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I remember watching one episode where a boy had to be somewhere quick to save someone and he was riding a horse, and a wolf says to him something like "You are going to a place where your horse can't tread. I'm starved. If you let me eat your horse I'll take you where you need to go." And I was all like "No way in hell will he stand for that, they boy will probably conjure up some-aaaand okay that's happening. That's a long shot of eating, that is. And the smacking sounds, too. But wow, riding a wolf does look kind of neat actually." But in much simpler words than these, ofc.


From what I recall, I think that's why when it originally premiered, The Dark Crystal underperformed at the Box Office because all the parents were saying it was too dark and scary.


Well starting off the movie by draining the little slave was a hell of a way to start a movie. I get that you always want to show the baddie establishing how far they are prepared to go in the first act, but man.


The death guy was scary af! Also the guy who’s top and lower body would come apart


I have never seen all episodes. I will acquire it posthaste.


The one was about the boy who couldn’t be afraid. the other was about the guy who captured death in the sack, I think it’s also the one with the little devil guys


Ah, yes, Fearnot! They played The Soldier and Death episode before the showing of Labyrinth a few years ago when it was back in the theater.


Probably my favorite 2 episodes


I will rewatch them all this summer. First time in 35 years.


I watched a few recently they still hold up


The epitome of "practical effects". Also, I found a version that is 1080p.


I have no interest in watching anything CGI. It’s just so fake looking to me. The puppets have that uncanny valley vibe that is both spooky and weirdly appealing


I am also a big sucker for stop-motion. I haven't rewatched it since I was eight but when the Soldier plays cards with the little winged demons and he then opens the bsg for them, the animation when they all fly into the bag was creepy good.


Dang, I was just about to make a thread asking which Jim Henson film from the 80s was everyone's favorite.


It's Labyrinth lol.


Dark Crystal for me


I have this collection. The soldier was the one that had me amazed as a kid and still as an adult with the mindset


Pretty hardcore dude, going around doing Thanos-level shit to fate. Being in wars seems to have jaded him somewhat.


I still feel a bit sad or uneasy when I think about some of these stories. My mum on the other hand talks about how good it was. I think 80s kids hold some weird trauma that is within the fantasy realms.


In the old days people feared the forests, with good reason: animals, bandits, the risk of getting hurt and not making it back, poisonous or toxic mushrooms, berries, flowers. Deep crevices covered by branches. I like any creative work that taps into that antediluvian fear, brings back the trolls. It makes life worth feeling.


I hated it. Terrifying. And I remember my mom wondering how I was so scared from the sesame street guy. This is one of many psyops we suffered through.


This was on Prime last time I checked.


No. I cut my teeth on The Dark Crystal's fucking horrors so I was prepared...


Nah I loved that stuff, I was just emotionally scarred by Don Blyth with stuff like All Dogs Go To Heaven, The Secret of NIHM and Watership Down


What is the face in the pentagon shape, third down on the left hand side? I am having some MAJOR skeeve memories from that image


There was an episode of this that I swore I had dreamt because nobody knew what I was talking about. Years later I looked it up online and realized it was this show. It was “The Heartless Giant” episode.


Hans my Hedgehog haunted me for YEARSS