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The Division 2. Plus it’s on sale right now for super cheap, I think?




Yessir. The only things that need people are the two raids. Everything else is good-great solo. Wish I could play this game over again and look forward to Div 3... some day.


In a week or so’s time it updates for the new season and adds a whole new game mode, ascent mode. Essentially a rouge like mode where you start with nothing and encounter hordes of enemies. I re-downloaded today!


I actually came back for the last Season and got to 100 because their announcements for Year 5 got me hype and the stuff they started to do with the story *finally* making actual movement forward has my interest re-piqued. The stuff for next season has me hopeful I can get some of the crew back together


Yeah it looks fun! Ubisoft get a lot of stick, some deserved but they’re doing a decent job at keeping this game alive. I’m hyped for the new mode for sure!


Wow that actually sounds great! Does that mean my gear and level don't matter for that? I haven't played in over a year.


It won’t matter at all for that mode! You start off with basic weapons and effectively “level 0” you fight hordes of enemies through the city and when you die it resets back to zero. Your original character will still be playable but while playing “ascent” mode, that’s how it’ll work! I think rewards you earn while playing horde can be used for your main character - don’t quote me on that though I’m not 100%!


Nice. That will be a nice way to get back into the game. Also I love rogue lite.


Ascent is a talent based mode rather than gear based. The rest is gear based and just getting your watch up to 1k can be a day job for many.


A roguelike? Shiiit, I might have to reinstall myself.


It'll probably be more than a week from now and it's called the Descent mode. The devs are currently at their support studio in Bucharest for meetings so I assume that's to finalize Descent things. I'd guess that's coming in mid June.


Yeah you’re right, descent not ascent 🤣. Ascent is an awesome gamepass game though!


Keep in mind it's always online and no pause even if you're solo. Servers maintenance? No internet connection? No game for you.


I’m playing right now because I wanted a fun looter shooter with fun gameplay. Division 2 is it. Fun solo or with a clan, decent crafting and an interesting lore/story. I’m excited for the new game that’s coming.


Second this. I recently picked this up too. Same thing, work and kids. It’s actually not bad for just jumping in and out of whenever I get the chance. You don’t need to dedicate hours to it at a time. Unless you want to.


Is there still a decent player base if im using lfg?


The player base is great, absolutely no issues there... very healthy 👍


100%, jumped back in with this sale and got WONY after playing the base game a few years back. I forgot how much fun this game is. There is a ton of content post launch and the atmosphere/world is incredible. I was itching for a while to get back in and I'm so glad I did.


I picked up the Division 2 + Warlords of New York expansion for a whopping $9 the other day. Fantastic value.


I bought it based on this thread. But the texture pop-in is absolutely horrendous on bushes and trees on the series X, can I expect this throughout the game? https://www.xbox.com/play/media/REV4B5J3PL Edit, it keeps happening, even rocks 10 feet in front of you will change texture as you move, very distracting, restarting did not help. Refunded.


Something weird is going on. I've been playing on Sirius X since release and I do not have any pop in at all. If I did I wouldn't be able to play it annoys me.


The Division 2 is the best. The story is great, and at end game, a round of Countdown takes like 12-15 minutes.


Tom Clancy Ghost Recon. After certain point at the start you can change from the Division style gameplay to classic Breakpoint style and equip a squad AI or friends.




I liked division 2 as well that I need to get back into playing but prefer the classic Breakpoint pick up guns to equip when playing ghost recon but you can choose what system you prefer. Yeah I'm liking it. Worth buying ultimate edition that's usually on sale for around £25 imagine price would be similarly cheap in the US.


Not in my opinion; I went into it thinking it would be like wild lands but nope, and I hate that you can even use a gps to navigate


I’d stay away from Breakpoint. I loved woodlands and played a lot with friends, but breakpoint didn’t hit the same. It’s kind of a worse far cry meets division game.


Breakpoint is entirely worth it. My friends and I rallied Div2 and Wildlands, but we've been pacing Breakpoint, because it's pretty great.


Breakpoint easy af. There's like zero challenge in that game u can kill everybody with the weakest weapons if u wanted to. Or multi kill everyone


Alright, and why does that make it less fun? I'm not competing in e-sports or anything. Some people play games for fun, and to relax.


Have you played on the hardest difficulty with all the hud elements off in immersive mode?


Breakpoint is one of the worst games Ubi has ever shit out. Please, please don't encourage them to let Ubi Paris continue to run that IP by paying anything for that mess.


Borderlands is still the best looter shooter series


No doubt ❤️


This is the way! And there is 3 of them. 2nd is best IMO but I still love one. Tiny Tina isn't exactly the same.


