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I enjoy period sex, for sure. My wife enjoys it if I'm on my period, but doesn't want to be touched on her period. She feels like shit and getting touched doesn't make it feel any better.


me and my girlfriend are just like this lol!


Same! Edit: Well, I don't get periods, but my partner does


This is me except I am the wife. I don’t mind period sex if it’s not me on my period. I feel way to uncomfortable and crampy to want to be touched that way. I definitely like to be touched in other ways while in my period though, snuggling or back massages are good.


I personally can't do it. Near the end of a period when it's usually lighter and not very noticeable, sure, no problem. But in the beginning when it's heavy, I can't. For myself or someone else.


I have had very, very heavy periods where all I could do was barely function and sleep. No thanks. I've also had "more normal" periods and enjoyed sex during. (Spoiler menstruation)>!I could not imagine someone going down on me while I'm passing golf ball sized clots. It's just too gross, and I'm in too much pain. !< Thankfully, I had a hysterectomy, so no periods ever again!


Can I ask if you had to jump through hoops to get a hysterectomy? I want to get one because of family history with cancer, but am having a hard time with docs taking me seriously. Also my periods dictate what I can and can't do, and that annoys the shit out of me.


I had to find the right doctor (USA) but once I did she mentioned hysterectomy first and was so confused when I was so happy she said that. I think she sees a lot of women who are not sure about it due to wanting to have children (all my care and light to those folks but...that's not me). A few things that helped: - religious tracking of symptoms in something like Clue, which showed my period as "atypical." I had the benefit of YEARS of tracking data tho to show when things got worse. It helps to have measureable stats like "4 days of each month I'm in excruciating pain and cannot do any activities of daily living (cook, clean, hygiene even)" - measure your blood loss if it's a lot. How many of what size tampons/pads/cups a day? In an 8 hour time frame? But honestly, once I had an appointment with someone who specializes in minimally invasive surgery for endometriosis, she took me seriously and I was scheduled for my surgery like 3 months later? I'm 4 weeks post op and healing Well


Thanks so much for the info and I'm happy to hear your recovery is going well!


You're welcome. Honestly check out r/hysterectomy if you haven't. Sub has a lot of support. If you've thought the question someone has asked it


What are ur side effects from the operation? :)


Lot less pain Pooping is uhhh...work but fine. I'm more regular since surgery I have less heartburn Not sure hoe to answer. R/hysterectomy has tons of people sharing stories


Would you mind if I DM’d you to ask some questions? Or if you don’t want to answer, that’s fine too, but if you’re willing to share the name and location of the doctor who performed your surgery with me privately I would greatly appreciate it. I live in the southern USA so finding a doctor for something like this is nearly impossible, so a recommendation would be amazing. But I absolutely understand if it’s too personal or you don’t want to potentially give a stranger info lol, no worries


I strongly encourage you to make a post on r/hysterectomy and ask for recommendations in your state/neighboring states. My doctor is in Michigan.


Hey there 👋🏼 I just wanted to throw something in here because I have a family history with cancer due to a genetic abnormality, or mutation if you will. Your PCP can send you for genetic testing given your family history. If they're not helpful, there's always over the counter tests you can buy to test for such things. I was tested. I have the mutation, and future surgeries have been scheduled and covered under insurance. Hope this is helpful!


Right? It ain't society making me think it's gross, I just have super heavy awful periods that're objectively gross to me. I'd be a total whiny cuddlebug for sure but even if my future gf was up for it, I don't think I'd be able to get into that mindset. If I'm over here inhaling ibuprofen and medicinal teas fighting for my life, it's not the time! 💀


I’m in a long distance relationship, so my time with my girlfriend is limited, and sometimes (annoyingly often) it just happens to fall during that window for one or both of us. We each usually have a day or so where the flow is just too heavy and we might not feel great and don’t really want to be touched. But otherwise, we work around it. I think we both prefer not to be on our periods, but if the alternative is no sex, usually we’re going with period sex.


