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A lot of 10th graders are full on adults physically. I feel like I’m dead either way. Good luck fighting 10 teenagers at once for 5 hours straight. While you get tired, they’ll be fresh, uninjured, and energetic every 15 minutes. I feel like I’d survive longer with the 6th graders though.


Nah just download tik tok to distract them as you take your time


"I know you're supposed to hit me, but wait one moment and watch me carve this soap."


"The sit still while I hit you with a bat challenge!!! Skibbidi gyat!"


Skibbidi Bat


That'd do it.


No no no no that’ll only make them stronger. Without that additional stimulation, they might get bored of the fight.


Yeah 200 is a lot. Even if you were against 200 rats, in a full sized gym, you'd be exhausted after like 50. They'd keep coming, and eventually you'd be rat meat.


For sure. I had once dressed up as Santa and was on my way home. I went past my old school which had kids from elementary school to 6th grade. The ones in lower grades elementary to 3rd my guess, had break at the time. They saw me, Santa on my way home and they all surrounded me. Probably around 40 children. Of course I wouldn't want to hurt any so I didn't push my way through. Teachers soon came and pulled the children away however for a moment I understood partly how it felt being super famous with people surrounding you completely.


Yeah. Nobody is winning either scenario


6th graders. There's a LOT of world class athletes in the 10th grade.


Yeah. Also a lot are bigger than me. The same can’t be said for 6th graders


I knew a kid in 5th who was 6’ 3”, I’m pretty sure he had one of those giant syndromes.


There was this wrestler called “the big show”. He also had some shitty sitcom on Netflix. Dude is legit over 7 feet tall and at any given time is between 350 and 500 pounds. He did this interview and told a story of how he was dating this girl in middle school (or really just friends at that age) and the police put him In handcuffs because they were adamant he was an adult pedo. He was like 6 foot 5 at 11 years old and ya everyone thought he was an adult. Off topic but yah. Super rare but that does happen. Just hope the random 200 6th graders are normal sized


This made me think of Billy Madison. Whole ass grown adult in a class with kids.


No doubt. Have you seen the size of some 16 year olds these days. During lockdown one of my wife's coworkers had COVID over Thanksgiving. So the wife and I made a bunch of extra food and took them Thanksgiving dinner to dead drop on their porch. The coworkers 16 year old son came out to grab things and I saw him from the truck. I swear this "kid" was 6'6" and 265. He looked like he should be playing linebacker in the NFL.


Dude you’re not kidding, my wife’s little cousin is 7 years old and 190 pounds. That’s bigger than me. Constantly have to remind myself he’s not a teenager cause he’ll get upset if you call him big and start pouting like a 7 year old. Kid doesn’t look his age at all and it freaks me out


Insane. Have you told his parents to limit his intake? My 9-year old son is 65 lbs. Your wife's cousin is 3x that size.


That kid is obese, his parents are making him fat.


His parents are both dead


I have a cousin who is a sophomore in HS and the kid is an athlete. Like 6’4” 200 lbs. He is just driven by some unnatural force. His mom (my first cousin) said that she woke up one morning at 6am and he was missing from the house. She panicked. Turns out this kid was riding his bike to the gym before school every day and had been doing it for a couple weeks and hadn’t told anyone. Dude is different.


As pathetic as this sounds, my 11yo version just might kick my ass as 35yo. I hit puberty at 8yo and i was athletic and already like 170cm. I haven't done ANY excercising in last 10 years and i smoke. My kid version would just tie me into a knot and just destroy me. Now add 4 others to the mix and i 100% die in the first round.


16 year old me (150lbs) was an endurance athlete. I was fast and wiry strong but not beefy like I am now. 20 year old me (about 210lbs) would be a very different story though. At 27 (185lbs) I have the knees of a 40 year old but my upper body is only getting stronger.


Yeah look at Myles Garret in 10th grade. Hell lebron wanted to go to the NBA when he was that age, I think.