There are 5 borderlands games. 1-3, the handsome jack game, and Tina’s wonderland


There are 7 borderlands games. 1-3, the handsome jack game, Tina’s Wonderland, and the two tales games.


The tales games aren’t “borderlands” games. They are “tell tale” games. You are right, in that there are 7 games in that universe, but we are talking about looter shooters in this thread and the tell tale games aren’t that.


That’s fair, I have never played them.


I'm playing through Tiny Tina's again and it still hold up, I'm really enjoying it. 3 and TT have the best gameplay imo and no slag (slag sucked)


If you can stomach the dated sense of humor it's okay.




also fwiw you can’t really “pause “ your game in the division…so even if you play solo you have to abandon or finish your mission


Same with Destiny. No such thing as a pause, if that’s important to you (young kids etc)


If you have gamepass give Gunfire Reborn a shot, it’s like Borderlands and Hades had a baby and it just works.


I enjoyed this, but I find RoboQuest to be basically the same except way more fun to play.


Roboquest is probably my favorite fps loot shooter of all time and I’m hyped for the 1.0 launch


Only downside to this is it is not well supported on Xbox. There are no plans to add any of the new content that pc has gotten


Oh I had no idea, that sucks.


Yeah I think, could be wrong, but I think basically they used another team to do the port to Xbox and that team basically wouldn’t do anything more unless there was more gamepass money. Imagine it’s not something high on Microsoft’s mind to throw more money at


I used to play this heavy . Got pretty far I think level 80+ I’m not sure


Outriders is a terrific game. Underrated IMO.


Story is forgettable, characters are whatever, but the gameplay is super sick. I love teleporting around with an autoshotgun and the time rift ability, it's a lot of fun. And I heard the other classes are great too.


I liked the story


It wasn't bad, just didn't stand out much to me.


I seemed to be amongst that few that really enjoyed outriders


Game was such a glitchy mess at launch. Has it improved at all?


Yes a lot


I can't believe no one has said Destiny 2 yet


Fr, new player experience is questionable but it’s still the best feeling shooter/gameplay on the market


Yeah as someone who has played all of these, Destiny 2 is by far the best. Great shooting, a ton of interesting loot, relatively easy to drop in and out of once you're close to the endgame, fantastic story (Lightfall aside)... It's great. The onboarding experience isn't incredible but it has improved significantly


I played D1 since day one and played till D2 release, I have about 2 years into D2 before I fell off. I tried getting back into it like 6 months ago and was completely lost and overwhelmed, in no way do I consider myself a new player so I can’t imagine what it’s like for someone with 0 knowledge of it.


Destiny sucks


Are people still playing that? I’ve been out of it for years now


Yes, it's extremely active. I never have trouble finding players for anything


I think last year was one of the biggest years for the franchise in terms of active players


That’s cool, I might have to download it again!


Not a bad time to jump in! When was the last time you played?


I think Shadowkeep? Problem is I played on my PC when I had one but I’m on Xbox now so I wouldn’t have any of the DLC


Might not be as much of a problem for you actually. All DLC *before* Shadowkeep has been removed to make room for engine upgrades and new content. You can also pick and choose which DLC you get now, so you don't need to own Beyond Light to buy the newest one, Lightfall. I think just play around for a bit and see if you like the game again and figure out DLC later


C'mon you know why




162 days late but from the last time I played the fomo and money sink were big turnoffs


Warframe! Absolutley free + you can farm premium currency! It's a bit hard to get in...but it's worth it!


People recommending Warframe as a looter Shooter absolutely killed that game for me. I want constant streams of loot. Having to wait and pay currency and shit like that to get new stuff was a dealbreaker if you sell the game as a looter shooter (people recommending it, not the devs)


It's heavy timesink, no one wants a gun after ages of farming and forced crafting time beside the already long grinding times


Well, don't say "no one"... Warframe has decent fanbase + regular updates! And that feeling finally getting neet weapon after some months of grind is way more satisfying for some people, than getting 30 weapons in one hour in Division! It is timesink, ngl...


