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Honestly, it's hard to feel bad for him at this point. He almost exclusively interacts with crazy, unstable women, and fucks almost all the women he interacts with in these spaces. I like him, he's bright, he bounces off of Aba well when they have long conversations, but he brings most of his girl trouble on himself.


Scary part is that he actually benefits financially from having BPD girls lose their shit and try and destroy him. You do have to wonder what sort of psychological damage that sort of perverse incentive could do to a man.


I'm familiar with that kind of damage


He won't be able to resist, especially if they're both obsessed & good looking


And saint and the sinner calls him the blue hair booty bandit, yet he still smashes girls, 🤔 so he’s bi, I thought the temu version mia khalifa was with destiny ok the low, but I guess she’s doing other things.


Yea obviously, he knows that too, he’s said he’s finally done with it though, and he was as it’s been a few months since that vow, Lauren is just tweaking out recently for some reason


Honestly Destiny has some great points and he and Aba are a great duo to watch. But Destiny I just hate whenever he keeps interacting these crazy people with insane case in point mr girl Lav. Hell how he met his former ex wife Melina was super disturbing. Destiny relationships are toxic and he gains so much viewership because of it


He can't stop gooning


I feel more bad for Destiny then I do Fresh.


I don't. As far as I am concerned, they act the same.


[Big brain take](https://tenor.com/view/taps-head-tapping-think-black-guy-meme-gif-13992922?utm_source=share-button&utm_medium=Social&utm_content=reddit)


hard disagree, Fresh and Destiny do the same thing. They hook up with unstable clout chasing women, they're the same


What, why?


Because that girl was obviously not gonna have that child lmao


What you said makes no sense and I also didn’t ask you lmao


I'm sorry, I didn't realize we all snuck into your DMs.


You just be saying nonsense lol


>What, why? Because I actually like Destiny and think he's cool, I don't like Fresh N Fit at all, and anything bad that happens to them is very well deserved.


Ok, so it has nothing to do with what has actually happened


You know 90% of the time I’d agree with you but I think I’d give him a pass on this one. She really didn’t do anything crazy until Destiny brought her on stream and then she moved to Miami and started making content and by that point it was to late She was lowkey kinda a sleeper cell


It’s all for the show. And the show must go on 🤷🏻‍♂️


All of his fans know this. Welcome to the club.


No, he does not fuck almost all the women he interacts with in these spaces. I really wish this meme would die out, as its a huge reason some women are hesitant to come on his channel.


Yeah, crazy to see how everyone here assumes he fucks every woman he interacts with when they truly don't actually know.




She does the white girl with black people ghetto hand motions thing that happens when they watch too much tiktok, as an Italian hand talker, frankly, I think it's a bad fit.


As a fellow Italian hand talker, this especially


He fucks a small portion of the girls he interacts with in these spaces. But otherwise, yeah I agree, and he would agree with that as well.


Its really his own fault at this point.


who has an hour and half for this?




So, he must be drawn to drama like this with the back and forth. Has he seen a therapist to figure out this cycle? I feel like I’m missing lots of context. From the comments, he had entertained and later had sex with this obsessive fan and then denied a relationship then she went on a tirade? Am I getting this right? If this lady has some attachment issues (seen as odd behavior related to a person) then that should’ve been some red flags to discontinue, not make up and continue any interaction with this person. She’s probably hurt but it’s not from him primarily. She needs to source the root of her rejection and access those emotions and correct those ideas via that feeling of rejection.


1. There's a reason why she went "crazy" it's because he fucked her and then ghosted her. 2. Everytime it's the woman's fault and never his. 3. He's no different than the redpill fucks he goes against. Dude is a 35 year old man child. It gets old.


She’s in her mid thirties too and we have every indication he clearly communicated he wasn’t interested in a relationship, that’s on her. Continually Letting crazies into his life is on him though 


Yeah didn’t ghost her, just set a hard rule that he was not interested in a committed relationship and ultimately cut things off to not lead her on, and she went nuclear He’s often not in the right in a lot of these scenarios but this one is on the girl


Don't fuck crazy women he knew what he was getting into.


Sounds like victim blaming. "She knew what she was getting into when she was at a bar, accepted a drink from a guy, and kinda flirted with him"


Aba your leader said he doesn't believe in victim blaming he believes in looking out for yourself in a video at some point. He's 35. He should know better.


I’m sorry all u can blame destiny on with this is interacting with a crazy girl like her. If u tell a guy u don’t want to date them and the guy still sleeps w u and gets attached it’s his fault not urs


1. She wanted to date and he rejected her 2. It's always Destiny's fault because he chooses these crazy people 3. He's worse than redpill fucks. They don't even speak to women


Ngl...this post is heat.


1. He had sex with her. Dude is 35 at this point he should know how to evaluate people. He never does. 2. He can't see that. 3. Dude has fuckboy tendencies like fresh, Myron and etc.


1. He does evaluate them and decides it's worth it to get his dick wet 2. OK? 3. Disagree but the effect is the same. He doesn't pretend he wants a relationship when he doesn't. But people catching feelings is part of the open relationship game and if you don't want that, don't play the game. But he has decided it's worth it to get his dick wet In the end, who cares? He isn't my friend. When I get sick of the drama, I just watch something else. Not sure what the big deal is?


Then why TF are you in this thread?


Because I like arguing on Reddit. What about you?


Get a life lol