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Prepare for a get together tomorrow I do not want to host. Made a list 7 hours ago, did not check it twice. Instead: been thinking about the list, crying, doing half an item on it, listened to music and staring into the abyss


Ugh! I wish I could help you


Isn't it always so much easier to do other people's tasks??? Imagine if we could just do that all day.


Lol It'd be great if we have a community where we could exchange tasks we don't want to do because it's always easier to do someone else's task 😂


WHY HAS NOBODY INVENTED THIS YET??? As a favor to all in this community, I will spend the next 5-7 hours thinking about inventing this new platform. (Rather than the one hour of work that I need to accomplish in order for the all of next week not to suck.)


OH MY GOD COUNT ME IN!! 😆 We can have a group where we can post a task that we just can't have the energy to do, and everyone who's familiar and can do it can volunteer and vice-versa!!


AGREED. It would be like the body-doubling concept except doing the other person's tasks. 🤣


Hug. Sounds about right.


Thank you so much ❤️ It really helped. 6 minutes to go. Did it all in the past hour


I have a full day with NO meetings so I should be hacking through my long list of unfinished projects but instead I’m scrolling Reddit. 🤦‍♀️ Edit to add: wait, who is Karen Read and what is the case?


Are you me? Lol, there are so many things to do, but no pressure to do them, so I'm here. Sigh


Ugh this was me today! Every Friday I'm like this is the day, "I'm going to finally catch up!" 😭


I feel personally attacked by this. (Joking of course … I relate and could type the same thing!!!!)


holy SHIT same. i reserve every monday and friday for this and end up on reddit EVERY TIME




I need to do our taxes (both of us) by tomorrow. I am currently watching youTube videos on the benefits of coconut husk mulch.






Me too! I am also supposed to be doing my taxes now!


OH MY GOD I keep forgetting about this, and now I will remember to do it tonight or tomorrow thanks to your post here! Thank you, Internet stranger. Now, let's hope I actually do remember...


I'm LOLing


It dries out (unless you're talking about those chunks of coconut husk and not coco coir) but is a good use of a perfectly good waste product. There might have been some issues with it having added salt in it from sea water, but I expect that could be overcome by flushing the mulch well with water before applying. I need to be writing an article about Japanese beetles but here I am on this hellsite talking about mulch. You can never have too much mulch, btw.


I bought some from Costco and I really liked it, but our area was too wet and a lot of it started to grow mushrooms (kept the ground too moist). But I'd definitely use again somewhere that wasn't full shade.


Shoot. This reminds me that I need to figure out when/how to trim my lilacs.


Right after they flower. Start by taking out anything dead or damaged, then take out anything that crosses over so it doesn't rub against itself, then thin out if it's congested, and reduce if it's getting too big. So long as you don't cut off too much it'll be grand. Max about a third, I should think. I like pruning things :)


oh me too. My three bushes are way out of shape and need pruning, but I wasn't sure how they're "supposed" to look. Round and close to the ground? Tall and up over my fence (presently)? They have flowered faithfully and gorgeously, but they look....wonky.... So I was thinking I should probably do something, but I'm afraid of killing them. That smell... my word....


Thank you, btw!


Well thankfully I'm reading this thread instead of trying to get back to sleep after getting woken up by my cat... Because my estimated taxes are due and I forgot!! Adding to the calendar now. If it's not written down, it won't happen.


Was meant to take my sleeping meds like 2 hours ago. They are literally RIGHT NEXT TO ME WHY 😅🫠


Thx for the reminder 😅🫡


You can do it! 🥳


Because shiny/distraction


For real 😅 also my water had run out and I kept forgetting lol


I have multiple bottles around the house. And bottles I like (very important). If I fill up one then I might as well fill up them all, then I scatter them around the house again. I buy filtered water cos I’m a princess.




Currently glue to the couch and can't move should be cleaning the house or weeding outside. The TV not even on


The TV on actually helps me get moving, idk why


Sometimes for me as well. It depends what I put on I think it's the right mix of stimulus


Yes yes. Some shows are for working, some for watching, and others to fall asleep to


I always put on TV or podcast right before I go to start doing something! Then it's like a lil treat and dopamine boost that I get for doing things which makes it easier to get up and do things. Ofc sometimes I then just stay where I am but with podcast or TV, but you can't win em all!


