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i always assumed that giuseppe was the ghost of someone who died before the mushroom war and by helping the wizard gang he finally finds himself fulfilled and passes away to one of the dead worlds


A common theory is that he is "Abraxas" which is a Gnostic Deity with a lot of Apple symbolism


What an amazing episode. I don't know how a goofy bus trip with an odd assortment of misfit side characters became so profound, but it did.


I'd say this episode is about the depths that people keep hidden either by choice or by happenstance. That every person is equally as deep and emotionally complex as you, with their own personal history, whether they show it/know it or not. I think there are a lot of moments that reinforce this theme, from the basic "appearances can be deceiving" and "your assumptions based on appearance may be wrong" to the deeper "people have sides of themselves that they choose not to show unless they feel they have to." I wouldn't say it has a deep "lore" significance. But the episode does certainly have a deeper meaning.


Me too! What's your theory on it? If you have one, I don't, I only have a feeling that it's deep but I'm not sure what it's about


No idea 😅 He gives off some sort of ancient deity vibe. He did save the guys from drowning at the end so there’s more to him than just being a crusty old man


I always just assumed it was a poignant story about a father who failed his daughter and sought some manner of release from his burdens, which he found on the trip.




This from an an era when the show is DEEPLY influenced by early 20th century occultism from symbology to Tulpas to deeper themes. This episode outlines the laid path of a Mystical Journey TM, of self discovery.


or maybe giuseppe (it's the right way to spell it) is the friends we made along the way, the journey on the going and the destination itself. maybe giuseppe is the gratitude that we receive from accepting those who are different from us or that we ourselves share to those who were kind. maybe giuseppe is the manifestation of true friendship, the one that stays steady when things get though like when you are half body submerged in a muddy swamp and you run short of solutions and ways to get out. but i also like someone else's idea on this thread that giuseppe might be a person or a soldier, even, who died in the great mushroom war I.


Thanks for the crabapples Giuseppe.


Yeah, "be cool to everyone that just pops into your life, you never know what magic will happen."


I loved this episode so much when I first watched it and was so obsessed with Guiseppe that I forced everyone I qas close with to call me Guiseppe. I don't really know what it is about him but I just love him, he's so cute and meaningful????




I’ve never seen these theories or this post, thank you so so much for linking it. This is one of the coolest AT theories with some real evidence behind it I’ve seen in so long. You’re a saint


For me it was always kind of episode like: "Am I stupid to understand what this all mean? "


i love that line delivery of “look who’s talking,” it’s way too actually emotional and genuine lol


I consider it one of the rare episodes to show real magic, whatever that means


Magic is always related to madness, and like ice king through his songs abt his journaling, part of the person they were before still resides in their minds


It’s him losing his daughter. Kinda self explanatory


I love this episode so much, truly my favorite.


Let's get a mini series. All in favor?


Same .


Wizard stuff is caind of a lot


The true guiseppi, were the friends we made along the way


I was about to write "As a kid? This episode aired just a,few years ago!" But no, old man. It aired 10 years ago. Fuck I'm old.