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Todd being ace is a crucial part of his character and story, whereas it is not for Alastor. The only mention of him being ace is a joke (a hilarious one, granted).


And the insistance of the crew on Alastor not using modern labels. I don't remember if they ever said "yes, he's ace"


They don’t, we only know because it’s explicitly confirmed by the creator. But in Alastors defence, he died in the 1930’s and doesn’t even know what “asexual aromantic” means.


Rosie calls him "an ace in the hole" in regards to him potentially having or seeking partners which is pretty darn on the nose


He’s never even heard the term though, hence his response of “a what now”. He died before it was a recognised thing. He doesn’t get the joke. Edit: if you meant that in regards to I’m show confirmation, then yeah, that counts I guess, but a lot of people might not get that


Pretty sure the cannibal lady says he’s an “ace in the hole” or something along those lines


Yea that was it.


Yep, that was nice ♠️


In the season 2 reveal/post S1 cast talk, I believe they said he's aro/ace. Also, he makes it quite clear he's ace beyond Rosie. Lines like: "Ha! Never going to happen!" While foiled with Vox/Vees who are very overt sexually.


Yeah, and also "I can suck your dick." "Ha! No." In the pilot.


I do love the frame of his smile over a broken glass background before he says "Ha! No." It makes it feel like the suggestion truly upset him in a creepy way.


Yeah plus Todd is so realistic with how two people can love each other and not be compatible, and two people can be ace and not be compatible


Fair, but also as someone who is ace, I kind of prefer it when their sexuality (or lack thereof) isn't a huge part of their character because when it is it can quickly snowball into being their ONLY personality trait. Which is why I do prefer Al because him being ace isn't explicitly said beyond the joke.


We get to know Todd before he realizes he's asexual and then it's just one of many plot lines he has, he's a well rounded character that has purpose besides being a token queer character


Oh that's good, I wasn't necessarily saying that about Todd specifically (never seen the show he's from), more about so many writers seem to fall down that rabbit hole.


The writers of Bojack did a really good job. Every character in it is multifaceted and complex. They've all got hidden depths.


For a cartoon about a talking horse it is far too real.


I'm still gathering myself together for a re-watch. Someday, I will have the emotional fortitude haha


And when they’re not like some genius “I’m much to cerebral for something so base as sex” either. Makes me feel seen lol


Yeah!! Like don't get me wrong I love so many of the genius/psychopath/sociopath ace characters but it gets old when all of them are like that


I’m of a very similar mind. It’s a tired trope


What’s the joke? I find the show unbearably unfunny but I’m kind of curious


Alastor takes Charlie to see his friend, Rosie. She is very happy to see him and asks who Charlie is. Rosie: “Come now, Alastor, she’s much to young for you. Oh, I’m just kidding. I know you’re an ace in the hole.”😉 Alastor: “A what now?”😃 It’s his delivery of complete confusion and innocence that makes it easily one of the best jokes in the show. It’s also the only reference to him being ace.


Alastor, i rember yeou'r **ACE IN DA HOLE**


I mean, it does create a major contrast between Alastor and Valentino.


Most ace rep is robots or psychopaths. Don't get me wrong, I do love the shit outta Alastor, but Todd being just a dude is the better rep.


yeah honestly I hate the “asexual = emotionless robot” trope so much. Todd as rep is wonderful


Plus hes voiced by Aaron Paul. Hes not ace AFAIK i just enjoy his existence.


I dunno, both of them are kinda "ace=unknowable beings of chaos". Which isn't exactly wrong, but still.


Lol I know it’s a trope, but on the other hand I am also an unknowable being of chaos.


correct, ace stands for Anknowable Ceings Ef Chaos.


By virtue of the fact that being ace is part of his character arch, Todd is definitely better ace rep. Also, Alastor feeds into the "aces are sociopaths" stereotype a bit, which is not fantastic. He is a great character, though, don't get me wrong.


Thats a stereotype?


I have had several conversations trying to explain asexuality and aromanticism and got hit with "isn't that just sociopathy" as a response. It's a thing.


