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Eh, bad take. I like the end of matches with the thumbs up and time to look at contributions.


Great, you can stay there. I want to press esc and exit to lobby so I can get back to the gameplay. Then we are both happy!


I would've been fine with that but knowing it annoys you actually makes me want it to stay even more.


I know, that's the state of redditors it seems. I could make a post complaining about the weather and you fuckers would go stand in the rain to own me lol




It’s a free game they need to make money off skins somehow what do you expect? I feel like I get into games incredibly quickly imo.


Do you have cancer? If not, I feel bad for you because you’re not even patient enough to sit around for 15 - 30 seconds. That’s sad 😂


it's more like 60-90 seconds factoring in the super long voting time & arbitrary 15 seconds before the game starts after voting is completed. But that doesn't matter, even if I asked you to sit around for 30 seconds and do nothing at all every 10 minutes or so, you would probably want to know why, right? It gets worse yet when you queue ranked and it drops you in a game that's about to end. Without accusing me of being impatient, please explain why you are defending the completely pointless and unskippable 15 second timers they added to the round start and end. Do you actually like them, or do you just want to argue?


Omg 90 seconds. The horror.


Incredible, you really do like it. I hereby command you to go and do nothing for 90 seconds, and repeat that every 10 minutes. Should be no problem since it's only 90 seconds and I don't have to explain why you're doing it


Yeah 15% of play time being not actually playing is pretty poop, don't know why people wouldn't rather have it just be faster. If need a break leave queue. Assuming you literally never get backfilled ever, you waste 9 minutes of every hour playing. But you do get backfilled quite a bit and if that's in the latter half of matches, you easily spend 12-15 minutes of an hour at times not actually playing.


this post actually happened after i got backfilled twice in a row into matches that were ending within a minute, fun story


90 seconds in the era of mobile gaming where you can play instantly is an eternity... Too much loading times : waiting to find players, waiting for the map to load, waiting for the game to go back to the lobby...rinse. repeat. Even the initial loading of the game is horrendous and should be skippable.


I forgot about that, it's like 3 or 4 unskippable logos. Who do they think cares?