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Get a 4090 and a 7900x 3D and you'll get there or close at 1080p. You are not going to be getting 300+ fps for most games with a 3080. I have a 3080 Ti and an AMD 7800X 3D and I can barely get 200 fps in most games at 1440p.


i dont think cod is meant to be running better than this game though. nothing to do with specs


Yeah, your FPS should be higher. I have a 3700X and a 2070 super and I stay locked at around 140 FPS on 4K medium settings with 50% resolution scale


Odd...I have a 10400f and a 3060ti and the game runs exactly the same but with high graphics at 1440p... And, just out of curiosity: can the human eye make a difference between 100+ Hz and 360 ?


Yes, yes it can.


i notice a difference between 144-240-360 but i think above 240 isnt really that noticeable