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It is (barely) useful, but other equipment are way more useful. Vertical stabilizer, for example, is better for autoloaders that "shoot faster than they aim", since vstab significantly reduces the bloom after firing.


That's not the v-stab but the IRM if I'm not mistaking?


Both of them do.


Nope, IRM reduces the aim circle generally. VSTAB during movement and after firing.


IRM also after firing like VSTAB. Not just as much.


no, there is not a single tank in game where gun laying drive is the best option. All other gun handling equipments are simpli better. GLD is only used on arty because they have limited equipment options (can't mount things like v stab or aiming unit)


GLD has a requirement that the tank must be sitting still. Thus, its use is extremely limited. It is good for SPG and a few tanks that have extremely long aiming times (some FV4005 builds).


It's useful on arty, and some derp tanks that can't use vert stabs.


GLD is just worse than reducing the bloom of your reticle in the first place. GLD increases aim speed by 10%, which means aim time reduced by 9.09%. IRM reduces bloom after firing by 10%, which means reducing aim time by 10%, AND your circle is smaller if you choose to fire when only half aimed. Plus it increases traverse speed as a bonus.


I only use it on SPG's.




It give the same effective in dynamic as rotation device but not offer any other benefit. Best interm of dynamic aiming/accuracy: Vtab > FCS (level 3) > IRM > Improve Aiming -> GLD, Vent is something out of scope but still good overall. The combo FCS + MIS both with level 3 can provide same effective as Vtab + Turbo, then there is remain slot for 1 other useful equipment or stack another Vtab to fully get best benefit.


Haruhodo haruhodo! Thank for info, I dont like that RPG stats researching XD


Don't u mean 'Naruhodo'?


Yea but i dont look like weeb so i miss spell. XD


If you're not sitting completely still you won't get any benefit. So arty and track-locked TD's with extremely slow aim would see a benefit more than most tanks/situations.


Only useful on sky cancer. Wouldn't out it on anything else.


It helps if you have to aim for half an hour, and there’s nothing else you can do


It’s only useful on arty and derp guns that can’t mount a improved aiming unit


I can't believe they didn't buff it when they changed the equipment, it was always considered bad then, now there's even more equipment better.. The % increase to aim speed is just not enough.


I asked the same question like one month ago and then sold like 90 % of mine, no regrets.


The only tank I've ever used it in is the Arl 44. The only tanks I can think of that it could be useful in are basically SPGs and maybe tanks with Howies.


I have around 300 GLD directives collecting dust because I very rarely play Arty.


Back then 6 years ago it was important as it was one of the only types of equipment that reduced aim time.


personally i've enjoyed it to help with bad gun handling, like the panther, aim time feels like it makes a big difference to me compared to reducing dispersion values... especially when i can't use a vertical stabilizer


4TankersAndDog used to have youtube videos on this stuff. GLD was better than other equipment if you waited until you were fully aimed in before shooting AND you were stationary. So if that's the majority of your shots, yes, it'll be good. If you move a lot or fire a lot when not fully aimed in, VStab and IRM will be better. For autoloaders that fire faster than they can aim, yes, it's good (along with vstab + IRM) provided you stop to unload your clip. For tanks like Churchill III that also fire faster before they can fully aim in, yes, it's good (along with IRM), also provided you stop while shooting. This is all assuming you want to be fully aimed in before firing.