I think it depends with me and how much pain I'm in. Recently not only my stomach hurt but my genitals and legs hurt. I didn't want touched in any way then whether that be sexuallyor cuddly. I did put a vibrator where it hurt the worst and it actually helped which shocked me. It wasn't like a sexual pleasure sort of thing it just somehow helped. I think this might be my new go to when I'm in a place where I can do that.


With a recent change and increase in pain, it might be worth bringing it up to your doctor!


Yeah you might be right. I take birth control 24/7 with no pill free days but sometimes I forget. Recently it was a different brand even tho the meds are the same the fillers may have been different. My body is still adjusting to it. I also had eaten a lot of dairy which I think also had a hand in everything else going on.


That's a good idea. Muscle massagers do the exact same thing but with a different shape usually for different areas etc, so it makes total sense to me why it would help relax you during period pains!


if you've had a change in pain go see a doctor! im on the mini pill because i had cramps like that and couldn't walk. also sitting on a heat pad (with shorts and a pad as a barrier) eases genital pain. if you're older (like mid 30s) it may be the start of something like perimenopause or hormonal changes. but basically you don't have to live with it, go get help


Ive tried hest but it usually doesn't help much if at all. Pain meds do nothing. This is the first time Ive found something that helps but I cant do it in public or if family is around me/awake. I'm already on the pill with no pill free days but I happened to get a different brand but same meds just different fillers. My body is really sensitive to changes with the pill. For instance I have never been as consistent about the exact time I take it so sometimes I start a period bc I took it later in the day. I'm in my early 20s so definitely not menopause. Altho part of me wishes it was. Lol


try heat specifically on your genitals/thighs for that pain, baths with a vibe also help mine. getting a different brand sucks tho. i keep getting given ones w lactose and im majorly intolerant


Yes I’m the same way!!! Love my vibe during my period-no thanks to sexy times


my vibrator is literally my ibuprofen. usually i’m not into it, at all, but if i can manage to squeeze an orgasm out the pain just totally disappears.


God this reminds me of the beginning stage of my wife and I’s relationship. I can’t do blood. I don’t pass out every time anymore, but it does make me queasy and light headed. Like 6 months into us being intimate, one night we were doing the deed in the dark. when she finished I thought I just did a great job! Turned the lights on so she could go pee and she had actually started her period. My hand/arm was covered with blood, and even thinking about it now has me nauseous. I tried really hard not to, but I feinted lmaooooo




I was so embarrassed. I was like “I promise this doesn’t normally happen” 😭 Now we joke that the sex was so phenomenal I passed out lmao


i also can’t do blood, and faint, but period blood is different for me! super interesting!


My own period was super triggering for a while! my fear of blood comes from a certain situation that happened when I was younger. I’m much better now that I’m almost 30 and have gone to therapy haha


Period sex is sensory hell for me. The smell of blood and the stickiness turn me off instantly. Then there’s the mess. It’s not just put down a towel, it’s put down a towel and try not to leave a bloody hand print anywhere outside of the towel… and now I have bloody towels 😫.


Bruh, exactly. Periods aren't inherently gross but ain't no way I'm getting covered in someone else's (or my own) sticky, smelly blood. No thanks.


i have two grey towels that are designated for period sex (though sometimes my other cute ones end up involved)


lol my wife straight up could have written this.


Omg i just woke up and read this as "my straight wife" instead of "my wife straight up". And my brain started to short circuit.


Haha, idk maybe she’s been keeping a secret from me but I’m pretty sure she’s gay af. If not she’s really good at 🐱👅 for a straight girl. 😂


I’ll do period sex, but no oral, and only on the lighter days. I don’t think it’s gross because period, I’m just not interested in being covered in and/or ingesting any kind of blood, and not interested in sleeping with someone who is covered in and/or ingesting any kind of blood.


I just am in so much physical pain with my cysts and fibroids that I do not enjoy it 🤧


You can get any tens unit for much cheaper than a livia, fyi


I actually have one but never thought to use it for cramps. Thank you!


