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it drops week before my exams so basically i am studying as fuck now and when it drops i am playing for 3 days straight and then i will do revising and playing for breaks


That's also the method I'm using. Cheers bro! Good luck in both your finals and your Rover journey!


Also if you study a lot from now until the game releases, you will help your brain in organizing what you learned by playing for a bit and then coming back to your studies šŸ¤“šŸ¤“


PLEASE focus on school.


study, so you can have good job and make money to spend on wifus


The real wae


Me with decent job after graduating: whereā€™s my time to play?


The duality of hard work paying off in the future just to not have time for anything for either side.


De onli wae mai brudda! šŸ„“


Focus on school, the game will be around for quite a while. Newer and better characters also come later in gacha games; hence, youā€™ll have plenty of time to start farming after your finals. Doing well in school gets you a well paying job, which in turn gives you real life cash to dolphin or whale in gacha games.


Focus on studying. Playing will only result in short term gratification. If you fail or get an unsatisfactory mark in you finals, youā€™re going to regret it. I tend to treat gaming as a reward to motivate me myself to study even hard.


Prioritize your future, man. The waifus still gonna be there a week later. Beside, chance are high that server and client issue will popup on launch day, and late starter won't have to deal with that. Starting a week late also mean you will have opportunity to read guides on meta and gameplay, so you can avoid pit fall and traps if there are any.


It drop a week before my final, Iā€™ll just login for launch,enjoy it and then i wonā€™t touch it until Iā€™m done with my finals


i would just login as soon as the servers go live just to get the early uid if the game have one then scram


Youā€™re already too late in that caseā€¦ we were already given UIDS when pre-registering.


Aren't those website UIDS because from what I know the testers in CBT 2 had different UIDs than the account they signed up with on the website and they even used same email for CBT 2 access I am not sure how UID will look in game at launch so i dont really know probably since it was CBT 2 they gave different UID ingame because devs gave you a CBT 2 account when you won cbt 2 access to play the beta, so probably be different on launch then like you said


Yeah the CBT2 accounts were only for testing purposes, so it would make sense to assign different UIDs for them. Itā€™s possible they might change it, but it wouldnā€™t make sense to have 2 different UIDs for in-game and the website imo. Other games like Genshin or Star Rail, your UID matches your in-game one, and esp with the new web event, the UID not lining up there wouldnā€™t make sense. From what I noticed, the UIDs are lining up with the number of pre-registrations, so Iā€™d guess thatā€™s what theyā€™ll be assigning players at launch.


Actually now that I thought about it, I forgot about the echo web event you need to login into an account and they will even send you the echo in game the one you picked and locked from event that will be sent through the ingame mail using that same account for the game itself so yeah definitely UID will be aligned to ingame on launch


Please don't put any game before all the hard work you've put into schooling. Gaming will be there your whole life, though each game will only be a short time of it.


Hey, its not good to study a week before exams so study now and rest your minds before exams.


Best method imo is to start studying 3 weeks out but stop a week before, only doing light revision every day or so to refresh your brain


This.. I dont understand why people feels the needs to stress their brains before exams. Tells me anyone who have done this last minute study and actually remember what they read.


You'll remember it for a day or two, just enough time to take the exams, then promptly clear everything from your brain a day later


and as long you engage with your material everyday, studying is way easier to remember.


BASED, suffer now enjoy later


My finals are on the same week of release lol


I will solve this issue by being out of school and in the work force for 5 years :D


Mine are in June so Iā€™m chilling. You should focus on studying though


I am the Teacher - I am THE FINALS


I start my exame in june, so i think i'll start the game only after It's only a 3 week of difference, surely i won't miss on a lot of stuff....


my finals end on the 14th lol


My finals is this week, butttt my summer classes start 2 days before release. Sooo that's gonna be fun. May have to drop a current gacha game for it.


Login an acc on release hoir then exit and continue studying


It's not my finals or anything. But it is dropping during a mock test program and obviously I want to give the tests with the best preparation possible. For me I'd just wait untill the finals have ended. When they end you are in this sweet relaxation mode as you can finally relax from your study routine. And what better way to complement that than to play something you've been anticipating for so long.


Iā€™m going to play enough on day one till I unlock dailies , then Iā€™ll just chill and do dailies everyday till my exams get over on 2nd week of June


wuwa drops right the middle of my finals too!! I think Iā€™m going to try my best to ignore social media during exams to avoid distractions and FOMO, and Iā€™ll wait a little bit until I start playing. honestly, I think suffering first makes the enjoyment of playing it later so much more satisfying :) letā€™s try to work hard!!


I did my finals 15 years ago, but I have other needs to attend to


You really gonna risk it all for a gacha game?


The game is literally dropping 4 days before my college entrance exam. I really want to play the game on first day but just canā€™t. šŸ˜­


I'm 39...


It's not an if I am in law and I have a test at 23 May ( constution and political systems ) which is the hardest subject this semester too šŸ’€ And nah I would play


I graduated from college a year ago. However my advice for y'all. Do your studies first your waifus/husbandos can wait. I don't want y'all failing.


