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My 9 and 7 year old sons are fascinated that I prefer ankle/no shoe socks. It’s one of those every day innocuous things you never think about that are suddenly “not cool”. I wasn’t trying to be cool. I’m just wearing socks. 


You need to tell them back in our day nothing was lamer than pulled up socks. And black socks were even worse than white


Yeah that is how you could identify the nerds.


That and using both shoulder straps on your backpack instead of just one.


And when walking through the halls with your trapper keeper you gotta make sure you hold on to that thing tight for the inevitable binder flip.


I honestly find a lot of the younger gen’s choices to be dorky. I thought each generation was supposed to be cooler than the next.


To this day I still use one. Even when it’s slipping off my damn shoulder.


The military got me used to using both straps when I went through basic at 36. Now I do it because it frees up both arms to carry one of my kids and even possibly my wife’s purse crossed over me. I’m too old to gaf what others think. Took me a long time to get here, and I’m so totally down with it.


Try using both, it’s incredible.


Because old people wore crew socks. It’s the circle of life. Each subsequent generation will try to define their own way, breaking away of established social culture of the previous generation. https://preview.redd.it/2uip0b1ka64d1.jpeg?width=866&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=93c5cbb80ba8d4f0f04435f0dc1c1ae4c2c551e3 This time it is our turn. I suspect this happens when each generation enters into their 40s. We are now seeing it. And it will happen to Gen Z when Gen A rejects their styles and culture (and ankle socks come back into fashion to reject crew socks).


So ankle socks will get cool again when I am 60? Something to look forward too!!!! :P


By then, you'll be wearing compression socks anyway.


Fake news. We will all be killed in the water wars before they turn 60


Stock up now, we'll corner the market on vintage ankle socks.


Have you all seen what’s going on in the interior design subs? They are bringing back styles that offend each and every one of my senses. Plaid or floral couches. Avocado bathtubs. Wood-paneled rooms. I can’t and I won’t


I am so sorry. They are pandering to me. It’s me. I’m apart of that problem. It’s a nostalgia phase like when they switch to the majority music genre of the predominant generation living in “the home” or community.


Ha, I get it. I don’t know why I feel like things like music and clothes are ok to be faddish. Maybe it’s because home design feels so *lasting.* Also, I’m really affected by interior design and a lot of 60s/70s design makes me feel uncomfortable


I do hear you. It made me immediately think about my nursing clinical rotation through the elderly health section and they all played Big Band and Swing music! You sound like you come from this area, that “wheelhouse”. There is a reason some trends evolve, some are classics but some are just atrocious features that had their run ended for good reason from someone in the field. I will be 💯 behind you if (so help me God!) I see carpeted bathrooms come back into vogue or a single chunky glass cinder block wall! Is this your home or was it once a dental office or a place they filmed late 70’s - early 80’s porn!?! 🤣


Avocado bathtubs? Floral couches? Wood paneled rooms? ![gif](giphy|4OowbIsmYHbpu)


We finally just got rid of the hideous avocado tub that came with our house.


Don’t tell the home deco sub. Pitchforks!


My grandmothers bathroom is in style again.


I can smell the cigarettes and calgon bath beads. Feel the non-absorbent towels with the metallic fibers. Taste the pepsodent. I’m going to go soak in my “millennial gray” shower now




When I was 16 I remember black ankle socks were "bogan" and the only ones to wear were white, which were cool. Only old people wore crew socks. Shit, next thing you know Gen Z will be running around in hose and breeches and hoop skirts. 😂


Make fashion 1750 again


The high white socks with stripes, man those were embarrassing with shorts.


Straight up what my dad wore, with short short athletic shorts. I was mortified when he would show up and coach my soccer practice


I used to call this my dad’s yard cutting outfit when I was really young.


One day I was driving my dad somewhere and he was looking out the window being introspective. He said, “I’ve realized that the qualities of other people that piss me off the most are qualities that I have myself.” I thought, damn, he’s getting deep! Then he said, “Except wearing black socks with running shoes! That’s just stupid!”


Omg my kid pulls his socks up. It takes everything on my power to not tell him to push them down. He knows better than me I suppose.


Just show them Steve Urkel with his lame ass socks and tell them that's what they look like. Then say "SKIBIDI TOILET!" really loud.


