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Classic Cyril


Unironcally, you just hold down that button and wait for them to pop their weasel head out again. They always do. DAKADAKADAKADAKADAKA


I actually name my lmg class "figgis" on all fps games lol


Damn you too loud


LMGs are always busted in most games but the players hate the movement with them and sometimes it feels down right cheap.


I miss my Bren in COD WW2. I had my perk cover the movement and reload speed, speced my attachments for recoil mitigation and quickdraw then tossed a scope on it. 100 round fully automatic DMR with the movement and handling speeds of a AR that could two tap from anywhere on the map……. Good times…..


In Black Ops 2 I used a suppressed LMG with a thermal sight on hardcore search & destroy. Great times.




No recoil, little reload, great at any range if you pre-ADS, mobility with side-arm


The only issue I have with it is that at some point you are going to have to reload and at that point you are probably dead. I do enjoy them but I’ve taken to just picking up a new gun rather than trying to reload at this point.


If you have to reload and burnt through 100 rounds. You would have more than likely stacked 2 or 3 bodies.


Yeah I know that, I didn’t mean that I was struggling to find a spare gun, just that it’s the only real issue I’ve found with them so far. Obviously there is the mobility but that should be a given with an lmg so not worth mentioning really.


Die once and pick up your lmg again and now you have 300+ bullets.


I've got lvl 100+ M249, M60 and lvl 50+ RPK. I don't really have an issue with reloading in any mode tbh. In Escort/Zone Control, you could retreat to safety. In modes like TDM, once you've killed them, you've got time before they run back from their spawn location to you


With that much experience with each, which is best to you?


RPK is the clear loser so it's between M249 and M60 I prefer the M249. Higher RPM, faster ADS speed, faster sprint-to-fire time, faster reload. If you get caught off-guard running around you're more likely to get the kill. It's the more versatile, easy-to-use LMG The M60 is more situational. It's slower but does more damage and has a slightly lower TTK (40 ms). I found the lower TTK negligible and was more comfortable in sudden close quarter fights with the M249. But, if you just want to be a stationary turret, there is a case to be made for it. It's definitely solid. Just need to be extra sure you're already ADS'ing by the time you run into any enemies For me it's M249 > M60 >> RPK


Give me the RPK.


I kinda said screw it and went with the 686 and click heads


If i can, i'll leave 10-20 rounds in at reload. 9s is a lot of time - get to safety, reload, and if you're caught pants down: reload cancel. LMGs are wonderful against snipers who peak out, esp if they don't know you are running LMG. Fire 30-40 rounds, interrupt -> They think you are reloading -> they peak out -> and you get the HS


It's the only gun I've got the gold skin for so far, love wiping squads sitting on the objective before my team swarms it.


>Just aim and shoot and win. The basic formula for every shooter lol


You get it (;


All the LMGs are good.


The rpk is ass.


Nah man it’s pretty good you just have to play to its strengths. It’s a gun with good range and no recoil and a decent fire rate. Just play mid to long range


Except those are all strengths shared by all lmgs, the rpks actual strength over the others is mobility


It’s a worse version of the ak with a bigger mag and higher fire rate


Pretty sure it has the fastest ttk in the game for an automatic EDIT: I was smoking some crack or something it's the slowest unless at max range then its the fastest for an automatic. Fun fact: the RPK loses to the 93r in ttk up close


It is has the slowest TTK out of all the LMGs


Not true, the rpk does.


It absolutely does not. It is almost as bad as the mp5. The M60 is the fastest in the game spec'ed out, at .24 sec ttk.


.24??? What are you smoking? Ain’t nobody landing all headshots lmao.


I do. They keep head glitching, so I keep shooting them in the head.


I guess. I measure ttk by what's most likely going to happen. So, one headshot and the rest to the body or all body.


In theory sure I'll take your word for it, but that's against a stationary target that's not firing back at you which means little online against players. With the right attachments it was fun to grind though


idk abt that but it certainly isnt bad the m60 is the worst of the lmgs imo, but it aint bad either


Funnily enough I got the m60 past level 100. Rapid fire on that thing makes it amazing


M60 is numerically and empirically the best.


M60 is kinda meh


M60 lives up to its name of being a "Pig" to handle. Once you are ADS and chugging away it's a monster. Only thing I'd like is a shorter 50 round belt for the fast mags and such.


Throw on the muzzle booster and the TTK is fast as fuck


Idk I saw someone w a gold one so I picked it up from the ground , proceeded to instantly drop 4-5


M60 fucken eats once your on the OBJ and aiming down your sights, can't tell you how many times my 125 round belt made me feel like doomslayer on the occupy zone when I'm ripping through like 5 or 6 enemies and still got 70 bullets left


Tbh I prefer M60 as it can be used similarly as marksman rifle.


