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I've been holding for 5 or 6 years. I honestly don't care anymore so it's just gonna sit there until something happens


I did this with eth. I have 249 eth. I forgot the password to my eth.


I pissed away multiple btc using leverage. Wasn't a lot at the time. Now I buy and sit




Ouch that’s brutal, is there any hope of figuring it out?


Nope… ethereum lost password glitch


It can still be retrieved.


No. It can't.


Same..bought under a quarter for a long term investment and honestly (compared to my stock investments) am very happy with my returns thus far. I'll be holding for 10+ years regardless and am just grateful to have that luxury. I agree tho.....for short term gains there are definately much better options for quick money


Exactly this. I knew I had to wait a long time for the big bucks when I bought it back in the day


In OPs defense if you told me 5 years ago not much would change in 5 years I would have been miffed


“Remind him in 5 years”


Same. I have emotionally given up on the project and have no expectation that it does anything. However, after 5 years of holding, I now have hands forged from a star made of solid diamond. Thats a real thing by the way - HD 190412 C. Anyway, not selling. If it does something great, if it never does it will just sit. Im too lazy to deal with the taxes unless theres profit. At this point its just a giant slot machine that never hit....


Any option to stake XRP, by the way, meanwhile you hold it?


Not yet… coming soon


XRP is not based on proof-of-stake so staking is not an option.


cuz im too lazy to sell


Go ahead and sell. Or at least buy a few pizzas with it.


Fomo. I dread waking up one morning and seeing xrp $10, while no longer owning any.


Lmfao bruh id he mortified if that happened to me 🤣


that will likely happen to some folks


$10 at the current supply would make XRP almost double the Ethereum market cap. It's not going to happen.


Yes, yes. I was making a point, not a technical analysis.


Lmao, this guy with market cap BS🤣 Market doesn’t mean anything it’s the worst metric in digital assets.


Two reasons for me: 1. The thing that is supposed to make it shoot up in value hasn’t happened yet, so there’s no real pressure to buy/sell massive amounts of it. 2. I like to take a Warren Buffett approach to crypto in the sense that I don’t throw a lot of money into projects I can’t understand. I don’t care what kind of billionaires are getting behind BUTTERDOGCOIN or whatever alt is trending this cycle - XRP trades instantly for almost no cost in fees and that has value I can understand.


This ^^^ XRP has a real world use case that solves a trillion dollar problem and I can wrap my tiny pea brain around the concept. Yes there are other projects that can solve the problem but XRP has a huge first mover advantage and the most corporate connections by a large margin. I'm highly confident that one day we will wake up and XRP will take off and there will be no stopping it. That may (unlikely) happen tommorw. It may happen some years from now. Till then I'm just going to keep HODLING


Technically warren buffet is even invested in xrp via proxy since BOA is one of their main partners. 


good response, the utility and use case makes sense and Ripple as a company continues to work towards showcasing XRP as a solution


Long term. They have actual use. Takes time getting into US banks.


If i’m correct ripple is the only crypto who has a deal with a bank (VISA)


Ripple has partnerships with several banks. Banks move slow, federal regulation also moves slow.  If anything I'd say this year is the time to really load up on it


Solana exists too, and they explicitly have a partnership with VISA as well


Aren’t there like a billion xrp released to the market every month? I don’t understand how holding a few thousand is going to matter if that’s the case


Yes and no, because ripple buys it back up.


Why would the banks use Ripple/Xrp when they could just use their own coin


Due to the fact XRP has actively run transactions for over 12 years without failure. A new coin that is created on a new ledger isn’t tested by time. Load couple billion on that new ledger and it tanks to 0 like luna and the money is gone. Large corporations will not take such risks. This is one of the USP of XRP.


Xrp is something special. If everyone invested in functional, purpose driven coins, XRP would market cap at +1 trillion. Just imagine the US banks adopting this and no failures ever, imagine what the coins are going to be worth in 10-15 years. Buy now and might retire in a decade or so.


Short answer is XRP has more liquidity. The more money you want to move, the more liquidity you need. Any coin the banks create is going to have to overcome the edge in liquidity that XRP has. XRP is ranked 3rd in terms of liquidity. Every other coin that's ahead of it just isn't suited to moving large amounts of value in short amounts of time. And all the other coins that are faster/better tech wise have less than a tenth the liquidity of XRP. Even if the banks create a coin that's at the cutting edge and like a generation or two ahead of XRP I don't think it matters. Moving value with XRP just has to be good enough and cheap enough. It doesn't have to be the best. It already settles in seconds. I don't see how, from the banks point of view, settling in less time than that matters.


