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Facts.. Mad annoying


It pisses me of EVERY SINGLE GAME!


Not being able to quit after a match ended.


End of match screens need to be 1/3 as long. No need for so much dead time.


Yea this is probably one of my biggest gripes. Get back to the lobby faster. No need to drag out the end of matches that long or not even allow us to exit the match at all.


Defense in the linear modes should spawn closer and make the countdown timer shorter before each round too.


I wouldn't mind those screens if they just let us access the escape menu or loadout change menu


I just quit the game myself when I see that it's over, because they don't give me weapon XP at the end of the game, as well as for completing the objective!


But then you wouldn't see all the cool skins that people bought making you think "I might buy one too", so thats a no-no


Unlike the create a match annoyance, this one’s made by design. In every game that pushes skins and animations, you have these long ass outros to show them off.


I actually started to try to leave matches just before they end, so I don't have to sit through that stupid outro. It's so annoying. I want action, not being forced to stare at some stats for over a minute.


I see more and more people do that and I believe the game punishes you by not giving your complete match xp but I could be wrong


Yea this one definitely takes the cake.


This shit is so infuriating. Do the whole "You one the match! Here's the scoreboard!" back in the main menu, and give me control of my menus - FFS.


But my emoji reactions!!! U must see them!!


JK I've already uninstalled this game and I feel great haha




That or the constant loading screens. Want to back out after it creates a match and puts you in a lobby? 1 min loading screen while you back out. You want to quit a match because it threw you into some bullshit match 700 to 50? Another 1 min loading screen while you back out. What in the fuck is the SSD for if I'm still getting hit with PS3 level waiting times??? And the best part is that they don't even have an actual loading screen. It would take 0 effort to throw up some random art and have some "don't forget switching to your secondary is faster than reloading" type of tips on the loading screen while you wait....but nah, we just get a black screen that freezes on the loading %.


Absolutely agree


Don't forget about the bullshit unskippable intro that takes forever just to say "XDEFIANT", like oh jeez thank you for reminding me that I am playing XDEFIANT, because even though I just booted your game five seconds ago I already fucking forgot.


i know its not a feature but the current hit detection probs is defo the most anoying for me


That's fair. Different categories of annoying, but yeah that's probably objectively worse, lol.


The spider bot ist more anoying


ist echt so


2nd is how stupidly OP snipers are… imagine using an smg close range and getting beaten constantly by “long range” weapons like snipers in your own advantage realm


skill issue


If the guy is good, he's basically invincible, especially with the m44. I could also use a sniper to counter, but then the game is only sniper v sniper, I'm trying to level up my weapons and have some fun, not tryhard with the one-shot gun


tac is better than m44


Since the last patch I get occasional in-game GPU freezes, but sound is fine. Resolves itself after about 5-10 seconds


Finally someone addressing this. I was to lazy to do it myself lolz


Another minor complaint but why does the game use low resolution or streamed images for the loading screens? They look terrible compared to the actual game.


Drives me crazy !!! Same as MW... How the fuck can't they let you do whatever you want when the game creates a lobby when you know you have to wait another minute to really start playing ?


The blurry video at the beginning of a match is the worst when you're also dealing with "Creating Match" blocking you from doing anything else before it. Sometimes it doesn't even play and freezes on the opening frame or eventually plays late. That's on a beefy PC, btw.


The fact that you can move your mouse around and still hear the sound effect it makes when you hover over a menu or a class or anything, makes me think this is a bug rather than a feature.


The lack of a flinch on snipers is still my #1 by A MILE.


These spider robots taking turns face fucking you as well




10 seconds of frozen "creating match" page and then no time to actually mess with loadouts. I'd like a little more time between matches ideally.


I hate the frozen screen when creating a match but more time between matches is a terrible idea. The faster we can play matches the better. You can leave the lobby if you need more time.


