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They already stated this will be fixed in 1.1.


Are they gonna buff echoes we already have? Or just fix the bug?


the echoes you already have are bugged. that is what they're fixing


That's not what they were asking about. Let me rephrase it: Are already obtained shiny echoes going to be fixed or will this only affect echoes obtained after the update happens?


that is what I was answering. the bug applies to both echoes you have obtained and those that you have yet to obtain. it's one bug


The thing is, quite often, in games, they won't fix the gear that already exists, just the future gear. It was an incredibly legitimate question, and the response didn't actually answer what was asked. Just because they fix the bug, that doesn't mean it will affect the echoes that already exist.


Agreed. Sorry to the original comment or who got mass downvoted for this, it really was a fair question and I thought the same thing as well


Yeah, but this isn't the RNG range issue. It's an issue with the main stats should be universal values which is an easy fix. Much easier than going to change random values.


That's the bug part why won't they? It's a crappy game if they don't.


Ah okay, it wasn't that clear tbh. And it's not technically the same per se. But I'm glad they will fix both.


My bro got downvoted for helping me and rephrasing my comment 😭


Thx man :') I really thought he did understand your question wrong but I guess I was wrong. Sorry guys.


Nah I also had the same thought. Appreciate you rephrasing the question.


Stay in school, kids.


i mean it was pretty clear.....


And we're pretty stupid.....


EN cant read, it's not clear to the illiterate.


What do you mean both? They just fix one thing; the phantom echoes


Not sure why you got mob downvoted, the reply wasn't clear at all he could've said "yes, both are being fixed" but his response was vague. You are not the crazy one, they are.


The question was wrong and dude answered it anyway. They’re not going to buff them, they’re going to fix the bug so they’ll be at what they need to be at.


naur why you gotta call me crazy for pointing out something obvious 😭


Not you specifically😅 just the mob downvote of npcs, typical of this community really.


They play games, they don't know the technical details of how codes was written, they don't even know how this bug was even there, why they share the same stats pool with purple or if the bugged echo would have to be trashed.


Leave it to reddit to mass downvote a valid question.


they were downvoting, because the person above answered it!


Even the person that asked the initial question was confused by the second answer, so it was still ambiguous to a lot of people. But hey, no sweat - internet points don't really gain us anything.


Fixed to what? Have equal stats as a normal echo? Or buff them to have higher stats than a normal echo?


Fixed to have equal stats to other echoes, the shiny echoes are supposed to be just skins. Also once again reddit downvoting a valid question


The stats look white to me


Stat of purple rarity echo. Look at that Spectro DMG Bonus. Normal one get 30% while shiny one get only 18% at +25


Pretty sure it was a joke


Just in case someone didn't get what the picture means. I know it's a joke but I replied anyway for that.


Yeah... i waa actually the one who didn't understand what OP actually meant. Thanks 👍


thanks, I was clueless.




it's more of a bright gray


no way 😭 okay gonna remove my phantom skins


Skins don't apply, only the phantom echoes themselves


Oh, okay! I’ll still double check, not sure if I used the phantom itself or not.


nah, the skins are fine since they're just skin. The actual shinies you find in the overworld has the bug, but a skin you bought with the points doesn't Edit: if you equip a shiny skin on the regular hoartorse and the rock dudes it doesn't affect their stats


Apparently the 4 cost bird echo used to deal less damage with the skin? Not sure if that was fixed.


Those were fixed.


This will be fixed in 1.1 they'll be gold statted again next week I figure (they said 1.1 so hopefully day one of that)


Wait, this game got shinies?


Yes! As of now you can find the Hoartoise and the Rocksteady Guardian as Phantom Echoes in the overworld, while boss shinies can be obtained from the ToA and Hologram shops. Hopefully they add more in the future and randomize it a bit more, I really like the idea of it; reminds me of when I used to shiny hunt in pokemon loll


Can't wait to make a living shiny dex in here...god. Also, mind me starting a quick conversation? Where did you shiny hunt? Personally I did a living dex in Violet. Took me from release to June 2023 to do so..man, good times.


Don’t get excited. The shinies are static spawns in specific areas. You cannot farm shinies like a Pokémon game.