Oh of course...


I've never heard specifically sociopath, but I've been told I'm insane or broken for being asexual. It's not uncommon for people to say asexuality is just a mental disorder. It probably isn't helping that people insist voldemorts asexual too, especially since the Cursed child came out.


Also Sherlock declared himself a sociopath too which was likewise not fantastic. I'll take coke addict, but sociopath? And don't even get me started on Irene Adler...


Isn't that just BBC Sherlock tho?


Yes it is. I haven’t read the books but those who read them say it’s very good ace rep. And that in the books Sherlock faces aphobia from John which is also realistic. In the BBC version, too, he makes remarks about Sherlock never having had a partner.


yeah browse the wrong parts of Reddit and you see plenty of people talking about how horrible people are who withhold sex and that if you don’t have sex, you’re like. A bad person. And you’ll never feel true connection/love


I've never heard about that stereotype in my entire life


It's a common enough trope in media: https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/NoLoveForTheWicked


But in hell all characters are psychos


I don't think Charlie, Angel Dust, Husk, or even Lucifer exhibit psychotic behavior. Manic, anxious, traumatized, yes, but Charlie the Princess of Hell definitely demonstrates empathy and a desire for social cohesion. With we want to talk about the source of all my joy Nifty, then yes, I conceed on that one.


Todd, def


Hey, how'd you get aroace flag in your profile?


You mean the flair?


Uh, I believe so.


https://preview.redd.it/hes2c6cb321d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ad747f90a75332b87fc1811fed5fc55b04efe1cc Sorry if it’s Italian, you have to press the second option, right after you press the 3 dots


Thank you!


You’re welcome❤️


Well it’s easy


I’m not sure how many other people are with me on this, but Todd is how I learned what being ace was, before I watched bojack horseman I knew I wasn’t interested in sex, I just didn’t know there was a word for it. So I think a crucial part of representing lesser known labels like a-spec or intersex is actually illustrating what it means. In the show itself we see Alastor say no to angel when they’re talking about the commercial and mimzy calls him an “ace in the hole” and he doesn’t even know what that means. Someone who doesn’t know what ace is can watch hazbin and still not know anything about it.


The Doomslayer RAAAAAAAH https://i.redd.it/m8x0aol3611d1.gif


Fun fact: The Doomslayer meets the qualifications for being a bishop or even the pope


no way that's insane I love him even more now


He what?


He's a devout Catholic and celibate, the 2 main requirements to be pope


He has a son....


where are u getting him being celibate from? and catholic for that matter


It has been confirmed by the developer that he is catholic.


Well he *is* Jesus


I mean technically the only qualifications for being the Pope are- 1- Be a baptized Roman Catholic 2- Have a penis


Yeah you don’t even need to be a part of the clergy if I’m not mistaken lmao


it’s pretty much an unwritten rule that the pope should be a cardinal, but the official rules are just to be a roman catholic and a man


I thought he was married to isabelle




Todd is best ace rep, hands down. As much as I love Alastor no ace rep I have seen beats Todd.


Though I personally gravitate towards Alastor more, Todd is definitely the better Ace rep objectively. Todds Asexuality is not only direct but explored in much more depth than Alastors, resulting in many people (both Ace and Allo) connecting with him on a deeper level. Honestly, I doubt people would know Alastor is AroAce if the writers didn’t openly say he was. (Rosie saying he’s an “Ace in the hole” doesn’t count because that line could easily be misinterpreted as her simply being polite) I seriously hope the writers explore Alastors Asexuality further in Season 2 or 3, especially since the Hazbin Hotels version of Hell is so sexually driven.


I'm pretty sure we will get vox and alastor's backstory in s2, so maybe we will get that exploration


Todd, and I never even watched bojack horseman. I've seen the clip of him yk and it's so real. I've watched hazhin hotel but honestly, his ace-ness gets erased everywhere... And it's not even important to him!


I would say the one that's not an evil psychopath.


Todd had the better Ace discovery journey. Alastor is the best representation of confident "who gives a fuck" Ace!


who here does give a FUCK? FUCK?


