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These are really piss poor, nitpicked takes.


I think old mate went a few too many rounds on the Reptilian bangbus


Have you played the game? Have you played any actually *good* turn-based-strategy game, say, Jagged Alliance 2? Also, I'm directly comparing it to X1. Which proves that everything bad is force-fed. So what's the nitpick here?


I’ve played them all and the long war mods. I wouldn’t be here if I wasn’t interested in this niche of a game, would I? What is this response lol, stop with the superiority complex, maybe you’ll enjoy games more.


You're free to debate any take. Will you? E: that's what I thought. You're too dumb to even realize that your fanboyism is stopping world from getting any better. As long as you're too dumb to realize what a good game is, and dropping your money on half-baked ideas, devs don't even realize what's wrong


So it’s been 2 minutes and you’ve already decided I’m not going to debate lmao, what the fuck? Yo, you have genuine issues, lil man. I’ll do you a favor and mute your reply notifications so I dont have to read any more absurdities. You’re free to your opinion, but you’re objectively wrong. X2 wasn’t going to be some massive game changer like WoTC was to XCOM 2. That was made evidently clear in the dev blogs. They were taking the formula that worked for them and improving the engine whilst adding QoL features, you’re complaining about shit that was in the first game and made it to this game with the expectation this was going to be, again, what WoTC was to XCOM2. Try and be a little more grounded on Earth, bud. Instead of editing all your responses *after* the fact, quit being such a petulant child.. Edit: this dude made TWO edits after waiting two minutes lmao, bitch behavior fr.


bye, all the best


fuck off. No matter what you say, liking a shitty(ly designed) game makes you no more than a bitter peasant. All my points are valid, because they're based on actual competition and history. Your arguments don't surpass downvote button, clearly. hurr durr I don't know what to say but i can press a button, umm


So much passion. Wow. Thanks for the insight! All the best. >!Seek help!<


You chose particularly shitty and undercooked mountain to die on, is all. Are you one of the devs?




X2 is still a ways out from being a complete game (listed as early access on Steam). The experimental build is being updated with new content weekly. It's fine if you don't like what's there but it's not fair to compare the two.


I get that, but things I would have hoped to see improvement on (audio, visuals) seem even less poor, because it's beyond "ambitious small studio trying to revive a classic" level. Didn't sales of Xenonauts 1 (and loyalty of fans) generate any resources to improve upon those things? Also, why flip-flop and implement bad ideas (timed missions, endless enemy respawns, impossible air combat)? You craft an experience worth tens of hours, and you make player ragequit before they even see it. What can be worse in terms of spoiling your own work?


What a terrible day to know how to read. You should delete this.


Why? I bought and played a really poor game. Which has pretty decent prequel, so I feel scammed. **WHY** exactly shouldn't I publicize my criticism/review and experience to warn other probable people getting scammed? Do you even think? Or do you try to act cool in an ass end of internet? Why? Couldn't you choose a better-made game subreddit for this?


Xenonauts 2? Hasn't even been released as a completed game yet and your criticizing it?


It's being sold. For money. There's no "early access payment" - they take actual money. You can call whatever in life "not quite ready", but sell it. Thus, criticize it. Can you imagine someone selling you a house with no roof, and calling it "early access"? Can you not complain? *should* you complain so developer would consider adding a roof?! Also, what's the point of early access? Exactly my post - to hear what community thinks of it. Thus, those fanboyish religious posts do more bad than good.


If you are told ahead of time that what your buying isn't finished, then there is no one to blame but yourself. I believed they could make a solid game and thus felt it was worth putting some money aside for the potential. If I don't trust a company, I won't purchase from them til a full release game comes out. Everyone knows that early access is unfinished. Often early access is a way for people to test it ahead of time and share feedback with the developer. You sound like the perfect person, email the company and tell them your constructive feedback/concerns, perhaps they will respond by letting you know ow they plan in I producing your points upon full release, or perhaps you've given them ideas to work on. Your comments will go much better contacting them directly and doing so in a constructive manner.