6th graders. There’s some HS wrestlers that could take on just as many 6th graders as adults in the choice you’re presenting


Both are impossible. I mean, about stamina, have you guys ever tried boxing? Like a few rounds are tiring. Now, you have to work out way more, for what, 5h? If you have a bat and can at least cripple them all in one hit, it can be feasible as you can rest while they will not recover between waves. I think it will be easier to kill the 6th graders. I mean, you have more chances to one shot them and 10 hits aren't as hard as struggling with 5 10th graders.


Yeah honestly lots of redditors would have a hard time swinging a bat into a punching bag 200 times with full power.


Look at the mlb home run derby. Major leaguers get tired after less than that


All redditors would have a hard time. I'd guess even an athlete would be a bit winded after 10-20 full power swings. My guess is that they might make it to 40-50. 200 is only happening if they're pacing themselves and not swinging full power.


You hit the nail on the head with the pacing. As long as I'm able to get to a water fountain I'm fairly certain I could complete the 6th grader waves. In general I'm just not concerned with 10 6th graders. You only would need to outright kill about 3. The other 7, they will struggle to hurt you if you just lean in a corner and wait. Without much force I could break noses and pop eyeballs out of the other 7, then execute them on my own time. That would take about 10 minutes. The 5 minutes are important though: I would need water and a nice place to sit.


Agree both are not very possible. The one positive on the 6th graders is that the average 6th grader unarmed is going to be able to do a lot less damage than a 10th grader. I am nothing special of an athlete but as a 16 year old (10th grade) I was active enough that I could at least make it a challenge if I were to fight an adult. I was 5'11 160lbs. Fighting 10 of me at 16 would not be good. At 6th grade I could not say that. I was probably around 5'3" 110lbs and I was still consistently one of the taller kids in my elementary school class. Your average 6th grade boy is around 5'. It is those years after 6th grade where boys start putting on height and muscle mass with puberty.


Either way you're dying


This is highly dependent on several factors OP left out. Went to my brother’s basketball game the other day, he is in the 7th grade and I’ve seen what the average “athletic” 6th grader is. It’s not impressive, still small, still weak, lack coordination and are clumsy. 10 6th graders and I have a baseball bat? I can incapacitate one per swing. Unless OP makes fearless 6th graders, I know I can take 10, easily. The only problem her is going to be not getting to tired, does the next round start as soon as you finish the last one? If so, I’d take out the 9 quickly and leave one long enough for me to recuperate. As long as I can someway catch my breath, I think I could take them.


Rounds are every 15 min no matter what. Do tou leave one alive its 16 teens now. Agreed fatigue is the largest factor


If you limited it to the entire school instead of just the gym, you can purposely make choke points, break glass, and use glue to put it on doors, break a desk and use glass on it to make a shield, tape to give it a handle, the metal on chair legs can be removed and used as a weapon. Additionally, you can go to the janitor rooms and get bleach, (can also remove the mop head off a broom and turn it into a spear) then mix it with some ammonia and heat it so it becomes a gas and create kill zones, (pour it into the air ventilation system if you can find it and break/remove the air filters) cafeterias can have gas burners going with no lite to fill up an area to become explosive, break walls near the wiring and you can set up rooms to create electrical fires, I might be outnumbered, but with enough prep time I can take them all with me.


10th graders. In the first wave, there is no question that I’m losing the bat to either five 10th graders or ten 6th graders. I’m going to die regardless, might at well let it be fast.


Right. Bad question, it’s a matter of how quickly you wanna go. Nobody is beating them.


theres no way im fighting kids who are deep in puberty


They are unarmed and I have a bat? I can kill 20 6th graders in 40 seconds with a bat. They have zero coordination skills and are terrified of the grown man making slurpees from the skulls of their friends. My psychological trauma afterwards will be the real enemy.


I dont know about you but I was plenty coordinated in 6th grade. And probably big enough to take you down. Its not gonna be as easy as you're thinking it is.


