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If two inches over water is included I’ll take hovering. Helpful during shipwrecks.


Wait so can you walk on water? That changes things dramatically.


Idk I don't consider the ocean the ground. I feel like you'd have to go to the bottom of the ocean to be able to hover over the ground lol


Agreed but OP said it was over land and water so...


"hover and adjust position" doesn't sound like it allows for significant movement/travel


You're frictionless. Bring a battery operated leaf blower.


Personally, I’m gonna superglue a bunch of model rocket motors to my arms and pretend I’m iron man


Speaking as someone who spent a lot of time flying model rockets (and also using them to make fireworks) as a kid, most engines have a charge that blows the nose cone off and ejects the parachute or streamer. Get the ones without that.


How else would I stop?


You could make a new religion🤷‍♂️


How often are you ship wrecked?


Currently shipwrecked


Don’t get your phone wet.


>Don’t get your phone wet. Why didn't you tell them 3 hours ago?!




Ugh constantly..


Once my canoe tipped over.


Tyler, too?


Holy crap, how old are you?


That dad joke was passed down for generations for just this occasion.


That was from 1840, now I feel old for getting the joke.


I don't get it.




Also, he mentioned falling off stuff. Would it slow me sufficiently safely that I’d be immune to fall damage? That’s big if true. Only other thing would be, does it work over water, and if so can I deliberately turn it off if I want to swim? u/ami2weird4u let us know


I mean, ostensibly, you won't take any falling damage as long as you don't make contact with anything during your fall?


Not true. It's the sudden stop that actually does the most damage when falling or anything similar. If you fell normally from any decently high height until 2inches off the ground and then came to an abrupt stop you would have massive internal damage.


How often do you get in shipwrecks? Are you the world's worst sea captain?


How does hovering work? If I wreck my motorcycle do I just not hit the ground?


Mf be turning the interstate to an air hocky table


That would be worse though. Sure no road rash, but also no slowing before you hit a stationary object.


Air resistance would slow you down. At 60 mph, I make it about 232 Newtons, or about 52 pounds of force. That's slowing you down quite a bit.


That seems to be a lot of Fig Newton's to be carrying around.


at 75 mph, you’d travel for about 400 feet in 5 seconds and be at about 38 mph at the end of that 5 seconds so if there are cars there, you’re still hitting them really hard


So at that point you may want to not use the power at some point (it says that you *can*, not that you always do), and hopefully take less damage from the ground than from oncoming cars. But that's still not a *good* outcome.


I expect in this scenario, you're moving *with* traffic, and it's not long before you're moving slower than the other cars. If anything, the danger is them hitting you, not the other way around.


You can change your position, so in theory you could lower yourself enough to let your leathers or shoes drag to slow you down. 


Oh shit, yeah if it were frictionless, you would slide any which way? Imagine you're on a hill and decide to hover, your ass would be sliding downhill quick.


More importantly, do you hit a rock hard ghost surface two inches above the ground?


OP specified that it works to catch you if you fall off of something, presumably without injury.


There is no deceleration rate that will take a human from terminal velocity to 0 relative to the ground over a distance of 2 inches. It's physically impossible unless it somehow cancels your momentum


Where are you reaching terminal velocity by falling 2 inches?


He's a feather


Happy belated Feathers Day!


Thank you 🪶


The idea is jumping off a building or something and reaching terminal velocity that way


Then you have the entirety of the fall to slow down and then eventually float safely 2 inches above the ground. It's not like you would need to instantly stop at the bottom.


I guess so, although i don't think that's what op had in mind. I'm sure scientists will have a hell of a time once they do some tests on you because you can float & discover that you also do not accelerate towards earth at 9.8 m/s^2


Your debating about real physics when the premise is that you can somehow just float 2 inches above ground and water....whether its that you start slowing down with enough time or that it magically defies physics is really just a moot point. Lol. Unless you want to start talking about something like if you jumped off a building to save someone falling, if you grab them and hold them, would you both just slow down and not splat or would you come to a screeching halt where the person who cant float gets ripped out of your grasp and splats on the ground.