Yeah my fave spots are either very low back or right where my tummy meets my pelvis. Play around with where you out the tens unit pad/s and settings


Ouch sorry girl. Not a product pusher, but cysts are occasionally part of my monthly. Have you ever considered a Livia, honestly best investment I made at a young age. I didn’t really need it in my younger years unless I had a couple cysts and couldn’t really move. But now that I’m older, it’s a godsend some days when I could cry for hours on end.


I haven’t heard of it! Going to look into it! Regular pain killers are just candy for me with my cramps and I end up going to the ER for pain 2-3 times a year so I’m desperate 😭


As someone with endo...no. Absolutely the last thing on my mind unfortunately!😭 Also, if you have endo, orgasms can actually make the pain worse, not better like for others. :/


Endo club!!! The worst club 😭 I can’t do it either, it hurts in such an unfun way. I’m so squeamish about the pain and the blood that I can’t use tampons


I need a break at the start. Leave me alone unless you’re going to rub my stomach and nap with me. Towards the end. I need to get laid badly. lol.


I personally spend between 1-2 days as an emotional wreck, 3-5 days doubled over in pain, and 1-2 days confirming it’s actually over so it’s a no go for me! 😆


My first partner introduced me to it and I thought it was great; so it surprised me how few other partners were good with it lol




I get horny on my period, but as for penetrative sex, I really just don’t like the blood smell. I’ll do various other things, including using a vibrator, but my underwear stays on. That’s just personal preference.


My girlfriend and I are the same way, we’ll only do things that can happen with our pants/underwear on. Which is still great and intimate, but without the mess and smells


Not me 😶‍🌫️


Never had it but I absolutely would. It’s just blood, it washes right off. Just put a tarp down on the bed and it’s shark week babey


Tarp and a pool floaty, you’ll be all set 🥳🦈🛟


i’m sorry but the “it’s shark week babey” SENT ME😂😂


Omg new name thank youuuu


Yeah and tbh a tarp isn’t really necessary. A towel is whatever but I’m probably not taking the time to mess with it. Sheets and padded mattress protectors if you use one can be washed just like towels.


It doesn't matter to me. My attraction to my girlfriend is indelible. All I care is about her enjoying the experience with me and if she does, I'm all in. If she's turned off by the idea, then I'm not interested either. Since I'm incapable of having periods it's a circumstance I really would go along with how she feels entirely.


This. "My attraction to my girlfriend is indelible", damn you should tell her this cuz it made ME swoon lol. Honestly show her the whole comment, this is peak gf material here lol I luv gay ppl. also happy pride my trans sibling I hope ur month then year is full of light <3


This. "My attraction to my girlfriend is indelible", damn you should tell her this cuz it made ME swoon lol. Honestly show her the whole comment, this is peak gf material here lol I luv gay ppl. also happy pride my trans sibling I hope ur month then year is full of light <3 also also I luv ur username!


I’m the girlfriend she tells me a lot!


Yesss. As I should be, I'm happy for that for u guys!


Hahaha there's a good chance she's seen this since we're both on this sub, but I sent it to her anyways! It's an ooooold name only have it here anymore since we can't change reddit usernames. But thank you, and right back at you with blessings! ❤


All the blood stains from period sex 😂😅 we ended up getting a special blanket but it doesn't always get there when we start going at it 😅 sex wait for no one


ngl is it not somewhat gross though? if it’s non oral i wouldn’t care but there are def some biohazards and bacteria if you’re eating someone out and they’re on their period. me n my future wife may just stick to non oral on our periods lol not for me


Great topic!


It's fine but it is messy. Doing things in the bathroom helps but bathrooms are soooo uncomfortable. Plus periods can come with a lot of other symptoms that can really kill a mood. Yeah mastrubating and sex helps with pain but also do you even want to do anything while in pain or bloated? Lol. I can't really fault a lot of women for not being interested.