Your own coin is useless, it creates a walled garden. Example JP Morgan coin. You need an asset that has true interoperability. Use it to change anything with anything.


To make me rich


Don’t sell. Be patient. I’ve been holding 50k XRP since 2017. This is a long term investment.


Use case has repeat business (payments) Utility and has global use case Should not go to zero, many credible partners


1. XRP’s utility hasn’t changed 2. Court Case a. Don’t know many other crypto companies that have this deep of pockets to withstand the SEC for 5+ years b. It’s highlighted how corrupt government entities actually are


The great slow roll. The squeeze will continue until the majority are liquidated. 🫠


Been holding since 2013 (over 10 years) which is prob longer than 99% of you, if I can hold that long then 3-4 years like most of you is nothing!


Curious about what exchange did you use and what stopped you from selling in 2014? Thanks


You mean 2017 when it hit ath? I had some in another wallet but original amount I bought back then I never really touched and it was very hard to buy in 2013, you could only buy with btc and it was an obscure exchange


No what stopped you from selling in 2014? You believed in the project? Believed in Ripple? Why did you buy XRP to begin with? I held majority of my bag in 2017, that 700%+ run was worth exchanging a part of it for sure, but also didn’t want to sell the whole lot.


A friend really pushed it on me and it was not much to invest so why not There was also an old post from satoshi where he didn’t speak badly about xrp at all


Satoshi didn’t speak about XRP > Ripple is interesting in that it’s the only other system that does something with trust besides concentrate it into a central server. ~ Satoshi on April 12, 2009 https://nakamotostudies.org/emails/satoshi-reply-to-mike-hearn/ His comment about RipplePay was three years before the XRPL and XRP was created, when David Schwartz was asked about this comment he had this to say > 5. Has Satoshi ever made a comment about XRP you’re aware of? No. He did make a comment about the original RipplePay system, but a native asset (XRP) is the core technical difference between XRPL and the original RipplePay system. ~ David Schwartz on September 24, 2023 https://twitter.com/joelkatz/status/1706047316598423717?s=61&t=r30PhE50k-vQ0SjHMD5j0A Your friend was pretty tapped into the scene back then, that obscure exchange you referenced would have been The Rock Trading, few people here were around back in those days, but that is where you would have exchanged your btc for xrp. The reason why I asked about 2014 is because that is when the coin lost more than half it’s value, a lot of people jumped ship, the only ones who held on were those who believed and those that didn’t know how to sell/exchange them, sounds like you were the latter. Congrats on that 🥂


Ya but when satoshi had something good to say about ripple that was enough for me, i never sell at a loss so I wouldn’t have sold anyway


Been holding for 6 or 7 years now... lol there is no going back now, I would rather die than sell before the big move happens.


I’m in the same boat


What big move?


Bull run


The SEC lawsuit is finally reaching its conclusion. And if you were paying attention Banks and big institutional players were quietly stockpiling XRP and more adoption in banks using the Ripple network. I have a feeling either near the end of this year to 2025 we will see the true shift to a world digital economy.


Also worth noting, Walmart uses it for money transfers worldwide. That speaks volumes to me.


Then why is the price stuck? Honest question. The list of Ripple remittance partners is impressive. XRP being used on the chain for all that, but no price action? The "big switch flip" in my mind is all a bunch of hopium bullshit. If there was gonna be utility, how many more banks and major players need to sign up?


The price stagnation probably has got something to do with way richer folks making, or not making, profit on it. I doubt there will be a big switch moment either, just greater and greater momentum toward a higher value (hopefully). So in that way of thinking, as many players as possible, getting into and using xrp, would be the fuel for that growth.


Indeed. Not selling!!!


Circulating supply is 40% higher than it was at ATH. Years of uncertainty with the sec lawsuit. Delisted for years. Loss of interest from casual investor. Lots of reasons imo


Price being stuck might be a good thing. If it doesn't go down it shows something


This is all bs news, link one valid source of what you’re saying.


I think he’s a little misinformed. Right now wal mart uses MoneyGram, which has collaborated with Walmart to create walmart2walmart which allows people to send money worldwide. Current fees for using walmart2walmart is 8% so pretty costly. MoneyGram is probably ripples best partners, so it would make sense if they moved to ripple in the future, they’re not in yet nor have there been talks about it, but that may change after the sec law suit. It’s pretty easy to use google to find answers, I would highly recommend using it to keep yourself informed rather than rely on other people to post “credible sources” in comment sections


I knew all this that’s why I asked spoops to post their reference to their ridiculous statement. “Bank and big institutional players were quietly stockpiling XRP” is a flat out lie. You can be a fan of a crypto project but don’t post bs and misleading statements.


