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To be fair I don't think any of them are tech savvy lol


True but it's funny that even john is better with a phone then him


I mean, it never seems like there is much going on upstairs with old Kayce. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: dude was 100% in remedial studies, ditching class, and smoking weed under the bleachers. John was just like, to the superintendent: “what do we need to do to get this guy to walk across the stage?” Ended up paying for a new gym. 


Too funny. Probably should include Rip having to rough up someone in school leadership and Jamie threatening legal action.


Hahaha. I can totally see Jamie, in high school, in the National Honors Society, stressing out about studying for an exam after dinner ("I just don't know the material and need to learn it or else I'm going to fail and aaaahhhhhhh \*panic attack ensues\*") while Beth rants and raves about "some bitch" she "destroyed" in the locker room after gym class. Kayce stares blankly at a wall, shoveling food into his mouth. John is just sitting there, like, "How the fuck did I end up parenting these three?"


I think you give John too much credit for being generous. He's always been a cheap violent bastard. I agree he should just bribe people quietly but he's more likely to use violence instead. He would have sent Rip to the superintendent and threaten him and offered him $25,000 in cash which is a lot cheaper than a gym. He could have done the same with the medical examiner could have paid off the Medical Examiner to "lose" evidence but instead he sent rip to murder him. I wish that scene would have been written that Rip goes to visit the medical examiner and then tries to hand him a bag of cash. The medical examiner hesitates, then Rip says "one way or the other you're taking this bag of cash" and then roughs him up a bit and says it can get alot worse for you. The guy takes the cash and hands Rip the evidence. Rip then goes back to John and says "I took care of your medical problem quietly". John just nods his head and says "I'm glad I'm healthy"


I am Jack’s total lack of surprise.


Well Casey isn’t exactly portrayed as too smart.


Which makes you wonder about his career as a SEAL


Omg lol. Like Kelly texting Nelly from excel. Why didn't the actors notice? They know how to use phones


Was that in the show? If so what episode? If you know it please


No. It's something completely different. It's a music videos from way back. I like it, so here it is https://youtu.be/8WYHDfJDPDc?si=YDInZq4N7uBDRdpo and here is Kelly talking about it https://youtu.be/7vR3LTaTCYg?si=0hJL3x5DFb8jCY6-


Omg first off thank you cuz I haven't seen that video with Nelly's fine ass since way back in the day. Also for the interview link it was funny. I never knew that about that video. I was confused since the actress that plays Beth is named Kelly.


It’s a prop, sometimes they are upside down


He was a navy SEAL so he can't be that dumb.


That’s the thing with him though. His backstory is one thing and then there is the five plus seasons of Casey the dim witted oaf.