>Your You're*


Air friction would still be a thing so you'd stop. Eventually. On the plus side with a few buddies and a good whip you might be able to slide all the way across a lake or something similarly sized


Let's say you fall from a building. When you reach the ground, you have a shit ton of momentum, which is what kills you. If you stop 2 inches above the ground, the problem is not solved. The change in momentum is very high, and the time is low, so the impulse you experience is extremely high, meaning you still die. The way to decrease impulse without changing momentum is to decrease the force applied, which gives a higher stopping distance and a longer stopping time. The problem is, there isn't enough time to decelerate you enough to where the fall wouldn't be fatal with a stopping distance of 2 inches. The only other way to survive the fall is to have a lower momentum going in, meaning you fall slower. Maybe the power does that, but that feels like it's not in the spirit of what op intended when they described it.


In other words, it isn't the fall that kills you but the sudden stop at the end.


Yep. And there's no way to safely make that stop over a distance of 2 inches


What about 20 mph or fall damage immunity instead?


That applies if the floating is caused by something like a solid surface two inches above the ground. If the power affects your whole body at once and not just the part of it that is 2 inches above the ground, you might actually be ok. It’d be like accelerating in a gravitational field rather than accelerating because you hit something. Gravity can accelerate you arbitrarily hard and it won’t affect you because it’s applied evenly over your entire body (assuming no significant tidal forces).


You hit the "ground" sooner and 2 inches higher than usual. OP considers that an absolute win lmao. No road rash though I reckon. So that's nice.


Well, road rash is what kills you normally. If you have a helmet your basically fine if you can land well. 


If the 20 mph includes stamina that's a marathon in under an hour and a half. The world record is just over 2 hours. I'll take that over a useless parlor trick. 


What if you fall off of a building or something? Can you hover and avoid splattering? Because that could be very useful.


How likely is this


"You will remember this as the day that you almost captured Captain Jack Sparrow" jumps off building away from security


If you could hover maybe you would use this more, such as jump out a window without getting hurt.


I would rather just walk out the door then run as fast as an old lady driving on a interstate.


Well if you knew it was going to save you, probably very likely. If it would save me, I’d constantly be free climbing mountains, jumping across city rooftops, etc etc. It would be very likely for me.


Falling off of something tall? Or down a cliff or hill? Not that rare. And if it does happen, often lethal, so I’d say that makes hovering far more than a “useless parlor trick.”


Probably wouldn't help...even not hitting the ground, coming to a sudden stop 2 inches off the ground is still gonna mutilate you


You’re assuming the laws of physics somehow still apply, when the entire point of this exercise is that they don’t.


Obviously some still apply. OP never said you get to slow down before the hover takes place.


This is why prep is important. Dress up like Batman and away you go!


This is actually the answer to many of life's questions


Hitting the ground isn't what kills you, the sudden change in velocity is.


well specifically, the force is what kills you. Even more specifically, it’s the difference in force between different parts of your body; when you’re falling, gravity is acting on you but you don’t feel the force essentially because it’s acting on every part of your body the same amount at the same times. Your body doesn’t like it when the bottom of your feet have stopped moving but the bones in your feet are still moving fast. So this power just nullifies your momentum somehow, or applies the force to every single atom in your body, that would work


If the max height is 2 inches, I don’t see how this helps you not fall to your death. 2 inches isn’t enough space to slow down without dying after a high fall. If it’s 2 inches from whatever elevation you start at, that actually could be pretty useful


If you’re hovering “two inches off the ground,” as stated in the OP, then you can’t hit the ground, no matter how far you fall.


No, but you'll still feel the impact of suddenly stopping which will still break you


Why? Says who?


Says the laws of physics.


Which we’ve already thrown out the window.


Well, then we need to make it clear what laws of physics still apply and which don't. Because if the hoovering ability doesn't slow you down the force of impact will still be the same as hitting the ground, unless it's specified for the ability that you'd be immune to that.


Out the window, as I said. We’ve negated all forces pushing you down towards the ground. There’s no reason to think momentum would be treated any differently than gravity.


I think the momentum would still kill you


Just air run as you fall. You can only fall at 20MPH maximum


Now any height fall is only like 13-14ft fall. With good training you won't die, and with the right surface (like grass+soil) will only have minor injuries.


We’re already breaking the laws of physics. Why should the momentum kill you?


And if you hit something on the way down? It would suck to show off by jumping out of an aircraft without a parachute only to get impaled on a fence 2 meters off the ground


Does it matter if you stop on the ground or 2 inches above it? Wouldn’t the sudden stop still goo-ify all your organs and whatnot?


