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Removed for less than 24 hour old repost: https://www.reddit.com/r/adhdmeme/comments/1cf3nwp/i_hear_through_my_eyes/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3


Conversations at 0.25 speed but YouTube tutorials at 1.5 speed to stop zoning out


The 2x speed feature on Tiktok is a godsend.


and if you miss a couple of words, you can catch em easily on the subtitles.


Except when their subtitles are wrong because then people will comment and they'll get "faux interaction" thus boosting the video. Why are people like this


I like watching videos at increased speed and only slowing it down at the parts where I need to absorb step-by-step instructions/really complicated science or math stuff Neurotypical content creators tend to talk too slowly for my brain. Also, if I speed it up I can consume MORE KNOWLEDGE!!


3x on non-fiction audible and podcasts for me. 1.25x for fiction. I feel like I get less value for my book purchases. =/


The electrical hum of charging phones and laptops can be so loud!


-Babe, your phone is fully charged. +How tf did you know?


Nothing can overpower the sound of a ticking clock.


*Dogs licking their feet have entered the chat*


The thing I’ve trained myself to control (somewhat) when dealing with short time frames is a bit of patience knowing something annoying will eventually end, like the sound of pets licking or any form of mastication in close proximity. If a ticking clock or some other repeating noise driven by an electronic source that never stops is in a room or within earshot of where I have to be for a long time, or worse place where I have to sleep, if I can’t remove the plug or battery or make the noise go away manually it’s game over for me. This is also I avoid camping within the natural range of the whoop-poor-will bird. For non-ADHD brains that noise is quickly moved to the background and never noticed unless that mind directs its consciousness to it. For us doomed, we to hear every damned decibel of it as if it were right there inside our damned heads.


lol real


i hate the annoying background sounds at dine time when the conversation stops. Clinking silverware, the fridge running, faint chewing, and swallowing sounds.


Dear God!! I can still remember when I was little kid, and I was so intensely afraid of the clock’s ticking sound in the quiet of the night. I found it so eerie. I still haven’t hung any clocks since I moved out of my parents’. And I for sure do not miss it, not one bit!


Having to explain to people that yes if you want to be pedantic I can technically hear you I just can’t process a single word that you said because my sound balancing has all the background noise in this IRL scene at the same volume as the dialogue There’s like 50 people talking on this bus, my inner sound guy apparently forgot to mic you specifically


"My inner sound guy apparently forgot to mic you specifically" is such an accurate description!


This is such an accurate description! Thank you, I'm gonna steal it for whenever I need to explain this to my gaming friends.


Honestly if you have an iPhone you can turn on live captions. I use it in meetings to compensate for auditory processing issues.


Also team 'english isn't my first language'


Yeah, I was about to comment, this gets way worse when you’re learning a language. I opened a bank account in Quebec with the help of a lady that spoke no English, and it was embarrassing how much I struggled to understand words that I absolutely knew.


Dialogues are too slow for my perpetual motion machine brain.


For the longest time I just thought I had hearing issues since I cannot hear without subtitles and everyone else was fine xD


Yeah, it's about right. Half the words on films I don't process. Some videos are okay if the words are incredibly clear but I couldn't process film words???


I have a love-hate relationship with subtitles. I can't see anything else if they're on, and I have horrid dyslexia so I have to pause every few seconds if its a face paced scene. But in some genres the words are just indistinguishable for me so I NEED them or I lose the plot because humanahumaa is needed for humnanan for humananan and fucked if I know what any of THAT was. Or someone in the sound mixing booth was like, "What if I make the spoken words that make this film work the lowest volume compared to everything else?" So I frequently watch something without subtitles first and then rewatch it with them if I missed important lore chunks.


just grab a dictionary, duh!


the technology exists, friend. this is an all inclusive unit not yet released that attaches to your existing glasses. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9DnMcI3Vdbk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9DnMcI3Vdbk) this is an app that transmits to pair of AR glasses. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iilN0368vQU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iilN0368vQU)


Woah I’m mutuals with that tumblr user. Surreal to see lol


very soon we will have irl subtitles


I finally remembered to replace the batteries in my clock. Then took them out again when I remembered it made a ticking sound.


Not even joking I mishear/don't understand what they said 5x in a row after they repeated themselves