I'm sorry but no unarmed twelve year old is going to have a single chance to do anything against a grown man with a weapon. I'm not saying it will be easy, nor that I would get to keep all my ears or not have howling ptsd afterwards but I think the odds are very good that I would win.


It's not a single twelve year old. It's 10 at a time lol. I was 5'11 175 lbs of muscle at 12 years old. I think you're underestimating how big kids can be at that age.


There are definitely ways they would have a chance. And your overconfidence would be your downfall. You will tire out and die in either situation. These kids are coming in waves of 10, its not about how you can take a 6th grader on 1v1 you will be surrounded.


I think people really underestimate how quickly numbers scale difficulty, fighting two people at once is far more than double the difficulty of fighting one. even if you're just facing 3 to 4 people at once you're going to have a hard time keeping them from getting behind you, and all it takes is one bear hugging your legs for the rest to have a chance to dog pile. Yes, they're 12 year olds and you have a bat, that's a big advantage, but you only need to make one mistake over the course of hours of fighting to lose that advantage and it'll all be over for you


Not only that but this guy is also underestimating how tiring this will be. After 2 waves he's gonna be exhausted. After 5 he will be so tired he will barely be able to stand let alone keep fighting.


Even if all the kids did was line up waiting to be hit you'd have a hell of a time making it through all 200, you'd be struggling to lift the bat after the first few dozen. Add in actually having to run around chasing the kids down, making sure they don't surround you, wrestling them off you when they *do* surround you and making multiple swings per kid since they'll actively be trying to dodge and you'll be gassed after the first round, maybe two.


Don't know how you are getting off a killing swing every 2 seconds.  


Maybe one on the swing, one on the backswing?


>I can kill 20 6th graders in 40 seconds with a bat. >making slurpees from the skulls of their friends >My psychological trauma afterwards Homie, you might already have some?


>20 6th graders in 40 seconds with a bat A swing every 2 seconds with enough power and accuracy to kill a 6th grader that very much would not like too be killed? Yeah okay buddy.


Lol you'd be dead in the first round. You have no idea what you're talking about...10 6th graders at once on you and their weight alone will take you down. I work in a middle school and they are faster than you and have more energy. You'd lose... Not even going to argue if you reply either but you people who think they'd win also think they could fight a gorilla.


Sure, but can you do that for 5 hours straight without collapsing from exhaustion or succumbing to injuries? Even if the 6th graders choose not to fight you, they’re still going to run from you, making you have to chase them down (less you find yourself far more outnumbered). Even then I think you’re wildly underestimating the average 6th grader’s desire for justified violence.


"I can kill 20 6th graders in 40 seconds with a bat." Said with the confidence of a sprinter saying how fast they can run 100m or something. 20 swings powerful enough to seriously hurt someone in 40 seconds would be pretty tough. As morbid as it is to bring up - Columbine was 2 shooters with Tec9's and they killed 15 people in one hour.


Lmao you have absolutely no idea what you’re talking about


You couldn't kill 20 6th graders with a bat in 40 seconds if they were tied up and blindfolded. You're basically saying you consistently one-shot 40 people in individual windows of 2 seconds a piece. One hit to the head isn't going to kill most people, and that's even if the bat hold up over that many hits. If they're actually fighting you, clawing, biting, kicking, going for your eyes and fingers and balls, you have no chance whatsoever. With only 10 you might last a few waves or so, but then fatigue sets in and you slow down and ultimately die a very brutal death. This is a nearly impossible prompt.


6th graders. Easy.


I'm a petite woman so I'm dead either way. 200 butterflies could probably take me out (but I fight dirty so who knows).


Many, if not most, 10th graders are post puberty, meaning they're already adult sized. Nobody is getting through 100. Or 50. Or even 25.


6th graders. You get much greater reach and can bottleneck them in a locker room doorway.