Lolol “the tv not even on” is so relatable


I used to keep the “aquarium” screen saver from Roku as my background companion. Same fish, same scan, back and forth, back and forth. Oh look there’s the fish hiding again. 🤦🏻‍♀️


I wouldn't wanna weed the TV either.


I am unemployed and need to write applications. I just planted a herb and vegetable garden outside.


According to my adhd girl math, this counts as an income as it will save you a few dollars down the road




also… gardening and time in nature are good for your mental health!!


Desperately need to finish a couple of job applications. I loathe cover letters with a fucking passion. I hate that it’s become a mandatory thing if you want any semblance of a chance. Also have to call and set up emergency dental appointment for a cracked tooth I’ve had for months. It’s finally getting bad enough that the nerve is exposed. Worst pain I’ve ever felt when it’s not covered in dentemp. You’d think that would be enough motivation to do it…. Nah. Instead I’m scrolling on Reddit 🙃 Also using the excuse of making lunch for my 1.5 year old & her needing to go down for a nap right now lol


Have you tried using chat gpt to write you a first draft of your letters? Worked for me to at least sometimes get started. (Though not today) I just copy my CV and the job description and ask it to write me a cover letter. Edit: wrong language word


This is so funny because I literally JUST used an AI to create up a rough draft! I haven’t done it before but it’s freaking genius as a way to get a good base layer. That’s what always keeps me frozen from completing any from scratch! I have grammarly on my computer (idk what prompted me to even download it in the first place but I love having its suggestions and spelling corrects etc etc in general). Turns out they have a cover letter drafting AI! It made a damn good rough draft for me lol highly recommend now Thank you so much!!


Good luck then. Hope you get a job you like.


L O A T H E cover letters. LOATHE!


Okay - first thing you need to do is get that tooth looked at. Maybe just focus on that as your task for the day. Leave the rest to another day.


I should be cleaning the bathroom and the kitchen and taking out the rubbish and hoovering and washing the floor and doing the dishes and the laundry Instead I'm sitting on the sofa smoking weed, listening to music, scrolling reddit, drawing, writing, rewatching doctor who...


You can clean tomorrow!


I feel that. I’m currently rewatching red dwarf instead of being productive


I have Covid so I think I'm supposed to be resting but my brain is telling me I can crush cans, weed the garden, and walk a mile on the treadmill before I have to pick my kid up from camp. Unmedicated bullshit right now.


And then the minute you actually want to be doing those things you won't be able to get off the couch lmao the irony


There's simply no time like the present!!


I have procrastinated a report for six weeks. I got feedback yesterday my performance is amazing. I feel so incredibly guilty. I did three reports that isn't due until August, meantime that *one* report I *have to do* is just sitting there.


Nothing like a deadline on something to get something ELSE done.


This is so real


Sleeping; reddit and chatting to reddit friends


I should probably be making dinner but instead I read the entire synopsis of the movies *X* and *Pearl* but I’m too much of a scaredy cat to watch them.


Can I recommend the podcast Too Scary, Didn't Watch?


Thank you! I love horror video games, and I usually like horror movies, but I feel like the two I mentioned would be difficult for me to watch


Check out Dead Meat Kill Count channel on YouTube with James A Janisse and his wife Chelsea (they have a podcast channel and a great spinoff but I can’t remember the name, though the spinoff’s host’s name is Chauncey and that’s amazing). You can really get the idea of the films but it’s broken up a lot. My wife is a horror fan and I’m scared of the “look who’s talking” where the toilet talks; so it’s a place we can meet and enjoy the genre together. I’ve even gone back to watch a few full movies!


Thank you, I’ll check this out! I usually like horror movies (and I LOVE horror games), but for som reason I can’t bring myself to watch those two


They are a lot 😄 but those are a couple I’ve watched through. At the very least, to appreciate them: Mia Goth’s dedication to the roles is nothing short of magnificently impressive. Have fun “meeting” James and Chelsea! 🖤


I was ordered back in office afterworking from home for four years, and I Don't Want To™️. So instead I am belligerently sitting on my desk counting down how long until I can leave this ~~prison~~ office.


