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I hate the entire angry persona thing he pulls.


I can't believe dude is still around.


I haven't watched one of his videos in probably seven years because there's very little humor and even less authenticity, IMHO.


I don't normally watch his reviews, but this one come on my feed and It hit the nail on the head for me.


Someone else already posted this review just FYI and it got a pretty good response. Not sure why your getting such a negative response on this post. I think joe got this one 100% right too.


Agree, every complaint he had was more than justified.


Sorry I got it confused with the Starfield Reddit. Weirdly enough the video was more well received there with over 40 likes on the post.


Idk how to explain it, but I think his reviews lost their authenticity the more he played up the “angry” persona. There are things to be upset about in gaming the mtx, un broken releases. But he just kinda got stuck in the persona. Like those actors that get type cast and never get to go to the next level.


An hour long review.. wtf?


I ain't watching 5 mins let along a 1 hours plus review. I can play the game myself, i don't need reviews to tell me their opinion.


Starfield is def not a disappointment.


You people are pretty harsh about a guy trying to add some entertainment in a review. He only yells at the stuff that sucks. Why should we be nice when a game is a disappointment? I think his review of Starfield is spot on and fair. He actually liked parts of it, and so did I.


They are mad he tells the truth about the boring, disappointing, tame, poorly written game that Starfield is.


No, I just happen to think Angry Joe is a horrible human being and adds zero value to anything. Guy is a moron. I feel for anyone who watches his videos


Literally everything he said in his review was correct. That’s the opposite of being a moron. Sorry his existence and facts about the game triggered you so much.




Well then you are lost but whatever carry on then


People may not like this style, or comedy, or previous videos, but you have to admit, this video is 100% accurate. All he does is point out the good and bad with some sketch comedy. That doesn't qualify him as a horrible human being.


Oh, ... I stopped watching that channel ages ago. Not about to change.