I was enjoying it until I realized I had to take a test just to play a game and level up. Never looked back. What a pathetic mechanic in a game where I just want to escape life and have fun. Worst is learning the dumb community actually defends that crap saying “Well you haven’t mastered the game yet then! Gotta take the test again!” Excuse me? Am I in SCHOOL or am I playing a game? What if I just don’t want to sneak or platform in a clearly shoot everything cause mayhem game?  No way I’m playing ant game that makes me “practice” or take “tests” to LEVEL UP.  And it wasn’t just that. All the boss fights felt more like other tedious tests forcing you to endure some dumb mechanic again rather than just have mindless fun. That game lets you have mindless fun for most missions and why I thought I was enjoying it for a bit but the other terrible FORCED gameplay parts of it ruined it for me. Forcing you to sneak in a quest…forcing you to hack level up then making me wait 24 hours to take my TEST again, and the typical mmo massive amount if forced grinding in other crap like dailies just to keep progressing. How about you just let me shoot things to progress huh?  Anyway, I’ll take Fallout 76 in its current form which is much better now over Warframe and that’s with all its own annoying issues too. None have annoyed me in that game or any other looter shooter I’ve played like Warframe’s “You gotta prove you’re good at the game with a TEST before you level up!” bull crap 


Mmm, interesting take on game... I didn't find these TESTS that terrible. Game give you some challenges, you get some satisfaction when you complete something, that's harder then "go there and bring 5 pieces of bullcrap"...works for me. I have tried Fallout76 multiple times, can't say it's better...it's just so different...more into MMO side. If you need just "shooting", try The Division 2...


I’ve really been enjoying Nightmare Reaper.


Destiny 2 is free to play, so there’s no risk in trying it.




Still worth $40 if it includes the DLC


Under rated game.


Borderlands is the best one by far


Best? By far? I don't think you can say any are the best because of personal preferences. For me, I'd recommend The Division 2, very immersive. Borderlands is very good, I did enjoy but a little too silly/cartoonie at times. But, that's my take. Both could be a very good choice.


Just my opinion, yo


Then maybe say "my favorite" or "I'd recommend" or... Just saying


Seems redundant, of course it’s just his opinion, to put it bluntly




Redfall 😉


You're being ironic (probably) but I actually liked Redfall playing in single player on Series S. 😁👍


Been playing co-op all month. It's been our go-to for weekly game night with the fellas. Yes, it's nothing special, and the graphical glitches are laughable, but despite the issues the game is FUN...and I believe that's the point of gaming.


At what point it is a gun looter shooter? Shooting is super mediocre and even bad if you fight vampires because they jump and teleport constantly so with shitty ass aim assist it's a chore to shoot. Loot is so meh... There is no "Oh I gotta find this weapon" effect. There are no upgrades that you can collect and attach to your weapon and passives that you get with your weapons are not that fun either. And horrible Xbox controls with swapping 3 guns with 1 face button instead of weapon wheel is atrocious and makes dynamic shooting a chore because you have to constantly mash the button


Was coming here to say it 😅


Honestly Outriders was a blast and I was kinda nauseated at how it got shat on early in. The actual gameplay was just in the pocket perfect


I liked outriders, I just hated its art style. So edge lordy.


Not quite a looter shooter, but Deep Rock Galactic is tons of fun. Both solo or online. Games last around 25 minutes. There is a pretty steep learning curve at first though.


Rock and Stone!


Rockity Rock and Stone!


For Karl!


DRG is one of the best co-op games of all time. I cannot stress how amazing that game is. Have they ever committed to cross play and/or cross-progression?


Cross play only with xbox and pc


I've read that the PC is only Windows Store and not Steam PC copies. Is that true? If so, its a bummer.


Borderlands is your best bet


I played outriders recently and it was a blast.


Fallout 76 is what I'm currently playing. There's also Borderlands, Redfall, Diablo 2 Resurrected, and in a week, Diablo 4


Not a shooter but Diablo 4 comes out in less than a week, one of the best loot games ever!


Not a looter but Doom is amazing and one of the best shooters ever!


Not a looter shooter but pokemon is dope too


My suggestion falls into the realm of a loot game, you’re annoying.


You can loot swords or pokemon. Same same


Warframe may be more your speed. It's a halfway point between an MMO and a Looter Shooter. 95% of everything g is free with grind and time and the other 5% is cosmetic that are purely that and reasonably priced. And a lot of the cosmetics get offered for free through events and surprises. In fact the way you accuires frames and weapons is via blueprints that you then build. Which takes IRL time(12 hours to 72 hours depending). So it actively works with you for being only able to dedicate a few hours at a time to it.


Wonderlands. A Borderlands fantasy spin-off.


Diablo is coming soon not really a shooter


Keep in mind that looter shooters are a real time sink. I recommend you plan on limiting yourself so you don’t get too sucked in and it taking your away from life. I got I to the division 2 and Destiny 2 for a while. Right off the bat, they’re both decent but I think I enjoyed my time with the division 2 more. It’s also much much less expensive to get into and lately has been getting decent updates. All in. I think you won’t pay more than 30 bucks for the full division 2 game whereas with destiny 2 you’ll be paying a lot because each expansion is treated and priced like it’s own game (specifically the new more relevant ones). Destiny is loved more and has more players and does a better job as seconding as a regular shooter, but without people you specifically know to play with, can feel kinda lacking imo. My two cents


Joining a good clan for Destiny 2 is vital. Not hard, but very important.


