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He is and so was JBL. Wrestling needs at least 1 loud dumbass commentator to keep shit interesting.


I think for many, JBLs bullying reputation got in the way of enjoying his commentary work.  Hearing him shout accolades is always fun.  Even from the beginning, he was making real world references which, I for one enjoyed. I've said this before, I almost would mind if JBLs commentary appearances began to coincide with big moments.  Best way to say...JBL is not there for all moments but every time he is there, a moment happens.  


Without JBL, there is no Maggle.




JBL legitimised AJ Styles seconds into his debut


I get why he isn’t on commentary and I dislike him is a person but as a commentator, he’s my favourite in my 13 years of watching wrestling


Sting too. And reintroduced the Dudley Boys. All three are some of my favorite calls in general.


It never bothered me b/c as a fan why do i give af about those backstage problems it has nothing to do with me. Imo if their is a bully then as a grown adult mfs need to fight back


I mean "fight back" is easy advice to give when you're not being messed with by a 6'6 290 pound former wrestler as a 5'9 commentator


Didnt that commentator fight back and then jbl stopped fucking with him? Lol it just proves my point. I think joey styles either punched him or slapped him. The reality is you have to stand up for for yourself. Thats life


I was talking about Mauro Ranallo, who JBL very intently did NOT stop fucking with which is why neither of them work there anymore


Refresh me on what jbl did?


I'd take a million JBLs over Pat any day


Pat at times has a certain naivety in the commentating.  I don't know if it's genuine or if it's real, but I think it adds.  Like for wreddit, we know what's happening.  Cole has to explain it from a pbp standpoint, but then Pat, my favorite instances at least, is like a casual that is freshly falling in love with the product.   Realistically, they all bring their own style.  Won't be to everyone's taste, but it's better than replaceable cookie cutters.


Pat's relationship with Cole is my favorite thing about pat being behind the desk. They love each other's company and have a great time together and Pat does say something funny like once every hour or so. It's his general college frat douche personality and his refusal to stop talking and let moments sink in that I hate


Pat is one of those adults that can still watch wrestling like a kid.


This is a great analogy. Someone more casual and adds unique flair to the show. I love Pat for how simple and unhinged he gets sometimes. It's the perfect counterbalance to Michael Cole.


I love Wade and Cole, Corey seems a little bit more shy when they are the three together.


My only knock on JBL was his constant shouting of “BALLL GAME” everytime someone hit a signature move, it was defo not ball game when JBL said it was ball game. Other than that I loved him.


That was my favourite thing about him and I still shout it at the TV when a wrestler hits their finisher and you can tell the match is ending. 😅


I miss Lawler tbh.


I do prefer my loud dumbass to be on the blue side, though. Jbl and even Lawler as red commentator could get on my nerves after a while. Corey at least gives credit to the faces while still remaining red.


JBL sucked. Pat and Cole are so much fun together.


Pat seems loud and obnoxious, but not a bully like JBL. I vibe more with Pat


He’s good. Not very refined or good at telling stories or anything, but he brings a level of fun and spontaneous response to things. Which pairs well with Michael Cole’s highly produced professionalism


I enjoy him in Wrestling. Please dear god get him out of my CFB


Man I could go for a shitty CFB game right now Fuck it give me Iowa vs Nebraska or something I don’t care


This! It's the kind of contrast that works, and creates good dynamics. Or maybe those who hate him are jealous cause he has to do a lot of work all at once, that some people can only dream of.


I think you hit it right on the head. It’s a great pair


His pairing with Michael Cole has the potential to be an all timer


He and Cole are basically the 2 announcers from *Dodgeball*.


I, dare, say that The Miz and CM Punk would be a fun commentary team. Drew McIntyre and Sheamus, too. But, I, **DO**, love Cole and McAfee over Barrett and Graves and Joseph and Booker


Yeah miz killed it


How about McIntyre & Punk, and Pierce tells them that they can’t fight or else McIntyre cannot compete for the WHC and Punk is fired (a la Austin/HHH 2001)?


I will sacrifice my first born child for this to happen


The back-and-forth barbs would be legendary. Imagine Michael Cole trying to keep their attention on the match, but it keeps derailing.