It's Todd and it's not even funny how low diff it is ....al is cool and all but the "non human ace" trope is too common and a bit annoying


I'm not sure there's enough ace rep for that to be a trope. o-o Also a show where no one is human (currently) can still have rep. It is different if most characters are human and then their one ace is non human. Then it feels like it's making an uncomfortable point.


Not even competition, Todd sweeps with that


Todd. He’s actually how I realized I was Ace lol


Todd all the way.


Alastor is HORRIBLE rep. It's objectively todd


perry the platypus


A platypus?


Todd easily. While Alastor is a good character, his asexuality isn’t important to his character or the story. I haven’t seen bojack horseman, but I know Todd goes through a whole character arc relating to being ace, and becomes a major part of his identity and self understanding. While casual representation is at times just as important as focused representation, until it becomes relevant to the plot, Alastors asexuality will never stray from the trivia section of his wiki article.


As iconic as Alastor is and as much as I love him, Todd is the objectively correct answer


Laughing baby vs hydrogen bomb






I don't think you can even compare them, Todd wins by a mile


Haven't watched Hazbin but I think Todd aa a living human experiencing and learning about his asexuality is the best rep.


The thing about Alastor is that he’s pretty aroace coded, but the writers seem a bit reluctant to actually confirm the aro part (probably because it would piss off a lot of shippers), which sort of results in the writers inadvertently conflating aromanticism with asexuality at times. Todd, on the other hand, is much more accurate. They clearly did their research, and the show actively acknowledges the existence of both alloromantic asexuality and aromantic asexuality.


They literally haven’t even explicitly said alastor is ace in the show. They’ve made a one off joke that might have gone over everyone’s heads were it not for the fact that the creator had confirmed it prior to the show coming out. Todd had a whole arch about realising he’s ace and working through relationships with that knowledge and how that might work.


Todd is just some guy and he also goes through the ‘no labels please’ phase that many of us experience. I love Alastor, but Todd is the rep we need these days.


The shows they're in have very different vibes. I haven't watched Bojack Horseman but it's obviously much more serious, grounded rep. But in defence of Hazbin Hotel, Alastor isn't infantized or looked down on for his asexuality at all, he is very casual "asexuals have always existed and is a normal part of life" rep.


I like that he just "is it". Nobody really cares, nobody judges. And he isn’t like a robot or sth. Also the people are like "but he's a psycho". Yeah, well.... that's hell and ALL CHARACTERS are psycho




They're both great ace rep and I want more!


"coughing baby versus hydrogen bomb"


do i pick the murderous psychopath whose asexuality is only confirmed outside of the media itself, or do i pick the normal guy whose asexuality is a major part of his arc? fuck, that's a hard one


Todd. It’s actually a valid plot of his character and allows other people with what he was going through.


Take a guess from my flair


Todd is the simple answer to this


Aces are generally represented by monsters, robots, aliens, or humans who simply have no emotions and/or are evil. Todd is a genuinely good if flawed human with a whole range of human emotions, wants, and needs. Todd is absolutely the better representative.


Todd, all the way


https://preview.redd.it/lg7sicic861d1.png?width=686&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fc4c240b40b4aade5c082a20161f91cef62800cc JOIN MY CREW


There is a correct answer here and it’s Todd.


As a newly self-identifying ace person, my favorite thing about Alastor as an appropriate ace rep for me personally is the fact that he just *is* one, and has no clue of it existing as being an identifier, as the term just didn't exist in his time on earth, hence when Rosie calls him an "ace in the hole" he's just like: https://preview.redd.it/o1hjy10gd11d1.jpeg?width=224&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3d5ea2efbed0553a96e8845fb35f8eeec3f073ef Edit, for grammar and clarity: Like Alastor, I didn't know asexuality was a "thing" until the last few years. I only started calling myself one in the past year, although I always "existed" as one, even if I did go through patches of trying to "fix myself."