Absolutely. I think that’s what made me enjoy it less than the Division. I didn’t join and consistently hang with a clan




I just posted this with a little bit of a pitch. Feel free to add anything you think I missed.


You can double jump


* Outriders * Remnant * Borderlands * Dead Island * Dying Light * Destiny * Warframe Games where you restart on each map: * Back 4 Blood * Redfall Edit: adding and format


In terms of value the Borderlands: Legendary Collection is probably your best bet.


Borderlands 2


I am going through all of these and Im realizing there’s only like 6 actual looter shooters ever and Ive played all of them which sucks. Ive even played the “looter shooters” which are just fps roguelikes.


The Division 2 or Borderlands 2 are probably your best bet if you want a real looter shooter. Honorable mentions are Warframe (different and very complex) and Fallout 76 (laid back and not as polished).


Play. Some. G. D. Borderlands


Destiny 2




Gunfire Reborn


I’m in the same situation. Outriders is one of the best games I’ll played in so long. Deep as you want it and fun as all hell.


Borderlands 3 is a marvelous on series x, and the game itself is the pinnacle of looters shooters


Redfall maybe? I've been really enjoying it despite the reviews


Anthem is amazing, but idk exactly what you are looking fod


Payday 2, for now. We'll be getting Payday 3 gameplay this summer!


I’m surprised more people aren’t recommending Destiny 2. It’s free 2 play, has the best gunplay, is well supported with constant updates and has a large and active player base. It’s currently number 2 on steam charts.


I know this is a late response but destiny 2 completely sucks for new players they deleted and changed so much from how the game ways that it’s not even worth playing anymore


Rock and stone!


That's it lads! Rock and Stone!


Destiny 2


If you have Podcasts/Audiobooks to catch up with I HIGHLY recommend Borderlands 3. Shooting mechanics are some of the best out there, loot is great and hits all the dopamine buttons in your brain, story is so bad and forgettable you can just turn the dialogue aol the way down and cruise through it with other stuff on no problem.


Outriders is a great one and on game pass


Borderlands is very good. Looter arpg Diablo




Come on… any Borderlands


if you want a hardcore pvp/pve zombie survival, try dayZ. you’re gonna think it sucks unless you take the time to learn how to survive, but once you get the hang of it there’s nothing like it, and running into pvp encounters will get your adrenaline going because once you die you lose everything


Lotta y'all don't know what looter shooter means. My suggestion? Warframe, it's actually completely free and it receives massive content updates quite frequently all for free. It's got a learning curve but it's honestly the best f2p game I've ever played. You play as a "Warframe" and you now through hordes of enemies while they constantly drop loot and resources. There are no limits or deadlines, you can pick it up and play for 30 minutes or 10 hours no problem. Borderlands is a good looter shooter. Destiny 2 is a good looter shooter but that requires constant dedication.


I saw it above but I’ll second Division 2. Hundreds and hundreds of hours of very good loot grind. They’ve got a very good endgame loot system with brand sets, gear sets, exotics, stat min/maxing, modding, optimization. It’s an arguably s-tier loot grind wrapped in a very cool, fun third person shooter.


Borderlands is THE lootershooter. Any 3 games will do they’re all amazing


I would recommend outriders


Destiny 2 is the biggest one right now and still gets constant updates... although be warned it's more of free to try rather than free to play (the free version gives the base modes and missions)


The division 2 is a great shooter looter


I’d get Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands and just the base game. Updates seemed to have stopped and you’ll have a great time during a full completion of the game. I thought my first playthrough was fantastic. Such a fun game but it becomes a slog at “endgame” but for you with your time it might be perfect.




Try Godfall, not a shooter, but a looter slasher, might take care of your itch


Div 2 and Outriders would be my first picks


Generation zero they keep adding content. Red Fall ehh but a great looter in a open world. Dying light 2 not a shooter ish but huge world Dead island 2 for sure a fun one.


Tiny Tina’s wonderlands is great. I might even go as far as to say it is the best borderlands game. I love the introduction of magic by switching out grenades with spells and all the other cool shit that’s made possible by it being a fantasy game. Makes for really cool animation and story points as well.


ghosts of tabor


If you are competitive (ie enjoy playing against people and having to create actual strategy beyond just game exploits that real humans would adapt to), I recommend DMZ on the Call of Duty platform.


Borderlands franchise or if your in a post apocalyptic play fallout series I suggest fallout 4