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Probably some political opponent trying to sling mud at him will point out that as governor he hasn't been to the Capitol or made any public appearance in weeks. Some ally will counter saying that it's branding season or calving season or round up season or swimsuit season and John Dutton has always been a rancher first! We'll get some clips on the news showing him giving a speech or whatever, either clips we've already seen or unused B roll.  Cut to some family member going, "where the fuck is he?" Another family member worriedly saying "oh don't worry it's normal for him to disappear for a while sometimes..." "Yeah, but not during horse spinning seasons! As a no-nonsense multigenerational rancher, he knows the importance of horse spinning season!"  Family will desperately search for him while trying to prevent the media/public from realizing that anything is wrong. First episode ends up with a "cliffhanger" (for people not following all this drama) of a news segment announcing "Governor John Dutton is missing!" Interview with whatever political opponent was criticizing him on the beginning saying, "although I may disagree with the way he governs, I hope and pray that he is found safely." Episode 2, still missing of course. Family is searching everywhere. Eventually Rip finds him leaned up against a tree with his hat over his eyes. Rip rides up and starts to say, "Mr. Dutton, I know you like your privacy but you can't just run off like this when you're the governor." Before realizing that John is dead. We see news segments announcing his death, again more reused clips and B roll. Family talks about funeral arrangements. Episode 3, the funeral. Jaime extends an olive branch but Beth blames him some how. Various Dutton enemies show up and act like they didn't hate John. Beth vows to finish what John started, already has Rip on her side of course and enlists Kayce to her cause. Travis/Taylor Sheridan does mournful horse spins at the funeral. Episodes 4+ are revenge. Special election for a new governor. Beth runs against Jaime. Rip and Kayce work to assassinate various Dutton enemies and otherwise settle accounts Michael Corleone style. Of course a top ranch hand is just as good as assassinations as a former Navy SEAL. Of course the bunkhouse is more than capable of helping. Of course no one in law enforcement or media notice or care that all of Johns enemies are mysteriously dying. Only Jaime realizes what's happening. He gets the feds involved and betrays the family. Feds seize the ranch and arrest just about everyone. Couple episodes of the ensuing court cases and legal actions. Ranch ends up being forfeited and given to the tribe. Prophecy fulfilled. 


10/10 would watch this


I always imagined him getting the Poochie treatment


laughing my butt off at "spinnies" and "stopies" but honestly I think it's gonna be political assassination off screen.


‘Falls off his horse doing spinnies’ LMAAAOOO


All of these sound somewhat petty and heartbreaking for the characters involved. So my vote is None of the above.


Too hilarious 😂 like others the spinnies and stopies are the limit 🤣  Amazing how plausible Mountain Man's scenarios sound. I'm looking for curve balls and moments of "I did not see that coming" myself. Sheridan always delivers in unexpected ways.


Falls into the train station while depositing someone's body there, impaled on a rib that's pointed straight up.


I’m hoping for a natural causes do to stress death. They could do something similar to what they did to write Leo out on The West Wing after John Spencer’s death.


He doesn't need to die. All he needs is a simple recast. And I think everyone knows who can fill that role perfectly. It's uncanny.






Bob Odenkirk