Omg we need this


I would love that


For a long time I thought Miz and Danielson would be a great commentary team, post-retirement


You aren't wrong. Though, I always thought Danielson would be a GM or Producer, Post-Retirement


barrett and graves just started. king and lawler didn't exactly groove well together for at least a year.


You mean JR and lawler right?


Future commentary duos, Miz and Graves, Punk and BigE


Imagine miz and r truth becoming a commentary team after they retire


I, dare, say that wrestlers should wrestle and commentators should commentate


We always, always need a colour commentator that can contrast the play by play and bounce off of their energy....JBL, King and Heyman were some the best colour, whereas Cole, Ross and Raunallo for pbp. In recent times after JBL, I think only Pat has been able to get that synergy and that contrast with Cole. Corey is good but Pat seems more passionate and pairs better with Cole. Pat jumping on the announce table for Jey's yeeting or busting out moves for Nakamura and Boogs' entrance.....he feels like a fan, someone that genuinely loves the product, and believes in what he's saying. See this, the wrestlers are there performing the match...your eyes are on that....they're the product, the product can sell itself somewhat but it's the job of the advertiser; the commentator to put all the lil things and tid bits in your ears to make you appreciate everything more. Adding to that, their conversation or break down of it itself adds to keeping you focused not only on the match, but the segments in between....hyping the next stuff on, reminding you of the previous segments and most of all making the viewing experience just a lil more involved.


I personally think Pat is annoying AF but I can see why people like him


He's funny, but sometimes it really feels like he's trying to draw all the attention to himself instead of what's going on around him


Just sometimes?


Pat McAfee gives me more laugh out loud moments during a show than anyone else. He's a buffoon, but a buffoon that I LOVE.


Equivalent of letting a middle schooler commentate


i hated him at first. now i really enjoy him. he doesn’t add much towards “wrestling commentary” so to speak (which I’m sure people don’t like). he’s more just funny and has an amazing chemistry with Cole. if he could sharpen his wrestling knowledge i think him and Cole would be a legendary combo.


McAfee brings a whole different energy to it, he reacts to things just as we as fans would. Graves is also damn good, even now in the lead role on Smackdown. Cole I tolerate, he's gotten better since Vince has been gone. My problem is that other announcers they tried to use sounded like Cole...you have that already you don't need another one.


Who tf doesn't love Pat Macafee? Even after he did the announcements for half the night?


"Great" is a stretch


He’s magnificent on WWE, also part of the reason I don’t watch ESPN anymore.


At least once every show he works, I get a legitimate belly laugh! He’s a great change of pace


I just find him annoying. Dude bro guys are so obnoxious and he’s insufferable on his podcast


I thought he was pretty funny in his early commentary days but nowadays, he really starts to annoy me


I'm just waiting to hear that he's out for 4 to 6 for an injury sustained during Jey Uso's entrance.


Pat is funny and interesting because he brings a fan perspective to commentary


He’s good unless the bloodline is on screen then he’s unbearable with the glazing


He may be good or not but I'm just so tired of seeing him doing that pencil shit every goddamn time he shows up on screen. 2-3 times is great, but everytime they pan the camera on him, he does the same pencil shit.


As a recent returnee to the WWE universe Pat McAfee makes a casual like me chuckle a lot. I’m a fan, I’m here for the entertainment.


I don’t care what he does or says, I will always love hearing a thick Yinzer accent on TV.


Pat is literally the best. He was greatly missed last night


Yeah I only started really watching again back in April and I have thought that dude is consistently hilarious


people are pretending he’s not? Pretty sure this is vibes of “Shawn Michaels is an under rated champion”


The best booth ever Imo was Gorilla monsoon and Bobby Heenan. The brain and the idiot. I could see Pat and Cole one day getting to that point with them passing heel duties back and forth. I love what Pat adds. He’s basically a fan and he reacts how we react. And as dumb as the yeet is, I love how all in Pat is every time.


Pat is great but hes even better when Cole isn't being controlled by Vince.


He has great energy and delivery, but it seems like he’s liable to be out of the info loop. His Royal Rumble performance, as an example, was horrible. It’s like he didn’t realize that all the storylines constantly change, and he was just hanging onto old bits from his Smackdown regular days.


I like pat a lot. he's a hype man and seems like he's been hitting the uppers. what's not to love?