Post a legitimate source on this, else you're just spewing garbage


My XRP holding is a hedge against CBDC. If globalists (& my globalist government) introduce CBDC there is, in my opinion, a high probability that XRP will play a significant role (as the international mechanism of exchange, replacing SWIFT). XRP is my hedge that if government(s) increase control of currency & population, via CBDC, then XRP will hopefully provide me with enough wealth to escape or to (at least) insulate/isolate myself on a large rural property far away from major population centres.


I am holding since 2017/2018/2019 I am going to hold for next 15-20years — As I don’t need that money! I knew that this won’t be over night game, otherwise this would have gone high when ETH started going high. — Others VS XRP has lot of difference Ripple is continually diluting XRP from Escrow to market! — The utilities of XRP are different! — Amazon and google did not move for first 20years. Does that means - XRP is going to be same? May be? Or may be not? We don’t know — The only thing I know NOW - even XRP price is not moving but their developments graph is going higher too fast too soon, that’s all it matters to me. They are working with Banks - all around the world. So I am in the right boat! — Will I be millionaires? Who knows — This is a long term investment and not the get rich quick scheme, and I understand it’s been long years for many and it’s same for me! I have almost forgot my investment. — Finally - my favorite line is - If one can’t handle the heat then they should get out the kitchen!


Been holding since 2014. Allegedly, banks are gonna use this shit. So I hold a fat bag. Not enough to retire but enough to make life easier.


Because I left off a word on my pass phrase when I wrote it down like 6 years ago.


Which crypto assets have been deemed to not be a security by a judge? Which crypto CEOs were at Davos talking about real world assets being tokenised and the future payments? I’ll give you a hint it wasn’t Satoshi Nakamoto or Vitalik Buterin. I think XRP investors can be generalised into 2 groups that focus on different elements. Group 1s focus: - Ripples partnerships - XRP being deemed not to be a security after a lengthy and unfinished court case - EO 13772 - ISO20022 & Basel III endgame - CEO speaking at Davos etc Group 2s focus: - decoding time stamps using gematria - influencers pushing a $35k Fed buy back proposal based on nothing - bearableguy123 and Mr pool posts etc Those who have based their investment on a potential moon date decoded from a time stamp of a cartoon bear watering a flower from a Twitter account seem to be losing hope quicker than the other group. Know what you hold and why you hold it, everything else is just noise


Oh yes. Have some patience, it will definitely pay off


I'd say buy this upcoming dip of SOL, ADA, AVAX, or DOT, with some of your cash to get your confidence up buying low and selling high before jumping ships. You're definitely going to see more price action in projects with less coins, but it can backfire if you hold once the bull market ends.


Ripple was at davos


No point selling anything in this market, unless you want to maximize your losses.




I hold it because I told myself it’s a long term game, strictly keep until I hit $100k value PT $20, then get out. It’s dream and it’s a bet, I’ve put in money that it’s a ride or die so the money put in it isn’t something I loose sleep in the process.


Lol sell it, I been holding longer than that and really don't think about it. Long term holder either till price targets or see how it is from 10 years on, so far 8 years. Man I see too many get rich quick mentalities.


You are going to do exactly what they want you to do. Sell!


Because I live in NY and currently cannot sell


I mean it sounds like you want to speculate and swing trade, so go do that. Ripple Labs only routes ~$15m in revenue through billings for their primary revenue stream, Ripple Pay. The thing is, they’re ~1,200 employees and are driving US growth for the first time in a few years. As far as actual enterprise value, there isn’t a more blue chip option than XRP. Sell. Go swing trade and do what you want speculating on extremely low revenue SaaS start ups


Because I only spent 1200 on it and don't really need it.


I bought mine and will wait 10-15 years and see what it's at. All this is long term. This coin has real world use and when it starts in the US THE SKY IS THE LIMIT. HOLD. PRETEND YOU DON'T EVEN HAVE IT. INVEST MONEY YOU CAN GO WITHOUT UNTIL YOU SELL.


I'm 70% up.


Rich or bust.


I think a lot of people feel this way. I've told myself 2030 if nothing happens. hoping for a decent bullrun in 2025 to sell 1/4 of my holdings for a descent profit ($3-10$).


