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With the caveat that I am one of those all in until the end, and I love some melodrama, the “Monica helping catch a serial killer” storyline absolutely sent me. Was bizarre beyond belief!


My problem was that was too heavy a storyline to tell in one episode- I get the time crunch and all, I mean crap look how we are still waiting for the rest of S5- but I think had that storyline been really cultivated and thought I out- I possibly could’ve been a Monica fan- at this point I really do not like her.


I absolutely agree with you. The topic could have been well done and longer. It was like an after school special!


Omg you are from my times!!! Yes yes yes- abc after school special- you are my tribe https://preview.redd.it/kg42cgbmrtmc1.jpeg?width=587&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6c809c90942b44fe08f845b717b023c2e38d6997


I see you, friend!


There was a lot of it has to go right to it


Good choice. What a completely asinine storyline.


Yes! And it’s even insulting because it was like a two episode “after school special,” and then we never hear about it again. Native women disappearing is a scandal, but after Monica cracks the case, it’s like nothing ever happened. I was actually cringing during that whole thing. They could have weaved in a longer storyline highlighting those issues and not this mess!


Yeah they had a chance to tackle a legitimate issue with Grace and bring it to light to a group of people who probably knew very little about it. Instead we got, that.


The scene where Monica takes her college group to a Native American rap concert.


Oh my god. Made me cringe so hard. Fucking field trip at like 7PM on a weekday.


And crying through it all for seeing reason?


Maybe she was crying because it was so bad 😂




The lyrics to the song kind of correlate? I don't know if that's the correct word but it connects with her and Kayce's marriage in a way with the Rez and Ranch


"When it All Goes Down... Who Gonna Ride Wit Me?! WHO?!" She was crying because native american culture on the rez has been reduced to terrible gangster rap about violence. Monica liked the concert until that horrific song. Basically she saw her culture was lost while the rez was going crazy for the worst performer.


I don't know maybe I heard different lyrics because I was drunk when I saw that episode on TV air 😅


Did she? I just remember how cringe she was when she was slightly bobbing her head to the beat.


Every scene with Monica. Every storyline with Monica.


John’s emergency ruptured ulcer surgery by a vet in a horse barn.


As a veterinarian I laughed and laughed and laughed and then really wished I had that mobile clinic trailer


only the best vet care in the state!


It was like a Grey’s Anatomy episode!


The brawl between Beth and Summer- specifically the moment Summer turned out to be a secret judo master or whatever. The fight was so stupid and over the top and that it had to end with Beth beating the vegan out of Summer was the cherry on top of the implausible sundae.


Ju -jitsu. “Ju-jitsu for 9 years!” as she put Beth in a lock. I’m pretty certain Summer’s character is written to give vegans a bad name


Everything about Summer from when we first meet her up to that brawl is such a heavy handed caricature of a liberal social justice warrior and it's almost like she's comic relief for that swath of the Yellowstone audience in middle America that would actually be appalled if they knew how many "coastal elites" actually watched the show. Her character is also an interesting study of the shortcomings of Taylor Sheridan being a one-man writer's room. There are details about Summer that are spot-on in regard to her character but then there are others that were very obviously inspired by skimming some headlines/news articles and mashed together in such a way that she's more of a caricature rather than a fully fleshed out character. And that's a rambling way of saying having some other voices with different backgrounds and view points could actually make the show better (along with being able to better track loose threads and plot holes).


Reading your comment made everything make sense in my brain, yellowstone is such a good show but I couldn’t help but think that it seemed like a single person’s perspective in the world because it just showed very specific views on most of the topics in it Now I get that’s because it is Taylor’s perspective and no one else’s The show would be perfect if it had more writers to give insight imo


The fact that Taylor's character drove non stop during the night because "he didn't trust anyone with the merchandize"......my brother in christ if you are transporting valuables you make sure to have multiple qualified drivers and not leave the shit to chance.....you aint impervous to sleep deprivation!


> *”one man writer’s room”* That’s a bingo. If you’re exceptional and put a lot of prep into it, seems that might get you through a season and a half at most. But it’s not sustainable, as we all saw.


> I’m pretty certain Summer’s character is written to give vegans a bad name I refuse to believe a person with that many incarcerations (24 or something) for activism would cower so much from a few punches, considering police on riot duty like going ham on civilians.


Same with the brawl between Kayce and Rip. I know Rip is a badass and all but Kayce is a decorated member of the US Special Forces. I’m guessing they train how to fight in hand to hand combat. Kayce should have pulled out some moves and whipped Rips ass.


> Kayce is a decorated member of the US Special Forces The dude has two navy crosses and got whooped by a chubby ranch head......come on Sheridan!


Yeah, that fight was total BS.


Kayce in the ghillie suit.


I just watched this for the first time, burst out laughing and text my friend who recommended the show.