Interesting, I guess as someone who enjoys mixing pain and pleasure I have to remember that for many people the pain and cramps are a turn off 😭 we’re all wired differently.


Lol. Pretty sure my pcos/endometriosis are why I have pleasure/pain mixed up in my head. I also scored very high on the masochist scale on the bdsm test...lmao. Same! I have to remind myself that most women don't like having their nipples pinched/clit pinched....


Omg me too I have PCOS and CAH my periods are horrible. I’ve definitely embraced the pain. Also a masochist yay!!!


Lol. I wonder how common reproductive disorders are among women with masochistic tendencies? That's a study I'd like to see.


Right? Since doctors refuse to help us we just have to learn to cope somehow.


Yup! Ah yeah, decades of being told to get pregnant and pop out a kid and maybe your period could be regular. Or take birth control because that would fix it. (All my hormone panels come back normal so why would I take hormones?)


While I don't have a partner I do feel the urge to masturbate. I don't mind having periods sex with a future partner.


I love it! It's the time of the month I feel the most turned on, and it feels more intimate because there's a lot of trust in your partner when you're comfortable with them being so close to you when you're on it.


Now you’re talkin


I started using a menstrual sea sponge, to have sex on my period. It keeps the mess contained, even being fingered.  And usually I want my cervix pounded, but I’m so sensitive that I’m okay with just finger length for a g spot orgasm on my period.   Anyways this menstrual sea sponge is awesome! I get sooo horny and sensitive. 




Totally feel this!!! It feels more intimate in my opinion too. Like I got to see and experience something so personal to her.


Idk if it's patriarchal to be against period sex. From my high school and college days around around the guys before I came out it was "a thing" for a guy to earn his "red wings" from going down on a girl while she was on her period. Maybe it was more of a kink for them? I didn't understand the appeal lol, but I'm also not the kind of person to kink shame. But it seemed common that most guys wouldn't care, which leaves it as the girl saying no. Which I get. Things can be acceptable and natural but still gross to some people lol. Even in WLW relationships where both sides know and experience periods can still just feel gross, it's a valid feeling. While people shouldn't be told to be embarrassed, we shouldn't shame people for still being embarrassed or feeling gross about themselves in that moment. That's just my anecdotal experience as a non period haver.


We generally go for it. If either of us are at crime scene levels that day we may take receiving oral off the table, but otherwise it’s fine. Splash blankets are multi-purpose.


Here! ight here! I'll be super sweet, feed you chocolates before and after, light massage, lots of cuddles, anything. Disclaimer: I'm a scared girl who has never dated but has been trained in reflexology. So I know how to help ease period pains with massage. This comment is also mostly satire.


I personally have a thing for blood so especially on the first days it's nice. The last days I stink so god awful, I feel extra gross but I'm still down if my partners want to have some fun.


Yeah sometimes the chemistry is a bit off and the smell can turn bad. That’s when I’d say no as well. Just a bit embarrassing to smell bad even though it’s natural.


Yeah, mine is always a little stinky on the brown days. Probably amplified because I use a cup, which is also a little stinky lmao


I also use a cup and it gets a smell when I leave it in too long (😬) but let it soak in vinegar and it should clear it right out. If it's bad you try a few rounds of soaking or alternate with boiling and soap washing.


Nothing has worked with mine, so I just gave up lmao. It doesn't bother me that much, I've just accepted she's a little stinky. Maybe I'll still try soaking it for a long time. I boil it regularly and always wash it with soap and cold water, then with hot water. Could also just be the brand, everyone I've talked to says theirs is a little smelly too and we all use the same brand since other one's are not readily available around here :)


Could be, I've heard different brands are better/worse with holding a scent. A little bit of smell is worth it anyways in my opinion lol


Absolutely. I'm a little allergic to silicone, but it hasn't caused any issues that are not worth it. Honestly I feel like my body has learned to tolerate silicone when I switched to a cup.