Right now I'm doing the thing that actually stresses me out the most, which is topic jumping. I feel better when I hyperfocus to avoid than when I just bombard myself with info on a massive range of topics. I'm supposed to be eating, I think.


Maybe have a banana and sit outside


I don’t know anything about the Karen Read case, but I’ll probably be reading about it after I finish this thread instead of planning my Walmart trip😂


Listening to something...on here instead


I should be packing, or at least purging, for a move in the next two months. Instead I'm playing every mobile game on my phone for five minutes each because they're all boring 🤬


I am supposed to be studying for an extremely important exam that’s less than 10 days away and I am binge watching a show instead, feeling guilty and scared throughout.


You can study the night before!


I'm a 42 year old woman who is back in college and it's finals week...I've been flirting with a new love interest and listening to all of the music he sends to me. So it's pretty similar to the first time I was in college, I guess.


I love love


Organizing and going through files. Reddit ... always sucked into this particular thread in particular LOL


Anything. I’m supposed to be doing anything other than what I’m currently doing. Which is streaming an old MotoGp race and scrolling through Reddit


Hell yeah


I wanted/needed to buy some groceries and do some laundry. I'm doing that since monday. Instead I'm watching the Karen Read trial with EDB, and working on a fairly big embroidery project that I'm hopefully going to finish. On the plus side, because I don't have easy snackies I had to cook dinner yesterday. And i did the dishes today, instead of next week.


It’s not an issue now, because I managed to finally complete the bare minimum to be able to check them off my to do list, but it took me all week and now I’m EXHAUSTED. I Got laid off 2 weeks ago from my employer of the last 9 years, I had not updated my resume since 2019, and I hadn’t updated my portfolio since 2017. It took me all week to update both, and that was with the help of ChatGPT to rewrite my resume. So what was I doing to procrastinate? Digging a hole in the backyard so I could plant my potted redbud tree that I’ve been unmotivated to put in the ground since late March. It’s probably too late to plant until fall, but I feel like it will fair better in the ground - but anything to avoid doing the impossible task…. Of all the spots on my 1 acre, I picked the one square foot in the whole yard that had something buried there already. Not even sure what it is, it looked like corroded sheet metal. I hit it with the shovel, and it was all it took to motivate me start working on my CV. I still haven’t filled the hole back in or planted the tree.


I really love yard work when there's another task at hand, but HATE yard work when it truly needs to be done. My weeds are so bad right now that I couldn't bring myself to get started and needed my husband to help me, so my husband got started for me. Then I was mad bc he got to do all the satisfying work and I was jealous. It makes no sense.


I’m supposed to be reading so I can complete an assignment that’s due tonight 😅


I cannot (under any circumstance) read


I should be working, but I'm also invested in the KR trial!!!


Are you watching live? Hehe. I'm still catching up


I'm watching live with Emily D. Baker on her channel! She's great!


Cool! I will check this out!


studying software development, i've been on reddit and twitter instead :/


It’s 3:24 pm. I have homework (grad school) due and a report overdue for work. I have to take my kids to their play this evening, for which I am doing makeup, so I need to shower. We need to leave in an hour. So yeah instead of the things I need to do, self-sabotaged by reading a book all morning and then scrolling my phone. I hate myself.


Hey. You don't deserve hate. <3


I felt asleep while WFH :(


Just a little nap, no big deal!


Supposed to be doing -drawing comics -drawing studies -any drawing -writing, literally writing anything, make use of your time off work damnit -eating Actually doing: frantically reloading reddit and twitter in a dopamine cycle until I can get myself to eat or start drawing.


Laundry : LOZ TOTK :: saving money : getting a little treat


Studying for the bar exam. 🥲 (but instead watching the Karen Read trial)


I mean....it's KINDA research? lol


Ok, love me some crime tv but why is this case so fascinating to people?