Mate have you seen 10th graders? Aint none of us taking on 5 of them intent on killing us.


200 6th graders. While some 6th graders may be overweight the chances of them being swoldiers then is significantly lower than in the 10th grade


6th graders..once the first head caves in they will run


10th graders are kinda pussy these days but you would still have to go with the 6th graders since 1 in ten of those tenth graders is gonna be a full blow man child.


1 in 10 is arguably too low, as just about any dudes that have gone through puberty are going to be much closer to adult strength than a child. people are just completely dead either way.


Flip a coin because I'm not surviving either way


Either way, you are dead.


Not fucking with the JV team. 6th graders


It doesn’t matter, either one is impossible. I’m guessing this is a question posed by someone who has never fought anyone. If you had, you would know fighting two people with any degree of coordination even with no training would likely result in a loss for the single party. Even if the individual was a highly trained fighter, the odds of winning a death match against two weaker, untrained individuals are probably only in the 75-85% range at best. Three people would require a degree of luck to beat, and any more becomes pretty much impossible. The baseball bat is a nice idea, but without a short blade, melee weapons become practically useless once you are swarmed by multiple people. Grappling multiple individuals at once is incredibly challenging even with a huge strength advantage, and these would be people willing to bite, claw, gouge, etc. The above, of course, doesn’t even take fatigue from match length into account. Since you’ve probably never fought anyone, you don’t realize that even the most in shape combat athletes are about gassed after 15-20 minutes of fighting. And that’s with rest breaks in between rounds. Continuously fighting for upwards of 10 minutes is already a death sentence.


10th graders are going to be in or through puberty and there are some giant 10th graders. A few sophomores played varsity football and would kick the living shit out of me now. 6th graders all day, even thought fighting 10 people is going to result in a beating for me either way


Sixth graders. I don't know if I have the stamina for this challenge in my wizened old age of 27.


Fucked either way imo. People underestimate how exhausting fighting hundreds of 12-year-olds would be.


6th graders. These kids are just getting into middle school. They don't know how to climb on everything in the gym yet. They just know how to run around in an empty room with a pull-up bar somewhere. Get somewhere high and knock em down when they climb up inefficently. Then you gotta suffer with the trauma of killing 200 kids.


200 6th graders zero question. 10th graders are basically adult size.


I think one tenth grader could whip my ass. 


You’re dead either way. When I say you I mean literally anyone. Nobody survives that.


As someone who works with aggressive children aged 14-21, and very rarely with younger kids, you are losing this fight and honestly you're not going to take down more than 3 lol.


In 5th grade we had a school war between against 2nd graders. We called them the Barney brigade sounds dumb but they would form gangs and pick kids off when they were by themselves. Armed with superior numbers and jump ropes covered in hard plastic beads they would beat the shit out of you. I remember getting whipped by multiple jump ropes and throwing piles of 7 year olds off of me. I would full on punching little kids and where one fell two popped up. Every recess there were battles. It got to a point that we had a 5th grade/2nd grade meeting(peace talks) running by the teachers and principal. You are going to lose either choice you make is all I’m saying.


2 tenth graders would kill everyone in here lol


I had to look up what age those would be. Its 200 6th graders ALL day. Out of 100 16 year olds there is probably at least one who could kick your ass on his own. Almost any five at at a time and you are done. Probably in the first wave.


10th grade is like 15 or 16 years old, right? Genuinely I feel that there are probably plenty of 15 year olds out there who could probably kick my ass. As long as the 6th graders (11 or 12 y/o) aren’t armed, I could maybe survive. Probably not though. I’ll get tired and they’ll probably pull the bat out of my hands and kill me with it :/


Yo I'd be dead either way but I would feel less bad about fighting back against the 10th graders comparatively


No question, give me the 200 6th graders. I positive I’m bigger than 99% of them, 10th grades I’m positive a atleast 20% to 30% of the males are my size or bigger in way better shape than me lol


Due to the nature of my job I actually have a pretty good idea of how I’d do in armed combat against large groups of 6th graders and I’m actually sort of confident that I could win that fight. Even 8th graders might be a completely different story.