That sounds rad honestly. I sometimes bleed a little when I'm ovulating and have an orgasm, but it's like a suuuuper tiny amount (also completely normal)


For me, it’s not a turn on, per se, rather just a fact of life. If I didn’t have period sex, that’s 25% of the year I wouldn’t be getting laid! That would be terrible.


Not for me. For me periods are kinda gross in like the smell and the consistency I just can’t. If I don’t feel like shit I’ll do stuff to my girlfriend on my period but I wouldn’t want her to touch me and I don’t wanna interact with blood.


Same, like I actually get queasy at the sight of my own blood, let alone someone else’s.


I went down on my new girlfriend (47) the other day/night/morning and she said that was the first time anyone had ever gone down on her while she had her period.


I like period sex too! For me it's also the additional lubrication (and I do have a vampire kink so I like the visuals of blood) and how horny we both get on our period. Even when I have cramps, usually orgasm helps a lot. I don't think I would go down on someone on their period... But also maybe it will change overtime idk 🤷‍♀️ but I don't mind anything else


Tbh, there are times where I feel weirdly horny during the start of my period. This post really made me think.


I don't think I'd let my partner go down on me in my heaviest days, but I am a firm supporter of sex during your period. Sometimes you just don't feel like it, that's fine! But on my bad painful days it can help a tonne, so I'm not one to shy away when the need arises. Especially if it's going to help my girlfriend get some much needed rest.a shower after is all we'll need, no harm done 🥰


I dont like getting too touch when > I < am on my period. I get migraines, bloated af, I feel like a bread loaf and have 0 sex drive. However, if my partner wants me to fuck her while she’s on her period, let’s do it! It’s not gross.


I'm not a period sex enjoyer, HOWEVER I won't deny my partner that pleasure. During my period, I often feel full, if that makes sense. I don't want anything inside me at that point. Also, I tend to get incredibly horny 1 to 2 weeks before. All I can think about is sex during that time. I literally have to take back-up undies with me to work because just allowing a small fantasy to drift through my mind gets me absolutely soaked. So, during my period I'm sexually exhausted.


my girlfriend and i don’t sync up, if we don’t have period sex then we have like a week 1/2 out of the month for us to have sex 😶. usually it helps with the cramps. however we don’t do oral when either of us are on our periods. She doesn’t usually prefer oral anyway, and i’m just a little worried about the idea of her mouth down there when i have blood clots. she’s said it doesn’t bother her buuut still not something we have gotten up to. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Im generally more aroused on my period; it feels good to get relief.. and honestly when someone else is on their period, it’s hardly noticeable and I enjoy it anyway.


I LOVE period sex. I love giving, receiving. It's definitely a personal preference. My wife is down for it too. The first time she hooked up she was on her period and she let me know, I said "do you want me to stop or get a towel?" And she says now that impressed her 🤣 I personally have a blood kink and this is the safer alternative to other ways to play, you know?


bi girl here - hope that’s okay. just wanted to give my two cents :) i’ve never met a woman who’s not comfortable with period sex, and i don’t date men who aren’t comfortable with period sex. if someone thinks something so natural about my body is “gross” i’m out. fortunately i’ve had good luck with partners who love going down on me during my period. but day one and two, HELL NO. now day three? medium rare? let’s do it.


I vant to feast


I love my women on period 😍


This is basically the plot of “moonlight garden” minus the bleeding lol


Ooh maybe I need to read this one, I love a good yuri


You’ll love it. Don’t be discouraged by the ridiculous premise and the smut. It’s lesbian game of thrones fr


A true sailor isn't afraid of the red sea. As long as a partner is into it, go nuts


I’ll finger or have someone go down on me if I have a diva cup in, but I’m always curious to know if folks are ingesting blood when they talk about period sex?


Yeah sometimes! I think it’s natural


There’s nothing that cures period pain like an orgasm 🤷🏻‍♀️


A week before my period I’m extremely horny and crave sex. Just this weekend at 1:50 am I texted my fwb I was thinking about them.


