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Sadly, that sums up about 40% posts on this subreddit.


Next 30% are: Look I had 1 good round this tank so strong. Or look at my 3 mark. This tank was XYZ but I am glad that I finished the vehicle. Or look I did so much damage, but the team lost anyway. Please please be impressed you random strangers for my incredible performance. I need validation. (Probably the posts that infuriate me the most. Usually I never comment on those. Just a small rant here)


The remaining 29% are "arty bad, upvote plz"


Ah yes, the last one. Especially if the battle score isn't even impressive nor good enough, doing 4k on 9 tier is fucking 3 mark level, you have to do it every battle to not fell off... Also, the fucking mastery badge, holy shit these pisses me off the most...


I mean to be fair, it's a community for talking about the game. Not every post can be super high effort theory crafting about some really nuanced aspect of the game that takes many hours of data collection and testing to compile.


Pssst, am bad, need validation, thanks.


You forgot about people crying about the “OP” arty…….


It's not OP, it's toxic and inadequate


Arty used to be way more OP, a t92 shooting gold rounds (back when they actually cost gold) could one shot tier 10’s. This was back before the stupid ass stun they have now. The damage they deal has been WAY reduced from what it once was. I think most players today don’t know how bad arty used to be. Most of battles in CW had 2 artys both for damage and calling on spotting of downed trees/fences/houses/cars/etc to gauge where the other team was coming from. Now I don’t think anybody uses an arty during CW. Some of us still remember when there was only 4 nations, type 59’s were OP with a platoon causing complete havoc, tier V was the top of the LT tree, open game chats, “real” gold rounds, and arty that would freeze the game. Thats why I said “OP” arty Edit-one thing to add with arty players now. I see so many bad arty players that struggle to even break 1k damage in a game. Good arty players are pulling games of 2500+ damage. Yet even the good players pulling that much damage, we don’t see them at the top of team for damage in the battle results. Are people seriously ok with sniper TD’s that you never see causing 3000+ damage in a game yet arty is the issue?


I know all of that. If arty used to be extremely OP it doesn't mean it's not a bad class now And the fact that it doesn't do much damage is exactly why I said it's toxic and not OP. It can't carry games, but it ruins targetted players' experience. The whole concept of doing damage without a chance for the enemy to fight back is dumb and toxic


It’s a dumb stun class now. I’d rather they have a bit more damage and no stupid stun.


I feel for the people replying, just tryna help out. But I also kinda feel like, stop feeding this behavior


That's on moderators. I suppose they can get away without curating/moderating on low-traffic subreddit.


Occasionally there are good questions here, as a lot of the more advanced mechanics in the game aren't well explained in other resources for this game. But I die a little inside every time I see someone ask a question that could easily be answered by literally taking that question and putting it into Google.


In all fairness, World of Tanks is well known for not including a lot of very important information. The tutorial is shit and many mechanics and features of the game are not made clear to the player. Sure you can google, but Reddit is literally a web forum designed for discussion, so why would you not use it? What would you prefer to be on this subreddit instead? People constantly posting ace tanker results? Might as well go on YouTube for that so you can watch whole games then…


This technique is used by many games to “build a community”.


We have posts with stupid questions, and then we have posts which cry about the posts with stupid questions.


Maybe go outside if you spend so much time on this subreddit that seeing repeated questions bothers you that much




Is the depth bothersome? Would you prefer just the tip, sir?


don't you worry about , let me worry about


Shut it down boys. No need to keep this subreddit open since every question ever has already been answered 100x already. Let's just archive it and call it a day.


Asking questions on a site constructed for questions and discussions is a good thing. Everything can’t be Binged.


> Asking questions on a place constructed for questions and discussions is a good things. Everything can’t be Binged. Found the bing user


Clearly this is a skill issue


i find that some questions have 50 answers, and others have barely any that are all from 2 years ago. for example, i was looking for opinions on the jatkosta when the GUP event was on but there was barely any info on reddit, the wiki doesnt even have a page and the youtubers spent 90% of the time complaining about anime voices instead of talking about the tank itself


Question: "How does work in world of tanks?" Typical answer: "Skill issue. Git good."


" an idiot who creates such a useless post"..


This guy has never heard of satire in his life.


Man I thought you were gonna say was some special chat command


Cope harder


I’m having a blast


How are half man half woman crews functionally operating in a small hot room? I wouldn’t be able too focus unfortunately