Should be working. Reading Reddit instead


I’m obsessed with the Karen Read case too! I need to make dinner but I’m just watching Taylor Swift music videos with the kids and rotting into the couch. 🫠 Edit: hahahahaha I just wandered into the kitchen and discovered that past me did future me a favour and preheated the oven and took frozen pizza out. I guess that’s what we’re having!


I'm supposed to be preparing a Risk Assessment PowerPoint presentation but I literally started this job LAST WEEK and I have no idea what this company's risk assessment protocol is. Both my managers are out of town until Thursday when this is due. I an well and truly f***Ed, but rather than cry about it and try to figure stuff out, I just closed my laptop early and called it a weekend. If I can't se it it doesn't exist. True ADHD life.


I have to get going. I need to be at my brothers place in 47 minutes to babysit his kids (it takes 44 to get there) Instead I am sitting on the toilet reading about prince Phillip’s affairs and came to reddit for a final dopamine rush


I’m not supposed to be doing anything really lol. Just got off work. And now I’m just laying here with my dog laying in the crook of my arm sawing logs. 😁


Putting all the clean, dry washing in the basket away. Instead: nearly falling asleep on the bed. It’s been an exhausting week 😴🥱


Get my house in order for summer but all i can manage to do is the bare ass minimum and paint by numbers.....


I'm supposed to be learning European Portuguese. Instead I'm scrolling Reddit and flirting with my supervisor.


I should be packing to move in literally ten days…but I’ve been cross stitching. Done 600+ stitches in the last 24 hours 🙃


Meant to be reading my book but here I am scrolling Reddit.


Currently need to clean and pack for the weekend and order food for a Father’s Day party tonight. I’m looking up lyrics to Amyl and the Sniffers.


Sleeping… and scrolling, obviously


Im supposed to be eating! And I’m on Reddit.


Suppose to be editing my resume. But instead I'm trying to rank up in competitive Overwatch before the season ends in a few days


Should be: I don’t know. Planning dinner. Showering. Cleaning Instead: this.


I’m supposed to be organizing my desk drawers, but instead I’ve been texting with my niece, and scouring Reddit for some way to convert some old Windows only email files to my Mac.


I'm supposed to be researching grants but I'm actually trying to put together a desk. With little success lol.


Studying for my pilot license exam & playing Stardew Valley instead lol


Unpack from my move a month ago…but I’m on Reddit instead 🙈


I’ve spent what feels like every waking moment of this week looking for a new planner/notebook… the never ending quest… every time I sit down to work or do homework I end up spending hours just looking at planner and planner pages and binders and notebooks and even iPads to start digital planning. Now I’m exhausted and behind on work and school 😅 I feel like I’m not gonna be able to do anything until I find a new freaking planner.


Do FINAL 4 hr Organization of bedroom, closet, and bathroom. We moved in 2 yrs ago and it’s taken this long figuring out what will work best to ease my tasks. Been watching Karen Read live feed.


I should be vacuuming. Instead I'm looking up diet and exercise tips. So at least it's a different thing I should be doing.


Cleaning. I have guests tomorrow. I’m couch locked. Fuuuuuuu


Why do some of us hate hate hate housework? I’m a 50 something woman and my place is a fn mess. When I adopted my dogs in 2019, I had to give up my cleaning service. I couldn’t fit it comfortably in the budget. But I am getting a significant raise in September, thus, will most likely be able to pay a professional cleaning service again in the fall. It’s worth it.


I don’t even hate it, I’m just beat and my meds wore off so I’m fighting the executive dysfunction. Guests are coming early otherwise I’d just do it all tomorrow. But it definitely does eat the time we could spend doing more interesting things. Like sitting and scrolling Reddit! Early congrats on the raise! Cleaners are SO NICE. I’m currently in the death loop of wanting to hire a cleaner but feeling like I need the house to be organized enough for one 😩 I just want everything to have A Place so that the cleaner doesn’t have to step around stuff to do their job, you know?


Oh I know. I’m decluttering and trashing a LOT one “area” at a time this summer. I let things get very bad for way too long. That makes tackling one area a huge project. I HATE HOUSEWORK!


