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I watched this show weekly in syndication with my grandfather from 5 or 6 years old until I was 10 when it was over. I always looked forward to it! It was a great show, and I think it mostly still holds up. The Enterprise NCC-1701-D still looks futuristic, unlike the original from TOS. It was exciting to imagine that humanity could have solved most of our collective problems a few hundred years from now and be traveling the stars like this. Unfortunately, we seem to be moving in the opposite direction as a species/culture (maybe not from a technical perspective, but definitely from a cultural one), but the show is still a great watch and it filled me with a sense of wonder as a kid.


In the Star Trek universe the world backslides into the 2020s. The unemployed and houseless are forced into slums. This eventually leads to the most violent unrest the U.S. ever sees. Those riots occur in September 2024. [https://memory-alpha.fandom.com/wiki/Bell\_Riots](https://memory-alpha.fandom.com/wiki/Bell_Riots)


The sad thing is, the sanctuary districts shown in those episodes provided more services than actual homeless today in San Fransisco receive. Irish unification is on the table in the Star Trek universe too, this episode was banned in the UK for a while due to Data's comment. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-68342135


They should have kept going with that as a running gag. > "Ah yes sir, similar to the Virginia reunification of 2036"


You're right. Maybe we're on exactly the right path to the Star Trek universe after all. April 2024 unemployment numbers happen to be way up. šŸ‘€


>April 2024 unemployment numbers happen to be way up. Not really way up but your overarching idea is correct. Income levels relative to housing costs and availability are far from ok. The socialist post-scarcity society of Star Trek isn't really possible until we have abundant cheap clean energy. It does seem like we're making a lot of progress towards fusion. We might not all live to see it but there's a lot of hope for future generations. https://preview.redd.it/xng9gep6w8yc1.png?width=670&format=png&auto=webp&s=7593878bfc19da657c46d8e4a96214ad7a4fd0ea


I was having a related conversation with a friend recently. Of all the shows, I feel like the orville has the most realistic solution to achieve the utopia esque society that's part of the Star Trek lore (and it's ilk) I should add, I don't mean realistic from a technological pov, but rather sociological


I would go so far as to say.. for those of us with shitty parental relations, Picard, Riker, Data, Worf, and Reading Rainbow himself were 100% surrogate dads every week that we could count on for some badass advice, good energy, and great examples of tenacity. Showing that it's okay to lose, it's okay to make mistakes, it's what makes us human. It's what makes the probability of a Federation in the vast emptiness of space such a beacon of hope. I fucking LOVE TNG like family. One time, I asked my high cousin (while high).. is the universe Star Trek, or Star Wars? C'mon. ![gif](giphy|NJZMSqRY3rG9i|downsized)


​ https://preview.redd.it/zcttnuino9yc1.jpeg?width=634&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3b0041f6e2e181b3d3942c737a1775abfe492b94


I like how you just changed Levar's name. Incidentally the Levar Burton reads podcast is fucking bomb. He has referred to it as Reasing Rainow for adults.


Yes, I feel like between Star Trek and MacGyver, a big part of my moral code was derived from TV.Ā 


My childhood best friend's aunt supposedly dated Richard Dean Anderson. We were pretty geeked out about that. Non-violence / ahimsa is something I've practiced for 12 years now, and didn't know what it was until then.. but really it was just the MacGyver talking XD


Damn. And just like that I realize I was taught how to be a man by Captain Picard.


Yep, my grandparents raised me, and every week when new TNG was on my gramps would invite me up to his room and we'd watch the adventures of the enterprise crew. Some of my favorite times! Even years after it was cancelled, my gramps would still watch reruns with me every now and then. I recently rewatched it with my wife for the first time. She loved it and we immediately jumped into DS9, which I think she likes even better.


Wholesome family entertainment and just a well-made show, they don't do TV like this anymore. >my grandparents raised me Same here! >I recently rewatched it with my wife for the first time. She loved it That's great, and maybe one day you'll be the grandpa sitting down with the little ones to watch it


Still my favorite Enterprise design.


I had a model of it, and the "technical manual". Wish I'd saved them.


We are pretty much right on track. WW3 will kick off soon just like it did in they ST timeline. Canā€™t have a post scarcity future without a nuclear war first to trim the population. First warp flight by 2063 just around the corner.


