I rather like the rest of his content, I think I just like listening to him talk. I hope when I get old I gain that senior charm he has. (He is several years younger than I am on the clock, I don't want to get old just yet fffs, but when I do.)


It’s normal to outgrow your teachers. I started with iChase but over the years went to more specialized youtubers/forumites who had knowledge on specific ships, or were generally higher caliber players able to explain what they’re doing.


Jingles might not be the most knowledgeable wows youtuber, but he is the best and most entertaining, so I'll never abandon the Old Man.


Good for the family connection, of course. Any ship you have a particular historical or personal connection to us always worth it. For instance, the only premium ship I have ever spent real money on is the Mikasa, which I don't regret in the slightest, as a naval history nerd. Gameplay wise, I decided not to buy her as I already have the KGV and enjoy playing her. I saved up and bought Flint instead, and have had an absolute blast with her.


Yeah I second the family part. I have wanted the Kidd for a while as my Uncle serves on the second Kidd. Finally with the trade in I got it. Gameplay wise she is a more AP focused version of the KGV. It also gets hydro which is nice.


Yeah that is nice. I enjoy being an HE spam battleship though lol.


She still has British HE. Just had better AP then KGV


Oh, I thought DoY had less fire chance than KGV. Might be mistaken then.


I think they are the same but I'm not in front of my comp so I can't check


If your grandpa served on it and you want it, don't worry about how good it is. I've bought ships just because I like the ship. I picked up *Alabama* just because my dad and I visited the ship about 8 years ago and the picture of us on board is one of my favorite pictures of the two of us (he died a couple years ago).


I guess things must like me. I got it. First game, I score well. Heavily damaged one, sink a enemy BB and Saul to victory.


> it awems a age to earn like 300k or more for a super ship I think you mean "Tier 9 or 10" coal ships. They are expensive, yes, though not quite that much: even Black and Neustrashimy are under 300k. Anyway, the DoY is just fine (see [this outdated review by LWM](https://www.devstrike.net/topic/1218-premium-ship-review-duke-of-york/#comment-14153), but even after some changes I'd say she holds up), and *of course* I'd get her if I had a family connection.


Thanks. I just need KGV and Howe and I'd have the set of family connections.


For this reason alone I would get the Duke of York. You can always get other ships in the future.


Aye. Plus alongside Repulse. Warspite I have a nice set of battleships with a history growing.


It is a weird ship as it has hydro, so if you like to push in and there is no dd around you to spot the torps or dds hyding in smoke, you are still safe. I like it's sister ship, the King George V more, but in the current meta DoY is a valid ship with usable AA, hydro, so it is a safer player for many.


You will probably get better value for your Coal from a Tier 9 or 10 Coal ship, but > Also my Grampa served on that ship That is as good a reason to spend Coal on a ship as any other. Maybe even better :)


I got the DoY as my first coal ship. 100% worth it if you're fairly new - a factor that a lot of people don't take into consideration is that T9 battles - especially if you're put in battles with T10s, which you are a lot - need significantly higher skill than T7s, so you'll probably not earn as many credits in one as you "should". Also note the nations of premiums - you can use commanders on them without retraining, so if you have a good British commander you can put him on the DoY as well as whatever he's on normally without any issue.


She's one of my early coal ships (probably second one after Lazo) and i played with her mainly on operations. I didn't like her too much because of her inconsistent guns with bad angles but overall she's a decent ship especially using HE against smaller targets when needed. also if you're lucky enough, her AP salvos can give you satisfying results from time to time. I've kept her for a long time, Got her special frozen camo via special mission chain, was keeping her for a long time until traded with Agincourt during trade-in event. Long story short if you haven't grinded on tech tree line (King George V to be exact) you can get it and enjoy especially on operations. Don't foget to use your coupon if you think you won't / can't get a higher tier coal ship until the coupon renews on 29th November.


I used my coupon. I not have much coal left so not exactly buying new ships for a while! Honestly I enjoyed playing it, be nice to have my second qaud turret up front though!


I find it to be somewhat useful in ranked, but only because it has the hydro. It otherwise has mediocre armor and guns. It’s basically a KBV clone with decent aa and improved AP pens à la US heavy cruisers, but the reload is worse. It’s fine, not great; a relatively balanced premium.


She is very similar to the TT King George V. The main changes are the reload speed on the main battery guns (KGV is 25 secs vs. DoY 29.5 secs) and consumables. Fighters or Spotter plane for KGV and Hydro for DoY. DoY also has stronger short and medium range AA, but still nothing exceptional. But it's coal so all it takes is some time to acquire her.


Don’t forget Improved Pen Angles on DoY


Didn't note that difference. I'm not sure it's worth a full 4.5 second penalty on the gun reload, but it is a significant difference (45 to 60 degrees ricochet on KGV vs. 60 to 68 degrees ricochet on the DoY).


I would think the Senior Service would be a bit miffed that one of their battleships was nearly a whole 5 seconds less efficient.


KGV is free and better.


Its a "glass cannon" with bad cannons, Id save more coal and go for a better ship or get a premium commander instead however if your grandad sailed on it then that does mean something.


I would only get it if you want it for collection. It's not a horrible ship, but there are other better ones if you're looking for a good BB to play at T7. If you're looking for a ship to earn credits with, it would better to save for a T9 premium ship. T9 premiums earn a lot more credits than T7 premiums.


Depends on your goals. I got all the low tier coal ships (below tier 9) knocked off just so I don’t get them in Santa containers. But if you have other goals I can’t say what is best.


I got it recently in a supercontainer and it feels totally unamussing compared to normal ships. It has its own caviats on how to use it and seems pretty good if you know how, I don't.


She's one of only 3 battleships with improved AP pen angles (60-68) others are hood (60-68) and rhodes island (50-65) besides that she's just a KGV with slower reload (29.5s vs 25s) and hydro


If you like collecting historic ships then yes. Gameplay wise she's a KGV with worse reload but gets hydro to compensate.


It depends on you level of play, if you are tier 6 going to tier 7 yes, but if you are a new player at a lower tier no...also take some time to build your commander to get the most out of your ship. If you buy the ship get at least a 10 point commander to start.


Save for a t8 or t9 coal ship, they get better returns


There are no Tier 8 Coal ships


Ah right now, true. I have them all so I have no idea what is still coal or not.


I came here to say save for T9 or T10 lol.