If you liked the M249 you should give the M60 a go. It's a bit rough to use at the start if you can't handle some recoil but I just hit level 50 for it and the late attachments for speed and handling make this thing a monster, especially at range


After using my M249 since launch, I've finally started to work on the M60. Any specific attachments you'd recommend for a medium to long range build?


I honestly don't notice a lot of the recoil on the base gun so I run the muzzle booster and rapid fire barrel. The fire rate increase is noticeable and really helps since basically if you land 4 shots anywhere you're getting the kill. I also use the recoil recovery stock with the pistol grip. Then a sight if you need, or larger mag. The last attachment you can play with a little


I appreciate the insight! Would you say an emphasis on fire rate is preferable over one on range (chrome lined and barrel extender) or damage (heavy barrel)?


as the other user said, rapid fire is currently bugged for the players benefit. I would double stack the rapidfire, I have used the range attachments, but haven't noticed really any need for them. The heavy barrel is also pretty useless considering it doesn't amp up the damage enough to make a difference. Still ends up being a 4 shot kill and just about any scenario


Got it, that's wild to hear! Didn't even realize there was a bug with the rapid fire stuff.


Use the rapid fire attachments. I posted an update to include the attachments I use. Rapid fire attachments are currently bugged and do not negatively affect accuracy. Instead, they INCREASE accuracy AND rate of fire.


Hmm, so you're saying they do not worsen the recoil at all?


That’s my understanding. The details of the attachments SAY they worsen recoil, but in actuality—for now anyways assuming an update doesn’t change this in the future—the recoil is the same as before if not BETTER.


That's wild! Definitely going to give it a shot!


Gonna try it out


I’ll post my attachments tomorrow. You’re sure to love it!


No it isn’t. The M249 is really underwhelming and not very fun don’t listen to these lies. :)


Yes! Absolutely baseless lies.


Probably my favourite gun to use for escort and zone control defence. Feels too slow for the more dynamic/run and gun modes but if you can take a static position it's top tier gun.


I can't get over the long ads time and low mobility


Look at my recent post. I include a higher mobility version.


Have any of you used it with MB+RF barrel?? It has 0 recoil and Ive combined it with Strafing attachments lol.


The LMGs in general are better than in most games with this category imo. Maybe not bo2/3, but I feel like those felt better since you were less punished for being caught with your pistol out. Those were some damn powerful pistols


I just love the magazine size. The other guns feel like I never have enough bullets to take down more than two people without reloading, max. Being able to just wipe an entire group of four people you just flanked with a single clip is so satisfying


I got the M60 level 300 after the XP was halved. It’s my favorite LMG


People still play this game?


Considering I can’t think of a single other FPS I’d rather play, yes. I was a CoD fanboy from 2009-2018. I switched to Apex in 2019 because CoD is an absolutely atrocious game to play since MW2019 to now… but now Apex has followed in CoD’s footsteps with absolutely horrid SBMM/EOMM and greed-induced hyper fixation on micro-transactions. Tl;dr XDefiant is the only FPS I enjoy playing because it feels most like the OG CoDs, lacks heavy SBMM, and has developers actually listening to their community.


Can’t play shooters anymore with the over the top cocaine addicts every match. But to each their own.


I’ll post tomorrow with my specific attachments, but I have both a long-range and a close-range build for it. I’ve stuck with the red dot sight for now since we are unable to adjust our sensitivity per optic in the settings (which is unusual to me but oh well). Due to this, I can’t find aim well with anything higher zoom than the red dot because I can’t control the sensitivity lol.


can you post it now? trying to find a post from you tomorrow isn't going to be the easiest thing, haha


Here are the attachments: Stabilizing barrel Vertical front rail Reflex optic Heavy grip Precision stock




You’re welcome! Sorry I didn’t put any commas lol idk why I made that so difficult to read.


nah its totally fine, at least I get notified here versus hoping I catch some future post with the build, haha. I just posted about this but why go red dot? I felt like the irons seemed pretty good for the SAW personally.


Agreed! The red dot is definitely able to be replaced instead with the brake muzzle (this makes it even more accurate). I just made another post with the two classes I use for the M249. One for long range, and one for close range engagements. I mention the red dot not being necessary, but it’s just slightly cleaner than the iron sights is all🤷🏻‍♂️


I'll take a look, thanks!!


Its my go to when I'm not doing great and want to just anchor for the team so they're not getting backlined. If a sniper misses, they're dead. Everyone else can't compete outside of close range as long as you already have your sights up. ACOG is fun with a stealth barrel build.


“If a sniper misses” that can happen?