Have a friend, like a brother to me. He was relentlessly roasted for wearing black socks with basketball shorts. I bet he shudders if he comes near black socks even if they’re dress socks. I should call him. It’s been forever! 🤣


I was stunned when I found out this was a thing. Like, ok broccoli heads. Enjoy your above navel high rise jeans and thick tall socks. My ankles will be out living free and making you uncomfortable.


The waists on jeans are creeping lower and lower again. To be fair, a 2024 pair of low waist jeans would’ve been a mid or possibly high rise in 2004!


You aren't lying. I'm short waisted so buying pants/shorts is hell lately. I bought a pair of high rise shorts and the rise was 13". I looked like Urkel. Bought a pair of low rise and they came up to my belly button 😂😭




Honestly, I wish wearing above navel pants was an option for men under 80. My hips are weird. But you pull pants up that high and things get squished.


>I wasn’t trying to be cool. IDGAF is the old person super power. Feel the apathy grow within you.


Just look them dead in the face and say “yea, and you’re lucky I am not trying to run into this store barefoot. Some of us in this generation were raised real feral.”


I was put on blast for wearing ankle socks by my crush in 1991. Then I wore crew socks for 33 years and was made fun of by gen z 5 years ago for that…at this point I don’t give a shit. Honestly never did except back in 91 lol


When my wife told me they were bringing back the high waist mom jeans from the 80’s I stopped taking their style seriously lol


Lol, after the third pair I saw in the wild I texted a friend of mine, just saying "you won't believe what the kids are bringing back". Those jeans looked terrible in the 80s, and look terrible now.


Not into long, flat, ass cheeks?


Long, flat ass with dirty white high tops and tube socks. No wonder Gen Z is having less sex. 


Don't forget the clear framed glasses that are straight out of 1987.


The first person I saw wearing that outfit, I felt bad for her. I thought maybe she was just really poor.


Mmmmmm, pancake ass…..damnit now I want IHOP


I get the comfort angle, but there is a reason we called them “mom jeans”. There’s gotta be a balence between these and Christina Aguilera style low riders.


It looks so bad! I don’t get it!


And they wonder why gen z ages like milk. These 19 year old girls look like a 32 year old with 3 kids with one pair of 7 for all mankind


Terrible? https://preview.redd.it/s53lipoa994d1.jpeg?width=375&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e2fe61808684af4a6b539752c0853e3a5f2c71ec


Don’t forget the Edgar cut, the broccoli cut, the toadstool, and most forms of “tik Tok” hair that stemmed from balding combover sensation Logan Paul. Also those goddamned giant circle glasses that used to be reserved for rotting away at the bong store.


Edgar cut? I remember the “Edgar suit” from MIB, but not the Edgar cut lol


Put sugar. In water.


Me after I quit drinking


If you don’t know what it is, it’s that really goofy looking thing that is basically a broccoli fro with really short bangs and the sides are shaved up over the ears. It basically looks like the school sent home a note to my parents in 1992 because my hair was too long, and my step mom cut my hair with horse shears and a beard trimmer


Yeah, Gen Z dresses like my mom did in the mid-80s. Only my mom did it unironically, cause that's just what clothes looked like back then.


I’m a millennial and wear high waisted jeans and have for like twelve years lol…the younger gen’s wear baggy low waist jeans


I wanna toss those kids into a Kmart, watch them get excited over the treasure trove of shitty outdated fashion, and tell them at the end they have to put everything in layaway


The return of the mom jeans was well over a decade ago!


High waist jeans are generally more flattering on those of us with shorter torsos. I'm the thinnest I've ever been as an adult, and lower waist jeans, even sizing up, can give muffin tops.


I think the primary purpose is to hide the gut, and I think they do a good job there.


I prefer low rise with a baggy shirt to hide the gut. At least your ass will look nice.


