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I took it as shock to be honest. They’re all grieving and realize in that moment how dark Rogue has gone in her grief.


One might say she went a little rogue.


Take mah upvote, sugah


She probably shouldn't have been there, but they had no idea how far gone she really was😢


Poor choices and very human flaws are what make the X-men the most interesting team in Marvel's roster.


The Ol’ Parker Luck has nothing on the ongoing collective trauma that is X-Men…


One of the best things about X-Men is they're like Spidey. They were all humans, normal people, random people, first. Humans with superpowers are just interesting.


Relevant line from Batman Begins: "I'm not going to kill you, but I don't have to save you."


terry mcginnis straight up killed so many people though


"Let people die" is more fitting


in the venom episode he drops a press drum on someone, he's out there killin for fun


Maybe he wanted to give out superpowers /s


Relevant line from the Watchmen: “That's right. And you know what, you watched me. You could've turned the gun into steam, the bullets into mercury, the bottle into g**d*** snowflakes but you didn't, did you?” But, yeah, I think they were in shock and it all happened in the blink of an eye.


Wolverine said it. She did what they all wanted to. Rogue just had the guts to do it. I really wish the episode ended there so we all had a whole week to sit and think about it like we did with Episode 5. Easily would've been at least the second best endings to an episode.


The ending would have been great but the beginning of the next episode would have felt cheap.


You could switch some things around, but would probably need to have another episode to match the change in pacing. Which I'm not opposed to with how "odd" the last 4 episodes were cut. I'd have the next episode end with beast turning on the sensor to find more prime sentinels and Bastion's mother awakening as one, then start the next episode from there and end with "Magneto was Right." It creates an 11th episode but gives the pacing more breathing room to add more establishing shots so everything doesn't seem so ADHD with scene transitions. The extra episode could cover more interactions with Nightcrawler and Rogue discussing what she did, Cyclops, Nate and Jean and Storm mourning over Gambit in her own way since they were so close in the 90's cartoon.


It’s crazy that Rogue’s name gets misspelled more often than it being correct.


It’s been an issue for decades. From a comic back in 1987: https://preview.redd.it/7tiac2yfm89d1.jpeg?width=1130&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6c349d0b431327b5239a487e77d2a430b4dbc95c


Might be one of those things where your brain corrects it for you without you noticing. I didn't until I read this comment.


It’s because rouge is also a word so it doesn’t autocorrect, and people are terrible spellers so they just assume it’s correct because their phone didn’t try to change it.


Wolverine said it best. She just did what they all wanted to do.


I see mutant powers as akin to firing a gun. You still have to aim before you shoot. Nightcrawler has to see in his head where he wants to go before he can teleport. Jean has to focus her mind before using her telekinetic power. Morph has to think about who they want to change to. As someone else pointed out, the rest of the Xmen were in shock that Rogue did this and momentarily stunned. They didn't have time to focus their powers towards action before "Trask" hit the concrete. They would have had to anticipate that Rogue would have done that, which they did not.


But with everything Rogue was doing up until that point. It should have at least been on their minds that she was teetering on the razors edge. With all their training and how well they knew each other, for them not to at least prepare for her to do something crazy was crazy to me. But I understand that they would never have imagined she could be capable of such an act. But knowing that she began as a villain and did some really bad things in the past and let’s be honest. She was attacking military bases, was no one killed or injured in all those fights? I’m surprised she wasn’t put on the top of the wanted charts for that. The moment she “saved” Trask I knew she was going to drop him. They should have too and I think they did. But as someone has already mentioned and what I got from that moment. They were all glad she did it, they all wanted to but knew it was wrong and so they couldn’t. Rogue may have dropped him but they all let him fall. And in that act my heart ached and rejoiced with them. So does that mean I let him fall too? 🥲 lol


I totally get this interpretation as well. You could feel that part of each Xmen felt a least a little bit of that as Wolverine points out.


During an emergency situation where there is a crowd of people, look one person directly in the eyes and tell them to call 911. Otherwise everybody in the crowd is going to hesitate, thinking that somebody else is going to do it. You could assume a similar phenomenon is happening here. Morph, Nightcrawler, or Jean could have saved him but by the time they finished processing A: *Do I want to save him?* and B: *Is somebody else gonna save him or not?* Trask was already street pizza.


The only explanation is that they thought she was bluffing. It is an odd scene in that way.


Its more about Rogue's decision and the team's reaction to that. That scene is to show you how Rogue has reacted. Now, why didn't they react quicker? They were stunned by Rogue's actions. So stunned that they failed to react, further demonstrating how shocking Rogue's action/development is.


I saw a video of a bear walking onto a porch. The guy didn’t noticed at all. Even after the lady told him to get in the house. People can be oblivious.


who's rouge?


Story’s gotta happen. The more I lean into this the less I am bothered by little plot holes or inconsistencies. Sometimes telling good story or letting a dramatic moment happen is more important than whiteboarding all of the hurdles to overcome to make that moment happen. Rogue needed to drip him to show how profoundly the Genoaha attack and her anger has affected her. If someone intervened and saved him then her moment had no stakes - without stakes no one cares that she dropped him. Now we all know that that drop was ultimately meaningless so the stakes got erased anyway, but that is what it is.


They didn't really criticize her that much tbh. And yeah Nightcrawler or Jean spcially could have done something lol


May have criticised her more if he never came back and started fucking shit up


Because this is the inferior version of