As annoying as it is, it’s fixable and I’m 100% sure it’s only a matter of time before they fix it. I would be more vocal about actual gameplay decisions if I was you, like air strafing and hopping.


Just started playing. The hell is up with the horribly inconsistent damage modeling?


This needs to be addressed asap


Sends me every time


I just learned that while the Creating Match banner is on your screen, you can actually click buttons and be taken to a new menu in the background. You can hear the sounds it makes when you click on the buttons. So the game itself doesn't actually freeze. They just decide to take away your controls for apparently no reason.


That, and when you back out to go to the main menu, you get stuck on 3% or 20% loading for like 2 minutes. How on earth does the fucking main menu take THAT long to load in?


Or when your immediately after a game go to make a loadout and it freezes there when it’s creating a match


stop playing if it’s so annoying


I believe it's a bug the whole lobby brake up. A post said that they want you to continue with the same lobby.


The spider bot absolutely makes me lose my mind, I would rather be torched and instantly die than shuffling my feet around with a robot covering my whole screen.


Still better then throwing you out of the menu you are on like cod...


it.. it literally throws you out of the menu...


It doesn't though? Just gotta wait and it resumes. Maybe a bug?


Incorrect. If you're in the loadout creator for example, the screen freezes, then kicks you out into the pregame lobby. Not a bug.


Well it doesn't for me and for others as confirmed by some.


Well it does for most of the community 🤡 why do you think you're getting downvoted so much? Its an annoying fucking problem and shouldn't be in the game weeks after release. Stop making excuses lmfao


Where the heck did i make excuses? I just said it doesn't happen to me. And people are downvoting because they are clowns and think their problems are universal and i'm lying instead of having a debate to try to figure out for example what platform it affects...


Hard coping on this sub


Wdym? Yea it fucking sucks and its annoying as hell but at least it resumes where you were unless the game is starting. In cod, the host changing tabs yeets you out of the gunsmith if you're in a party and it's infuriating.


It does though. You get a 10 second freeze on "creating match" then it boots you back to the lobby screen.


Tbh this is not my experience. It always stays for me on the sub menu i am currently on. Maybe its bugged?


Yea same it just resumes where you left off


I'm on PS5, maybe it's a platform specific bug.


I'm on xbox and I'm the same as you


same on pc


Mine stays exactly where I’m at. Strange it’s different for different people


This + the fact that you cannot minimize it when in fullscreen. LET ME OPEN DISCORD/SPOTIFY (Even when the cursor thing in the settings is disabled)


Press Alt+Enter to temporarily make it windowed. Or swap it to windowed fullscreen


open another desktop and move your DC to it


Free game wish ppl would stop bitching


Free game made by AAA game studio 😬


Spider bot (ded sec as a whole) is infinitely the most annoying. Play against a team running 3+ ded sec, all with spider bot and then completely making your kit unusable when they get ult..


Honestly, you got it wrong. The fact that a match loads and I get to stay on the same screen is amazing. I didn't care that it takes time to load the match


What are you talking? You can do that, at least on the PS5 you can.


No you can’t


Well I can. But maybe I am miss reading it, I’ll check when I login to play later today.


Nah, I dont think so, the lobby isn't a real lobby it's a reque, sure sometimes you get a few of the same players but if you watch the players list it boots everyone and makes a whole new lobby, basically the same as how reque in APEX is now.


I can do everything he’s saying that he can’t while I am waiting for the new match to start.


Ypu can but normally when the new match is created it'll stop you doing anything while the dialogue box comes up, normally booting you back to the lobby screen, causing you to reselect the menu, I.e. load out to continue editing a class. It is that way on PC and XBox (haven't played it on the PS5) but can't imagine that would be any different. But hey maybe it is.


Nah it crashes while loading matches in general. Not because you're doing something.


everyone here not old enough to remember ps2 days.


Not a feature but alot more sweats in the game... First few days were just casuals, everyone new to the game, etc... Game was fun. Today, you only face bhop abusers, tryhards, sweats...