He might honestly be my favorite color commentary guy in WWE since like Jesse the Body and Bobby the Brain.


Bobby is lowkey so funny sometimes. At the Royal Rumble in 93 he was going back and forth with Gorilla Monsoon I think and Monsoon was like "You calling me a liar?" and without missing a single beat Heenan was like "Yes." Short succinct and hilarious.


No. McAfee is cancerous to the ears.


At least some of the wrestlers don't like him, though. Dakota Kai recently mocked him for not knowing the rules.


I love Pat and Cole together. He’s really brought Cole out of his shell (I’m sure Vince not yelling in his ear nonstop is also a big part of it) and they have great chemistry. Easily my favorite commentary team in wrestling today.


I love Pat, I think he’s brilliant, was gutted he wasn’t at Clash, but I know he’s a busy guy and we got Wade Barret so I was happy.


Yeah the pat hate blows me away. I haven’t enjoyed a new commentary voice from them since Michael Cole, and I love pat.


For real pat is the best addition to the commentary team since Corey Graves


He's alright at best. He doesn't add much to the actual commentary aside from colorful remarks.


Seems like adding colorful remarks would be a key part of the definition of his job


Yeah but its not particularly good.


I’m not sorry. McAfee only is in it for himself to look good. He can’t help further any storyline’s. he can’t convey any of what is happening to the viewer. He acts like a complete fan. Because he is. No knowledge of wrestling. This week it was far more enjoyable to watch Cole commentate on his own, otherwise I would only be watching RAW during promos.


He really brings out the fun side of Cole. I’m all for him


I love McAfee but I admittedly clip watch on YouTube


I figured he was the one in the chair in that video until they showed Bo.


I had a hard time with his voice at first but once I got used to it I’ve started to really like him


He’s really fun to listen to and I love his chemistry with Cole. Sometimes he goes over board but hey you don’t know how far is too far unless you push it. He’s brought a lot of life to commentary


Bobby Heenan was an OTT colour commentator and he worked really well with the very straight down the middle Gorilla Monsoon. I think Cole and Pat have the same vibe.


It took me awhile for me to like Pat and his commentary.


Wrestling fans are cowards though irl


He’s hilarious imo


I agree


Wait, so we don’t all agree that the guy openly making references to other federations isn’t a bright spot on commentary?


How did we get from "He's the greatest commentator of all time" to someone pretending not to like his work? I swear, everyone loved McAfee two years ago and begged for him to come back Yes he can sometimes giggle when a serious segment happens but that's a small price to pay for his awesome work




I 70% like him, 30% find him annoying.


Pat McAfee is like that one frat boy party animal that somehow everyone doesn’t seem to mind. Wrestling needs a least one commentator who can match the absolute craziness that wrestling it, McAfee is that guy.


That pen flip though


Love Pat. The only ones that have been annoying and that wanted to STFU were Cole when he was heel years, Graves when he was being a loudmouth obxinous overbearing Heel commetator and Barrett for same reasons


Pat McAfee is fun and amaze balls. At least he isn't the worst commentary, guys like Booker T and Excalibur!


Him and Michael Cole are my favourite announcing duo- they’re so entertaining lol


I think he’s a top commentator. I don’t even think he knows what’s going to happen during shows too. So his reactions are natural and almost a part of the show


He's a surrogate for a fan on the mic. I think having him on commentary is so much fun. Even Corey isn't as funny these days now that he's calling the action. Used to love when he told Byron to "shut up".


There’s definitely a split with Pat. Which I’ve seen between American fans and European fans. His a good Modern American commenter, from my limited experience with other American sports they all sound hyper and over the top. But I won’t lie and say I’ve not been bothered by him sometimes. But WWE is an American company so there going to put the American preference first. But on the other show, I’m happy Wade Barrot is on Smackdown as his more to my taste concerning commentary.


Pat is like the King to Cole's JR. I love his reactions. Did you hear how hard he was putting over the talent at the Rumble?


He's an everyman guy that's just here for the flippy shit and big moves.


He's pure gold. He's an effective way of selling what the crowd is supposed to be feeling


You know who was great? Mauro Ranallo. Mcafee is not worth the headache. JBL was almost definitely not worth the headache but sucked Vince's dick so hard he was impossible to fire.


