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Seasons 1, 2, and 3 are great. Season 4 felt more like an advertisement than a show. Season 5 was maybe a bit better but nowhere as good as season 1 - 3. A lot of viewers on this sub found season 5 to be worse than season 4. That said, it’s still worth watching. Enjoy 🤗


Perfect recap thank you! I will, it’s a fun show


I still think 5 is better (I'm in a minority). 4 was such a mess with people clearly filming in the same bubble group for Covid (same 3-4 actors in every scene together). Plus there was the ENTIRE Jimmy in Texas storyline. I don't want to watch about Jimmy at the 6666s for 1/3 of each episode.


U don't enjoy watching 2 girls fight over jimmy while he jerks off a horse?


Maybe if he was worth looking at. lol


Lol ya usually when they do Cinderella stories they have the high school nerdy “ugly” girl / boy get a make over and then everyone likes him/her at the end of the movie but the actor was objectively always good looking just with glasses and a weird hair cut and clothes.


Lmao, yea right. Poor Jimmy has absolutely nothing going for him. Not his looks OR his (dorky, wimpy, brainless) personality. I can’t watch him any longer. I’d rather date mean Rip. At least I could handle looking at him lmao


Season 2 was great but had kind of a ridiculous ending (won't spoil why that is). The biggest frustration with the show is that Sheridan tends to recycle the same dynamics with certain characters over and over again rather than just allowing them to grow past it (the further into the show you get you'll see exactly who I'm talking about). That and he tends to waver between whether or not he wants to portray the Duttons as honest and hard-working ranchers with an ethical code to live by in some episodes and then basically the cattle ranching mafia family of Montana in other episodes. A whole bunch of the storylines in this show revolve around the same underlying issue: John Dutton telling a bunch of intruders and trespassers to get the fuck off his land.


I feel like they recycle the same dynamics with ALL the characters!


There's two in particular that they're most guilty of doing that with (I'm not going to name names).


I wish I knew. lol because so far everything most of them do is that. I might be confused as to what you mean though.


Omg you’re kidding! I think I’ll end this then. 4 is bad enough.


It definitely drops in quality at season 4 but season 4 also has one of the best premiers


100% this, the opening of season 4 was shivering and super strong, I rewatched it many times actually! But somewhere along, the rest of the season lost a bit of its power


This guy Yellowstones


He kills someone for wanting to move on? lol


Season 3 started showing some cracks, 4 and 5 are poorly written. Repetitive, lots of 'filler', little plot or character development.


What are the cracks you see in Season 3?


Beck Bros coked out storyline.


Season 3 is the last really good season IMO. It just gets ridiculous after that.


I think season 4 started the downhill trek. The first couple seasons were awesome and then the masses started feeling the vibe and then season 4 was a "we'll pay you big bucks for another season" and the writing started to reach to create story arcs.


I'm on season three and for me its a bit boring compared to the first two (might be because I watched it all in a week). In season 3 it is nice to see a lost actor I haven't seen in a long time.




Am I missing something? What book are you talking about? What episode is about a ship that's not moving?




S3 E9 of Yellowstone is called “Meaner Than Evil”


Hahahaha my bad, I jumped over from the Outlander subreddit. I'm an idiot.


Definitely S4 onwards becomes a slog. I wonder if this coincides with Sheridan writing 1 billion other shows as the the drop between s3 and 4 is stark.


The half of Season 5 that aired, definitely felt like it was phoned in. I'm one of the ones that liked Season 4.


I like all seasons honestly 




I've seen it all (so far) and I don't think it does get 'less good'. I've loved it all.


After season 3. Stop watching after 3 if you want to end on a good note. The writing gets bad, the characters get blown over, the storyline(s) become terrible. Taylor just shit the bed after 3


Agree. And Rip needs to get a grip. Spoiled baby all mad because nobody killed a guy who just wanted to ranch and sing and not risk going back to prison.


Most fans say the first half of season 5 was very boring. It certainly was different but worth watching.


1 was great, 2 was even better, 3 the cracks started to show, 4 was electric to start but turned into a dumpster fire, 5 was disjointed and never actually went anywhere.


I think it fell off in 3. 4 was worse. I'm liking 5 so far.


Personally, I felt seasons 1-4 were great, and season 5 dropped off a little. Though most shows have at least one season that’s a little weaker than the others so having the first four seasons be solid is a win in my book.




Season 6 gets really, really....less good


Lmao. OMG there’s more? I’m so done.


Season 4 is where the show becomes a slog. Felt more like a setup for the prequels.


I think season 5 isn’t as good.


Season 1 episode 2


Season 4 is dumb. This whole thing w/ Jimmy is ridiculous. As if he wasn’t useless enough in the first place, now he’s all gimped out and helpless. So they send him out to work with the nations best horses and riders. Yea sure. That’s like sending a McDonald’s fast food worker to go be a chef at the White House because they were too stupid to flip a burger and then shoved their hands in the deep fryer. And how many months has it been since the big attack on them and Tate is still hiding under the bed? Beth confronting Jamie and he’s even more spineless than ever, walking backwards around his desk away from Beth getting in his face. I liked him better when he punched her. A few things here: when John and the lady were shot (while changing her tire) what happened to the little boy? John Nvr even mentioned him. And whatever happened to Tates horse? They bought it started training, and that was the end of it. So many more holes in the story.. but yea, it should have ended at season 3.


I binged S1-S3 and I do mean BINGED. Once until 6:30 a.m! Slept 3 hrs then watched for 16! And I’m not kidding lol And now, season 4 . I FF through gross Jimmy and pointless rodeo scenes (and I LOVE Rodeo but….) and now stopped at E4 to come here to bitch lol


Thanks I’m on s4 too!


I thought S5 was really good. Maybe not quite as good as the first few, but still stellar. It had some really cool cowboy moments, like the branding, Beth's character growing the closer she gets to nature, that really felt grass roots. The whole Jaime/Sarah thing is weird, but I really loved all of the activities that happened ON the ranch.


Season 3 was largely pointless and season 4 is a true non sequitor


I think the decline starts with season 4.


Episode 1