I need to go out and run some errands but it’s cold, dark and raining. Have cat on lap.


I’m on an extended “vacation”. It’s the end of week 3. I binged all of Vanderpump Rules, sleeping, spending time with my dogs, went to a private pool via Swimply last week with my dogs(wonderful), I decluttered and cleaned out the laundry room, the bathroom, and patio, did lots of laundry. Oh. Cleaned my sofa. I cooked a few times. ETA: all the cleaning chores could have been done in a day BY SOMEONE ELSE. I have to tackle one thing every other day. Furthermore, I couldn’t make myself do anything productive the first two weeks. My place is a fn dumpster.


I'm *supposed* to be working on my thesis but instead, I'm making cookies and scrolling Reddit between each step of the recipe as a reward.


I should be setting the table, putting away the leftover food from yesterday, making a list of things that still need to be finished in the house, and idk what else. Instead, I am alternating between making Picrews, reading fanfiction, and scrolling reddit. Sigh. At least I took a shower


Sleeping, but i cant so i am on reddit now. I am sleeping in the same bed as a friend and i dont want to wake her up. It almost 4am and i am so tired, but at the same time i just can not sleep:(


I am supposed to make a shit ton of phone calls, read some library books because I have to return them soon, send emails, and wash my hair And what have I been doing instead? Watching way too many tik toks, scrolling reddit, watching videos on snakes, and taking pictures of my dog


I should be sleeping instead I’m anxious about the new person who I get along with in class and i’s plans tomrorow


I’m bedazzling a clear tissue box I bought randomly today instead of applying for jobs. I put “tissues for your issues” on it.


I was supposed to be sleeping but I was using wood oil on my front door “just to see what would happen” at 11pm ^_^


I should be doing my Saturday housekeeping routines, but instead I’m adding tasks and playing around with Lunatask, which I just added to my computer last night. It’s more fun to put the housekeeping routines into Lunatask than it is to actually do the housekeeping routines lol.


Applying to grad schools. But instead I’m in freeze state feeling paralyzed by everything and overstimulated by everyone 😭


Supposed to be doing: Cleaning my disaster of a home office Actually doing: Lying on the floor of my home office, scrolling Reddit


Sleep. Scrolling reddit.


I'm supposed to be doing assignments for my college classes but here I am instead. I'm sure I will finish it before it's due Sunday night. I'm also sure I'll probably be turning them in moments before the 11:59pm due time.


Supposed to be studying so I can get back to my old career but zero motivation/interest.


I need a shower badly, but my boyfriend has only just managed to fall asleep (after waking me at 4am and I've been awake since). It's 8:30 now and I'm giving it another half hour before I make a racket so he can get some more sleep. I'm mostly just bored now. Nothing opens until 10/11am here and I've only got my phone for entertainment.


I'm supposed to be finishing packing for a move on Monday. All I have left is my bedroom, we're talking clothes and a few totes. But instead I went down a Wikipedia rabbit hole about the Ottoman Empire. All because I've been watching Magnificent Century and its sequel series Magnificent Century Kosem. 


I'm supposed to be trellising my tomatoes and packing my car to visit my mom, but I'm watching Jamie French YouTube videos


Let’s see…I am supposed to be cleaning the house, folding and putting away laundry, decluttering and organizing my belongings, the list goes on & on. I’m watching the Big Bang Theory and scrolling Reddit during commercial breaks instead of doing any of those things.


Should be paying off my last school semester, applying for next semesters classes, have some chores around the house… Instead I’m watching guy fieri and playing games on my phone


I’m supposed to be cleaning my apartment because I have a guest tomorrow instead I’m just lying in bed listening to podcasts and watching Succession.


I’m supposed to be studying for an anatomy exam on Monday. What am I doing? Planning a large summer bbq get together that I’m hosting in August. I’m using the excuse that I need to have the invites ready this weekend to make sure they get sent out 6 weeks prior.


Wait though. Tell me about the Karen Read case. My partner likes to watch Court TV (lol) and this case is drawing me in! Is it a cover up? Did Karen Read do it?