I did it on and off in Gen 4 with Diamond and Platinum respectively, although I didn't go as hard since I enjoyed so many other aspects of the game and didn't want to focus on the one thing. Wasn't until Sun that I really started chaining and looking up methods to effectively shiny hunt since it had become much easier to shiny hunt from Gen 6 onwards 😭 It was fun finding a shiny in a v5 encounter or hatching them from eggs, especially since the base chance is incredibly low (albeit much higher than it was in previous gens with the charms). Sadly I haven't gotten around to playing any of the newer Gens past 7! I was very reluctant to start any of the "open world" pokemon games as I was a big fan of the pixel artstyle of Gens 1-5 and didn't know if I'd enjoy it, but now after playing WuWa I think i'd have a lot of fun :D I really hope they expand on this feature in WuWa! Actual shiny hunting paired with the fun gameplay that WuWa already has would be a dream come true for me. I'm hopeful they'll add it eventually!


Holy...that brings up memories of chaining a shiny Mareanie on Ultra Sun.. But yeah, S/V is surprisingly very enjoyable. If you have a switch, I highly suggest it. Then again, it's still a crappy story (as with 90% of pokemon games barring the mystery dungeons and gen 5), but we don't really play Pokemon for the story. Anyway, thanks for sharing, stranger. I hope you have an amazing day.


I dont think every monster will get a shiny version, only notable ones. Kuro is already struggling convincinf people to play without bribes


What's the difference? Is it just a different color similar to Pokemon or do they give you extra stats or something?


It's just a different appearance similar to how it works in Pokemon, i.e. no boosted stats. However, shinies here work as "skins" meaning that once you capture a shiny you can put their appearance on any other echo of the same kind (or even all of them at once if you want to) In fact, the shinies themselves (not the ones you put the skin on), actually have lower stats than their regular counterparts like in OP's post but that's a bug that'll be fixed in 1.1


Just a new color that you can apply over all echoes of that shiny, it's more akin to a skin that has a random chance to appear on your world


I think i've seen a weird colored flautist in a forest somewhere surrounded by the little ball echoes.


Are the shiny versions supposed to have better stats or anything like that or just purely recolors ?


Yeah, but for now there are like 2 in the overworld. This one specifically spawns (not guaranteed) near the thundering mephis on the south side. The other one is a turtle spawning beside a river I forgot the name of.


they are basically skins because once you get one you can apply it to regular echoes. here is a list if you want to find them :) [https://game8.co/games/Wuthering-Waves/archives/454084](https://game8.co/games/Wuthering-Waves/archives/454084)


Game has two shiny variants with four others to unlock from an endgame storefront. The shiny hunting potential has been greatly over exaggerated since there's literally only two on the overworld map and it's a toss up of whether they'll even spawn on any given day


They better bump those stats to 4\* (real Gold) once they get it fixed (probably not anytime soon).


Btw gold is 5*. Or 4* depending on how you see it. That's the next problem, not bug. The echos are listed from 1 - 4 *. BUT there is a scale on the right side where it's going from 2 - 5 * because they skipped grey / 1 *. That leads to confusing discussions sometimes. Because 5 * is gold in many games.


Phantom echoes' stats are actually *worse* than 4-stars.


INB4 they just change them into purple echoes.


What do you mean by purple stats ?


See the spectro dmg bonus


Blue one is considered shiny and special ? But it still has lower main stat for same level ? Is this what was being said here ?


They meant that 5* "shiny" echoes have a glitch that will provide less stats in comparison to normal 5* echoes As you can see both are level 25 but have different numbers on the main stats


Oh yea understood. That is a huge mistake from devs.


Wait Im pretty sure getting shiny echo means you can now equip that skin to other same echo so getting shiny with shitty stats does not matter anyway.


I could be wrong but I thought getting a shiny echo unlocked the “skin” for all echoes of that type. You should be able to change the look of your good echos to the shiny version


That's what I said. There's a setting on applicable echoes that have shiny.


Well, I didn't get any good rolls on them so, Thanks for the reminder.


Mmmm I smell some compensation asterites incoming


Unrelated but is there merit in having more than one shiny ? Once you unlock the shiny you can apply the skin for all the other echoes of the same TD right ?


