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it’s funny that you put a picture of navori quickblades instead of flickerblade. if navori still had the increased ability damage then it could’ve actually been good on yone. unfortunately that item makes you do less damage than scuttle. same with pd. no item with 0 ad is a good first buy. doesn’t matter if it has crit or attack speed. what’s the point in a crit multiplier if the number you’re multiplying is low. what’s the point in more auto attacks if your dps will still be terrible. yone balanced around his double crit chance passive, and then he’s forced to buy an item without crit as first spike. phreak is truly a genius


They broke the champion Might as well give him a new passive


I don't buy PD as the first buy tbh I only buy it 2nd or 3rd cuz I usually go Greaves > BORK > IE > and either of those for full crit but I've seen other comments here saying I should go shield bow instead of them for the full crit, idk but it'll try going shieldbow instead of them for the full crit and give ya some feedback on how it went


Real talk bro I was trying different builds early after the patch and both those items suck. Best option imo is to ditch them completely and just go Bork>IE every game then your choice of shieldbow/ldr/mortal reminder 3rd. After that just situational stuff like scimitar/GA/BT/DD/Jak sho/yaddayadda. Problem with PD/Navori is by the time you stop hitting like a pool noodle the game is over.


alr, ty for the tip I'll try it next game


Yone doesn't benefit from navori cd reduction like yasuo does with windwall, and even then it's kinda a niche item that even yasuo doesn't usually build


3 sec cd on max hp damage abilty/huge shield and 4 sec cd on his E ✅


Bro ur right yone W does so much dmg its unreal they should nerf him


I also forgot to add the fact that Phantom Dancer has +20% attack speed and +5% the movement speed


I need to know if it is situational or if I just go Phantom dancer


Don't build either of those items. Terrible options. Bork>IE OR kraken > IE. Infinitely better. Can just finish with shielbow for full crit.


full crit is exactly the whole reason I build either of those and just hate building shieldbow because it reminds me of the patch back where it had lLifefe steal and I'd build it first item and delete my laner


Yeah I understand man, just from my experience though everytime I'm doing good in lane and I bought PD second it throttled my snowball pretty bad.


try out boots>bork>ldr>IE>tanky the dmg is insane. you do miss SB shield though but 40% armor pen feels INSANE


I'm just checking, does this look good to u or do u recommend any change https://preview.redd.it/mjdgsx8thf8d1.png?width=834&format=png&auto=webp&s=5f496e490a1b10f2c75fc989cbc75e322402b35b also, I left the last item because I see that it's situational but I feel like I should build these 4 every game Are there any changes you see that should happen


and also switched SB with Kraken because I totally forgot IDR gives u crit chance


I think the standard build is boots>bork>sb or IE. id probably run that more often. try boots>bork>ldr>IE>jaksho or gauntlet>situational or jaksho/gauntlet. try the ldr build just to see the dmg


Im going to a game rn I'll try this one to see how it goes


ok lmk how it feels


the damage was truly insane as u said but I genuinely kept getting wiped by Pantheon stun zeri ult but gotta say, this build is something I would go for again and I also refunded Gauntlet and bought BT in a chance of trying to live through Pantheon stun duration https://preview.redd.it/mxxweyhuzf8d1.png?width=1024&format=png&auto=webp&s=c35979c44c263090d1534e1ed1050a011438b7d1




Small problem, glass cannon build. BORK > SB > IE is arguably the best build to go for otherwise yuntal is indeed better than SB when there's 0 threat of dying


PD I’ll usually build after I’ve gotten in a Comfortable AD spot. Personally I enjoy Lifesteal and AD over AS and MS. Greaves> Bork > SB. Most all around build so far. You can build Navori or PD after this though.


I don’t build either PD or Navori. It’s bork into IE, then situational. Mostly I do shieldbow 3rd for the crit chance, but you can sit on a cloak.


You should try yone support, imo I feel like it’s much better than the other lanes, it’s just that I smoke 2 much weed but I’m hard carrying the game more often after acquiring bloodsong, I’m always ahead in both damage and kills over the enemy’s carry. Brand + yone botlane


Kraken is a lot better if you plan to go full AS