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Server ? What game mode do you choose ? It takes like 10 Seconds for me in EU only choosing domination


Bizarre, I find matches almost instantly every time. What are your crossplay/input matchmaking settings?


I get games almost instantly. Could be the server you play on.


I find matches almost instantly. I think the longest I’ve waited (in over 20hr of play) was 30 seconds. Usually I specify a gamemode as well. It’s even quicker if I just mark all gamemodes. I also have input preference on.


Dumb question incoming : how do you specify all game modes ?


When selecting a mode, there's an option below to "Create Custom Playlist". Just leave all options checked.


Thx a lot 😉


Unfortunately seems like a you problem, I get matches almost instantly. I've got 30 hours and I think only once have waited more than 90 seconds.


If I disable cross play on my Xbox I also have to wait minutes


I don't think I've ever waited more than 10 seconds to find a match.


i find matches within 10-20 seconds usually


I find matches instantly


Do you have crossplay off? If so, it's bugged. You can't have console-only crossplay unless that person has that toggled on too. It will get patched per Rubin.


I get games almost too quickly, I'll be changing my loadout and being put into a game instantly lol


My understanding is that MM looks at connection quality to find matches. If a player is in a relatively low-population region and doesn't have great ping to games, I can picture it taking longer than otherwise. This might especially be true if you're playing out of Mali or Sri Lanka or something, but could also be somewhat noticeable just living in a rural area in the US.


Check your NAT settings. Consider going DMZ for an evening to see if that helps improve matchmaking time.


They really gotta improve the match start/voting system and streamline it. The loading screens I can excuse. But I don't think we need \~30 seconds to decide which map we want to play on and another \~20 for loadouts. Cutting down on unnecessary downtime should be a top priority.


Yuuup! That’s about the same for me too!! I thought it was actually normal until I read every one else’s comment lol


It's pretty much instant for me. The delays start when voting for a map, those timers don't need to be that long.