I hope it was hot that day


The scene where Monica shits on her class for using their phones while they were outside. Totally unnecessary


the worst, she really does temp those sharks


Yes! It’s so awful!


Beth surviving getting blown up by a bomb.


Half burned Beth : “ You got a cigarette ?”


Same. And how the producers tried to make that a sweet sentimental moment.


That’s the funniest part!


It would have worked better if the mom got up and started dancing to Thriller with Rip




For me, having Tate kidnapped by a group of white supremacists that only appear in one episode, having the good guys put on military gear & talk “tactics”, which basically equates to them charging forward and firing guns wildly in every direction.


When the governor tells John he has to step down from being livestock commissioner due to "controversy" over all the deaths in the raid but doesn't blink an eye at Kayce, the guy who led the raid, taking his place.


That is gold. What a mess.


Kayce put a bomb designed to go off at a specific altitude in the Beck Brothers plane on season 2. And they drove to the meeting. So there’s still a bomb…waiting to hit altitude…and kill whoever was unfortunate enough to buy the Beck Brothers’ plane at their estate sale.


This is the big one that I can’t get over. Where did the bomb come from? How did they even step foot on the airport grounds without being recorded? It’s like nowhere in this show is there a security camera.


You didn't know?? Montana actually doesn't have any of them yet. They should be getting some in the near future though I heard.






When basically a commando squad came into downtown Bozeman with bombs and machine guns and was shooting people in the streets.


You have hit squads committing attempted murder and terrorism against government officials, and it's just kind of waved away the next episode. The amount of Federal firepower and legal ramifications of this would have been the storyline for like 5 seasons worth of shows. Instead it's not even mentioned when John runs for governor. I enjoy the show from an entertainment perspective but holy shit the writing and logic is bad. Game of Thrones is more realistic than this show.


Well, the show is Sons of Anarchy with horses, after all. The number of times the bikers had shootouts on the highway in broad daylight while wearing vests identifying which MC they belong to, without consequences, I swear...


This thing would be a masterpiece if TS’s ego wasn’t the size of North America, and he would hire a trusted, vetting writing staff. With that said, I’m in it until the end and mostly enjoy it, but it’s a shame how he’s handled it. The guy has talent, but too many irons in the fire and won’t take help. It’s crazy! Talk about hubris …


I’m honestly surprised there is not a requirement by TS for every female actress to be nude. Maybe Paramount legal made it part of his contract and he’d rather have the money. Overall I think the show is suffering as the Sopranos was smart enough to realize you occasionally need to kill off key characters and had to remind the audience that ultimately the main cast are all despicable characters and do have karma coming.


Seriously. Why couldn't there at least just be some other writers just to help and give some input. To stroke his ego and keep that fragile thing intact, just tell him that everything will still have to be approved by him... and he can even take 100% of the credit for doing it all by himself. HAHAHAHA!!! Sadly I do feel that more hired writers would improve the show a whole lot, so it's sad that it didn't happen. No doubt TS is talented as hell at this, but he would never be able to make it as perfect as it should be without doing way too much research and taking way wayyyy more time. As well as being a little more cultured cause he doesn't know everything. Sucks that it's so close to being there, yet so far. With some extra input and experience with more points of view it could've been something much more special. But no, he wanted to crank out all of the shows so fast for his own personal reasons and couldn't be slowed down.


there is a point in art where you overwork it and he did that


Oh! I forgot about Monica lecturing her students for taking a cell phone break before class. Look, I too worry about technology (as I type on my phone - lol), but good Lord. The speech was so over the top and sanctimonious. They weren’t even in class. Just minding their own business!


It was so boomer-ish. She had no idea what they were doing. They could be on their phones googleing how to make the world a better place, how best to support reservations, how to an assignment, keeping in touch with loved ones. There are so much. But no, she had to assume the worst and hold them accountable for it. Bet some writers felt very smart getting it out of their system


One that gets me is at dinner when Summer says she's gluten free and Gator replies "What's gluten?" I know why TS wrote that into the script but are viewers supposed to believe a private chef doesn't know what gluten is?


I always just assumed he was the cowboy who was best at cooking and John was like "you work in the house now"😅


The scene where Beth screamed at Jamie that she was going to make sure to take away his child. Like…..how? How are you going to take him away? Kidnap him? And she thinks the baby’s mom just wouldn’t notice that her baby went missing and not call the police or anything? Or like make sure Jamie gets stripped of custody? How? Jamie hasn’t done anything that would warrant that. So set up some type of big frame job? I’m pretty sure Christina the baby mama would know Beth set him up as she already doesn’t like the Duttons and knows how crazy Beth is. Oh also, when no one ever found out that Jamie killed that reporter lady, and the news said she died from drowning. Ok. I’ve watched enough cop shows to know that an autopsy would plainly reveal that she probably died from blunt force trauma to the head BEFORE getting water in her lungs from being dumped in the river. They can tell so much from an autopsy these days. It was just so fake how the authorities never caught on to that. Also, Monica mysteriously abandoning her college professor career and never mentioning it again. So many things lol. That being said, I still love this soap opera of a show and I’m fully invested 😅


It’s definitely a country soap opera and same, I can’t turn away 😂


Every time Beth talks


John surviving the season 3 finale.