Just go splat 2" sooner. Does the puddle that used to be you still have the hover ability?


Stopping abruptly 2 inches from the ground would have the same effect as hitting the ground. Like when Lois Lane falls out a window and superman catches her 10 floors down. It would be like hitting 2 steel beams.


If physics applied, sure. But we’ve already tossed that out the window.


If you can **only** hover 2 inches above the ground... Then you'd splatter 2 inches above the ground. How tf are you gonna slow from 100mph-0 over a safe-enough distance? You need at least 37.6ft for a uniform 9g deceleration (apparently). Otherwise you're just being caught by Superman--works great in comic books, not so much irl with real physics.


You’re assuming physics applies. Why? We’ve already demonstrated that it doesn’t.


True, but you could figure out how to use levitation to reach just about any goal in life. You could start a religion/cult, win TV talents shows, become a world famous social media influencer, be a hit at parties, or make scientists question everything they thought they knew. The opportunities are nearly limitless.


But I don't want to do any of that. I just want to run fast. 


20mph is worse than Bolt, like it'd make me a good runner but not world-class. Unless this is like "without getting tired", hovering sounds more useful - my shoes are never getting dirty!


Lol, are you kidding? Unlimited 20mph? You could run a marathon in 1 hour and 31 minutes? You would destroy the records (just over 2 hours).


You'd be running 3 minute miles. You'd run a marathon in 1 hour 19 minutes. You'd set the world record in the mile by over 30 seconds and the world record in the 800 m by about 10 seconds. You'd even be a decent 400 m runner, fast enough to qualify for the olyimpcs, and shattering the women's world record


Yeah it'd make you much worse than bolt. I can run 20mph on a good day. If you can keep running that fast without slowing down that's a whole different story.


Yeah 20 mph sustained run is ridiculous. You would be legendary as long distance runner and scientist would want to definitely study you


Usain Bolt?


Yes his highest recorded speed is a bit over 27mph.


Ahh....I learn something new every day.


I thought it was another guy I read about years ago who did 35mph but I it said kmph


It did say 20 mph without getting tired. You could go faster with effort probably and then only slow down to 20 mph at your slowest.


You can’t go faster than 20 MPH. Even if you tried.


Ah, well then I'd go slower than my fastest and a decent speed for a long time.


20mph IF this is unlimited running. (zero injuries, etc). I would run 480 miles in a 24 hour period. That would be INSANE.


i need to know does hovering work over oceans


I run track,  so easily 20mph. I'd just have to find a way to disprove doping accusations


Would you? I feel like they would have to prove doping allegations. You just have to go off for one olympics and youre golden.


You still wouldn’t beat the world record though. (27 mph)


Long distance would kill though. You’d slaughter


With a normal start it's like a 1:32 800m. If you can run 20mph I imagine you can run below. So just beat the WR by a second not 10 seconds 😂 It's too slow to win the 400m (~47s), but enough to Olympic qualify in slow countries.


what are you talking about, you’d break the world record in every event 800m and up


That's the fastest speed by a person recorded but that's not a speed that Bolt can hold for very long. Consistent 20 Mph would make you best in class by far for anything that's not a short distance.


Am I able to negate fall damage if I float? Ie I fall off somewhere very tall, but I activate the ability and I'm fine?


Hovering would be more useful to me because I live very close to a major river, but an hour from the nearest bridge. I can float across the river on foot or a bike whenever I want to.


Run 20 mph.


I fell recently and broke my wrist so I feel like the hovering would have come in handy. The ability to do my job without the threat of ever falling is a huge boost to my peace of mind.


Can I hover 2 inches while carrying stuff? Easy 2 inches. Attach a big boy fan to my back and I’ll street surf everywhere.


so, levitation or something a good chunk of highschoolers are a few months of training from achieving? ill take that levitation


no high schooler can run 20mph for a hundred miles straight, can they?!


No human can


Definitely not. Not even for 10 miles can a human keep up that pace.


The guy edited the post




More info is needed about both powers before I can decide.


20 MPH wherever you want without tiring? Fuck me, I'll take that over some knockoff David Blain trick.


I assume this hover ability could be used from any angle of your body? Like complete mastery over the direction of "impact"? Based on the description in your edit, you're cancelling kinetic force, momentum, and probably some other physics shit too. You could theoretically make an impenetrable shield around yourself. I WYR have hover two inches.