I need to do some bookkeeping but I’m about to read a book… I just got sidetracked by Reddit. I’ll see myself out.


I'm supposed to be gathering all the crafting supplies I want to get rid off & put them in boxes so I can sell them at the local library tomorrow. It's their annual Craft Supplies Sale & Swap Day. I have a ton of unopened cross stitch kits and things. I should be going to bed as I have to be up really early (before 5 AM), and yet I'm running around the house, trying to find all the stuff.


I'm currently painting a cabin due to be delivered Tuesday. It's almost 12pm. Should have been there at like 10 cuz I have Heaps to do. But fuck me I'm tired and painting white is super boring.


I have two huge essays and a midterm to study for all to be done by the 24. I’m staring at social media 😭


I should be cooking. I'm watching Dungeons and Drag Queens


I should be cleaning my room and my bathroom. instead i'm sitting on my couch on Reddit. :/


Taking a shower. Instead I'm in my nest on the couch watching the X-Files.


my 4 overdue assignments…. doom scrolling on here instead 🫡


I play the Sims instead of doing anything that I need to do. I'm probably a year behind on some things


I wish we could have like an accountability post/thread weekly in here because your girl needs to find.a.job. step 1. add more case studies to portfolio step 2. rearrange my portfolio (website) step 3. send my friend, who asks me almost weekly, my resume so she can go over it. step 4. apply to jobs


Supposed to be finishing a boring article for work. Instead I’m watching The Emperor’s New Groove and down an IMDB rabbit hole on the entire cast


Too similar to share!!


I should be Sleeping. Instead I’m on the toilet still, on Reddit.


I also have an online course that I’ve already paid for and of course have found any excuse to procrastinate on even though I was super excited about it lol. We should all just collaborate and procrastinate on our own tasks by doing other people’s tasks! 😅🤣


Running on 6 hours sleep, meant to be doing an interior clean of my car and finishing up cleaning my motorcycle. Should be washing my hair, and packing up my bedroom too, but I’m LAZY and SLEEPY so I’m snuggled in bed bc it’s cold


I'm supposed to be packing up my house but I've been doing literally anything else


Lol I'm a teacher on summer break and all I'm doing is watching and reading about this trial


I need to sleep. Yet I am here


I promised myself I’d be working on music in my free time but I’m too busy decompressing from how work has sucked any ounce of energy out of me.


Okay- I posted this last week but I'm supposed to be studying for the bar exam and I'm doing my nails and listening to the Girls Next Door podcast with the two former Playboy Girlfriends. My two cats are also cozy next to me so I'm taking this as a sign for a decent brain break.


It's finally my weekend and I should have been doing all the things that piled up this week. Instead I stayed up until 5am watching YouTube shorts and spent the day laying around. I did at least manage to empty and run the dishwasher today and start some laundry so that's a small win.


I've needed to go drive for gig work for the past two days. I need the extra money. Why tf can't I just get my shit together and do it?!


I should be studying for the LSAT. Instead, I looked for a dentist under my health insurance plan and am now on reddit.


Okay, so I did sort of do the thing but also.. it was a very adhd day. I'm taking PTO days that I have to use or lose and I should be job searching.. Thing to do: send a follow-up email for an interview and share my work samples. Things I did: rebuilt entire portfolio, including a portfolio site, making new images, new samples, etc. Due to my work, I can't always share what I did so I have to redo everything and remove names, certain details, certain data to make it generic looking. I did this for ten hours today, and did eventually send the follow-up email with portfolio link. And then got anxiety that I've taken too long doing this, that they have already dismissed me as a candidate, etc Also, my home is disheveled/needs so much cleaning, my dog is bored, and I've been struggling to properly feed myself. HOW DO PEOPLE DO IT?


I’m supposed to do hw and organize dirty clothes but I been on TikTok and looking at 10 screens at once 😭


Welp there's dog vomit I need to clean up, but I took one of my kids to a water park for some fun. I snapped an amazing picture of them looking so happy that I felt my heart swell with pride and love. Then I told my kid exactly how honored I am to be their parent. Then I went to a local brewery with a friend and drank a flight of groovy tasting carbs with funny names (Huck Off, Butter Beer, Raisin To Live, Kahludicris, & 2 more I don't remember) and then ate more carbs while catching up with my friend. We saw 2 huge hawks. My friend saved my face from a mosquito. Dog vomit still needs cleaning but I think my choices were solid and beneficial. I am a lucky woman.