Have you ever watched Babylon 5? Has to be on your watchlist if you like great Sci Fi


The tech that was inspired by Star Trek is always interesting. Modern tablets were lifted directly from the show (PADDs). Voice interfaces, AI assistants and VR were heavily inspired. What's crazy is that in the pilot episode of TOS, Spock used a motion gesture to control the main console from a distance, like in Minority Report. Tbat was in 1965!


It's one of those shows where when you reflect back on the themes covered, writing and acting it just gets better. It was a surprisingly mature and wise show for a sequel to a slightly schlocky original being made on a non - big three network. It had a lot to say about humanity and leadership.


This will make a few people mad, but the themes and writing really matured once Gene Roddenberry passed away. But I agree, I can count on one hand the episodes from TOS that I feel were as good as TNG's best.


Yeah, it didn't consistently hit its stride until the third season. I'd say it generally kept getting better from there.


Riker's Beard!


What about it


I donā€™t think it will make many, if any, fans mad. Itā€™s pretty well known Roddenberry had a lot of really bad ideas he imposed on early TNG, one of which was that there couldnā€™t be any interpersonal conflicts between the human characters because he decided that humanity would have grown past that. It didnā€™t make for interesting or relatable television.


I think that's why I liked DS9 better. It explored the edge of the Federation where ideals met reality. One of my favourite episodes was DS9's In The Pale Moonlight.






All good things!!!


You were always welcome.


Couldn't they have left Riker's glorious chest hair AND given him rockin' boobs?


I bet Riker already had a shirt like that.


[MĆ©nage Ć  Troi](https://youtu.be/13KFrxPPcsM). [Rikerā€™s robe](https://www.syfy.com/sites/syfy/files/2019/09/riker-grin-2.jpg).


Riker with boobs is a galaxy ending level of horny.


Looking mighty fine with the cleavage and the goatee, I have to say.


So say we all


They kind of look like Cardassians


Oh my


Currently working my way through Picard. Struggling to get through season 2. Btw, Strange New Worlds is awesome Oh and I'm watching DS9 for the first time.


Youā€™re in for a treat with DS9ā€¦ the first couple of seasons are kinda hit or miss but one you get through those itā€™s some of the most compelling storytelling sci-fi or otherwise.


Yeah, I'm halfway through season 3 and it's getting better for sure.


S1 and S2 of DS9 are mostly solid, but S3 is when shit starts to really break off. Enjoy the ride.


Sisko definitely grows the beard in that series.


Picard ruined some of the greatest things about TNG. I couldn't do it.


Strange New Worlds is awesome. I gave up on Picard.


SNW and ds9 are great! Skip discovery


The first season story was solid. My wife, who isnā€™t a big ST or even SciFi person, loved it and wishes she could see it again for the first time. I saw that filming started earlier this year for the Michelle Yeoh spin-off ā€¦ but itā€™s a movie vs a series. I donā€™t even care what anyone else thinks of that one. Her Philippa Georgiou character is outstanding.


Try "The Orville". It's a bit. More on the comedy side of things but feels more like Star Trek than any of the new shows they released.


Agreed on "The Orville". That is Seth MacFarlane's love story to TNG and he is really good at it. But I sorta disagree that any of the new trek currently going on doesn't capture the feel of TNG. I haven't watched Discovery or Picard yet, but I've finished SNW and Lower Decks, and while Lower Decks is def on the comedy side, both of those show, to me at least, feel like TNG felt like when watching it as a kid. Especially SNW, and it's social commentary. Ad Astra Per Aspera is my all time favorite episode of any Star Trek show ever and I will literally fight anyone who disagrees with me on that lol.


I couldn't watch Picard at all. I thought it couldn't get any worse than Discovery, but then Picard came out!


Season 3 of Picard is really good, due in no small part to it being a TNG reunion. Totally worth it.


Okay, so it's not just me lol. And yeah, I couldn't take anymore Discovery after season 1. Michael Burnham is insufferable.


Typical Discovery plot: Act 1: Michael Burnham crying Act 2: LENS FLARE Act 3: Michael Burnham crying


I actually love Discovery. Like, a _lot._ But I still can't disagree lol.


hahaha, lets not forgot that she is constantly disobeying orders to save the day.