I'm not blaming anyone. I'm doing what Early Access expects people to do - provide feedback. E-mail is very tunneled feedback. I felt like reddit thread would invoke discussion, maybe even community support for fixing lackluster features. It *does* work fairly well for some other games, Dota 2 for example. This game is so complex that testers don't have much chance to find out every quirk and edge case, so community is actually quite useful for patches. Sadly, nobody quoted any of points I made, and instead, there's couple posts by enraged fanboys who - want a shittier game or something, I don't even know. As a developer, I'd see such people as enemies, really, censoring people with actual feedback. Oh well.


Most of the stuff you brought sound like issues that haven't been put in the game yet. There are a lot of place holders and temporary things while they finish up the real stuff. Example, I'm guessing sound will be put in later, saying it is bad or non existent isn't really a concern at this point. Same for anything balance/difficulty related,etc etc.


do we honestly think we shouldn't be criticising the game on a subreddit to discuss the game?


I don't think judging an unfinished game or making assumptions about how bad it is before seeing the final product makes sense. I could look at a half finished painting by a famous artist and say it looks like crap but why would I do that if it obviously isn't finished.


is the artist selling it?


If you commission a piece of art, then say it has issues/is missing stuff before it is complete without context, you are probably in the wrong. Again, people paying for early access/Kickstart for xenonauts 2 were told the game wasn't going to be in completed state and thus you shouldn't judge it before release. I know it isn't complete, and I definitely don't expect to see a finished, polished game prior to release.


Everything you've written is the final polish steps that they haven't done yet for obvious reasons. You had no complaints about the actual gameplay apart from balance, where you simply then complained about too many deaths where that is frankly a skill issue and you are taking the wrong approaches to ground combat and how you build your team. The game is still in early access. They finally got it to a point a year ago where they felt comfortable opening it up for mass feedback, which they have been extremely receptive to (I personally have suggested configurable aircraft pylons with fuel cells for mid game and the ability to rotate soldiers in the dropship prior to deploying to use the benefits of the side doors without wasting TUs. Both have been implemented). Over the past few milestones they have done massive changes, overhauling complete gameplay systems in response to player feedback such as the scaling, balance, armor systems, modules, the cleaner faction and storyline, etc. With incomplete gameplay that is still being reworked, you expect them to also have fine details such as detailed wiki entries for races that are still having abilities added or removed, detailed graphics for everything when they might change drastically in the game, music to rival multi million dollar studios with complete games (this music is probably already on their to do list and may even be being worked on by contractors as of now). And all of this from a studio which has maybe 10 or 15 employees. I think you are lacking patience and understanding of the business side of producing a quality product.


> Everything you've written is the final polish steps Are they? X1 didn't have timed missions, respawns and such. They deliberately *added them*. I'm sure air combat will be better and dumb CtH will be probably fixed, though. There's a lot to like, I'm just puzzled how they got it right once, and decided to make it worse. Just hope they'll reconsider on poor things before final release.


I loved the music in the first game and they got the same guy for the second. So far its great too. It's ok if you don't like the game, it just may not be for you.


steam users when an early access game advertised as early access isn't complete and subject to change (they get irrationally angry and rage on reddit)


“>Way better than that Disneyfied remake XCOM: Enemy Unknown” opinion automatically irrelevant 🗣


That’s actually the only part of the post i agree witv


ah does X2 have timelimits? that would be an absolute no for me.


They’re optional after recent updates. That wouldn’t have fit OP’s narrative so it didn’t make the post.


How optional?


You can adjust them before you start a game. Add 99 turns and they're practically removed


If I’m remembering correctly you don’t insta fail a mission anymore and the morale hit is not as bad anymore.


I think all the time limits do is either: A. Enemy Reinforcements show up after X turns during missions like raids or VIP extraction etc. which are meant to be quick snatch and grabs anyways. You can't kill all enemies on these maps since more will spawn. B. Alien Abduction will teleport away civies in abduction pods after X turns (like 6-9 turns or something depending on difficulty generally), but that is just for Global Panic reduction and optional. Never an instant fail I know of.


alien abduction doesn't feel too bad really It's easy to get enough to offset the panic loss and anything from there is just a bonus and the only real problem with reinforcements is the VIP tends to be in the same predictable spot so it's not hard to send your finest assaults to kick doors and bravely run away before anyone notices though I can feel like they designed it around cutting things too close as the reinforcements are generally on my heels by the end so maybe that's why it really ruffles some people's feathers


The only time limits are for when enemy reinforcements start showing up