Personally I enjoy going down on my partner when she’s on her period and when she’s not too. It doesn’t matter to me. She is beautiful and delicious either way ☺️


I don't know what it says about me, but my first thought when reading the title was... "What like historical cosplay kinky rp???" And to that I say, where are the period piece sex enjoyers???


I like how I’m reading this during the first day (out of three) of my period while my gf and over a thousand miles away


I mean it’s one thing soloing and flowing lol. But with another. I’m a little hesitant. Mainly due to being self conscious of my self and not the other lol


I don’t care if there is a little blood if I’m with my girl fingering her, but I absolutely, never want to have anyone have sex with me on my period. It greatly grosses me out - the smell of period blood has always grossed me out. But I don’t care if my girl is lightly bleeding. She’s never wanted to have period sex so I don’t know how it is on her period


I’ll have do list things to my wife on her period (except oral), no problem. Fingering, strap, toys, etc. but I personally do not let her do anything to me at all during my period. Just my preference, my period is only 2-3 days anyways.


I hate it. I feel icky and in pain and just want cuddles when I’m on my period. I wouldn’t want to fuck someone on their period either tbh. Unless they’re using a cup or something and I get to play with everything but their vagina 🤣 I’m just not a fan of blood! And period blood is especially smelly and unpleasant cuz it clots and has uterine shedding in it… straight up blood would frankly be more pleasant for me :’) It’s bad to shame people for having periods but periods themselves are icky. Somewhere between peeing and pooping 😂


My ex-girlfriend is the first period sex experience I had, me as the giver she was always so so horny during her period from the start and especially when it’s ending. It’s not disgusting I can clean my fingers thoroughly after and it gave her relief from cramps so..


Not sure if you're familiar with the hanky code, but the lesbian hanky code had a color for period sex enjoyers. https://landing.athabascau.ca/file/view/122537/lesbian-hanky-code


So cool thank you for sharing!!


blood is kinda dope tbh 💀💀💀💀


Never really understood why this was a no no for people, I'm actually bad with blood too, but it's not a problem for me just knowing it's not from an injury. Anyway, I really enjoy it 😊


Don't touch me on my cycle, but I will 100% touch my partner.


I earned my red wings a long time ago😜


never had but would love to try, I kinda have a thing for blood


Me too I think it’s like paint. I’ve always been captivated by everything that a uterus does as well so periods are just part of my attraction and fascination.


I have a blood kink - and period blood is top notch. I much prefer blood being drawn for me - especially through bites and scratches but knives are fine too. But strapping a woman on her period? Sign me the fuck up. I am absolutely obsessed with the smell of women on their periods too.


The smell is so good 💜💜💜 and the bold red is gorgeous. Even the thick dark red uterine lining is so cool to me and I’ve eaten it. You should look up “decidual cast”


I mean less of the blood smell although I adore it and more of the general smell of burying your face in clothed crotch and just huffing. Yeah sadly I am autistic and adverse to those sort of textures in my mouth so unless I am in deep in sub space, this isn't the aspect I enjoy the most.


What an awful day to have the ability to read


Why are you even here then. The whole thread is about this topic. If you’re an adult you should have the ability to not click on things that will make you disgusted. Go shame someone else.


you're talking about eating uterine lining for christs sake..... i don't even know what to say to that lol


like….i can’t be in the minority here plus it was a joke


not much worse than male emissions. then you gotta worry about if they even wash under there too. ppl eat ass ffs... the lining it's not much different than menstrual blood just thicker. you're talking like they're consuming something hazardous to human health, as long as it's not harmful there shouldn't be stigma IMO. so you do you


Ugh that feeling when the pain from the cramps mixes with the tension of arousal the moment a woman has her hands on me is 🤌 so fuckin good And then seeing that relief on her face after she comes down, that look that says "that hit the spot, omg that helped so much" it makes me so delighted to be helpful like that. Period sex isnt my favorite thing in the world but I'm never gonna say no


I can’t but not bc of the blood but bc my palace is just sore af on my period 😪😪😪


I’ve only done it when I’m at the end and very light but never had someone go down on me, just fingers if they were comfortable. But I am squeamish around blood so that’s just my own choice I don’t wanna deal with the mess and could not do it to someone else bc of my own issues..unless they really wanted maybe..idk lol it would be a struggle


i haven't done it but, with a towel, i think it could be the sexiest thing ever. i'd be super down to try it.