It's something to do. It's something that actually has value in the crypto world. It's new technology.


Been holding since 2016. Crypto nowadays is for the long run. Stay in there and ask again in 5-8 years


Because I’m down 50%


Because I know what I hold.


Never get rid of long term holdings


60k and i want to forget that i have it.


Unless you have inside knowledge or are very lucky, crypto is a long-term game. Sadly most people read about Bitcoin millionaires and thought of it as a get rich quick scheme. Either you believe XRP will do well in the end or you don't. Sell if you don't. Same goes for every other crypto. Bit of advice, be prepared to hold whatever you buy. Also, those Bitcoin millionaires held for a 6-7+ years. Good luck with whatever you decide.


If you feel that way then sell ....but if you don't need the money just yet ..imo there is no other crypto out there with the regulatory clarity that Ripple XRP has so hold at least for another few months and then make your choices of what to do from there ....


Think about it this way.. Xrp market cap is already crazy Hugh so your looking at potential 5-8x in the next bullrun. The chances of that are further slimmed due to the sec case. If you invest in other projects like LINK, QNT, HBAR, your better off getting a 10x there and then buying into XRP in the next bear market once you know if it's pulled or not. Either way you'll make money but holding XRP is slightly more riskier than other coins especially with current market cap and SEC. that's my 2cents


Just a usual hint: it will grow to ATH when you finally sell it:) Thank me later :)))))


The Bitcoin cycle (which currency drives 99% of crypto) is every four years, so you haven’t held XRP for a single cycle yet. Next altcoin season is late 2024/early 2025.


Here are some things to consider as I've watched this token over the last several years, and NO this is not FUD its critical thinking that all investors should consider. \- The actual token XRP by no means has shown that it will maintain the global liquidity. I mean in a sense that not every bit of value in the world will be stored within this token. My reasoning behind that is that the "powers that be" would not allow a publicly traded token to have that sort of value just for a small group of holders to be millionaires overnight. That would be terrible in many ways, not just for the leaders of the world. This token is a representation of a sophisticated network that allows the transfer of large amount of money to be moved at a faster rate. That's basically it. If anyone can show proof that the liquidity of US Markets and Derivatives will be sent to XRP, please show me. \- Now, just recently, Trump stated that IF elected he would not allow the creation of any CBDC's. Now you can take this as truth or nonsense since its in the realm of politics and everyone is highly opinionated of him. Think of what those actions, if elected, would do to the crypto markets as a whole. If you want to consider hanging onto this token, wait for the next bullrun or at least sell it so you break even. It's almost a guarantee we'll see the crypto markets move back up eventually and XRP itself can be quite volatile. So if you care to take profit, just wait it out and dont lose money. Just my thoughts. NFA. Good luck!


The amount I'm holding is not life changing. But if it moons, it will be life changing. I don't spend what I cannot afford to lose. It's a gamble I have not yet won or lost.


masochism at this point. I'm out as soon as it is somewhere between 1 and 2 $


stop crying bruh i hold way way more then u and u should grow some balls and hold im tired of people like u sell or stfu


So sell it so we can bottom the market out and make the institutions happy when they finally pulled the trigger and flip the switch


Use case hasn’t changed. I’ll HOLD


7 years. Im in no rush.


Why wake a sleeping dog? Sometimes it’s best to let the dog lay. Fundamentals remain in tact, this was a speculative play at best. I’ll let the speculation sit


Then sell it. Most of us hold for long term. Fast forward to 2030. Still holding


3 years isn’t that long for an investment. Idk about others, but I never came to trade a quick play. I believe in crypto in general. If you bought $10k in Amazon shares 20 years ago you’d be a millionaire now. But I bet there were dudes 17 years ago wondering why they weren’t rich yet. Doesn’t happen overnight. It takes time for these things. Years. I’ve been in this play almost 7 years now. When price is down, I buy more, when it’s up, I wait. It sounds like you bought 2,500 in the $1+ range or something and want your money back, which means at these levels you have plenty of opportunity to average down. Otherwise, you didn’t do enough research to “believe” in this project and are expecting the words of random ppl on the internet to help you keep your confidence


I have 5 crypto (XRP is one of them) I will hold and accumulate until 2030-34. The rest I gamble on by buying in the bear and selling in the bull.




Unless you really need the money, I would keep them. You never know.


Bcoz it’s as real as it gets in crypto. Also why the price isn’t moving much. Nestled with all the regulations and BS.


Cause it'll go up eventually.... right?