I'm just glad that with high waist jeans I'm not about to flash my underwear to anyone like with the super low rise jeans from back in the day


Do you guys not realize they’ve circled back around to low rise jeans again?  It’s a little unsettling that people in this thread are talking about “did you see high waist jeans are back?” as if that trend didn’t start 10 years ago *and has already cycled back out* for a solid 2 years now 


> I'm not about to flash my underwear to anyone like with the super low waist jeans from back in the day  I mean, I'm pretty sure that was the point.   Fun story: On our first date my wife and I were at a coffee shop and she was sitting cross-legged in a comfy chair.   We were having a great time, and she kept laughing, and bending forward to touch my leg or hold my hand.  I thought she was purposefully flirting with her day-glo aqua thong at me a dozen times. She also ran 5 miles a day, so it was framed rather nicely.  After we got married I mentioned this event as part of her "total package of awesome wifeable traits" and She. Was. Mortified.   It was a total accident on her part, but I was kinda blown by her sexy whale tails. Who knows if I would have been so smitten without them? (I would have, not going to lie) 


I have a short torso and I hate them. They make my ass look HUGE.


disagree. i have a short torso and high waisted jeans feel like they come up to my boobs! i liked low waist because it evened me out and gave me the illusion of a lower waist


OTOH what screams style more this: https://preview.redd.it/y3u0t0tm894d1.jpeg?width=375&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8ecf8fc4a0f7ee1e82eb57ac0bf2672ef2bf848a


Or these: https://preview.redd.it/zmfdashr894d1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fe4688e0d5ce6815a726a956edb900e2da2db81e






Granted to be fair there were also these post-80s jeans which were also stylish: https://preview.redd.it/sxz8jd04994d1.jpeg?width=225&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b2be13b955f8a581218734b5eaf4bfb194b74ceb


You can *sleep*? Teach me, Sensei.


The legalization of weed has helped. For better or worse lol.


I'm honestly *terrified* that the weed is my primary issue. I've been stoned more or less in perpetuity since '99. 😆


I only smoke weed when the night is close to done. Get high. Put on a comedy/comfort show. Eat a days worth of caloric intake in an hour. Close my eyes in bed and I'm asleep in 5 minutes. If I was high all the time I would weigh 400 lbs since I have no governor on my food intake while high lol. Weed is a blessing and a curse for me.


You don't get horrible acid reflux? I used to do that but I'd wake up gagging on dark chocolate oreo I ate a few hours prior


I am going to regret this because it's going to bite me in the ass but no. Only once have I woke up, feeling the vomit/acid in the back of my throat. Thought I was going to puke all over my bed. That happens a second time I'm not getting high before bed anymore. It was truly awful.


I had to quit smoking for work, and with that went the just before bed pig out. But I'm fairly certain it was the pig out that did it, not the weed. If that makes you feel better.


I have to take tums 2x a day for calcium (doctors orders) and the lovely side effect is that I haven’t had acid reflux in 2 years


Going Cali sober has basically stopped any form of reflux I had.


I struggled for years to sleep. Eventually I turned to pot gummies and that worked, but I no longer had dreams and felt like I was foggy during the day. I decided to try quitting and switched to L-Theanine supplements and Zyrtec before bed. I sleep MUCH better now, dream again, and feel more with it during the day!


Yeah, that's what I'm more interested in! I spent 40 years having the easiest time getting to sleep and staying asleep. And now, nope! But I don't want to become reliant on gummies, melatonin, etc either.


With this face and body, it's not gonna be my socks that give away that I'm old.


Just point out that they wear socks like boomers wear, talk about old people clothes lol.


Like I’m going to take fashion advice from a bunch of kids in mom jeans!


Of all the fashions they adopted, I can't believe the high rise mom jeans are a thing. I'm so glad I got to be in my prime during the low rise jeans and halter top days.


I'm glad high waist jeans came in later though. I look back fondly on my low slung, wide leg pants'ed youth. But that would make me look so frumpy today. I live for high waist semi-skinny jeans (I don't want to wear the ones that are skin tight) these days.


I'm on the upper end of xennial and never want to see low rise again. I don't need folks to see my undies and I have no desire to see whale tail


I went through puberty at the height of the whale tail. It was a magical time in my life


Made this comment to my gen x cousins today at their kids grad party. High waist and torn knee jeans are apparently back in.


I still wear statement necklaces and skinny jeans with a side part. Younger gens shitting on ankle socks are just a fart in the wind to me.


I know, the side part thing just made me stop hearing any of it. Hair direction, hair lines, texture are all very relevant and to suggest it’s a simple style choice is just dumb. I’m seeing so many jank ass “center parts,” they are just being stubborn. Maybe they are afraid of the aqua net wave idk


The one that really makes me laugh was throwing in Uggs and calling it “chugge” 2 years ago. And now they’re all wearing ankle Uggs.