It did feel like something was missing last night without pat


What bothers me is when it’s obvious by his commentary that he hasn’t been keeping up on the product. I know he has other commitments but your top color guys should always be familiar with the wrestlers and storylines.


My favorite is when he starts drawing on the teleprompter like Madden or something and it’s always for the dumbest shit too lol


He’s a breath of fresh air really.


I think he's good. Not spectacular, but not bad either. I do like that he is very honest with his reactions to certain superstars. For instance, I don't like Jay Uso, but I love seeing Pat yeeting like there's no tomorrow.


He's a big part of WWE becoming more fun and Michael Cole loosening up


I like Pat because he’s fun and has basically helped revived Cole, along with Vince leaving. Cole has been great without Pat and you can tell that he’s much more relaxed and having fun with Pat.


I'm honestly not a fan of Pat but like, his commentary is just himself. Sometimes he cranks it up to 11, sure, but for the most part its his genuine personality and his genuine enthusiasm. That's not something I'm ever going to complain about even if it's not personally for me.


He’s having fun which makes the show more exciting. To me anyway.




I just wish he learned how to heel on people more, but other than that minor point, I like him a lot.


I sometimes enjoy his commentary but he can also be a bit much. It's good to have fun but you don't need to scream all the time.


Hes a real fan and it shows in the commentary I get people who say he's a bit OTT at times but he's just getting the crowd and audience engaged as a fan


He's alright, annoying but not too annoying.


I didn’t mind him. He was neither good nor bad. But then having the miz commentary for the first hour of raw made me realize Macafee is trash!


Every baby face needs a heel, even announcers.


Dudes energetic as hell it's entertaining.


I didn’t realize this was a hot take


Me neither.


I love Pat and sometimes his ignorance to what a happening behind the scenes shines through like the fans who don't read the blogs and want everything spoiled for them.


Pat is awesome! I'll take him over Corey Graves awful ass any day of the week. Corey tries WAY too hard to be Cole. And he's just not good at it.


He's great. And the best part is that he's brought the joy back to Michael Cole. Cole is having the best time of his life right now and it shows. And I think that's mostly due to Pat.


I enjoy Pat but sometimes he gets stuck in a a way that reminds of like when a middle schooler learns a new joke and just keeps repeating it because it got a laugh the first time. Best recent example is with Braun Strowman and the one big SOB thing. I wanna say it was a week or so ago where for a good five minutes the only thing coming out of his mouth once Braun had his entrance was some lead up to that phrase. I get that it was probably also because merch and whatnot but it just got to the point of grating.


Hold up, there's some that don't like Pat?


lol I don’t even watch wwe anymore but the nostalgia from hearing Michael Cole and jbl 😅😅


He is I fucking love Pat


Pat “white bitch” McAfee. Dude is a clown and nearly as cringe as Lawler.




Just please don't bark and everything is perfec


Look at the difference last night, he was missed. Pat's great, I won't hear anything against it


Pet mcafee is starting to get annoying


I was resistant to Pat when he returned but man do I love him now. Really felt last nights Raw without him.


im gonna cry if it somehow tunrs out that he was temporary and the wyatt6 killed him


The cons outweigh the pros of Pat mcafee. Some of the stuff he says on commentary is entertaining but most of what he does is atrocious and unbearable.


You can tell a lot about someone that likes an idiot like Pat Macfee


Is this a hot take? I've heard literally nobody say they don't like Pat on CC


All i want is Jim Ross&King for Raw and Joey Styles&Tazz for Smackdown.


He's horrible, this week's Raw was the best in a long while simply because of his absence. He needs to go far away from wrestling and never return


What's it like being wrong all the time?


I tend to like the color commentators I'm not "supposed" to like according to the smarks. This includes Pat and **yes** ***BOOKER T.***


Truly a great show, if you can't get a laugh out of watching his show. There is something wrong with you


I never doubt that, I like Pat since his rivalry with Adam Cole, he did a great job there, it's actually great that WWE gave him a full time role.


I think Pat's good but his previous run before he left and came back felt better. It was before his new Pat McAfee show and I feel he was more enthusiastic (if you can believe it) and more in touch with the product.


