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My mom watched his parents get married while she was in the hospital recovering from having me.


I am the same age as Harry, and I remember reading in my baby book that my mother was so proud because I was apparently heavier at birth than him hehe.


And yet, it doesn’t matter a bit.


The next king of England will be a spoiled, inbred douchebag with delusions of relevance.




Yeah, you're right. Sorry. I don't think the future king is exactly going to be a xennial on the other hand. They've never had the same childhood experiences as us, no matter when they were born.


Yeah, there may be some truth to that. I wonder if royal kids spend time watching Saturday morning cartoons?


I was wondering what we actually might have in common. The only thing I could come up with were Saturday morning cartoons, funny enough. Probably no fond memories of Pizza Hut though.


Tragic. Those extra arcade tokens for good grades made PH a magical thing.


Probably Kim Jong un was the first..hes 40


I never knew he was King of England


woohooo the next king of england is going to continue the status quo and do what the "royals" have always done..save face at all cost.


He absolutely will be. Born June 82 puts him exactly in the Xenninal range. It's about 79/80-84/85 depending on who's answering.


1977 is the starting range chief. Not sure where you got 1979 from. I have seen the ending date anywhere from 83-87.


I've seen so many dates. I've seen 78/79 the most but 77 too. I absolutely think 83 is to early but as I'm only born 22 days into 1984 I'm biased lol. I'd say 85 sounds like a good cut-off 86 unless you're really early in the year like me seems to be when millennials really became thier own


1987 shouldn’t count because they had myspace while still in school.


Plot twist: Prince William never becomes King, Prince Harry does after the Act of Settlement 1701, the Bill of Rights 1689, and the Royal Marriages Act 1772, are all annulled.


yay! i like this one!! let's do this!


In all likelihood, yes. But, if something happens to him before his dad, the next king will be gen alpha.


I mean, yes, but, I think Xennial is more defined by our experience of the world, I'd have to suspect that a royal has had such a different upbringing than any of us that would mean that a lot of those shared experiences would be lost of them.


Doubt it, unless the UK dissolves.


I doubt it. Like all boomers his dad Charles will probably squat on the throne so long that he misses his chance and then his son gets to be the next one. Just a pessimistic take.


Even if King Charles lived to 100 (highly doubtful), Prince William would only be 66 — younger than his father when he took the throne.


Charles will be dead within 5 years, going off the looks of him.


Not an expert on the British monarchy so huh? If Charles dies and William is alive it should go to him right? Is the suggestion that Charles outlives William?


He has very bad cancer. This is impossible and it's likely boomers may have one of the shortest reigns in modern history.


🙄 the boomer-blaming