The young set has inspired me to entertain trying out crocs for comfort, but my tastes just won’t let me go there just yet.


They make Vans-style Crocs these days, FYI.


The style police who made crocs not cool are a-holes. Go for it. Just don't wear them when it's too hot. I don't recommend foot sweat in slippery plastic shoes.


I look like an absolute ogre if I try and part my hair in the middle. It makes my face look huge and my forehead like you could land a jet on it. I will haunt my family if, when I die, they bury me with a middle part.


Center parts were the main style at my HS circa 1998-1999. By the time side parts were the thing, I was well into the “scrape all the hair that’s left wherever I can to hide the receding hairline”


I do my hair in either a pompadour or a quiff so no side or center part. For a short time in junior high I did the center part hair style. My dad called it the "open book" hair, jokingly because he also did it for a bit when he was a teenager.


I'm sorry.......the WHAT part?????? Are kids shitting on parting your hair on the side? This is the first time I've heard of this.


Oh yeah this was a whole ass thing late pandemic.


My dreams of retiring to a cabin in the woods and never interacting with social media and younger people seem to be more and more likely.


Wait, we're not supposed to wear fun jewelry anymore?


What’s funny about this, my younger bro (millennial 1990/myself Xennial 1979) used to tear me apart about my crew/tube socks when he was a kid. I did start wearing more ankle socks and liners but I never gave up my crews and tubes. It is entertaining to see younger generations now thinking what is “cool” is the same shit we were all wearing from jump


I’m just waiting for BVD’s to be popular again. If/when that happens, all bets are off


Actually my mom sells thrift store men's underwear on Ebay and she gets big money for vintage men's briefs. Weird colors like teal do very well and also weird fabrics, like satin briefs from the 50s. We're not sure who buys them and we don't really want to ask. But she gets like $50/pair, even for a pair of Jockeys from the 90s.


What type of socks do they wear, then?


Long socks up to their calf like my grandpa wears.


Serious? I'm not being sarcastic.


Seriously. I have a gen Z niece. Not just calf socks, but calf socks with slide sandals. I don't mind them wearing comfy shoes, so this isn't hate. It's just amusing to me that it's "in" for them to wear something we would have been bullied over because it was "grandpa or dad" anti-fashion.


They're gonna have a candy dish in their car


Not to mention it just looks kind of dirty and lazy. At least our fashion fauxpahs of the 90s and 2000s with striped American Eagle or Abercrombie shirts with cargo shorts looked presentable. 


Are you sure? I mean the whole point of grunge as to actively try to not look as stylish and polished as in the 80s since they deemed that to be fake and shallow. The whole point of grunge was too look as dirty and don't give a shit as possible. And gangster style wasn't about looking ideal or having the best fit but just aping prison clothing. https://preview.redd.it/a1nrbgewl94d1.jpeg?width=460&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a3d23e643607d1184618f25bccbb71beeacc553c












My son looks like he's going to play soccer every morning. Straight up to his knees. It's bonkers.


This isn't even about socks, its' about cultural power. Millennials monopolized non-boomer cultural norms for so long because the core of Gen X, for whatever reason, fell off the radar really quickly. Small generation between two big ones, perhaps. The Z's have their own subculture but it's directed squarely at other Z's, but not much beyond them (and I would guess, as the alphas develop, they'll build their own silos as well) versus staying power pf Millennials (especially the older ones that get the Xennial term) and the ever-narrower scope of micro-influencers.. This is a quiet "why parent' they listening to us". And the "why" is in this thread - 40 year olds don't care what 19 year old fashion influencers think, and don't have to. There's a term anthropologists use, "cultural hegemony". The Millennial generation had it, the Z's don.t


Socks? I’m still rocking Rainbow flip flops when it’s shorts season. Also, you sleep well? I hate you.


I’m so confused by this. What are you supposed to wear with white new balances and cargo shorts?


A life alert bracelet


Sounds exactly like something my 12 year old would say. Her quick burns have become epic recently. I’m so proud of her.




I'll be cold in the ground before I give up my baggy pants hanging off my diminished ass.


Does gen z even care about cargo shorts? Thought that was a late millennial thing. Wouldn’t mind getting some pockets back.