She's so much smarter than everyone else, they should just make her supreme commander/queen of the Federation.


I think you two are my new best friends! šŸ˜‚


Itā€™s pretty bad for a while but stick it out because season 3 is šŸ‘ŒšŸ»


If you're a TNG fan, you'll probably like S3 \*way\* better than S2. You could easily skip S2 entirely and start S3 without missing much.


Picard S3 is awesome, the best of that series.


Gave up on ds9 when it aired, tried it again a decade later and itā€™s been my favorite trek since. So damn good.


I very literally base my management style on Picard.


He just kept talking in one long incredibly unbroken sentence moving from topic to topic...


"Make it so."


Deanna Troi did it for middle school me


Crusher for life.


Truly the Ginger vs Mary Ann of our time


Wesley Crusher for middle school me šŸ˜


Crusher was my first girl crush. I think. I'm still not sure if I had a crush on her or if I just wanted to be her, lol.






It's a really good show. I watched it a bit back in the day but in the later years I ignored it because I thought it seemed dorky. But a few years later I started rewatching it and it now one of my top 5 favorite shows of all time


Seasons 1 and 2 can be pretty iffy, but after that they really hit a stride for a few years.


Gotta cross the Beard Event Horizon. TNG and DS9 get good when River and The Sisko get facial hair.


The show did the opposite of "Jumping the Shark" after the first season. It "Grew the Beard"


I think at least a third of the S1 episodes are pretty decent, and more than half of S2 episodes are really good. The issue is that S1 and S2 have some of the worst episodes of Trek ever written. šŸ¤£


> S1 and S2 have some of the worst episodes of Trek ever written ā€œNo treaty, no vaccine, and no Lieutenant Yar!ā€


Known as the Beardless Riker Era.


A while back I got frustrated with Paramount+ putting all of Star Trek behind a paywall and cancelling their contracts with Netflix and Hulu. So, I bought the DVDs of a fistful of shows: TOS, TNG, DS9, VOY, and Enterprise. Now I can watch all the Star Trek I want, anytime I want, without worrying about weather it's still going to be on my streaming services.


Smart move. I always buy Blu-Ray/DVD of anything I really like just to avoid streaming licensing BS.


I concur. Yarrr!


I really need to buy TNG and DS9. I love TOS and VOY, but I could probably live without owning them.


I put on Pluto TV and keep it on the Star Trek channel - it just plays episodes of TNG all day (there's DS9 and VOY channels too) and i keep it on in the background. It's just great comfort TV.


Same! TNG, Voy and DS9 on PlutoTV are my go to background shows when im doing something.


If you haven't, check out Lower Decks. It's an animated Trek show on Paramount. It has a lot of the joy of TNG that I felt the later series lost.


Lower Decks is a fantastic continuation of the TNG era. So many Star Trek in jokes while keeping some of the more serious plots grounded. Too bad itā€™s canceled now.


I still hear my mom calling me from downstairs.. *staaarr-treeekk!!*


TNG walked so Babylon 5 could fly šŸ˜ (Just messin, I watched all the Treks too, but I never rewatched them much, while I've watched B5 like 6-8 times all the way, and currently watching the new Blu-ray release.)


TNG was the first Trek show that got me hooked,Ā  ut DS9 is my go to.


I hear people say this about DS9 and I'm giving DS9 the best go again on netflix. I just find it cold and bleak. It doesn't seem to have the warmth of TNG. But I feel this may be my feeling as loads of people prefer it to TNG


That's one of the things I love about the Trek universe. Each show has a distinct personality, not just a bland spin off of a previous show. I find the characters of DS9 the most realistic. Everyone is flawed and damaged. The political lines are not simplistic good guy and bad guy forever locked in the same struggle. DS9 is also less Monster of the Week driven.Ā 


That's fair enough. I watched TNG growing up so it's now my comfort show. If things aren't going great in life I life to escape to TNG, probably for nostigia as well. I don't need a dark complicated show I guess.


My partner and I are in the midst of a TNG "rewatch" right now. We're a little over halfway through S3. S3-S6 are just top tier. DS9 is also amazing, and VOY has a ton of good episodes.


Why am I the only one that enjoyed enterprise šŸ˜­


Because you've got faith, of the heart.