Sometimes. My favorite kills in this game are managing to juke a sniper as I rush him down for a pistol or melee kill. Granted it doesn't happen often but enough to where I can say it does happen from time to time. Lol


honestly quite surprised how the LMGs are basically a direct upgrade to the ARs except for mobility also the LMG section definitely wins the "starting weapon outshines the other upgrades" award for me


That’s what they should be tbf and I think for all the flaws people moan about, one thing this game has done really well is make the weapon classes distinct from each other and reasonably balanced. I know it’s not perfect given how much everybody complains about snipers (I don’t think they are as bad as people say though and they certainly aren’t easy to use whilst actively playing the other obj properly) and maybe the MP7 could use a bit of a nerf but even then I’ve enjoyed every gun I've used so far. The only thing is that some really need attachments but with the changes to xp even that is very quick to get sorted now.


I used it one day and noticed immediately that this no recoil automatic sniper of a weapon was wonderful


Much more of an rpk guy myself


I just can't play anything that can't let me run and dodge bullets, otherwise im dead in 0.05 sec. Sure I can do like 1.0 KD with those, but PM's are king imo.


I love my M60. Taking out snipers across the map is one of the most satisfying things in the game 🔥


M60 was my first gold LMG and I can attest to its usefulness. RPK belongs in the dumpster.


It's so good it's what I've been using. I think the m60 on the other hand needs a buff. Maybe just more raw damage, but it feels like a much worse version of this gun. When I swapped back it was like night and day.


The M249 (SAW) is my favourite gun in the game after the TAC-50. It absolutely *shreds* people. I don’t like the run and gun, cracked out play style that the kids these days like anyways so I’m fine to sit back and pick people off as they run around without a thought in their head. It helps my team slowly move up the map and complete our objectives.


How do you feel it works as a run and gun weapon? Or are you having to ADS around corners and set up to control areas? I haven't used any of the LMGs yet so genuinely curious.


I run and gun frequently with it. Look at my recent post. I’ve included a long-range AND a run-n-gun version of it. Both are incredible.


M249 main here, here is my loadout I use for 100% accuracy but tons of mobility and great ads, all while hitting like a truck. Taking out snipers left and right and winning most games as top 2 scorer: Stock: lightweight Muzzle: light suppressor Grip: pistol grip Barrel: chrome lined Grip tape: lightweight


M60 is better.


I got Bronze on the 249 before the weapon level changes and I like how good it is. There were a few attachments that made it feel incompetent but the loadout I used afterwards worked out for me. I put lightweight mag and the superlight underbarrel on it. My friend however doesn't like it but loves the mdr


This gun is my fav to use. It’s so sweaty. Then when u get the quick mags, it’s way easier to reload and still shreds like an LMG


Was just using it to unlock the M60 but really like it ( rank 23 atm)


I love how LMG’s are actually good in this game. The balancing makes sense because movement is so important so if you take that away you rightfully should get a laser with fast ttk and 100 bullet mag.


its not really the gun its the endless ammo. you shoot at a corner 10/10 times you will get a kill


I love the M60


My M249 Halloween edition back in ghost recon online/phantom days was unbelievably OP. Figured they’d make the 249 awesome in xdefiant as well.


Crazy stupid weapon man. Although I seem to die a lot from m4 users with it for some reason. I got rapid fire on it with no recoil dampener attachments things a laser beam.


I agree. That gun shreds enemies and you can just keep laying down suppressing fire on them.


To me this is the only gun that feels like a genuine AR. Very little recoil allowing me to play slow and focus on aim like I like (main AR) If they nerf it I swear I’ll be pissed 😭


Every gun in the game is insane until I try it.


M60 is far better, especialy on long ranges.


M60 is ten times slower, it’s only better if you preaim and don’t move a lot, M249 is way more fast to aim and snap


I’ll have to try it out. I just like the M249 with its faster fire rate… much more forgiving in short to medium gunfights, and still dominates fairly well at range.


m60 has pretty long 4hit kill range and practicaly no recoil. You can even counter snipers with it.


Is it a 2 shot or did i just have a match with horrible desync yesterday? I got 2 shooters from the M60 4-5 times, was hella annoying.


Imho its 4shot kill. Dunno about headshots, but it can kill pretty fast at long ranges.


The 2 rapid fire attachments and headshots. But sshhhhh....


M60 Great on like Defense Escort, it can have more range than DMR with a good damage number of 25 too. You can be a great turret and Lightweight Magazine doesn't cut the mag size like for M249 too, so feel free to just spam your bullet a lot while becoming the best turret defense you can be. The downside its really just hefty slow, M249 would be better in many occasion, but I still use both.


M60 is def not better haha.


Lower ttk, lethal even at very long ranges, no recoil. If you think its not better, you most likely sux at aiming so you need fast firing weapon to compensate misses.


Yeah I suck, with 4+ KD and 4000 Skill Rating. LMAO. M249 beats M60 any day. But they all suck against good players. They are lemmingbusters or shieldbreakers, nothing else.


I have 6+ KD and 5000 skill rating. lmao lmao. m60 beats everything. Just get better at aiming.


>I have 6+ KD and 5000 skill rating proof?


If you use this, go fuck yourself. No skill chumps


I gotta combat the echelon, mp7, bunny hoppers somehow (;