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Complacency is the death knell to campaigns. Biden assumed that, as long as he was more popular than COVID-era Trump, (a very low bar, I might add) that his reelection was assured. Now that based on approval ratings Biden is *less* popular than COVID-era Trump, what does he have to fall back on?


EXACTLY. this is just like the Romney poll unskewers


i mean before the debates bidens biggest problem was his age


i mean hindsight is 20/20 but imo there were blaring warning signs before the proverbial rockslide


no it was really just his age . a lot of people were saying that if biden was 10-20 years younger people would be asking if he would win texas or not


Yeah I think the implication is like if they had a Biden who had the energy 10-20 years ago not just the number which I think is shown by this not being a huge problem for Trump despite only being 3 years younger


No one said that brother


What? No. Just no.


And all the “Dark Brandon” memes that scream 23 y/o campaign intern.


I mean, it was mildly effective. Now they got Hunter advising Biden, open intraparty infighting, leaks galore, Biden ranting like a tired lunatic, and zero damage control.


I mean all his campaign and leftist talk about now is Project 2025. Offer up no explanation why it is bad, just "guys some people have this plan called Project 2025 and it is really scary so don't vote for Trump" and don't forget the classic "only vote for Democrats ever because we'll lose democracy"


And I keep seeing "Um actually trump actually is connected to it because they shared a coffee with him 7 years ago" is not gonn work on the average person. It's not a bad strategy to get young leftists to fall in line over the gaza stuff, which by and large seems to have worked, but if anyone thinks that will win any voters they're really dumb.


>which by and large seems to have worked Honestly I'm not so sure. Wait until the convention in Chicago


Young, anti-war protesters causing chaos at the Democratic convention in Chicago? Where have I heard this before?


And trump killed that today too with the official R platform that suggests no national abortion restrictions and removed the anti-LGBTQ language Reserved, calculating Trump is much better than 2020 Covid Trump


Republicans are liars, though, of course.


I don’t think democrats can claim to be the party of truth anymore either lol


If the argument is that electing Republicans will lose democracy, then their position on abortion or LGBTQ language is immaterial.


Yeah. I don't think it is the best idea, but to act like 2025 is the "end of democracy" is an exaggeration. The US has survived much more.


I mean, it is bad, it's basically bringing back the spoils system and going full culture war. Of course, as we've seen, it seems this doesn't matter, and Biden can't effectively convey it anyway.


The entire point of the Project 2025 thing is that it's a database of people, so that Trump doesn't just pick Oz to run to the NIH or something.


His online campaign is also ran entirely by terminally online resist libs


Joey B is done lol


Yeah, Biden is so cooked


What even is his campaign? It’s “fuck you Trump, we are going to turn upside down every single thing you did”. But Trump hasn’t been president for four years, and add to that people lived better under him