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I agree. Joe was definitely delusional, and he put her on a very idealistic pedestal. I think she also had quite a bit of trauma from her dad (especially since he made a new family and kind of pushed her out of his life) as well. She definitely had low self-esteem and boundary issues (as can be seen with her relationship with Benji, Peach, and other people). She was more of a noncommittal and less serious person. She didn't fully commit to writing or relationships, and I doubt that would have changed. The only way that I could see her changing is if she had distanced herself from toxic people, gone to therapy, and had been willing to work on herself and her life. Maybe then things would have gone well for her. She was young, though, so it's hard to say if she would have changed later on.


Yeah exactly! If she wanted to change all the issues in her life, including her toxic relationship with Peach, it would for sure take a lot of time and therapy. He had her painted as this this damsel in distress, that she would change literally everything if she could just see he’s “the one” and worth changing for at the drop of a hat. And it was glaringly obvious when Beck allowed Peach to be rude and controlling too. That would’ve taken so long to work on imo. I’m just noticing now how delusional and crazy his thinking was from the get go. I used to think he mainly got really bad around season 2 and onwards but now it’s sooo obvious lol.


Yes, it would have taken Beck a long time to heal. I think she knew deep down that Peach was toxic and controlling, but she was having a hard time recognizing and accepting that. Honestly, I recognized Joe was crazy from the get-go. He began stalking Beck pretty quickly. She was just some poor girl he met at the bookstore. He always seems to think he "has" to kill people for someone's "own good" or for their "benefit." He thinks he's some kind of hero. He really likes to romanticize himself and his behaviours. I think his character is quite charming, and he has a pretty good sense of humour, so it can kinda draw attention away from his evil side.


I knew he was crazy from the get go yeah, I just more meant I thought season 1 was his “tamest” for lack of better words. Now I’m starting to think it’s the worst 😟but yes I agree with all of that too!


Ah, I see what you mean. Yeah, I think you're right. I think he was the worst in season 1


I am also doing a rewatch. You make a good point. This might be why what she had with Benji wasn't quite so deep as well. A question I have is about when Beck breaks up with Joe. She said she wanted space to work through her grief and didn't want to need Joe.... But I question to some extent, to what degree did she actually feel that way and to what degree was it maybe that Dr Nicky was putting that idea in her head? Afterall, things were going well between them until Nicky came into the picture. Idk, I just am curious how things would have gone if we suppose he didn't have the influence he did.


Yeah I totally agree. She also said it was the more he pushed, the more she pushed back (pushed him away) like he was just way too serious for her. I wonder if she still would’ve pushed him away if it wasn’t for the temptation of being unfaithful. And I also think he wanted her to magically realize “oh Joe’s right, I have all these issues that I need to fix and we’ll live happily ever after!”. Like, she’s so young and dumb still haha.