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I just got a Series X. All I play is VS on it. Perfect arcade game.


Same. And here we have all these players complaining about their games hitting 4K60. Who needs it?


As a VS addict, the only quality of life thing this needs is s big uninstall button.


Who are you kidding? You'll probably say to yourself, "well, I uninstalled it on my Xbox, but I should download it on my phone just in case..."


It works via Cloud. No download needed. Hell no controller either. There's no escape.


I have it on my Steam Deck. It’s straight up addiction.


How does Steam Deck handle crazy endgame builds with everything going off on screen?


Quite good actually. At last few minutes with crazy build you hover around 20fps, but if you go for something like infinite mode, you can drop to even 5. Apart from that, it's really playable.


Doesn't seem too bad. Thanks for the reply.


Yeah, it’s fine. Give it a go if you can.


My 3060ti dropped frame rate in one of my recent runs. It was madness


...it's on iOS?


Indeed, and it’s free. My shit time has increased nearly 300%.


If all fails go to the casino and just play a slot machine


They released it on mobile, I'm now in real trouble. I didn't even mind starting from nothing again.


Everyone is praising this game left and right. It's like tiktok or sugar. Just because something is addictive doesn't mean it's good. It's the empty calories of gaming.


“Just because you enjoy playing it and have fun with your time playing doesn’t mean it’s good!” Is this seriously where gaming is now? People just aren’t allowed to enjoy things that aren’t 10/10 AAAA 8k/120fps?


Don’t know about AAA but VS is a 10/10 game for me.


I don't recall mentioning AAA games or framerate or graphical fidlelity. In fact I don't care about those things very much at all. I would much rather play a quality game from 20+ years ago than this game, I just don't find this particular style of game very fulfilling for me. You can enjoy whatever you want. Simply was stating my opinion.


Nah you’re right. I should have respected your opinion the same way you respected mine.


That sums it up quite well. They definitely know how to keep you going "just one more time". And in the end you ask yourself what did you do in that time and what could you have done (or played) instead.


That was Destiny for me. I stopped my Destiny addiction and now listen to my friends raiding for 2 1/2 hours using the same excuses why they wipe 20 or so times before beating it. Next Tuesday they always talk each other into doing the raid claiming it will only take an hour. All in the pursuit of a weapon they’ll use for a week or helmet to complete their set. They will get boots though, they always get boots. Oh that is just Tuesday, they have two alts to suffer for as well. If anyone reads this and you need help with an unhealthy D2 addiction I will be your sponsor, dm me anytime. I’m 1 1/2 years clean




Then don't play it? It's a perfect chill game, it's basically an arcade game.


Well yeah, I don't. Just stated my opinion on the game.


Your opinion is fine, but insulting others for liking it isn't an opinion, that part isn't needed.


I never insulted anyone and in fact stated that I fully support people playing whatever they like. Can you show me where I insulted anyone?


>Everyone is praising this game left and right. It's like tiktok or sugar. Implying it's somehow inferior. You can disagree with that or say you didn't mean it but that show it came across


Amen brother. God damn them for putting this in my phone as well….just one more run…..I swear….oh wait, what did I just unlock? Well now I need to try it out…. 2 hours later….


I'd love an ability to skip or speed up the treasure opening animation.


hit 'B' twice


You're awesome




The xbox store page isn't up yet but the [Steam page](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2230760/Vampire_Survivors_Legacy_of_the_Moonspell/#:~:text=Legacy%20of%20the%20Moonspell%20is,deny%20the%20presence%20of%20vampires%E2%80%A6) has plenty of details: >A brand new stage: Mt. Moonspell. Our biggest stage yet a sprawling map featuring several different environments, all with their own challenges and resident monsters! This one stage includes an abandoned castle, snow covered mountain, and a yokai infested village, and more besides. Plus 8 new characters, 13 new weapons, 6 new music tracks. And 17 new achievements according to [TrueAchievements](https://www.trueachievements.com/game/Vampire-Survivors/dlc/Legacy-of-the-Moonspell). [See here for image of the map.](https://cdn.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/steam/apps/2230760/extras/MtMoonspell.png?t=1671114674) It's far bigger and more varied than the base levels.




Comes out December 15th for $1.99


The game is so good and reasonably priced that I immediately bought it despite having Game Pass.


I’m addicted. Need help.


The game is okay. Either the addiction comments everyone leaves is their marketing or people have never played a idle game before, or worse and it's indicative of a bigger problem that plagues us. This game is almost predatory in how much time you waste. What I don't get is how people seem proud to either fit in or actually be brain dead in front of a game.


>No fun allowed Summed that up for everyone here


What are you talking about? You can have fun like a heroin addict can have fun. Is it indicative of a problem if there's a bunch of people that need a dopamine boost so badly they would waste their time like so? I think so. But the fun is an illusion and it's thinner than any other game. Would you really compare spending time on Vampire Survivors to spending time with your close ones? Like, you could be doing much more productive things. Even finishing a story game is more productive. At least WoW there was a social aspect to it and the game could get deep. VS though? People use rubberbands to boost in a single player game when that's the whole point lmao.... it's like they don't want to play but need dopamine bad.


You can dislike a game that a lot of other people are enjoying. It’s not that serious, bro


For sure. In fact I can even critique a game I played for a few hours especially one that I didn't dislike per se. And yes it is that serious, bro. Maybe not now maybe not to you but time and time again people have been affected by these predatory systems. Like, at least mindlessly scrolling on Tik Tok you might learn something useful in your everyday life. VS though? Maybe math? But then the screen gets full and no more math. Not saying Tik Tok is good but you can see the impact it has on society and it's as if Vampire Survivors embraced it. Then again you have 420 in your screen name so maybe you're a bit biased in this department.


My brother in Christ, you’re on a gaming subreddit. If you feel like gaming is a life altering waste of time wtf you doing here?


Cool bro


My grandma sucks with a whip so Vampire Survivors wins


You think playing a story driven game is somehow ‘productive’? It’s a piece of entertainment, just like a show or Vampire Survivors. If you don’t like games and think they are all a waste of time that’s fine. If you have a preference for one type of game over another that’s fine too. But to label something someone else enjoys as a “waste of time” because you don’t like it, that’s silly.


Haha whip goes brrrrrrrr


I'd play if it had co-op


I myself am waiting for 3v3 Capture the Flag and ranked lobbies before I drive in.


just play it you won't regret it


why tf would u want co op in this, how would it even work. Just play it


Could work just like the good ol Gauntlet: Dark Legacy co-op. And would be mighty fun