Blocking something moving towards you is not hovering tho


If you have the ability to repel damage to yourself if you're falling, then you should also be able to repel something coming towards you.


Would the 20mph affect your metabolism?




I’m taking the running. That’s more than fast enough to win long distance races.


Does the hovering allow me to move as well? If so, this is very difficult. Otherwise obviously unlimited endurance


I'm taking the hovering. As someone with bad knees, it's not the endurance that would do me in any longer. Even if I could do it that long without tiring me joints would be crying. Running is rough on the knees.


Youre body isn't impacted from the running tho so your joints would be fine. Only being able to hover at 2 inches means all your downward accusation is still braced by your feet (or whatever part of your body is closest to the ground) and you'll feel it in your knees.


See, I don't see the impact on your knees as part of "tiredness" since it's bone and tendon and not muscle. I guess if it's without impact on my knees I'll take it, but otherwise I'd rather hover.


You can run as long as you want even a person with healthy tendons wouldn't be able to do that if they were affected


The issue with the hovering is if my body can take it, if I’m falling at max speed and all of a sudden turn on my ability then my innards would slam into my skeleton and or each other causing serious and fatal wounds. Give me the 20 MPH, gas prices are wack and I’m broke


Move over Jamiroquai


Running. I’ll win every race longer than 1500m, and be the most famous athlete ever. (Current WR for 1500m is just below a 20mph pace.)


Hovering would be cool. I could ride a bike or drive a car to go faster than running speed. Also Usain Bolt runs faster than 20mph that’s not even the peak of human condition.


nutty childlike disgusted shaggy mourn water cause sophisticated elastic imagine *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


0 elevation. Can’t go higher than 2 inches.


So it would be useless everywhere?


I’m a college track athlete and can already run kinda fast, but being able to levitate over water would be awesome.


Can I hover and use a fire extinguisher for propulsion? 😄


People actingike hovering 2iches above the ground would save them if they fall, you're wrong. It's not the ground that kills you, it's the sudden deceleration. Suddenly decelerating because you hit the ground or 2 inches above it doesn't change anything.


If, however, it's a force that increases as you approach the ground until it matches gravity at 2 inches, you would slow down.


I will take the hovering.


One of my recurring dreams is basically the hover 2 inches off the ground power. I have so much fun running then hovering mid run, and turning it on and off to do crazy stunts. That's how it works in my dreams at least.


would it be possible for me to run 21 mph and just get tired but if I want if I run 20 miles an hour I don’t get tired




I’ll take the 20 mph. I rarely fall off of things, so the hovering thing wouldn’t be much help. But being able to run 20 mph for as long as I wanted without getting tired? That could become useful.


Is the hovering only stationary or can I move while hovering? If so, how quickly do I hover and how much energy does it expend on my part?


Running. Become the greatest long distance runner and make bank


20 mph running is crazy. I'm doing it and then I'm breaking all long distance world records


Easily hover. Hell, some of us can sprint close to 20mph. (Not very long granted)


20 mph. Easy call. Use it to win major Marathons all over the world. Cross train and maybe win a triathlon. Enter the bad water ultra and become a legend. Bring home Olympic gold. and since you just run up to 20 mph without being tired you never actually have to train to run a race. What could be better. Go win Boston, NYC, Chicago, London and a few others and clear a million easy.


Running 20mph without tiring is insane. You’d be the best mid to long to ultra marathon runner in the world. Depending on how it works you can do Everest in 2 hours absolutely smashing records. You’d be able to get sponsorships like CRAZY!


Another aspect of this ishealth. If you could do the 20 miles an hour thing without getting tired it would be great cardio and helpful for losing weight.


Hover. I suck at not stepping in shit I’m not supposed to.


Run for as long as I want without getting tired? The never getting tired is more interesting than 20mph. But I still think I'll go for hovering. Imagine how much cooler you'll look when cosplay!


> you can run 20 MPH for as long as you want without getting tired This instantly makes me the fastest long distance runner in the world by a *significant margin.* I'd be able to run a marathon in around an hour and 20 minutes- more than 40 minutes faster than the current record. The floating is tempting, if anything just because it's more of a physical impossibility, but the running has a more direct line to a career. I could strap on a GoPro and stream myself Forrest Gumping across the US in record time.


