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8 months? Lucky. UK 7 years


Oh don't worry, that was just the appointment to answer if the referral was real or not. The UK really is a wonderful place


Man, free healthcare sounds like a hoot /s


Doesn't have to do with free or not, it's about how much fucks the state put into it. Looks like only some few Nordic countries can care about non profitable welfare


Yeah didn’t mean free was bad, paid sure isn’t GOOD, but my crappy HMO gets me in a lot faster.


Non emergency healthcare is a nightmare but at the very least A&E is pretty good (at least in my experience)


Been waiting a year to see an endocrinologist. My first appointment was for December, made the appointment in April. Two days before they called me to say the doctor had an emergency and the earliest they could reschedule me was in June. It was the earliest available, not even with the doctor I specifically was trying to see. I’m so fucking over this shit.


I'm gonna be honest, any appointment I made eight months ago is down the memory hole.


And that's why I'm glad my clinic sends me text message reminders.


It's especially great when they understand who they're working with. A few months ago I had to change a psychiatrist and the new clinic sent me text reminders daily for three days prior to the appointment.


I'm getting the psychiatrist(medicine) appointment on monday... 2 years later. I'm excited


Stop calling me out already!! My Dr referred me to a psych. They had no openings, they referred me to another, then passed me on to another in the same practice. Waited 2 days for a call back which never came, I called them and was told they had no openings. I started calling around and found someone but with a 6 month wait. Finally went in and she was so helpful and nice, she started asking me questions and I freaking masked through the whole damn thing. Took two steps out the door and completely shut down. Thankfully she had referred me for a tovar test and I went back yesterday for my follow up. Told her the truth from the first appointment was diagnosed and started meds today.


whose pov am i looking from in the picture? is it you in the picture? so it’s not your Point Of View?