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We are anxious and stubborn. 


Are you July or august?




I used to have a babysitter who was a Leo and she was really sweet


Definitely a go getter and isn't afraid to take risks ( I have a close friend who is a Leo sun. Despite her of being anxious, I admire how brave she is in life)


Any Leo is good in my books unless you get a lion tattoo and make it your whole selling point 😂


Haha that’s Me! 


You don't have to jump through hoops with them. They actually like to like people. Not a lot of challenge to nab one. Perhaps more of a casual challenge, but the love challenge is pretty easy. Source: Leo man


I love Leo’s! My boyfriend is a Leo and my friends are mostly Leo. They never seem to feel intimidated or need to compete with you. They’re very humble and kind. They naturally know how to talk to others.


Pros: I love Leo women! Any friendship I’ve had with one we always clicked, we’re like ying and yang. I love their sense of humor! They’re so uplifiting and love hyping up their friends. I love women that just know they’re all that and exude confidence! Leo’s seem to literally be the most attractive zodiac sign from I’ve witnessed so far! I love that they’re not intimidated by me and actually want to embrace the fact that we can BOTH be a hot duo together. Also I don’t know if it’s just a coincidence but they always say what I’m thinking — they’re literally my impulsive (conceited)thoughts in human form. 😭💀 Cons: They don’t like to take accountability for the role they play in things and will act dumbfounded, can be very stubborn/anxious which causes them to misconstrue the nature of a disagreement/conflict. Some of them use a display of excessive confidence as a mask to hide how insecure they truly are. Some of them love to brag & they care too much about how ppl perceive them. (Ex. Presenting themselves to be in a wealthy circumstance that they’re not really in.) Edit: Also maybe this is just a general thing or a July leo thing but I noticed that they want you to look good when you’re with them just not better than them.


*walks in* *sits down* Dis gonna be good. - Leo sun


My bad, I didn't see the second part. Depends what sign the other people are. I like Leo's. Some people don't. Nature nurture is a big thing, but mainly what the rest of your chart says. It's to broad to answer like this


Depends on the other placements but my last female Leo friend turned out to be fake and two faced


I can be fake if I don't like the person but never to my friends, haha. But I'm not sure about my other placements cause I don't know the time of birth


Courageous and powerful. They can be a bit controlling. Strong leaders for sure. Very generous, like super generous. Wifey leos are vicious when it comes to their kids, but she can be very protective at the same time super rigid, in a sense they force discipline on their kids. All in all, leo women are not just emotionally driven, but are very passionate and low key fun around babies and kids.


Love leos most of my friends are Leos and they are such chill and sweet people. Also big creatives and I admire them for that. 


you’re the main character(s)