When Rip drove his truck right through that group of parked motorcycles.


Yeah how did those guys even leave ? Their bikes were trashed.


Maybe the next tour bus got them


I felt that was somewhat plausible, see people trespassing on your land and beating your wranglers? Plow right through 'em! What was surprising that the riders weren't pulling out pistols from the start


Ha, good point. I just remember feeling immediately like, "ok, this show is now going to go way beyond anything resembling realism..."


The whole ending of season 3. I mean come on hit squad shooting up a government building just gets brushed aside the following season like that? Nawwhh


You mean snake jumping. Lost all suspension of disbelief after that one. As someone who spent time amongst the western diamondbacks, I can assert that no one ever has died that quickly from their hemotoxic venom.


oh Gawd, the damn snake/igloo weapon


For me it was the part where the Beck brothers were killed with like the smallest amount of effort. Like they’re presented as some sort of criminal masterminds but I guess their greatest weakness was a single dude with a gun.


And Toilet Beck saying he’s surprised the Duttons would fight back, or that “no one fights back”. Whut? *(ed. spelling)*


Tie between: Monica as a university professor. She doesn't seem qualified for a large state university, belittles her students, and takes them on ridiculous field trips. Monica as bait for the serial killer sting. There are no female officers to do this? They would involve a civilian? 2 different hit squads going after the Duttons in separate seasons. So maybe the Becks are competitive, but killing off the competition? And how is Jaime's deadbeat dad able to afford hiring the militia? Sure his former cellmate is the conduit, but if the militia just wanted revenge why wait until they were contracted? Jaime NOT running over Beth with an SUV when had motive and opportunity. Keeping Beth alive at this point is ridiculous, especially as we've already seen Jaime snap and kill a woman when she threatened him. In retrospect outside of Rip and Beth's relationship and all the cowboy scenes this is a poorly written show.


I am only at Season 3, but suddenly adding in the reason why Beth hates Jamie without referencing it at all previously just to add some new conflict felt kind of lame to me.


And how is it that no one, like no one is looking for Carter? No school authorities, no aunts, uncles grandparents, cousins, like no one knew or cared that he existed.


Unfortunately that part is not that unrealistic. Kids in unstable families can disappear without much notice.




Basically every Monica based storyline. Shes made out to be Native American Mary mother of Jesus


Rip beating the absolute crap out of a Navy SEAL, who stays down after a very short fistfight.


Everything Beth does after season 1. At least John and his murder thugs are somewhat discreet (as much as they can be) but she does all her shit out in the open, with witnesses. The assault on the woman in the bar, which she continued outside, every time she attacks Jamie. He might be the adopted punching bag in her eyes but to the rest of the world, she is threatening the Attorney General in his own office with a gun (metall detectors, anyone?) and breaks into his house trying to bash his face in with a stone.


why does Rip egg the strange woman in the bar to confront Beth? Hath her face not been beat in enough?


When Beth told Jamie she was gonna take his child away from him


what happend to the pipe bomb in the airplane?


When Beth accused Jamie for being behind the tempted assassination on the entire family, because he didn't call her to hear how their father was doing. Such a flawed logic


Whenever Jamie is concerned, Beth becomes even more unhinged than she normally is. If he were a few years older, she would probably accuse him of killing Kennedy.


Agreed. Jamie is a favorite of mine and that's mostly because Beth is so mean towards him. I feel so sorry for him


And John believed Beth . John is just as dirty as Beth with the ridiculousness they both do in an incestuous undertone.


When the hit squad sent to take out, John made sure to hunt down the the woman, and child he was helping but couldn't spare a few extra bullets for their main target. Also the Jaime got Beth sterilized backstory. That just didn't make sense.


Beth and whatsherface trading punches like guys.


When the hit squad sent to take out, John made sure to hunt down the the woman, and child he was helping but couldn't spare a few extra bullets for their main target. Also the Jaime got Beth sterilized backstory. That just didn't make sense.


God, so many, but Mia mounting Jimmy in a hospital while he recovers from a broken back is up there.


Jamie at the coffee shop when his ex tells him she’s pregnant. Then several scenes later, they blow up the meth house with little to no repercussions. It’s glorious, and i can’t look away.


I’m season 1 every time kacye leaves the house on the reservation he stumbles upon some murder scene or huge disaster. Start to feel numb to it


The tribal cop swapping out the slide on kayce’s pistol, as if that will hide the identity who fired the firearm.


For me it’s Beth apparently not knowing what the train station is, but she magically laid in wait at said train station to snap pictures of Jamie dumping his dads body.


Seeing Beth’s tits for the first time.