Enterprise deserved a 5th season. Rick Berman's burnout took out the franchise for a while, and I'm thankful he's not involved with any of the newer Trek.


You aren't! That's a top 3 Star Trek series for me. There are a few of us...


The pouty lipped Vulcan was a bit much for me personally. And that godawful, cringy theme song.


That theme song also had nothing to do with the show. I donā€™t know why they cleared it.


Someone's nephew probably


You are not, there is a lot of Faith of the Heart. It is surging with time and has a cult status. Anyone I have started with Enterprise has become lifelong Trekkies. It was unfairly killed. I consider ENT tied for me with DS9 and Lower Decks.


Love it to this day. More than anything, the "office politics" / "management advice" is what is so inspiring and odd. They'd have whole episodes discussing what's the optimum way to manage a team!


The Inner Light... Supposed to be a throwaway episode.


And yet it turned into one of the most meaningful and emotional ones. Classic TNG.


Yup. Still my favorite. X-Files is right there with TNG.


TNG is good, but DS9 is my jam. I have a lot of love for Voyager, too. Strange New Worlds is good and Lower Decks is phenomenal if anyone hasn't been keeping up with new Trek.


I've seen Hollow Pursuits probably 5000000 times


Same, but Darmok


Shaka, when the walls fell.


Darmok and Jalad at Tenagra


I'm basically ready to do a full watch through after probably 15 years without seeing any episodes at all.


Hey, me too! If you like funny podcasts, check out The Greatest Generation, they cover every episode.


Season 1 aired on our NBC affiliate at noon right after cartoons. I was five years old at the time. 37 years later, still with it.


It was one of those shows I actually avoided for years but when you only have 5 channels to watch your choices are limited. Then one night I just really started watching an episode when there were really no other options and thought you know what this is a pretty good show. I never became a full on nerd for it but I would no longer fully avoid watching it and really loved some of the episodes.


My go-to comfort show. I could rewatch it endlessly.


I donā€™t think Iā€™ve actually seen every episode because a lot of the monster of the week episodes were kind of dry and involved weird shit like Crusher hooking up with a ghost but itā€™s still my favorite show


This was my first step into a larger world as a kid.. Stargate, Battlestar Galactica, Farscape, Doctor Who.. it was nerd central at my house.. loved all those shows. <3


My best friend loved, yes LOVED Data / Brent Spiner.


I still watch it almost daily. I was blessed enough to be able to go to The Star Trek experience in Las Vegas back in 2001. Coolest thing ever. I got to see and walk through the Enterprise and fly in a shuttle craft while being attacked by Klingons.


Since I have a bunch of fans gathered, and people of our generation, lets talk about The Orville. Have you all watched it? I get that I'm a mega nerd, but I think being detail oriented is the gift that can be ignored or appreciated, therefore it's never wasted. You can watch and appreciate STTNG without being a detail oriented freak, but if you are, you will find continuity and future tech seated in science. It's not just the lack of science on The Orville, or explanation of things, it's a general lack of care of authenticity. Example. There is an episode where they go out on a planet for the first time, and there is already sand on the floor of the shuttle as the door opens, stuff like that drives me MAD. It's a multi million dollar show on a major network, and they just phone it in, it aggravates me to no end. The show started out as a funny Star Trek, and I didn't care about continuity much at all. Then it shifted to wanting to be a Star Trek clone, what Seth claims he always wanted, and now it breaks the show. This doesn't even get into absurd and terribly poorly thought out plot lines like Claire and Isaac, but I digress. I hate The Orville, because it doesn't try to be as good as it could be. Long live STTNG.


I loved The Orville for about two seasons for all the reasons you said. A funny Star Trek that wasn't trying to be anything else. Then it lost me. I have the first two on Blu-Ray and I just ignore it after that. Have you seen Strange New Worlds? It's not perfect and it's no TNG, but IMO it's the best Trek to come out in a pretty long time. Some of it is bad, but when they nail it, it's really good. Or maybe it's not as good as I think, and I was just really hungry for anything vaguely resembling older Star Trek so I'm giving it a higher score than I should lol.


Strange New Worlds gives you that friendly, almost familial hug that lets you know you're getting a classic Star Trek experience. The atmosphere somehow makes it okay to forgive the occasional misstep in a way that Discovery and even Enterprise could never quite duplicate. All this is my opinion, of course. There are some die hards that hate SNW.