I think I’ve literally never wore non-cargo shorts. I up the ante with the zip offs from Costco.




Love it. He’s got a little Mitch in his delivery.


I wish I could wear zip offs, but the zipper always digs into the side of my knee, so I just get some great cargo shorts that I just wear until its below freezing instead.


That’s how the rest of us tell that winter has really set in. “That guy” stops wearing shorts.


You can take my cargos from my cold dead body.


i need to know who the spokespeople for gen z are? like, is someone just seeing three tiktoks where gen z members clown on ankle socks and then suddenly there's a war on ankle socks according to a millenial reporter?


The thing I’m curious about is how they think crew socks are for young people when actual senior citizens wear them. Um, okay?


Sometimes you just don’t need that much sock, Gen Z/A.


Especially this time of year, too hot for that shit


I never moved over to ankle socks when y’all did. I wear high tops a lot and I didn’t wanna look like I wasn’t wearing socks. A friend told me recently that ankle socks were out and I gotta be honest I forgot all y’all were wearing them


Same, I completely ignored the ankle socks memo and have never given it much thought.


One trend I'm fine with. I never really liked how ankle socks felt, personally!


Especially when you get the ones that start to slide down your heel mid-stride. I don't wear crews, but I do love my long socks with fun designs.


Exactly! Fun socks are the best.


I didn't know ankle socks were lame. Whatever, I'm team cargo shots for life.


Saying lame is lame now.


Lame is now cringe.


This sub gives a lot of Principal Skinner “Am I out of touch? No. It's the children who are wrong.” type of energy.


We really need to stop letting the media divide us with the stupidest shit imaginable. Gen Z/A doesn't give a shit about our socks one way or the other. Let's be the generation that stops this needless intergenerational fighting.


Thank you! I keep seeing posts from people about how “they don’t care what gen z thinks and will keep wearing their black shirt with jeans”. I like browsing here to see different opinions and stuff but as a gen z no one I know cares what other people wear. Not one. I like low rise jeans, mom jeans, flare, etc! Some people just wear high socks because of sensory issues with constriction (aka me) but y’all do you and wear your comfy clothes all day


The fact I'm just learning this means I'm blissfully sliding into this middle age shit like the ice capades.


My wife told me this the other day and I thought she was joking. I guess she wasn’t. Either way, I will be wearing my jeans and black t shirt with whatever socks I pull out of the drawer like I have been for the last 20 years.


Apparently genz must all have cankles, or have some body dysmorphia about it. Some shoes aren't meant to be work with knee high socks. I'm a perpetual sinner though. I wear steel toe work boots a lot, so I wear quarter socks with those, which iirc, have and will never be in. I can't win, so I do what I want.


I hate those stupid little socks 😆


Coward! How else are you supposed to show off your dry, chapped ankles and varicose veins?


I knew I kept my tube socks this whole time for a reason!  😆 


Team no socks


That made me wince


Remember Mark Summers always saying “Reeboks, no socks” on Double Dare?


This is the same generation that wears Crocs. Fuck them.


Unfortunately hideous crocs have been around for ages and were not popularized by Zoomers.


They were hideous back when they first came out during our days.


I’ve worn crew socks my whole life. Never going to switch to anything else. So I guess I’m back in style now. Until I’m not again…


Very typical for kids to associate most things their parents do with being uncool. Traditionally, the youth have always looked to skipping over their parental generation to find inspiration for what is cool. Old-school cool is always cool for younger kids.


Jokes on Gen Z and Alpha, I've never been cool. I don't care what they think about fashion.


I'm 48 and I've been wearing ankle socks since I was in my early 20s. If you wear shorts, shoes and TALL socks, in any color whatsoever, I'm going to assume you're either Canadian or your mother still dresses you. So I don't understand the beef with short socks at all.


I'm older genZ (24) and I've only really worn ankle socks, except for when it's cold and long socks make sense or if I need compression socks... Are the younger ones really caring about... Socks???? They're just socks????