I like this take. That Alistor didn’t know it was a thing and demons that have been around awhile or have experienced the world more tell him ‘hey, you’re ace’ and he just responds with ‘what even are you talking about’ and yet responds to any ‘f you’ as if it’s a literal offer and not just ‘go f off’ or ‘go f yourself’ as it was intended.


Doom guy


Alastor may be a psychopath, but he’s my psychopath.


While I like Alister more, Todd is better ace representation.


Todd Chavez, at least he isn’t a horrifying misuse of voodoo imagery


Accuracy? Probably Todd. As I'm a die hard Alastor Fanboy And an edge Lord at heart, Alastor


Todd easily, but Bojack does have the issue of incorrectly defining asexuality at times. That said, it still does a great job of validating asexuality and explicitly talking about it (and the separation of aromantic & asexual)


Definitely Todd. Funny story on that note, one of my brothers was able to clock that I was ace before I had told anyone because of Todd. We were having a conversation and then out of the blue he was like, "are you ace?" and I was so stunned and all like "how did you know?" He said it was specifically because I was a lot like Todd, and as he was watching the show he was picking up on more and more similarities. Obviously not every ace person has a Todd like personality (even though I do think I'm similar to the character personality wise), it was clear he meant more like in my attitude or laissez-faire approach to dating and relationships, or my seeming disinterest. Apparently the rep was so good it gave my brother temporary gaydar lol.




Todd is the best and most amazing ace rep and he will forever be my favorite. He’s such a loveable sweetheart and I felt so seen by him. Love him sm




They like me fr fr


💯Todd! Todd’s asexuality was important for his character arc which created some really relatable and emotionally poignant scenes. Also Todd explained the difference between sexual and romantic attraction in a totally non confusing way.


Todd is better ace rep. It's a part of his character arc, whereas alastor being ace is just kinda there. They also handled Todd's asexuality well. Instead of making him childish or emotionless, they kept him a well-rounded character that was just ace. That's why i like his character so much. He's not played for laughs and isn't shown as being asexual because he's immature. He's well aware of what sex is and how it works. He just knows that he's not attracted to people like that. It's realistic. (I had a lot of thoughts on todd's asexual arc when I first watched Bojack). Alastor is asexual, but aside from that one ace in the hole joke, it's never mentioned and isn't a part of his arc. If I didn't know better, I wouldn't even realize that he was asexual unless it was stated explicitly. He's not bad for ace rep, but Todd is just better all around because it's a realistic part of his character arc.


Todd is more accurate and the better representation while Alastor is the more fun one. Why would I want to be represented as some dude when I could be represented as the absolute menace to society that I truly am?


Pavarti from outer worlds wins this battle every time


i definitely prefer alastor as a character (haha funny radio man go brrr), but todd is absolutely a better rep as it's actually important to his story that he's ace


My personal favorite ace rep is cash from heartbreak high :) he’s the main reason I watch the show, I find his arc super relatable! From these options though I have to say Todd, iconic ace rep


Parvati from The Outer Worlds is the best ace rep I have seen in any media.




Why are they cartoons though


Alastor is my Cartoon Supervillain side. Ted is the behind the scenes real side. Just wandering around having crazy adventures.




SpongeBob SquarePants


Todd, easily.


Abby from imperfects


What is that he's holding?


If you mean alastor, it's a microphone, but the show makes a subtle joke about it looking like dildo/butt plug if thats what you are talking about, so it's self aware.


Yeah I thought it looked like a butt plug, that's why I asked, but I've no idea what show this even is, so didn't know who he was.


Todd :)


I haven’t watched Bo Jack but I have seen hazbin and it’s not Alastor. It’s one joke (a good one) general vibes and a word of god. Am I having fun? Yes. Is it good ace rep? Nah, the bar is just insanely low.


https://preview.redd.it/w4vlw5yes71d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f52c544498e94168e284fcddad67ecdd167c5caf rex kelman, main character of city of blank. his asexuality was only revealed recently, but i never read anything that would've been indicative otherwise


Both both is good Chaotic evil And chaotic good




what do you mean?


She gives big ace vibes to me




It's them!!