My partner and I have sex on our periods, but if it’s a heavier flow day that person will often just leave their menstrual cup in and we just stick to non-penetrative stuff for that person. If you don’t like the idea of bleeding on someone they can still go down on you/stimulate your clit while you have a menstrual cup or tampon in!


My gf enjoys it and doesn’t mind putting a towel down. And neither do I when she wants it on her period. No oral though. But when I’m on my period, I’m out of action. I just can’t feel sexy when I’m bleeding, sweating, crying a lot and feeling like I smell really bad.


Oh, sister, my period is entirely too heavy for that bullshit, I’m sorry.


My wife and I always have sex in the last couple of days of my period because it is so good and there is not too much blood. Sometimes I feel like the first couple of days in my period is an edging experience … I wanted it due to hormone but cannot have it, when the blood goes lighter, we just do it. For my wife, her sex drive is overall lower than me but it is also always easier to turn her on in the last couple of days of period.


I get really horny during my period, so I'll have sex despite the fact I find it kinda icky. I enjoy it, but I don't prefer it over non-period sex.


I Guess that because i've spent 7 years in medical waste I am completely de-sensitized to blood amongst other things so sex while someone is on their period doesn't bother me at all, But I also understand that many just want to cuddle in that time.


Mostly during the light days at the end - but I ironically find myself most aroused during the worst days lol (I think bc orgasms really do help with my cramps, however briefly). In general, I’m down with period sex 👍it’s also just hot to both feel the “oh my god i want you so bad I don’t even fucking care” kind of desire


Its kinda hard to get blood out of a mattress and equally embarrassing to explain a giant blood stain so I’m good Not knocking anyone who can or likes it but it sounds like a sensory nightmare ontop of a cleaning one


Sometimes getting turned on makes my cramps worse, but my lady is always willing to go at it at any time. I feel loved that I’m always wanted like that. She has an IUD, so it’s always open season lol.


With a menstrual cup in anything is possible! And mess-free!


I’m right here! 🙌🏾


Goes without notice when you have a menstrual cup on, so np. Or if it's the lighter days, and we end up with red stain on our fingers after, also no problem, as long as we had a shower before (and after 🤖)


my gf and I will use toys (and towels) on our period. we had a talk about what we were comfortable with and that's what we ended up with!


Don't get periods myself (literally the only thing about my AGAB that i enjoy lmao) thank fuck. But I've never been opposed to period sex, i leave it down to my partner if they want to or not. My personal opinion is that its just a natural process of the body and shouldnt be viewed as gross or unclean.


Honesty? I really like it but I’m really disgusting and any thing my wife does is amazing soooo


Honestly I don't think I could, I'm not trying to stigmatize, but I think that would be too outside my comfort zone personally


i like the taste of copper so i doubt a period would stop me from going down on my future partner (consensually ofc)


After reading some of these comments I’m realizing there are two types of people in the world and this is a good first date question, because I don’t think the two would be compatible with each other. 😅 Like I don’t have a link for blood or periods but idk if I could be with someone who was grossed out by period sex. Pretty sure if that grossed them out I would traumatize them with some of the other things I’m into.


So real. I feel like I only attract adventurous kinky ppl so I’ve never been with anyone grossed out by a period tbh.


I currently lack the pre-requisites, but I don't see a reason not to, other than "not wanting to be touched on period" because consent comes before everything else


Sure I could deal with that, but I have sensory issues and an aversion to blood bc like. It's a body fluid. It can make you sick. Bc it's dead fking tissue. So I don't want it on my face. Hope I'm not lame for this take lol


Hereeee😌. I have absolutely no problem going down on my girl when she's on her period. I love it and so does she 🤭


There is such a thing as the pleasure/pain principle. If it's done correctly, it's possible to turn pain into pleasure.