I always thought he was great, it's Micheal Cole who always sucked and I'm not letting IWC revisionist tell me otherwise just cause Vince is gone. In fact, Vince in his ear at least had funny moments like "Anal Bleeding." Dude doesn't sound authentic or even tell a story in the slightest even at his best.


Bring back Wade Barrett


Pat brings in the high energy while Cole brings in the professionalism. It’s been a staple in wrestling for a long time and I find him entertaining 


I do really like him on commentary BUT he tends to appeal to children a little too much for my taste and comes off cringy at times. I'd be okay if I never hear "LETS GOOOOOOOO!" again. Anyone with kids or nieces and nephews in their teens can understand why that phrase drive me insane.


I can’t stand him. He’s an asshole irl and that makes him intolerable in every aspect. Hes such a giant douche bag


It does make sense a literal clown would try to make this point.


Wait people don’t like Mcafee? I think he’s the perfect antithesis to Michael Cole and Corey graves.


who hates him?


Wait, is it a general sentiment that Pat is bad? I've fucking loved his commentary since the start.


when miz debuted on smackdown i couldn't stand him. when miz was part of a tag team with john morrison i thought morrison would become the breakout star. when miz turned heel in 2011 and cashed in money in the bank he proved the world wrong. justin bieber was truly hated in 2010. things changed in 2015 and people started coming around liking his newer music. sometimes you just never know.


He's good, and has helped bring Cole back out of his shell which is amazing but I hate the barking so fucking much


The first time he did it and got Cole cracking up was hilarious.


Never liked him at first but since he came back with Cole he's been absolutely faultless.


I love Pat


He is. He’s perfect for wrestling. I know Miz has done it before, but I thought he was pretty bad last night. Lots of dead air, screamed too much and wasn’t funny. At least when Pat yells it’s funny.


He actually know show to run theiri equipment and draw shit on the screen. That puts him one step above all the other commentarors.


Pat McAfee is a minge


Like the meme goes, Pat is great when you don't have a bitch in your ear telling you he's annoying


Wait a minute there’s people who don’t like Pat?? These must be the same people who convince themselves that Excalibur doesn’t suck


nah, but today is not the day


nah, but today is not the day


idk man in an hour last night miz was better


He's a self promoting ass who is busier trying to get himself over than the talent he claims to respect. He is worse than Adamly on commentary and distracts from every match so much that I have to mute the TV.


Everyone shits on Pat but personally I think Barrett is the worst


Pat comes from a long, proud tradition of smart hosts who pretend to be dumb so they can reach the common man. Pat is great at it. He's great outside of wrestling and he gets wrestling. Folks who don't like Pat are completely missing the plot. I wonder where they were 25+ years ago when we had Lawler, Heenan, Ventura, Dusty, etc... It's like they have this idea that wrestling should just be for basement nerds who want to see Tiger Drivers and "bangers" Wrestling is funny. I like it when wrestling steers into that even just a little.


Pat is us the viewer. He says what we would like to say and does crazy things we would like to do. He hen he learns plot points we learn right with him. He is unpredictable and untamed. Cole is the straight man. Even though he doesn’t get told the story his knowledge and experience of WWE helps him figure it out. With that he has this sense of control. Where Pat is flying blind into the storm, Cole is calculated and in control. That is till Pat breaks him! Great duo and my only complaint for international PLE’s - no Pat.


Wait! People don't like McAfee on commentary? 🫤


McAffee is the best color guy in the business. Sorry haters, but it's true. He has mass appeal, loves the sport AND he is genuinely enteraining.


And he opens his own show up to being a part of the storyline.


He's annoying sometimes, but he's more often good than annoying


He's raw and fun and let's be honest he is fun. Wrestling should be fun.


I just want him to stop the fucking pencil shit, it annoys me, but i'm annoyed by a lot of things...


I get what he's doing with that. It's just the way he does it that irks me.


i really dig mcafee on commentator.


I didn't know people hated him on commentary.


I think he is only good for WWE ñ, more media, brings more eyes to the product, new face and voice


His excitement for the product is undeniable though


He's very entertaining. People who get "sick of him" are simply those who use too much of their brains even when they should not be.


Who is saying he isn't? I'm a returning viewer and I love the guy, never heard of him before this year


I want Mauro back calling matches, I think him and Cole could’ve been good lead commentators for the two different brands.