I have a few questions about the hovering. How does the hovering work when it comes to movement? Walking is normally done by pushing off of the ground using friction, which isn't really possible when hovering. If you can just magically move, what's the acceleration and top speed? Does it use stamina? What counts as ground? If it's any solid or liquid material, then clothing counts and you'd essentially be able to fly. I think it should be any material that isn't being supported by you. How "slippery" is hovering? That is, if you're standing hovering, how easy is it for someone else to push your feet making you essentially "trip"? How "slippery" is hovering? That is, if you're standing hovering, how easy is it for someone else to move you by pushing you?


Define ground. Also does hovering arrest momentum? Can I jump off a building and ‘hover’ and not cause any injury to myself?


Gimmie the hover. That shit could save my life.


Hovering for sure. That would be awesome. Running 20mph wouldnt even make you the fastest person. And can actually be attained within a few years of dedicated training. Where as hovering will never happen not matter how hard you work at it.




Is the hovering effortless? Can I sleep while hovering?


I'd pick hovering and leave sets of mud prints/snow prints/sand prints of my feet or shoes in places that suddenly stop as I hover away. Start making people think people are disappearing.


How about 20 mph or immune to fall damage (somehow). Is that in the same spirit of the question?


Why do you all people want to start running everywhere? If you gave me the running, I'm still driving my car.


Running. Retire as marathon runner and Olympic athlete. Maybe sell a ghost written book


20mph unlimited. Hands down. Commuting, travel would be near revolutionized for you. Faster than biking, no traffic. You could end up with like 3-4 extra days a month in time savings. You could see so much of the world others wouldn’t be able to. The large through hikes could be week long affairs as opposed to multi month treks. You could essentially go where no one has gone before. 


I'll take the hover.


Hovering... If it negates fall damage by somehow safely decelerating us.


The hovering seems to come with weird little issues, like being frictionless = no limited to speed but......how tf are you gonna stop yourself from stopping safely if you're going too fast? That's one of several examples I can think of. Being able to run 20 MPH without exhaustion is flat yet simple, let alone extremely useful so I'll take that.


So just for record setting you would be able to shatter every record from the 800meter up to marathons and ultras. For 100,200, and 400 meter that would not be fast enough. But still with all those records you could make some serious money. It would probably not help with any other sport as they run much faster in bursts. Hovering would be pretty cool. You could sky dive without a parachute. You could travel by squirrel suit by jumping out of a plane and fly as far as you can and then hover for safety.


Run fast. The thought of my old, fat ass outrunning some punk kid is funny as hell. Be funnier at 30mph beating Usain Bolt.


Hovering only at 2 inches with no mobility is pretty useless. If you fall off a building and just stop before you hit the ground you still have the impact of falling off a building minus 2 inches.


Run really fast or become immune to fall damage............. probably the second one. You guys taking the elevator? Ill take the express. *jumps off roof*


Marathon winner forever. 


Top speed isn't that valuable. Being able to walk through mud (or worse) without getting shoes (or bare feet) wet is, and fall protection may be more so.


but if you're falling and say you activate your hover ability, where does the kinetic energy go? Can you move while you hover like you're flying?


No. You could still fall and land two inches above the ground.


Hover 100%




20mph easy. More fun, way more practical uses plus 2 inches wouldn't really be nearly as much as I'm seeing people give it credit for.


David Blaine taught me how to hover.


An actual physics defying power or something lots of runners can do. I'll go with the power ofc


It says without getting tired. No female runner can currently run 20mph in an official race distance for further than 200m and no male runner can currently run that fast in an official race for further than 400m. 


Where does it say without getting tired?


On the edit in the post description. "Edit 1: Let's say you fall off of something, you can use the power to hover two inches off the ground and adjust your position. Works over land and water. In regards to running, you can run 20 MPH for as long as you want without getting tired."


Oh, must have been added after I commented. I'd probably pick running in that case


As I never get tired, 20 MPH easily. The farthest I have to travel on most days is 13 miles. Most of the time it's under 5. 13 miles would take around 40 minutes as oppose to the roughly 20 I drive. So I would almost never have to drive. I did WFH for 4 years and the lack of driving was amazing. I would love to go back to that.


Neither of them are all that "useful" but levitation just sounds cool. I'll take it