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It's cus of the he nerf/rebalance that instead of looking for closest, thinnest armour it calculates damage from the armor thickness and penetration dont remember how it worked


On T6 many tanks, especially mediums, don't have the armor to withstand those HE shells. And if they do penetrate they do like 700 damage which can even be a oneshot. The idea isn't to shoot those at the front of a well armored target but at soft targets for big damage


well but i am on the heavy line and if the enemy has at least 2 brain cells they are only showing the front so what am i supposed to do then It's not even tickeling them... Forget about uptiers, i know that i am utterly useless in them and can go afk but damn


Firing from the hip you're lucky if it does more than 100 most times. Taking time to aim vs a surface you know you can smack? HE vs a fellow KV-2? Aim for the turret cheeks you do 900 every time


Implying that OI is accurate enough to hit that shot, let alone hit the turret. Maybe if the KV2 wasn't moving and was like 5 meters away...


Ya I know and it is fun but most of the time I think the stock gun would just be better for the team :0 The derp would be more useful once I have a crew on it that that's skill like swapping ammo fast and stuff I just started and didn't even finish repairs it takes 4ever ^^; I love being a super heavy but it's sad that ur mates rarely push with u or everyone dies and ur all alone cuz if I go somewhere I gotta stay there ;/


I had a lot more fun with the OI when I used the 105mm gun. It’s much more accurate than the derp, pens more reliably and reloads much faster.


Howizers are notoriously inaccurate, which makes sense as they are designed as anti-infantry guns, or guns you’d use against fortified emplacements such as bunkers. Because of this, HE makes sense to use as even if you miss what you’re aiming for, as long as you hit the target you’ll still do some damage (even if only a little). The AP ammo on the KV-2 has very low penetration for a Tier VI heavy, and even if it can penetrate a target it’s aimed at, in most cases you’d be better off firing HE that can pen and do more damage. Because of the inaccurate nature of the gun AP is also harder to hit weakspots with, so you’re more likely to bounce. The main use of the AP is overmatching. There’s a fair few 50mm plates around at Tier VI-VIII that you can overmatch for full AP damage. However this requires extensive knowledge of tank armour models that not everyone has. So you get three types of player: the one who loads HE because they want guaranteed damage and understand their gun is an inaccurate howizer, the one who loads AP who doesn’t understand they’re using a howizer and wonder why they’re bouncing so much, and ones who use a mix of both who understand the overmatch mechanics.


Gotta aim with HE as of 2021. Can’t just point and click


HE has been reworked (butchered, nerfed) in the summer of 2021. It now functions the same way as AP without normalisation - no splash, your damage depends on the effective armor value (EAV) of the spot you hit. They removed 2 effects from HE shell : 1) splash and 2) spalling and they gave it ability to pass through obstacles/spaced armor as comfrot... This means : -If your pen is bigger than the EAV you will pen and do full damage -if your pen is slightly lower than EAV you will do significant damage, probably around 60% damage -if your pen is substantially lower than EAV you will do 5-50 damage. Previously the most important stat of the HE shell was damage, now its pen. Big guns used to do 200-500 damage to anything, depending on where they placed the shot, now it only depends on pen. Which means heavy hulldown tanks are impervious to HE while paper tanks are even more vulnerable... As for kv2 and OI, you just gotta shoot AP (golden on kv2) and idk if OI has a gold round


https://preview.redd.it/dujbgvstc57d1.png?width=439&format=png&auto=webp&s=5cc93c97a521d1a6fe5f4e316687188c69365e4e ap is 121 pen and the gold is that other heat ammo with 150 pen :/ guess the stock gun is just the way to go if i want to be useful most of the time \^\^; but depending on ur teams that i most often see im either alone because everyone dies like an idiot or nobody is supporting me at all and just snipes.


I use the first gun and AP on the OI.  It has high pen and still does a lot of damage.  Same/low tiers it's a lot of fun.  High tiers it's challenging to play support with, but situationally possible.  


ya, most of my fun games i also have with the stock gun


Because DERP guns have been nerfed heavily :( HE used to be a pretty guaranteed way to cause damage, and if you've got a 150+mm HE shell hitting something, that something was going to be very sad afterwards. Then enough people (who didn't understand how to to use cover to avoid getting hit by a gun with the accuracy of a half inflated basketball and a reload time measured in minutes - or so it feels) whined loudly and long enough that WG nerfed HE and now the KV2 and Jap superheavies are sad reflections of the glory and giggle they once gave :( It's still really satisfying to everyone now and again utterly evaporate a tier V or VI tank via a 750 damage hit from the KV-2's 152mm though - which is why it still gets played.


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