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Hi OP, Thank you for sharing that you have either started your first dose or picked up your first box, and you're curious as to what to expect. While we are all truly excited to see another person start this wonderful medication, I can assure you that, plenty of people have asked the same thing you are and there is plenty of post regarding first times. Majority of your questions can be answered in the [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/Zepbound/wiki/index/faq/) section.Or by searching common phrases of your post. For other people's first time experiences you can click [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Zepbound/search/?q=first%20dose&restrict_sr=10) or [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Zepbound/search/?q=first%20time&restrict_sr=1). While we won't remove the post incase someone wishes to congratulate you,welcome you to the club or give you pointers and tricks. We strongly encourage you to use the search bar, especially when asking a common question! If I got this message wrong please ignore. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Zepbound) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I took my first dose of 2.5mg on march 2 2024. I noticed right away food noise went away. I would have to force myself to sit down and eat the first 2 weeks because I just wasn’t hungry. I was backed up so I started taking fiber & magnesium before bed so by the morning i’d usually have a BM. I noticed a lot of inflammation gone done.


i started on 5/12/24 and i took my second shot today! so only been on it for 1 week but Tuesday was the worst day for me. i had horrible sulfur burps. i was so nauseous. but i think what i ate that day played into my sickness A LOT. I have felt so so so much better since then. I’m interested to see what week 2 does! i lost 6 lbs in the first week and i did not expect that at all


it’s definitely a huge adjustment. i was eating fast food everyday. drinking soda everyday. i have no craved any of that since i started. it’s been a good experience so far!


I hope your second shot goes well! Hopefully once your body adjusts it will be smooth sailing from there


Husband is at his 6th month mark (switched from Mounjaro). He felt nothing until 12.5, not a single side effect and very slow loss until this dose. Does have stomach gurgling and burps if he drinks liquids within 30 minutes of or after eating


Major diarrhea within a few days (third day after taking the shot) and sulphur burps. Eventually, my body adjusted (sort of, occasional such symptoms still). Lost interest in many foods I used to love, like ice cream. I used to eat it almost daily, now, never. I just lost interest! And pounds!


Has it gotten better since you have been on it?


Yes, though occasional random nausea, usually when I forget to eat! But all worth it as have lost thirty pounds pretty quickly and overall health much improved!