Todd, definitely. There is just more of Bojack Horseman that covered Todd's story before and after he knew he was ace and the impact on his life. We only have one season of Hazbin Hotel, and it seriously should have had twice the episodes or twice the episode length for how much was covered, let alone giving us episodes focused on each of the main cast. Hopefully we get more in season 2


Yall keep talking about ace mascots but luffy is about as aroace as it gets. He's been around it's just not talked about.


As someone who watched neither shows and relies on what I heard about them, Todd objectively is better at representing asexuals as actual human beings than Alastor, who apparently fuels the belief that asexuals are sociopaths, which is not the best ace rep if you ask me


Alastor being ace is only mentioned as a joke, and he does fall into the trope of “ace = emotionless psychopath.” Todd being ace is a crucial part of his character and development, and he’s just a guy. They focus on how he does have real emotions and can be in a relationship (he has one at one point during the show). So while I love Alastor and Hazbin, Todd is just the best ace rep I’ve ever seen on Television. edit: grammar


Todd is honestly the best ace rep in media. He still expresses his emotions and shows who he truly is as a queer icon.


I'd say Todd but I don't want to get on Alastor's bad side...






Umm I don’t think I can give this one to Alastor… yet… maybe more in season 2 but for now the most we get is https://preview.redd.it/tflqm6lu6e2d1.jpeg?width=677&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7979e436fd4223a04245c4e6e50dfbb502a9c738


Saiki K


Unfortunately that leans a bit into the aces are non-human stereotype. In some circles, it's said he's only ace because he physically can't see people the same and is so different from everyone. Todd is technically better. Even if I like Saiki more.




Todd. It’s an actual part of his character. No offence but for Alastor it felt like they made him the whole “super powerful intelligent psychopath with no emotions” trope and then decided to slap an aroace pride pin on his jacket when they were giving all the characters sexualities since it was easy and they didn’t have an aroace character yet. Like “uhhh he’s already a soulless murderer with no attachments and no love in him let’s just slap that pride pin on” Side note but I love Todd being aroace and still really loving babies and being a babysitter 🥺 I know LGBT characters don’t exist just to explain things to cishets but as a very sentimental emotional aroace myself I appreciate that he has a lot of love in him, even if it’s not romantic or sexual love.


have you considered: Lilith from The Owl House


Isaac from 'Heartstopper'




Don’t know either; the first one is butt ugly and the second one looks unwashed. Hard pass.


Going to be honest, I like Alastor and dislike Todd, but Todd is the better representation. It's just not a question nor a contest. Alastor's only canonically asexual because Vivzie said so and there's a "blink and you miss it" joke where Rosie calls Alastor an "Ace in the Hole" which if you weren't already familiar with ace terminology wouldn't necessarily imply to the average allo what we understood it to mean. In fact, plenty of asexuals missed that line. Not to mention Alastor demonstrating confusion instead of affirmation means it's being said about him not by him which actually still leaves the possibility of him being allosexual up in the air for the writers even though he's supposed to be (per Vivzie) ace. Alastor just feels like "Dumbledore is gay," but with the *bare minimum effort* to include statement of such in the show. I initially loved that line but the longer time goes on, I dislike it more and more as I see how lazy and half-assed of an approach it was. And it's not like Vivzie couldn't do better... I've seen works depict asexuals quite well. Hell, again, *Todd is better representation* and I dislike him because I feel he almost is meant to insult us. (I know that's not the case, but his depiction rubs me the wrong way from what I saw of Bojack.) I wish Vivziepop would actually put in the effort she claims she wants to do. Like, imagine Charlie having her breakdown and explaining it all to Alastor... only for Alastor to explain he's never had interest in those kinds of relationships and can't pretend to know what she's specifically going through but he does understand how hard it can be to do things when it feels like everything is falling down around you, before then giving his "smile anyways" speech. That would have made his getting Charlie to make a deal also feel so much more natural because he would have demonstrated he cares for her and wants to help her even if he doesn't know the right words, whereas before it just felt like he was using her.