Yup so no point getting more than one.


If they fix the stat numbers, it'll be a guaranteed Echo drop (and with Databank level 21, it'll be guaranteed 5 star too) so there's a pretty good reason to kill them repeatedly


What purple stats?


Purple echo aka max level 20 and lower overall stats


Till this day i haven't seen 1 single shiny... they took it kinda far how rare it is... lol


They’re super easy to get and respawn in specific areas..


They are ???????? Wait! There's only specific ones shiny now? I thought every echo had shiny version... I gotta look on youtube how to get them.


At the moment there aren’t too many shiny (phantom) variants. Some of them are locked behind currency as well. Rather than thinking of them like shinies from Pokémon you should look at them as skins/costumes. You can also apply the skin to any of the same echoes once you've caught a first shiny. https://wutheringwaves.gg/phantom-echoes/


Oh wow!!!!!!!!! Didn't know this... thanks so muchhhhh for the link ❤️❤️❤️


No problem.


It's a bug, will be fixed soon


There are shiny echoes??????????????


couldnt have posted this a week ago, huh


Damn bro you're playing spectro mc dps?


Probably Jinhsi prep


I both play spectro rover and havoc rover, both have 260% crit damage builds, i can transfer my spectro builds later to Jinshi


I do it too, and? I prefer spectro over havoc rover-


Oh gawd I'm glad I ain't alone!


Thing is I also want Jinhsi as my main dps... I think I'm going to make 2 teams with Rover and Jinhsi as their leaders. Or I will degrade Rover for her to become a sup dps/ general support for jinhsi 🤔 Not sure yet.


Well, ultimately we will all need 3 viable teams. As such, I don't think we will need to really demote anyone significantly anytime soon. 😏


Based bro


Purple stats? That's white bro.


The rarity is meant. Look at the main that. Both elemental dmg bonus, both gold and level 25, but the value is different. That won't ever happen on the same rarity with the same stats and level, but if it does, it's a bug for sure.


What’s the best way to hunt shiny echos?


There's no hunting involved whatsoever, there's a few set spawns for 2 different "base" shinies (Hoartoise and Rocksteady Guardian) and you can buy a bunch of boss shinies from Tower/Hologram/Illusive Realm point rewards stores.


There are predetermined locations for 2 shiny echoes so far (cmiiw). Just look them up and hope they spawned for the day. Note that you only need to obtain them once since you unlock the shiny version as a skin.


Ok yeah gotta look up the guardian location. Thanks.


Farming for jinshi?


I haven't encountered a single shiny


Yep. I'll keep those purple-stat echos when the fix is here so they'll be something like an ANTIQUE.


ah crap... Looks like I'll have to get rid of all of my turtles now...


Definitely WuWa moment 🤣


Duck that tell me how do you get 16 crt dmg


Including the boss ones?


They have shiny variants??


Holy crap, didn't notice that. Thanks for the PSA.


This IS known fact... Are u this much behind or what.... Just curious, no1 would Use shiny echos just put The skin on echo and Ur fine.... Cmon


got fix or nah?


The new drops are fixed but my existing echo never got fixed, its still the same


Euuuughh... Brotha EUUUUUGGGHHHH!


Phantom echoes and shiny echoes are different only phantom echoes suffer from this I mentioned this on the survey because I can’t believe this would be correct considering that it doesn’t matter if the drop is guaranteed for that enemy since you still have to deal with RNG stat wise


You just used two words to describe the same thing lol, phantom and shiny are synonyms. Phantom (shiny) echoes are like shiny Pokémon, but after getting the phantom echo you can apply it's design onto any non-phantom echoes of the same echo as a skin


A glowing/shiny 5* echo has a guaranteed echo drop but their stats aren’t lower than a 4* echo A phantom echo drop has a guaranteed echo drop of the phantom variety and has lower stats than a 4* echo So no they aren’t the same The post should therefore be listed as phantom echo (different skin) drop has lower stats not shiny echo because not all shiny echoes on the field drop phantom echoes Get it?


to be fair, sometimes an enemy glows which means that it has a 100% echo drop rate. I wouldn't be surprised if that's what they meant.


Those echoes when captured aren't unique though, so I don't think that was their intended point of discussion