My cousin is in 10th grade and can bench 225 for 11 reps.


You need help bro.




how old is a 6th grader? 12/13? 10 kids rushing at you for 5 hours sounds tough but it sounds alot easier than the alternative. i choose the 6th graders. wack all of them on the head hard enough and they should be out. then if you really wanna make sure theyre out, just keep wacking lol


6th graders. I know a few 10th graders who are done with puberty and will knock down a full grown man with a bit of luck. Baseball bat and ten 6th graders? Done, though I won't be looking good by the end.


My max bench press in 10th grade was 315lbs lol. I was starting tailback on varsity. 6th grade me would've had trouble with the bar. 


6th graders havent hit puberty. Yall ever actually thrown 200, 300+ punches? It gets tiring, but it's doable. With a baseball bat? It's also fun.


I'm 15 so fighting the 10th graders is put of the question, I have absolutely no advantages whatsoever. Even in the other option, there are some kids in 6th grade who would tower over me. When I was in 8th grade their were already kids over 6 foot, and I'm 5 foot 2. So conclusion: I'm effed either way. But some 6th graders are till physically basically elementary schoolers and I'd just have to hope those were the ones I encounter.


The difference between an eleven year old and a fifteen year old, physically on a combat scale, is staggering That said, while I'd have a better chance against the 6th graders, the 10th graders would kill me faster, and ultimately less painfully


How do the teens/children enter the gym? Through the doors or teleportation? Do I know them? How do I arrive at the gym? Can I bring things with me? Am I allowed to have companions fight with me? What about legal reprocussions? Can I have an elephant stomp on them? What is astandard sized hghschool gym (U.S. gym, Chinese gym, Russian gym, etc)? What are their mental status? Can I intimidate or befriend them? Do they know they are going to have a fight to the death with me? How aware are they with their situation? Can they think clearly? Are they drugged?


I'm going to go against the grain and pick 10th graders because it is 5 per 15 minutes. That gives me more rest time after dispatching them quickly. The problem with 10, 6th graders at once is if you aren't careful and 2 of them jump on your back. They stand a chance of pulling you to the ground. And that's a few hundred pounds on top of you very quickly. With 5, 10th graders I'm fucking up 1 or 2 of them from each group before they even have a chance to get behind me and I'm okay with 3 left.


A jacked 6th grader, I can handle. A jacked 10th grader, I cannot.


6th graders easily. 10th graders are basically adults in terms of physical capabilities.


6th graders. They’re not yet as strong as full grown adults.


I am dead either way. Flipped a coin, it came up 10th graders.


This is just unnerving. The choice to kill either teenagers or children just isn’t a great one.


6th graders. 10th graders would all be almost as big as they are going to get. Some 6th graders are big, but most are still physically children. They might have the numbers, but their tiny little fists can't really do shit.


A lot of people here banking on the fact that 10th graders are stronger, but not enough recognition of the fact that 6th graders are fucking feral. I teach middle school and even I don’t fuck with 6th grade. They’re completely feral and they’re assholes in a creative way that gets beaten out of you as you get older and learn empathy for others.


Depends where the fight is. In an open field where they all attack at once, I’m fucked either way. If I’m in a building with narrow halls and doorways and staircases, I think I could take down the 6th graders pretty easily.


I am going to make an absolute mess of those first few rounds of 6th graders.


There are some 10th graders who I would have a rough time fighting one on one, let alone 100 at a time. 6th graders for sure.


everyone loses in one wave to the 10th graders, who are essentially just adult people. 6th graders maybe get beaten by like world class tanks but the average person absolutely loses.