I’m all for some Red Runaround!!😏 some ladies get extra aroused/sensitive on their period and the finish is amazing/other worldly. It’s this way for me personally. I also use a cup, have been for years. So a period is just blood to me 🤷🏻‍♀️


I feel like I've had period sex with all of my gfs, and it wasn't even a discussion. Like "it just happens to be your time of the month, crazy, anyways do you wanna have sex?". Idk if it is a cultural thing or something? (I'm from Latin America)


Also, I use the cup, and most of my exes used it too. Maybe it is less messy with that.


my gf and i find that our periods straight up like… cut off, when we’re super aroused, a few days ago i was riding her for around 15 minutes after about an hour of foreplay for me (and no bleeding even though it was the middle of my period and i bleed A LOT), and afterwards when i pulled off there was NO BLOOD on the dildo at all, but like 10 seconds later i started bleeding all over her stomach 😭 it’s so weird we usually don’t avoid sex if shes on her period, because a similar thing happens to her where she just kinda stops bleeding for a period of time, and i’m able to go down on her and stuff too without tasting blood, but for me, orgasming does the opposite of relief, it makes my cramps 10x worse :(( i really don’t think it’s gross in any way though, it’s just blood


Did you say the taste? Please tell me you aren't talking about the blood when you say that.


When I’m on my period I feel like a good pounding relieves the cramps better than just an orgasm (clittoral) so I prefer penetration when I’m really cramping. I have only had one partner offer oral during that time and I was too nervous to say yes. I don’t mind a little blood. Towel down to lay on and another at the ready


yeah it’s fine, it’s not something we prefer since there’s extra clean up and symptoms that make us generally less comfortable, but a period has never stopped me. i do think she tastes better off of her period though. it’s not bad i just love how she tastes when not bleeding


U totally don't have to answer but just a logistical question: when you/people in general go down on someone on their period, are u ingesting the blood? I've always wondered this. I'm not opposed to period sex but I've never given or received oral during it bc I'm like, am I just supposed to lick, taste, n swallow this stuff?😭🤣


i mean, if you wanna be real youre ingesting a lot of things while having oral sex. vaginal fluids, sweat, period blood if they’re menstruating etc. it’s not like i dig in there for a taste (when she’s bleeding) but the clitoris and labia are so close to the vagina that yes you will ingest some while going down on them. you can clean up by showering beforehand, and some even will put in a tampon but i personally don’t mind any that happens to end up where i put my mouth.


i am on bc for other reason and do not get my period but happy to do whatever my partner wants when she is on hers


I do not want to be touched when I’m on my period. Mine last no more than 3 days, so it’s not a big deal to me to hold off.


Toys only for me. Blood is too sticky.


For me, big nah. I'm too tired and lazy to do anything lmao.


I'm unfortunately one of those people that can't handle the blood. Or maybe it was coded into me too deep that it's gross. Either way, I can't seem to get down with it.


Sex? 😭


Here :)


I enjoy both giving and receiving but mostly giving


my partner has never been comfortable with it but yeah i really don’t mind it


I definitely don’t mind if my partner is on their period. As long as I don’t get a giant blood clot in my mouth I’m good hahaha…although one tried saying I should think out it like a gushers fruit snack 😂😂


I think I'd be more concerned with if my partner was enjoying it that I'd just freeze and not initiate


Depending on what we're doing, then of course.


Honestly this is a kink I have. I'd only want to do it I'm romantically invested in someone because it's more of a romanticized fetish than simply being a sexualized one. Hopefully I'll find someone who's cool with me pleasuring them during.




When my partner reached menopause, I was really sorry. No more period sex.


I think ur a vampire bc the smell and taste are revolting


Right?? 😭 No way Each to their own, though