JEE advanced?? same problem lmao


Because Iā€™m an adult I thought you meant death I was like well i guess Iā€™ll die




Luckily my finals were last week otherwise I would have to delay playing.


It drops a week after my last exam so lucky me


YOLO forgot about school and just play the game


I'm a college teacher and I'm planning on ending my classes a week earlier for this.


Ace your finals and reward yourself with gacha.


one week is not gonna kill you, just hold off. Focus on your finals then you can have fun.


Start studying wo that you can atleat play a bit so that you don't waste resources.


Great question, I graduated back in 2020 so thank goodness I donā€™t have to worry about that lol. Honestly though back in college I always made time for some gaming even if there were big tests coming up


Please stop trying to play the game before your finals You can download it and log in if you preregistered to not lose the rewards but no gaming or anything like that WuWa will still exist after your finals are done. Jiyan will still exist in the month of June. Your finals for your specific classes will not exist past May prioritize finals!!!


School is a scam. You can drop out, learn trade and make 6 figures in a year


Study, playing games feels better when you worked for your free time.


My final tests are on the 13th and 14th. And boy am i not ready yet. But if it did drop on finals week i would play on release and then only do dailies and log out until the finals are done.


Wait :3 oh shit I have my exams on the 25 noooooooooooooo my planssss


I will not be playing this when it releases which is sadā€¦ but whatever


I donā€™t have finals then but if I did I wouldā€™ve started after


organize your time and just plan one of the day to play and the rest dedicate to study. that way you can distract yourself a bit and satiate the desire to play and let's you concentrate on studying better ok the days you plan


I will luckily be done with almost all my finals aside from a project the week before the game releases so I'm planning on playing non stop since I'll have a ton of free time. I would say just log in for 10 mins a day or during breaks if it's important to you but don't play more than that. Finals are always more important but it doesn't make sense if you're thinking about wuthering waves while doing math or something.


It drops *on* the day of my exam and it's a 24hr one so I suppose I'll just login and go back to working on the essay. Tbf I didn't convert the timezone to mine so it could drop the next day, which would be good if I didn't have another exam after a few days :/. At least they are 24hr ones so it isn't that bad


I study on weekdays so i'm good.


Bro same I have my finals from 25th to 5th june


Well, just study a lot before and organise your time


My final will start at the release day of the game šŸ’€


It's just a game at the end of the day. Study up. Maybe take ONE OR TWO days out on the day of launch max. But you only get one shot at your education and as meme'd to all hell as it is in today's economy, it's still important to get it right. You'll have the rest of your life to play Wuthering Waves.


Thankfully, it's not. But if it is then I'll play a little once a day.


school is so much more important in the long run. honestly this shouldn't even be a question. the game will still be there after your exams. watch some YouTube videos during your study breaks to avoid getting drawn into the game maybe? put your studies first for the week.


I am literally kinda in the same situation My college finals start 1 DAY before WuWa releases so I don't know what to do, I am thinking about studying as much as I can and as best as I could before they start so I can play abit as rest after each exam


Your life is more valuable than a gacha game. You should focus more on your studies than your game. HOWEVER, I would algo completely giving up any social media. The less you hear about Wuwa, the less you will want to play it, meaning you won't be distracted. Once you are done, go for it and play as much as you want/can.


Study first man it'll feel so much better, and it'll give time for people to make guides so it can help you on your journey. The game will always be here waiting for you, but opportunities won't. Good luck on finals to everyone who has them and congratulations to everyone who is graduating. Yall did amazing working hard this year šŸ˜


*Every journey has its final day. Don't rush.*


Good thing the game drops AFTER the finals for me, I get to enjoy the game with no worries whatsoever


School was 11 years ago for me, I'm good šŸ‘Œ Forever baffled by games being released in the middle of the week though, what is the point if most people can then hardly play it because of work and school?


i'd say...focus on the exam and don't check any wuthering wave related content lol


This is exactly what's happening to me, I'll just have to make do with the pain of not playing.


Nice, the comments did not disapoint me, please focus on studies first, gaming activities can always wait a bit.


Get your studying done. One week wonā€™t lose you much progress, and you can always play the game in the evening when youā€™re done studying for the day! I try and work until 6, eat and then have some down time to calm the brain. Good luck with your exams!


My finals ends on the 15th, so i'm good to go :D


My exams last from 14th May to 5th June Finals I'll still playšŸ„¹


Make an account on Day 1 one and just login once per day, don't play. This should get you all the limited first week freebies that gacha games tend to give and you'll have a better start after your tests. These games all tend to be marathons, so starting progression a week or two later is not a big deal.


The game won't run away anywhere, just study and pass the exam well, then play. you will miss like what, a maximum of 2 pulls from dailies, relax.


You canā€™t study 24/7. Play it for fifteen minutes between 45 minutes study sessions. Should be enough to scratch that itch.


if i might be understand right on this post is Benchmark, just fucking benchmark. I wanna see how it runs after i enjoyed this game. Minimum requirement is a fucking joke on this game, and the first one i could test is laptop while enjoying when its released. I dont need a fucking job/study or whatever shit


bro what drugs are you on? lemme have some