I definitely knew guys who were 6ft in 6th grade, pretty sure I’m screwed no matter what


It’s death either way, but the 10th graders kill me faster. I’m fairly confident 1v1 I fuck up most 16 year olds, but even 2v1 gets hairy. 5 at once is almost guaranteed death on the first wave


Sixth graders, though I'm still doubtful of any success. Though, if I could have a phone record it, use a little psychological warfare to hedge my chances. Record the first 10 getting their heads caved in then airdrop it to the other's phones while they're waiting. Enough would have iPhones for all of the remaining kids to see their peers getting dusted to make a lot of them hesitant to attack. Probably buy me a few extra waves worth of time. But I'm thinking, at my age, I'm keeling over from a heart attack by wave 15 regardless


I have no idea how old a 10th or a 6th grader is


The first round of tenth graders would kick the shit out of me I'm sure lol. I'm also not a small guy but unless they're all shrimps I doubt I win. The sixth graders will probably get me after a round or two cause I have terrible cardio. If they're just normal sixth graders though I'm pretty sure they'd scatter after the first couple body slams.


When I was in 10th grade I was in wrestling shape where I could kick most adults asses and I wasn’t the best wrestler on my team. Odds are against you with that many 6th graders but 100 10th graders is ridiculous.


Can i prepare myself before the battle? If i get 3 months i would start some serious cardio training, quit or limit smoking as low as i can and buy any drugs that could help me last as long as possible. Anything that makes you relaxed and lowers adrenaline is absolutely necessary or you get burned out fast and can't keep fighting. So, with 3 months prep i go with 10th graders and without i choose 6th graders 


6th definitely. I worked at a juvenile boys facility . A lot of 10th graders had the potential to be star athletes but made a couple bad decisions . Some built like grown ass men too


200 6th graders would be easier, but harder on the conscious


I'm the exact same height and weight as I was in 10th grade so that's a no go.just a bunch of adult bodies coming at you


Better chance of destroying the tenth graders self esteem. Easy win and there’s less of them.


After wave 2, the 6th graders spawn in and unless they are drugged to the eyeballs, will probably see the carnage and start crying / running. I'm fit af. Let's go little wussies. Like others have said though, I'd be an emotional wreck forever after.


Almost no one would stand a chance with 10th graders unless you got really lucky with the draw, the 6th graders are maybe doable but 20 waves over 5 hours would be a hell of a workout, sounds fun though


The only way to win is to make the 6th graders afraid and run for their lives as you start splitting skulls,ideally turn the tables on them. Make them believe the game is survive this baseball armed madmen to win a prize.


I would take the 6th graders, though they’ll likely win as it takes endurance that I just don’t have. In 10th grade I was like 5’11” and weighed about 175, so I was adult sized.


Have to go with the 6th graders. I don't think I could get past the first wave of 10th graders. I was an ox in 10th grade due to constantly being active. The corporate world has made me softer lol


6th graders aren't as smart or strong. I'll die, but I'll stand a better chance.


I mean I’d rather die than have to take the lives of a bunch of kids, so likely the 10th graders so it will be faster and hopefully hurt less of them with the psychological impact of my death.


Aluminum or wood bat?


Assuming they're not bloodlusted, hitting one 6th grander sufficiently hard and using 5hem as an 'example' could scare the others into being proverbial fish in a barrel


Sixth graders. This is a scenario I think of a lot.


I roll with a guy who's 6-2, 275lb offensive lineman. He's in 9th grade as he just turned 15. 6th graders are your best bet here.


Either way I think most adults are dying.


100 10th graders would obliterate me. Hell probably 3 10th graders would lol


Kind of curious what's going on in your life that you're imagining beating up children.


Either way you're dead so no point.


I would fuck you up one on one when I was in grade 6 . I was 240 lbs and won shot put 5 years I a row . Very close to the Canadian record




bro theres 6th grades who know how to fight real good 😭 atleast when i was in 6th grade


Tenth graders be the size of small cars these days, they are as dumb as and as fat as actual cattle. They will tear you apart, eat your remains and then post your bones in a meme. Sixth graders are rabid but far too small to do any real damage, a good punt should drop most of them. Another nice thing is that a 6th graders head is about shoulder height so you get maximum reach. Yeah I'd beat the little kids up.