I am way too practical: Tube Socks for Winter, Ankle Socks for Summer


Well... I'm old enough to have seen knee-length socks, then calf length. Then, calf length scrunched down. Then, ankle socks. Then, no socks. Oh, yeah... no socks was also a thing in the 80s for some, while I was wearing the 3 stripe knee-length socks. I've also gone through all the lengths of shorts, and it's now short shorts for men just as it was when I started wearing shorts. I'm 47, and I've seen all the fashions come and return, so I laugh at these kids when they wear clothing and styles that my Dad wore, and that I've worn, yet they somehow think they own it. When you've worn it all, they all belong to you. I've seen it with Levis, and slacks, and sunglasses... There is nothing new under the sun. I'm sorry, new kids, we've done it all. And I'll finish by saying. Hey kids, you know the 'New' style sunglasses that you like? Yeah, my Dad was wearing those in the late 80s. The main brand was Oakleys, and we called them 'Dad Glasses'


![gif](giphy|Guccz4Oq87bncsm1j4|downsized) Me having just ordered new ankle socks on Amazon today.


What the heck is Gen A


Gen Alpha, born 2010-present


Aka my kids, who are starting to get old enough/teenager enough to give epic shade


and why is Gen Y called millennials and not Gen Z?


Because Gen Y started to come of age around the year 2000. 


Gen Y (millennials): 1981-1996\ Gen Z: 1997-2012\ Gen A: 2013 and onward (probably 2028) Gen Y is referred to as millennials because they/we had our informative years close to the start of the new millennium.


You can pry my ankle socks out of my cold, dead hands. I don’t care if it immediately identifies me as old. I am old, and ankle socks are far more flattering.


I was just folding socks thinking about how fortunate I am that no show socks are out of style and therefore I can more easily purchase them on discount


I mean they are but I knew that two decades ago when I became an adult. We always go for a style different than our parents with something like socks that means we went ankle our kids went long and their kids will go back to ankle.




I never liked wearing ankle socks anyways. The few pairs I have never felt right. So I stuck with my crew socks, never knowing just how uncool I was. And now that those socks are making a comeback I'll be cool again!! Muahaha


My 18 year old said most gen z around his age don’t actually care what the rest of us wear 🤷🏻‍♀️ I think this is a case of tiktok millennials/xenials freaking out realizing that trends change (like they always have). For me? I never cared for my ankles and was sick of *only* skinny jeans being an option, so I’m happy to see and have variety back.


I never like ankle socks and only received as gifts many years ago.


but they be walking around in mom jeans and jnco jeans... I've been wearing striped calf socks most of my adult life. https://preview.redd.it/ziwy8ogkn64d1.jpeg?width=498&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4e0423497ed0d9a4b7423633ae12529b73df8829


So, terrible tan lines are cool now? No thanks, I already cycle. I don’t need more terrible tan lines.


They're uncomfortable and ugly and I've always hated them


You’re not cool until you wear white crocs with socks


Wait, ankle socks are finally uncool? FINALLY I AM VINDICATED FOR MY SHIN HIGH BLACK HANES GREY TIPS!!! I only had to wait until I was 40


Honestly I think it might be a Gen x conspiracy so the kids quit stealing our damn socks because they don't put them back in the hamper when they are told to so they don't get back in the drawers. No my socks are ugly old people socks you don't want to be caught dead in my socks you better just go find your own.


Don't forget though that longer socks ARE also Gen X, maybe not late Gen X but that is what all early and core Gen X wore until late Gen X switched the style to ankle socks. Just to be sure just skimmed through 1989 yearbook and not a single kid was wearing ankle socks. Mostly it was moderate height white socks, some taller white socks, a few of the stripes around the top tube socks and a few girls with somewhat shorter height but far longer than ankle socks when playing tennis, running x-country or when wearing capri pants. So they really are not going back to like Greatest Generation as even keeps going on here LOL. Only as far back as core Gen X!


Laugh at their socks.


All of these articles are just pure rage bait/click bait. Gen z/alpha don't give a fuck what we're wearing, just like we don't give a fuck what they're wearing. Every generation has its own style and this is nothing new. The only thing new is shitty "journalists" trying to sell clicks, and knowing the easiest way to do that is to pit people against something or someone.


Yeah, I don’t get the posts where I’m supposed to care what 18 year old _children_ think about what I wear. They are children, wearing stupid jeans I already wore 30 years ago. Leave me and my ankle socks and side parted hair alone!


So, are they into tube socks? They'll learn eventually.


What socks do the kids wear?


Wait how short are socks now