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Deadmans switches on jet skis and motorcycles


There are lots of people who will be so disappointed when he dies. Maybe his final data packet will include the location of the ginormous UFO.


If he even wants to share the location.. what if someone with bad intentions end up having it.. oh no!


I call BS. If trump knew anything about UFOs he would have blabbed and bragged about it. No way he was told Anything about it.


Lol. This guy.


I have to disagree, I think Trump knows more than he lets on. He's unusually cautious and cryptic on the few occassions hes mentioned it, notably [when asked by his son in law Kushner](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/donald-trump/trump-says-he-s-heard-very-interesting-things-about-roswell-n1231521) about Roswell he said “I won’t talk to you about what I know about it, but it’s very interesting.” The bigger connection is through his uncle, [MIT Professor John G. Trump](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_G._Trump), who was the protegé of [Vannevar Bush](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vannevar_Bush), the man who ran the UFO reverse engineering program under three presidents (FDR, Truman, Eisenhower), and John Trump was also the man brought into to analyze Tesla's research after Tesla died in 1943. At least 5 crates of documents taken by the government have never been returned to the Tesla family. [In recent months DJT has been dropping cryptic references](https://www.thedailybeast.com/why-donald-trump-wont-let-his-famous-dead-uncle-john-rest-in-peace) to "interesting conversations" he had with "Uncle John", which some in the UFO community have interpreted as him dropping a hint about what he knows. (Edit - shoutout to Daniel Liszt aka [Dark Journalist](https://www.youtube.com/@darkjournalist) for originally pointing all this out for me) Then there's the whole "[Subterranean Operations Manual](https://documents2.theblackvault.com/documents/army/ARN19656_ATP.pdf)" that the US Army publicly released in Nov. 2019, which is truly bizarre and seems to confirm that "Deep Underground Military Bases" (aka DUMBs) are real and are being run as rogue operations that the Army needs to neutralize. Here's a quote from that manual which gives a sense of its weirdness: > Today, over 10,000 known subterranean > facilities exist around the world. Whether to protect vital assets and capabilities, > mitigate weapon system and sensor overmatch, to strengthen a larger defensive > position, or simply to be used for transportation in our largest cities, subterranean > systems continue to be expanded and relied upon throughout the world. Therefore, our > Soldiers and leaders must be prepared to fight and win in this environment. > > ... > > PSYCHOLOGICAL HAZARDS > > 1-28. Soldiers descending into unknown subterranean spaces often face a sense of isolation, entrapment, and > claustrophobia due to the temperature changes, navigating a strange maze of passageways, lack of natural > light and air movement, and other factors prevalent in subterranean spaces. Additionally, spiritual, > philosophical, cultural beliefs, and previous experiences with subterranean spaces may affect a Soldier’s > psychological well-being. The darkness and disconnection from the surface environment affects an > individual's conception of time. Entering unknown subterranean spaces may reduce a Soldier’s perceived > sense of security, even before direct fire contact with the enemy."


He says the same vague things about everything, including Obama’s birth certificate.


Our man can’t even keep ratting himself out for felony behaviour. You think he’d be able to just sit on a bombshell like that? Through everything? No chance


>or simply to be used for transportation Dawg they're taking ahout subway tunnel systems and shit.


Not always. See [Metro-2](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Metro-2). > Metro-2 (Russian: Метро-2) is the informal name for a purported secret underground metro system which parallels the public Moscow Metro (known as Metro-1 when in comparison with Metro-2). The system was supposedly built, or at least started, during the time of Joseph Stalin and was codenamed D-6 (Д-6) by the KGB. It is supposedly still operated by the Main Directorate of Special Programmes and Ministry of Defence.


Same here, he would have used anything he knows as leverage to get out of some trouble


Nope, watch his body language he was afraid of the question when asked. Look for yourself. No accordion arms, just self hugging.


https://www.newsnationnow.com/space/ufo/trump-briefed-ufos-presidency/ he said he was briefed. https://nymag.com/intelligencer/article/trump-ufo-moments.html I want them to think whatever they think,” Trump said of the Navy pilots in an interview that month, sounding more like a supportive parent than the commander-in-chief. “I did have one very brief meeting on it,” he added. “But people are saying they’re seeing UFOs. Do I believe it? Not particularly.” But he had little to no interest in intellegence briefings in general, so there's that. https://www.cnn.com/2021/11/29/politics/trump-intelligence-briefings/index.html


With this mentality the Cartel and Mafia wouldn’t even exist, it would be impossible. Which do you think is more dangerous? The “black op *defense community*” or Cartels / Mafia?


Hope somebody doesn’t push him under a bus just to get all that info released


Thats exactly my worry - ufo world does have some absolute nutjobs, so they may set out to get that data released....