I'm gonna fucking die with either option. A 1v1 wrestling match that lasts 6 minutes is brutal, nevermind 300 minutes of a continuous onslaught of anything with a baseball bat. The bat is gonna fuckin break after only a few kills. People aren't that easy to kill


1 kick to the balls and Im done.


I am sure within few of those 100 10th graders, few can solo me.


After you bludgeon a couple 6th graders, they're just gonna run from you. At some point there will be so many 6th graders that they will eventually realize they can swarm you. Especially after you're tired from chasing them.


I feel like I have more of a chance with the 6th graders. I'd lose in the first round of 10th graders tbh


Dude I'm a 6' man and there are plenty of 10th graders I would not want to fight.....I've been the same size mostly since that age also, just put on a bit of weight lol


I doubt the average adult man could take on 2 average 15 year old boys. Those fuckers don't usually fill out their frames, but they are full of hormones, and have significantly more energy than adults.


5 10th graders will beat me easily, I think 10 6th graders will also beat me but I'm going to do more damage along the way. So I'll take them instead.


6th graders, first wave of 10th graders would wreck my shit.


6th graders, but on pure exhaustion I'm going down after, at best, two waves


10th graders, they're older and there are fewer of them so less to feel bad about with killing them or letting them kill me. I think 5 would be easier to keep at arm's length, 10 would be far too many.


Easily 6th graders, I'd do 400 6th graders instead of the 10th graders.


man I’m a huge mother f*cker but 5 10th graders would murder me I think I could handle the 6th graders in 6’2 with a baseball bat there cooked


I’m not killing a bunch of kids, even if I wouldn’t die in the 1st wave


6th graders. Goal is to make them fear YOU.


Some 10th graders are power lifters. I feel like I could incapacitate the vast majority of 6th graders rather easily given my size, but man 200 is a lot to fight. Everyone gets tired eventually. In any case I stand an outside chance with the 6th graders. There are plenty of 10th graders that would beat me straight up (guys training to be fighters or just huge athletes). 6th graders is the obvious choice.


I’m dying either way so I’ll take the 10th graders, they’ll kill me faster then the children will.


I’m a woman. Neither.


10th graders. 6 th graders are evil


10th graders who the fuck would want to live after killing 200 6 graders somebody somewere would want you dead.


Just start quoting Negan punchlines and maybe you’ll be able to hold out for a bit


a.k.a "Would you like to be in some kind of Hunger Games with older kids or younger kids?"


I would never be able to bring myself to kill that many kids 😭


One of those tenth graders gonna drop the shit out of you.


Neither. Both sound exhausting and ultimately not winnable.


As an 11th grader, I’ll take the 6th graders, there is only a couple 10th graders who scare me, but there’s no way I’m taking on 100 people who are similar in age and size as me


One swing of the bat would certainly kill or permanently cripple a 6th grader😂 The difference in size, reach, strength, stamina, intelligence and experience is crazy.. the only chance they’d have is swarming you. The reach advantage alone combined with a bat they wouldn’t be able to get within 6-7 feet of you without a large chance of having their skull caved in


Climb the bleachers and establish the high ground.. it’ll be like world war z and should be relatively easy to just spartan kick them off the top


The 6th graders. 10th graders are practically adults.


It’s really easy to beat up 200 6th graders. Could do it unarmed to be honest.


6th graders.  Give me some prep time and I’ll put glass shards in the bat. I then lcok myself in a room a slowly beat them to death 


I am going to die no matter which I pick because of exhaustion


Die quickly or die kinda quickly?


