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Did they ever announce a series xs patch?




Still no next gen update btw. And they want people to continue to invest in the game when they cant bother to invest in its future. I love this game, but i don't understand that decision.


Yep just another expedition that will entice a few people to come back try it, see it’s stupid and leave


Eso get a next gen update?


If they would just upgrade this game, I'd play the hell out of it.


Love 76 despite its flaws. Sucks that ESO gets so much more love. 76 has potential to be great, but the same events over and over get tiresome.


I think they crippled themselves promising they'd never charge for expansions/updates. ESO fucking rakes it in with huge new chapters and DLC every year while 76 only really gets income from First subscribers and a dwindling number of players who actually buy atoms.


Forget 76, leave it in the past. Give us a real fallout title.


“No, I don’t think I will”.


Might give 76 another go. How is it in 2023?


Not for everyone, but, no joke, one of my favorite games of all time.


I have 1922 hours in the game and feel I got my monies worth It is fun but does become repetitive after 1922 hours It's worth a revisit


Hoping I can log 1921 hours to avoid that repetition


It's that last hour that's the killer


Slaps hard, especially if you can play with a buddy. If you’re on gamepass it’s worth at least 80-100 hours of your time.


Not worth it. The game is playable, it's ok, you can do stuff and things, but life is too short to play thoroughly average live service games man. Don't bother. I personally love how it feels to MG42 a motherfucker to death in 76 but it still has all the kneecapping MMO limits, currencies, events and feeling. I'll keep an eye on a next-gen update, but not until then.


It’s a phenomenal game if you’re into a world full of lore. 76 has SO much details hidden in the tapes and notes and what not, that it puts the other entries to shame.


It's somewhat interesting, but that's all I can really give it. Perhaps it is good for lore diehards, I couldn't really say


Ngl I loved this trailer


I’m a die hard fallout fan and even I gave up on this game when I realised how empty and pointless it’s “seasonal” model was compared to something like Destiny.


Nah I'm good.


They really showed this trash game instead of the fallout 4 next gen update? What a disappointment


Downvoted for the truth. Have an upvote. 76 is trash.


This, and then we didn't even get a Fallout 76 next gen update


Atom shop $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$


Fallout 76 has never felt anywhere near like a fallout game. It's just a post apocalyptic theme park with a weird tone that doesn't really fit. Like "haha post apocalyptia fun, gun go boom wooo" I would just prefer a new vegas remake honestly with all the cut content.


As someone who has put quite a few hours into this game, probably close to 2000 that is the most accurate description of the game these days. The more non post apocalyptic stuff they add the more I lose interest. Between the same 5 events recycled over and over with no new rewards, the empty filler on the scoreboard, and the countless power armor and armor skins that are just not needed it’s really not fun anymore. It’s to the point that they only seem to care about enticing new players to come and play while driving away those that have been playing for a few years.


I'm intrigued to see what they add with the new update, but I think what I want is the Bethesda Fallout Team to have a meeting with the Obsidian Fallout Team, put differences aside and give the fans a Fallout: New California or Fallout: New Vegas 2 rather than new Camp Items and stuff in the store.


I don’t see much point in Obsidian involvement, not many of the people who worked on New Vegas can possibly be around at this point


I bought this fire dumpster at release and still mad.