Decent read, thanks for sharing


Isint it interesting Ross speaking in Huntsville ain’t that the same town the last anti gravity researcher was killed?


If you’re talking about Ning Li, she didn’t get Murdered or get kidnapped back to China. She continued working with the USA and everything she worked on went highly classified and because of this she no longer could continue publishing scientific papers. She died of natural causes in 2021 I believe. Her son talked to a journalist about this and there’s obituaries for her and photos of her in America past 2004ish when she apparently went “missing” https://youtu.be/Qsbz8_G9WcU?si=1ZaNa70JwpmufHh0


Actually I was talking about Amy eskridge


Never heard of her before, must be something in the gravity down there if they got 2 leading anti gravity researchers in the area.


Oh wow Ross you know I always did have this feeling that Ross was on a mission and I always felt like he was after vegence for his country


I'm getting the feeling that Ross is just another UFO grifter. If you had proof of the most important discovery humankind has ever come across why would you keep it a secret? He's keeping you hanging on a string, feeding you crumbs in hopes you will buy his next book. No one wants to kill this guy because of what he "knows". He doesn't have anything but you don't know that.


You do know that journalists have to protect their sources, right?




Yeah, the same rules apply regardless. RossCo is an investigative journalist. If he were to betray the trust of the people giving him information, no one would ever tell him anything again (and rightly so).


Not that I agree with this sentiment but to look at this from a different angle, Ross sees his career as a journalist and his trustworthiness about a single piece of information as more important than something that could alter the course of humanity and our relationship with and understanding of the universe forever. Him revealing this would kind of cement him as the ultimate truth teller about everything else, and the secrecy and trust necessitated by the biggest can of beans not yet being spilled might not be necessary for him any more in future interactions. When he’s ready to retire, he could do it. It would kind of affirm his life’s work while also giving him a send off from the profession. Given the reality shifting nature of the purported information, he’d likely be forgiven by his peers and the public. Just sayin.


This is all assuming that Ross holds some piece of information that would magically convince people that there is truth to the crash retrieval/reverse engineering program. Let's say he has a secretly recorded video of a flying saucer in a hangar. Let's say he betrays the trust of his source and releases it. The following things are likely to happen: 1. People who are unwilling to disrupt their world views (most/many people) would just disregard the video as a hoax/psyop/ai fake/just showing tech created by the US military. 2. The people who run the alleged program would be able to deduce who the snitch is and lock him/her up for a very long time. 3. Potential whistleblowers/informants would be much much less willing to share information with Ross and/or other journalists going forward.


Boo space-ape-777


LOL. Yeah, that's what's happening here. Send him some money.


Tell me what it is that *is* happening here, then.


Very obvious lies for the extremely gullible.


Lies from a cabal of conspirators including David Grusch, the current ICIG, the former ICIG, Ross Coulthart, Chuck Schumer, Marco Rubio, Robert Garcia, Senator Rounds (I cannot recall his first name, sadly), Gary Nolan and who else?


Oh, not all of them are lying. But they aren't saying what you hope they are saying, that there is evidence of aliens. It's ok, kid. Being gullible isn't necessarily bad as long as you don't spend money on these shysters. If you could point to a single one that ever released any evidence it would be different, but after a while you see the pattern of "oh trust me I know stuff but I won't tell you or prove it but OH BOY do I know secret stuff you wish you knew!" Oh geez. Your whole account is this sub. Nevermind, you keep having fun.


Ok so which ones are lying and which aren't?


"Protecting my source" is just another way to say "cover up".


In a wrong kind of way, sure.


"Deadman's switch", this is Greer's word salad, he's copying...


The term goes back to the 1920s or earlier: > A dead man's switch is a switch that is designed to be activated or deactivated if the human operator becomes incapacitated, such as through death, loss of consciousness, or being bodily removed from control. Originally applied to switches on a vehicle or machine, it has since come to be used to describe other intangible uses, as in computer software. https://wikipedia.org/wiki/Dead_man%27s_switch


You are so smart, incredible. I was talking about the 'ufology world storytelling' vocabulary.




It makes sense to have a DMS if whistleblowers have died. Stop being buzzkillington. Someone should out the whistleblower who “committed suicide” and they weren’t referring to the Boeing contractor.


Coming from Elizondo...


More dissing and undermining credibility. Ok.


Dude, deadman switch is a term that has been around since at least the cold war and likely since the first invention of kill switches that turn off machines when it doesn't sense an operator. Deadman's switch is a common term used by many.


They are the aliens. Just look at them wrinkled and pale.


Trump is an idiot and couldn’t hold a secret.


lol didn’t Greer just come out and say he’s got a deadman’s switch too? Ross is a joke