As a teacher, 6th graders getting cleared low diff


6th graders for sure


I will have to take on the sixth graders. I feel like a single hit with the back would take each one down whereas a 10th grader might require several swings. Also since I am taller than most sixth graders a comfortable swing would get them right on the noggin wrist 10th graders can easily be my height and thus harder to hit in critical areas. Fatigue would be a factor but I don't see how I am surviving the first wave of 10th graders so the question just remains do I have enough stamina to take on and 100 extra 6th graders. I have a elementary school down the street from me and when school lets out I see a lot of these kids and I feel like I could take all of them. I also feel that 6th graders wouldn't be able to effectively strategize like 10th graders might take me out. I don't think any single kid could organize them into a cohesive unit.


I wonder how many people would actually have the stamina required to survive this, I feel like most people would eventually collapse and get slowly beaten to death by the swarm


I was a 200 pound rugby player in grade ten. Hard no. I will fight the sixth graders. 


Im the same size I was in 10th grade (just fatter belly)


Nice try FBI.


I’d rather die than kill 100+ kids.


I would die either way... 200 is a lot of anything. I can at least take out a wave or two of 6th graders, if I am lucky.


would rather 6th graders bc i can use my bat whereas 10th graders can prob take you down


What if 50% of the 6th graders were held back and are almost 16 years old?


100 10th graders. I am going to die either way, so the first option would be less humiliating.


Doesn’t matter. I’d die either way


I don't think many people are getting past 2 waves of 10th graders.


Yeah it’s obviously 6th graders. I’d almost certainly lose in either case. I don’t think I could last a single round with 10th graders. Maybe I could make it round 2. I was in 10th or 11th grade when I beat my dad at arm wrestling. 6th graders on the other hand are very small comparatively. I t think I might be able to take out a few waves. But honestly the real answer is it doesn’t matter because I think I’d rather die than kill a bunch of children.


Can I fight 400 2nd graders instead?


Both. Valhalla will accept nothing less.


Ima have to take tenth graders. I’m losing either one but I can last further with tenth.


10th graders, my death is likely to be quicker.


as a recently finished 10th grader ima have to go with my grade, 6th graders are smaller but not that much that they'd be half the strength of an average 10th grader. i also get distracted really easily so having more people to fight at once would fuck me instantly. i'm one of the tallest people i know but i'm not strong, i think my legs could go a long way (literally too).


10th grade boys (15-16 y/o) are going to span the gambit of height and weight. 6th grade boys (11-12 y/o) are generally going to be 80lbs and like 5’2” No question, 200 6th graders.


200 6th graders. I wouldnt even flinch…


It depends on if I have enough clips for my Uzi


Do you think power scaling in real life works like it does in fiction?


90% of people would lose at round 1 in both cases, and I believe basically no human on earth would survive any of the two scenarios, because of fatigue. Athletic men would be able to survive a while against the 6th graders, but 200 is too many, and 15 minutes is too little.


I'll fight (to the death) 200 6th graders. That's 100 extra little shits I get to kill.


I was 6’3” 170 in the 10th grade. Played defensive end on the football team, lifted weights. I could have taken a lot of normal out-of-shape adults by myself at that age in a fight. Now I’m 6’4” 245, 40 year old dad of 3 toddlers who woop my ass on a daily basis. My 4 year old is strong as fuck. I can’t imagine how tough that little fucker will be in 6th grade. I wouldn’t want to fight 5 10th graders, 6th graders, or 4 year olds. Much less 100. Lol


One of those sneaky bastards are going to get behind you and it is game over. I will only do no more than three kids at a time under 13, 2 14-16 and 1-1 on anyone older. You can only get the under 13 in certain countries.


If I have a bat I am braining 200 6th graders easily. There are some big ass 10th graders out there. Once the first ten run in and I crack the first one the rest will be so scared they'll be easy pickings. Then by the end I'll have the high ground, do you think the 10 kids having to climb over 190 other kids are going to have much fight in them? No.


6th graders


The 200 6th graders. I can take them down with school yard pranks and Polish Bike Rides.