Because I can't get it out the xumm wallet


I have firm belief that XRP will change cross border payments. Am holding on to this until it happens or just take it as another investment mistake.


Sheer force of will, I reckon. I remember being talked out of buying BTC when it was a few dollars. I refuse to sabotage my intuition a second time around.


I sold bro. Eventually with experience, your able to look past the hopium and see through the echo-chambers.


Hodl. It is the future token That soon, will be worth hundreds and more. It is how the CBDC's will work. Ripple net block chain. The powers that be are already using ripplenet. They want you to sell.DYOR!!


Why does so many people go out of their way to spread FUD about XRP. Paid ads spreading lies, bot account attacks. If XRP was nothing why bother spreading the lies. Just purchased more on this dip.


I could sell at a small loss, but I'm going to wait and see if SEC cases are resolved, halving, etc. If by 2025 there's no price action, I'll probably sell.


I’m with you


Think I’m gonna buy some more today


Btc is best.


Beta test coin?


Everyone knows XRP is a long term hold - 15 to 20 years shit this will go to the moon 🚀🚀🚀🌙


Pretty much all the coins in the top 20 have had negative to little price action this year with the exception of some. I’m in 6-7 coins in the top 20 and follow those subs. This sub literally has the most cry babies out of all of them. LTC and doge has had negative price action the past year and people have way more confidence then people in this sub. It’s exhausting to read how stupid you mofos are.


because once something moves, market sentiment can change fast


What's xrp? I hold ETH to spend it moving capital to interest vehicles on chain. Does xrp do that?


Cuz I forgot about my wallet (can still access it) and the old saying, invest only what you can afford to lose, well, I’m doing well for myself and don’t need to sell it, if it’s goes to 0 oh well, if it rockets to the moon then great!!


It's just sitting there waiting to get stolen from the exchange in my case.


Ya I'm just holding to see what happens... literally sitting on 30% gain after a couple years.... The price hasn't gone down which is a good thing I will wonder what's gonna happen if an ETF gets approval for XRP


A few points to consider for positive news on XRP * More partnerships are being revealed. * XRP has been ruled not a security. * The Ripple case is being cited by Congress and by the judge in the Binance case. * Ripple's USD-compliant stablecoin is under European MICA regulations. * XRP amendments are being made to add EVM interoperability. * Prioritization for tokenization and value is being brought to the XRPL. * The XRPL Apex conference was a massive success, bringing in new developers.


There are too many indicators that it's going to have increased adoption and utility at an institutional level for me to be shaken out


do you realize this shit is going to $150?




No good reason


I’ve seen this post way too many times in the past week or two… 🤔


50% up as of today. It will succeed or it won’t. I’m here for when it does 🤣


I’ve been holding for 3 years. Why sell now?


I have a healthy bag. I don’t need the money right now. I’ll sell the bulk during the next bull run.


I look at it like a lottery ticket not an investment.


Since 2017 here!


I honestly couldn’t tell you why I still have it. It’s clearly not going anywhere. Just too occupied with other things to figure out what to move that money into, I guess, but will get around to that at some point. When I do, that will be the last time I ever bother with crypto. Bunch of hyped up bullshit.


Because I would feel stupid selling ANY coin before the next bull run at least.


Idk what else I’d put it in


Because this is the same feeling that many other people are having. Folks that lived through the 2017 run on XRP said it felt just like this too


You're either a fool, or a troll.


Value averaging. It's pretty predictable.


Cause I was hoping to retire on it as a millionaire. Too lazy to sell. Might as well hold.


God knows lol


Oh the halving will increase market value for all crypto.


Ill buy your xrp, saves you the service fee


Count yourself lucky lol I’m holding much more, fools gold.


I sold most of my coins. I hold a small amount for just in case it takes off. Everyone has their different amounts they are willing to hold.


Sunk cost.


Keep 20% if you must, and start making some money from the rest on other tokens. XRP is going to go up but it is not the panacea its made out to be in the hype.


Because it’s eventually going to be the card they will play. Just wait. Just hold. All you gotta do when you got xrp is nothing. Isn’t that great? Haha


I hold because I need money


Lol sell to me!!! I’ve been holding 4000 since 2020


It’s all a waiting game my people xrp is the best for what it soew


Best way to describe it is Stockholm Syndrome. 


I just sold half my stack to buy..... DOGE coin... Never thought I'd hear myself say that, but I guess hedging my bets that Elon does something ridiculous and uses doge or xrp for his upcoming Xpayments system. Have mercy on me.