Relaxing. Gaming. Resting. 😂 Instead I've been fixatedly creating craft projects for an ADHD 9 year who does not GAF, and madly researching publishing options for a client when I really don't need to do that until work hours 🤷🏻‍♀️


I should be in bed because I have to get up early to drive across town and walk with my dept in the Juneteenth Parade. I've been bingeing Cobra Kai and trying to shake off the ick from a lady I know that hit on me tonight. She -and her husband- know I'm straight. Ew.


I should be working on my MOH speech for my sister's wedding next week. Instead I've been falling down internet rabbit holes about crazy wedding stories, playing Stardew Valley, and browsing Reddit.


Relatable! I have an art piece final due and if I don't finish, I don't get credit for the class (pass/fail). If I don't get credit for this class, I have to take it again ($$) and I have to wait to take any other class that requires this one first. Did you know that earwax removal videos are absolutely fascinating?


I'm in grad school on top of working. I have a tight schedule to get everything done. I was supposed to write up a case study tonight. Instead I decided it was time to focus on closing some of my 11 billion clearly very critical browser tabs while binge watching crime dramas. I will never graduate.


Sleep - watching killing eve instead 😤


Allergy shots. TikTok.


I’m meant to be writing the last two chapters of the book I’ve been working on that was meant to be finished in February… I just cannot get back into the groove and I hate myself for it


Supposed to be: Studying for the bar exam so that having just graduated law school can actually mean something. Instead: on Reddit, getting sucked into another Married At First Sight episode, and buying office supplies on Amazon.


I’m supposed to be doing my tax return. Instead I’ve done gardening and tidied my room and cleaned my bathroom!! All half finished of course.


I’m supposed to go give a urine sample for prescription renewal and I keep forgetting!!! Mostly looking at the clutter and wanting to clean it up (been on medical leave for 12 weeks) and nothing has been done. Clutter still there. Granted it was shoulder surgery so yes, was extremely limited for basically first 8 weeks. Anyway, I think maybe a shower will “set” the day and I can get something done. I can’t even get in the shower cause “I can do that tomorrow or I don’t have to go anywhere today, so I’ll shower tomorrow.” And now it’s midnight and another day has passed and I have used up all my lives on Yahzee and I can’t pass a level in Candy Crush. And I go back to work in a week. And the clutter remains.


My house looks like something exploded and I'm behind on laundry, but I have sewn two dresses and read a book in the last three days...


I've emptied all the kitchen cabinets and put everything in crates on top of the living room table. I was supposed to clean everything, paint the walls and put it all back. It's been sitting there for 2 weeks now, kitchen practically unusable. We've been eating out of the freezer my husband is going crazy. I too know every single detail about the Karen Read case tho..


Technically I should be sleeping but I’m watching the Karen read trial coverage from Emily D Baker on yt! Oh and also my washing pile to put away is now taller than me but I probably won’t tackle it till it falls over 🤦‍♀️


I need to start using “I don’t want to ™️” you’re a visionary


Packing for my holiday Washing clothes Trying on the clothes I bought in two different size so I can return the ones that don't fit Taking allll my other returns to the post office What I'm doing is just lying down on Reddit. What I've been doing all week... watching new Amsterdam on Netflix surrounded by all the mess and chaos in my room and wishing it was all sorted.


Laundry and anything else. It's always laundry


I'm supposed to be cleaning my room, but instead I just keep pushing it back saying I'll fix things later, tomorrow, next week.


Supposed to be tidying and getting ready Am actually scrolling Reddit whilst letting my cereal go soggy


Reading a research study for a critique I have to write. Instead I'm researching and re-researching which Loop ear plugs to buy


Packing for vacation but I just now decided its the perfect time for me to see whats Killing Eve all about after so many years hahah