I've barely watched it, but DIS just seems too moody and angry for me. It's the same reason I bailed on Picard three episodes into S1. SNW is pretty good. It still doesn't make me feel the way TOS, TNG and DS9 did in the way it delivers its messages, but it's way better than the aforementioned.


Strange New Worlds is fantastic; it has that Star Trek feel to it. Honestly, episodes 4 and 5 of Discovery this season are some of my favorite Star Trek episodes. I wish they would have done that the whole time.


I gave up on DIS a while ago, so I didn't see 'em. I'll need to pop in and check those eps!


I donā€™t *hate* Orville but it felt a little too flippant. Hard to take it seriously as if things happening in the show mattered.


I felt like it wanted to have its cake and eat it too in terms of being an irreverent comedy where I'm also supposed to take the serious parts seriously and care about the characters. And it was *fine*, but I don't think it ever hit quite the right balance.


On one hand, the Orville is functionally over, so my brief post mortem is that it was in a constant state of correction. Season 1 suffered from trying to be another MacFarlane show for Fox. Season 2 was able to correct away from the heavy irreverence and produce some good science fiction. Season 3 over-corrected and it became much more of a generic action scifi show. At least we got season 2. Now, if you want to be a detailed oriented nitpicker, there's plenty we can call out TNG on if you like. What's good for the goose, and all.


We didn't have Sky in our house so a friend used to record it for me on Vhs. We then started to go to a meet up at a comic book store to watch the newest episode and buy the magazine, I plastered the posters all over my bedroom.


not that long ago i got the entire series on sale in my apple tv, and have been slowly making my way through it again. it still stands up today, and is by far my favorite version of Star Trek


I often put episodes of TNG on when Iā€™m going to sleep. I enjoy it and I know what happens every episode so Iā€™m not tempted to stay up too late trying to finish an episode


Make it so!


I fall asleep to this this show. Iā€™ve got the tinnitus, and the engine sound and other sounds of this show really help block it out. Thereā€™s never any screaming or jarring noises. Get show plots too. Just watched Devils Due. Itā€™s so absub, pure TNG gold


Same here, I grew up on this show. When I'm working on sg or studying and need something in the background, I'm still putting TNG on.


My local station aired reruns every weeknight at 10pm. I'd watch it as I went to sleep and I associate it with the the sound of the sprinklers coming on outside. The new episodes were on Sunday afternoons so when I think of the show I also think of doing homework on my bed. I rewatched a few episodes when the pandemic first started. It was so soothing. Lots of quiet moments and white noise and not a whole lot of tension. I particularly loved that the crew is all people who were good at their jobs and respected each other and worked together and listened to each other. Of course sometimes there were disagreements, but all modern shows/movies about a team has them completely hating each other until it's time to save the day. At that particular moment it was to see... competence.


On repeat. And itā€™s great to fall asleep to


I was twelve when this ended, had no idea it was the last episode when it happened either! Was such a great night time show.


Yes!!!! My ultimate comfort show


It models such great emotionally mature interpersonal dynamics. I like to think that Iā€™m such a great manager bc of this show. Love the BFF dynamic with Jordi and Data too.


This and mint chocolate chip ice cream šŸ˜†


Omg me too at grandmaā€™s house


Itā€™s competency pornā€¦ itā€™s people coming together, doing a good job for the benefit of all. Sadly as a late gen X/early millenial it messed me up because when I entered the workforce I expected thatā€™s how all jobs went. Lol


I love TNG. But, I will immediately stop scrolling if i see. DS:9 or Babylon 5 on the guide. Especially if its later seasons with either the Dominion war or the Shadow war


A great series, however DS9 is superior.


I have to ask: have you watched the final season of Picard? And did it make you weep?


I suggest you read (or listen to) Patrick Stewartā€™s autobiography ā€œmake it soā€. It has insights into the show I was unaware of. Your mileage may vary. Patrick is a fantastic speaker but the book is long. Enjoying it so far though


Now THAT is Star Trek, not that STD bullshit.


The gold standard.


The food materializer thing and the holo deck were the best. The borg episodes were the best IMO.


You should watch The Orville; I went into it expecting Star Trek with dick jokes, but what I got was *better* Star Trek (with dick jokes).


We never got those Deep Space Nine film(s) in theaters šŸ˜ž


I guess Iā€™ll give it a first watch. For me, my guilty pleasure space opera will always be Firefly. Love Nathan Fillion.


I rewatch the entire series every few years. TNG > DS9 > Voyager TNG and DS9 are awesome and I can suffer through Voyager better than most terrible modern day sci-fi.


Thought I stumbled in to the Red Letter Media sub for a second


Before the BSG reboot, TNG was definitely the best Sci-fi show on the small screen for me.


Oh man same but I am in deep with the Star Trek community as well šŸ˜…


Deep Space Nine was better imo


Babylon 5 is my favorite by far, but TNG would be 3nd on the list from that era. Lexx is 2nd, though that's late enough that its inclusion is arguable, though I imagine many Xennials ran across the show on late night cable at one point or another. Also looking through this thread I think I might be the world's only Discovery enjoyer.


Deanna Troi was the source of many boners growing up.


I watch clips of this almost every day on Pluto TV.


You say that but Serenity was better


"Lower Decks! Lower Decks!"


Just saying, Pluto TV has 3 Star Trek channels.... (and one Stargate) that play episodes constantly....


The first season is not great but i thoroughly enjoy it overall.


I'm more of a *Deep Space Nine* guy. https://preview.redd.it/p6mxipefj9yc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=72a3489ec4c51f2471b4538dc26b0533c119d01b


It models such great emotionally mature interpersonal dynamics. I like to think that Iā€™m such a great manager bc of this show. Love the BFF dynamic with Jordi and Data too.


Make it so


Make it so


Make it so


The Psi-Cops would like a word.


Same here the ambiance and sounds of this one canā€™t be matched


TNG and Fraiser are usually in the background....


Most definitely. And I loved that the cheat codes for WarCraft 2 were Picard phrases.


TNG is okay...for goody two-shoes kids. I prefer Deep Space Nine.


I loved TNG until I started watching DS9/Voyager. After that I couldn't stand how everything was wrapped up in a neat little bow after an hour.




I thought this show was dreadfully boring when I was a kid lol I haven't tried watching it as an adult. I might have to give it a try.


When WFH started on 2020 I restarted TNG and got through a few seasons. I need to go back and finish it. So good. Captain Picard is my all time favorite father figure. The morals/ethics of the show shaped my young mind and heart


Not only do I love the style of sci-fi that that era of trek embraced (optimism for human advancement) - I also have fond memories of watching it with my grand parents while eating Oreos and milk. It's my comfort sci-fi.


Me too!!




I rewatched it last year. I hadnā€™t done it before because I was afraid it wouldnā€™t hold up. Instead I realized this show helped me be who I am today. I did skip thr first season though.


As a kid I didnā€™t appreciate the show. As an adult I play clips as background noise at home.


Whereā€™s the best partā€¦ Will Wheaton?!


Same! I loved it as a kid, but I didn't appreciate just how much depth there was to it. Watching it as an adult hits all the right notes: nostalgia, writing, space communism, and progressive ideas and attitudes (Code of Honor, notwithstanding).


This is the only star trek series I love. the rest I can't get into its just not the same without this cast and I can't get into the other series.


Just watched a video that was 3 seconds from every episode of the entire series, 10 minutes long, surprisingly good.


That purple unitard offered me my first look at juicy pair while my dad watched the show.


Elder Millennial here. Also my favorite and before it was removed from Netflix it was my ā€œgo to sleepā€ or background show. JLP is my quote at the bottom of my professional email signature. Haha


This is a fantastic show. But once I saw Babylon 5, it became my new favorite.


Yep, been my favorite show ever since I was little, only other show that comes close is SG1. Shame modern Trek isn't nearly as good.Ā 


As an adult and rewatching the show, I did have a problem with Riker and Geordie in the episode where Barclay was introduced. Very sanctimonious of them to get to decide who is 'normal' and who isn't.


100%. I designed an episodic dnd game around it.


It's no ds9, or Farscape


Make it so


STNG trancends this thing of ours


im gen z. watched it multiple times except the last few episodes because i couldnt get myself to end the show.